Is Chemotherapy The Answer

     I would be last to knock it  because I have known cancer patients whom chemotherapy  has helped.  However,  for  those  you  find  that it has helped you  find ten whom dispise the mention of  the word C H E M O T H E R A P Y and it’s steadfast usage.  My Aunt’s daughter  for one whom is watching her  mother  in terminal condition,  presently after taking the roller coaster ride that is chemotherapy  (I would be reluctant to allow it  flow into my veins) without chemosensitivity testing to determine my biochemical makeup?

     Both chemotherapy  and  radiation can have such  ‘toxic effects’  on  the  human body  that  they sometimes must “stop the treatment,”  before it kills the patient. In the early days of chemotherapy drugs it was noted that some skeptical patients  who  refused  to take chemotherapy  usually lived longer, than those patients treated with chemotherapy. Today like than, the results are still debatable and the cancer patients should beware of their options.

    Radiation therapy… directed toward the bone containing cancer might virtually seem innocuous,  but actually have effects throughout your body. Circulation of blood through areas of ionizing radiation being delivered to bone is able to transport  this radiated blood  to distant sites. Where it can injure  bone  marrow  production of  killer  lymphocytes,  red  blood  cells, macrophages and platelets.

    Conventional  radiation….  to  the  abdomen  and  other  areas  may be followed by permanent injury to the small intestine (diarrhea,  pain)  and  arteriosclerosis of  arteries in any  field of  radiation,  loss of  appetite and nausea can be seen.  Which can sometimes  be alleviated with the usage of  supplements ( for instance:  Ginger Aid tea  for nausea  and  anti oxidants for greater effectiveness of  the chemotherapy preparation.)

    Associate Professor Graeme Morgan of  Australia,  the  lead researcher      in an article titled “The Contribution of  Cytotoxic Chemotherapy of  5 year survival in adult malignancies…. showed that survival was less than 3% in adults with cancer.  Dr. Ralph Moss Ph.D. relates Conventional Therapy is so toxic and dehumanizing that he fears it more than cancer itself.

    Dr. Ralph Moss was employed as a Science Writer  for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.  In a 1995 interview,  Dr.  Moss also  related chemotherapy  was effective  in only  2  to 4%  of  all malignancies ( Hodgkins Disease,  Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia,  Childhood Leukemia,  Testicular Cancer and Choriocarcinoma.)

    The National Institute  for Occupational Safety and Health  (NIOSH)  warns  that the powerful drugs,  used in chemotherapy can cause cancer       in employees who handle the drugs.  If continued to long these drugs can     be  fatal, damaging white blood cells,  killing lymphocytes and red blood  cell production.  While the patient vulnerable to infections causing death      in many patients on chemotherapy and radiation.

    The  McGill  Cancer  Center  in Canada,  one  of  the  most  prestigious cancer  treatment  centers  in  the  world.   Did  a  study  of  oncologist  to determined how they would respond to diagnosis of  cancer,  58 out of 64 doctors responded,  that chemotherapy programs  were  unacceptable to them  and  their  families. That survey  was  taken  back  in 1997  and  I’m sure had it be taken again today the results might be improved!?!

     Dr.  James  Howenstein  is  a  board  certified  specialist  in  internal  medicine,  whom  in the last  four  years  used a safe  herbal  therapy  for malignancies….  called  Lifeone.     In  the  Second  Edition  of  his  book:         “A Physicians Guide to National Health Products That Work.”  The book  showcases safe effective alternatives to chemotherapy  and radiation in    the treatment of  malignancies  ~ ~ ~ ~  HEALING CANCER!?!

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