Cancer Cell Micro Evolutionary Hypothesis

    One of  the  primary  functions of  epithelial tissues is protection             that’s equilavent to a  flexible armor plating  for the body.  New cells             are constantly growing  to replenish older ones,  and in doing so like           the skin,  a  layer of  keratinized cells  act  as  an  additional layer of   protection.  As the body’s  first line of  defense, the epithelium is also         very sensitive to potential threats.

    Which  explains  why  85%  of  all  cancers  originates  from  the      epithelial tissues  and cells when the immune system can’t  fight off            these  enemy  invaders.  Epithelial cells  all  over  the  body are also   vulnerable  to  this  damage  from  variety of  sources,  and they can  potentially develop cancers  and  abnormalities.  Because  they  are  designed to replicate rapidly,  therefore,  if  an error in duplication        arises it can spread to neighboring cells resulting in cancer.

   Their are different types of  epithelial cells: basal cell are  found                     in the skin, squamous cell cover the surface of  the mouth, skin and esophagus  (airways).  Adeno cell  form the lining of  all the glands, including the breast,  bowel,  stomach,  ovaries,  prostate,  whereas, urothelial  (transitional)  cells lining the bladder.  Sums up  the list                 of  cancers effected  from the transition of  the epithelial cells.

    Most solid tumors will arise  from epithelial cells which normally             stick  together  in  tightly bound sheets  while  providing  structural foundations of  many organs.  In principle,  epithelial cells  lack  the      ability to escape those bonds and wriggle  and  jostle their way into     nearby cells,  tissues  and  other organs or even into the circulatory     system.

    Yet somehow cancerous epithelial cells also known as cancerous              cells ~ do end up in other areas of  the body, and the outcome is often         dire strait.  Metastatic tumors  are responsible  for the vast majority              of  cancer  associated  deaths.   Over  the  past  decade,  accumulating evidence has shown that epithelial tumor cells undergo an important change  transforms  them  into  migratory  mesenchymal  cells. 

     While some researchers  now  believe  this  conversion  known as     epithelial – to – mesenchymal – transition, 0r EMT, does explain how  epithelial tumor cells  escape  their  primary  residence  in the breast,          for instance and travels to the liver,  lung  or bone marrow  et. cetera. recently,  the  role  of  EMT  in  cancer  has  come  under  even  greater scrutiny.

     According  to Dr. Cedric Garland of  the University of  California,              San Diego Moores Cancer Center  in nearly all breast cancer patients. Vitamin D  affects the structure  of  your epithelial cells,  whereas,  the       glue like substance called E – cadherin. Comes apart if  you don’t have adequate vitamin D  and  those  cells do what they are programmed to          do… go  forth  and multiply. Therefore,  if  the  cell  proliferation  gets         out control….  you may end up with cancer. 

      It’s  amazing  how  quickly  adequate  levels of  vitamin D  can  be    restored by sunlight.  Just 6 days of  casual sunlight exposure  without       sun screen can make up for 49 days of  no sunlight exposure. Body  fat      acts  like a  kind  of  storage battery  for  vitamin D. During periods of  sunlight,  vitamin D  is  stored in  fat deposits  and  then released when sunlight  is gone.  Nevertheless, vitamin D deficiency is more common       than you might expect. 

    Because of  the evidence linking  the process to the  formation of                       so – called  cancer  stem  cells,  that’s explained by Dr. Suresh Mohla, associate director of  NCI’s Division of  Cancer Biology  and program director of  the DCB’s  Tumor  Micro  Environment  Network  (TMEN) program.  Cancer stem cells, he notes, have been strongly associated         with resistance to treatment and disease recurrence. Because cancer      stems cells multiple slower they’re are often disguised and  untected              by chemotherapeutic regimes.

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