Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Within the last few weeks I knuckled down trying to figure out                           the best ways  to fight this deadliest form of breast cancer.

Have you or has someone in your family been diagnosed with Breast Cancer or Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC)?

Did you know that 1 in 5 people diagnosed with breast cancer have the KRAS-variant, an inherited gene mutation that provides powerful, life-saving information about an individual’s additional cancer risk, as well as how they will respond to specific cancer treatments?

You may be eligible for one of several studies that determines if you have the KRAS-variant, information that can be used to help you make the best decisions for you health.

Leslie Parrilla from Venice Beach had dreams of marriage, kids and a thriving career but all of that changed last year when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Like Parrilla, Angela Robinson was also diagnosed with breast cancer. Both women chose to fight the ticking time bomb inside of them with a procedure called hyperthermia.
My primary doctor offered a traditional medical treatment which is to cut poison and burn which is surgery, chemo and radiation.
The woman shows what they believed was the less invasive option with few side effects. To them, chemotherapy and radiation were like grenades inside your body indiscriminately wiping out the good cells along with the bad.

Hyperthermia is a treatment of cancer using heat.
Machines like this deliver heat through ultrasound or microwave directly to the tumor for about an hour. Then the patient undergoes little doze radiation treatments for about 30 minutes, five times a week for about three months.
Hyperthermia doubles the effectiveness of radiation.
Hyperthermia is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and is being offered at Duke University, UC San Francisco and Saint Louis University. Dr. Bicher says, 80% of his early stage patients have survived at least five years after treatment. But other cancer experts like Oncologist Kristi Funk doubts the effectiveness of hyperthermia.

Another successful Breast Cancer Treatment with Hyperthermia combined with Low Dose Radiation at the Valley Cancer Institute, Los Angeles, California. Leslie was offered the conventional surgery followed by radiation and chemo, but she did not want to go through the hard side effects of standard treatments. After doing several alternative cancer treatments not very successfully, she found Hyperthermia. In about 12 weeks she was cancer free with the added bonus of hardly any side effects.

Hyperthermia combined with low-dose-radiation in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, West Wood, West Hollywood, Hollywood, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Palos Verdes, Culver City, Brentwood,
More useful links

(Breast Cancer Option-Cure Alternative) Treatment (Hyperthermia) Holistic Breast Cancer Options Treatment, Hyperthermia is a very effective …
Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment |

Alternative breast cancer therapy choices include relaxation, meditation, diet therapy, megavitamins and positive imagery. Many breast cancer patients that …
Breast Cancer Treatment Center – Individualized Care and Support

… She was diagnosed with a malignant, fast-growing breast cancer. Pam declined all conventional treatment and chose an alternative approach …
Breast Cancer Alternative Therapy- Breast Cancer Center ……/tre­ating/complementary-and
Learn about the latest in alternative treatments for breast cancer. Alternative cancer treatment seems to work best to relieve the therapy side effects.
Breast Cancer Alternative Holistic Medicine

Jump to Find out the facts about hormone replacement therapy and breast …: The largest breast cancer increase is in women who were …
Women in the US Not Properly … – The Breast Stays Put: No Chemo …
Breast Cancer Information | New Hope Unlimited­er-information/
With Breast Cancer Alternative Treatment, Women and Men around the world have renewed Hope in overcoming their Cancers. Thanks to New Hope Medical …
(Effective Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment Options …
(Effective Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment Options) (Hyperthermia) Holistic Breast Cancer Options Treatment, Hyperthermia is a very effective Breast Cancer …

Breast Cancer Treatments – Alternative Cancer Treatments
alternative cancer treatments, Home Contact Search FAQ cancer treatments … Below is some cursory information on the traditional treatments of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer and how to treat it using alternative therapy
World Without Cancer – our goal. A non-profit organization providing information on alternative/integrative therapies, including referrals, since 1976.


My name is Leslie Fluegel. I am writing this testimonial to say thank you to GOD and       all my family and friends that prayed with me and for me during my journey with breast cancer.  I wanted to share GOD’S miracle of healing and encourage others to investigate alternative medicine.
In October 2006 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. November 2006 I had a bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction and removal of all my lymph nodes under my right arm.  I was told I had stage 4 breast cancer  since it had moved into all my lymph nodes.  I was also advised to have 16  traditional chemotherapy treatments  and 36 rounds of radiation covering from under my chin, to the bottom of my rib cage, and under my right arm. So I had triple negative breast cancer the rarest and deadliest form. I was told I had 6 months to live.
I prayed for an answer and GOD led me to one with the help of my wonderful children, Ashley Castillo and Chad Fluegel. They begged me to go to Burr Ridge for a consultation with Dr. Steven Ayre at Contemporary Medicine.  My children knew of  Dr. Steven Ayre because he had successfully treated a lady in their congregation fighting cancer. I was so impressed with Dr. Ayer and his staff.  They took me  in their arms  and  treated me like family. They treat everyone this way. Their number one goal is to help heal. I did 12 IPT treatments (Insulin Potentiation Therapy) from January 2007  through March 9, 2007.       I learned about healthy nutrition, vitamins, and the balance of Mind-Body-Spirit during my treatments with Dr Ayre.
I was cancer free after my last IPT treatment on March 9, 2007 and stayed that way until January 2011. During one of my 6 month check-ups at Contemporary Medicine with Dr. Ather Malik we found a swollen lymph node on the right side of my neck. Dr. Ather Malik did blood work to check tumor markers with the six month prior blood work and ordered a biopsy of the lymph node of the right side of my neck. In February 2011 I was told that my biopsy results were positive. My breast cancer had metastasized in my lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. A PET-SCAN revealed that the cancer tentacles had wrapped around my jugular vein  and were going down my arm.  I was told… I did not have long to live and that I also needed surgery  to remove all lymph nodes  from my neck  and also remove my jugular vein. Once again faced with such sad news I knew that I must stay the same course of action that I had such success with before. I by then also called Contemporary Medicine and Dr. Ather Malik saw me the next day.
Dr Ather Malik sat and explained the course of action we would do. He spent time and answered all my questions I was to have 6 IPT treatments (Insulin Potentiation Therapy) and then take a two week break and run blood test and check tumor markers. My last IPT treatment was March 11, 2011.  On March 25, 2011  I got the results of my blood test.  My tumor markers were lower and in the low/normal range. Dr. Ather Malik was pleased but wanted another biopsy of the neck area. I agreed to have a PET-SCAN and CT scan from my eyes to my thighs and extra scans of my neck. If there were any signs of cancer I would do the biopsy.
On March 19, 2011 I went to visit herbalist, Rueben Schwartz in Hestand, Kentucky. He suggested herbal treatments. He wrote out a regimen of herbs for me to take three times a day.  I applied a wet cloth  soaked in herbs  to my neck area where the tumor started every day for 30 minutes. I soaked in a bath tub of warm water with 1 ½ cups of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide daily for 20 minutes.  I  was  able  to  do  this for four weeks before my PET-SCAN and CT-scan on April 21, 2011. My PET-SCAN and CT-scan results showed NO CANCER anywhere in my body.  This is nothing short of a miracle.  There was NO cancer and I did not have surgery to remove all lymph nodes and jugular vein.
My journey with breast cancer has taught me so many wonderful things about life, love, hope, faith, and alternative wellness care in the 21st century. I have learned to heal Mind-Body-Spirit with the help of Dr. Steven Ayre,  Dr. Ather Malik,  and  the  Amish  Herbalist Rueben Schwartz. I praise GOD for this miracle and hope my testimonial helps someone explore all options for cancer treatment.

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