My Love , My Rock is Cancer Free

  Hello Ken:  My husband,  Dan,  diagnosed with Stage 3 Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Lung Cancer of the right lower lobe on May 29th, 2015.  He had absolutely no symptoms and was actually trying to obtain surgical clearance  for a neck injury he sustained from a fall in our home in February. The neck surgery was to take place on May 1st. A routine, pre-surgical, chest x-ray indicated a mass of 6 cm (about the size of  a tennis ball) in the posterior lower lobe of his right lung.

 Of course, the neck surgery was cancelled and a CT scan was ordered, confirming his primary care doctor’s suspicions.  We were referred to an oncologist where a complete body PET scan, MRI of the brain, and a biopsy were ordered.  Fortunately, the cancer was only found in his lung. 

   During  May  while  Dan  was undergoing all of these tests,  I began researching absolutely everything I could get my hands on. I read “Recaging the Beast” and followed many of the suggestions offered there, such as ….  replacing my cook wear with stainless steel, anything plastic was replaced with glass, and only fresh, whole organic foods were consumed except for the rare, occasional meal out. I even went as far as throwing out all of the chemically laden cleaning and personal care products, replacing with all natural products.

     I scoured the cancer testimonial page and reached out personally to those that had lung cancer testimonies.  And I researched every single ingredient in every single Plexus product.  I knew cancer could not survive … in a properly oxygenated and alkaline body, and immediately upped his BioCleanse and XFactor. I shared the ingredient list with his oncologist whom recommended he NOT take the products during treatment as it would interfere with chemotherapy and radiation.

    The one message I kept reading was “chemo kills  faster than the cancer.” My Dan         is 69,  my love, my rock,  and my Plexus why.  I simply could not allow this to happen. Through my research,  we made the educated decision to continue  all Plexus products, and not only did we continue,  we added even more to his day. We also added turmeric  (fresh when I could  find it) and baking soda and organic lemon water. Also during the chemo “training” consultation, we shared the ingredients with his oncology nurse who gave her blessing, confirming that we had made the right decision.

   Dan began chemo on June 10th,  and  radiation on June 15th.  He  had  twenty – five  radiation treatments, and three rounds of  Cisplatin  and Etoposide chemotherapy. His chemotherapy was  on a 28 day cycle and would last  for three days with a booster shot on Day 4.  During this time,  his oncologist  was always amazed  with his results stating such things as, “You are doing stellar!” and “Keep doing what you are doing!” I honestly can’t  say  if  his oncologist was aware of  him using Plexus or not.  The oncology nurses were definitely aware because I talk Plexus everywhere I go  and  even shared a basket  of  Plexus samples and catalogs with them.

    As for side effects, yes, he has had some. The nausea would generally start on Day 2 and would last about four days,  with full appetite returning on Day 5 but as late as Day 7. He experienced “metal” mouth but never to the point of having to use plastic  forks and spoons. He did lose his hair, mustache and beard with some eyebrow thinning, but begin shaving two to three times a week after Round 2 of chemo. He never once vomited.

   He did have fatigue and this would generally last a full week to 10 days.  His weight remained consistent.  His sense of  smell was effected and this, too, generally lasted for about a week to 10 days. His blood work, including white and red blood counts and his  platelets all remained in the normal levels.  ALSO  His blood pressure was perfect and  his oxygen levels averaged 98%. His blood glucose levels were high on chemo days due  to the steroids, but otherwise remained consistent.

  In mid- August, we asked that the PET scan be moved up from September 8th and his oncologist agreed because of how well he was doing. The scan was completed on August 31st. The results were much better than any of  us anticipated. The tumor had shrunk by more than 50% and had pulled completely away from the posterior chest wall and spine and back into the lung.  The scan had also revealed that the tumor appeared to be dead. Round 4 of chemotherapy was canceled and the surgery to remove the lower lobe was scheduled. 

 Before I continue, Dan is using all of the Plexus products. He began with Slim in March, 2014 and I began adding products to his day shortly thereafter.  Dan had been a smoker most of  his life, starting while serving in Vietnam and quitting just before surgery. Last year after he began using Plexus,   I did notice that his smokers cough was going away.  A cough so terrible you wondered how he could breathe afterwards.

  He also complained of pain in the area of his back where the tumor was found. We will never know how long the tumor had been there, because, like most men, he refused to see a doctor and was always “Fine”.  I had always felt that he  fell  for a reason, and now we knew the reason. That fall and an apple fritter saved his life.

  Dan had a right thoracotomy and right lower lobectomy on September 11th. He spent    4 days in ICU  and was released  from the hospital on September 16th just six days after surgery. Dan asked for his Slim just 24 hours after surgery. By Monday, even though he was still in the hospital, we resumed all products. His surgeon remarked that almost all of his patients remain in the hospital at least 10 – 14 days and said Dan was making his job too easy.

   Also On September 29th, just four months after the official diagnosis, we received       the pathology report. The official pathology report states “extensively (<99%) necrotic tumor” – in layman terms – less than 1% showed any signs of malignancy. During his surgery,  thirteen lymph nodes were removed,  none of  which show  any  evidence  of malignancy.  Not only is he cancer-free,  it had not spread.  My husband, my love, my rock, is CANCER-FREE!

Daily Regimen ~
Plexus Slim ~ 2 – 3 / Day
XFactor ~ 2 Capsules – 3x/Day
BioCleanse ~ 2 Capsules – 3x/Day
ProBio5 ~ 5 Capsules at bedtime
Ease ~ 2 Capsules – 2x/Day
Fast Relief Nerve ~ 2 Capsules – 2x/Day
MegaX ~ 2 Capsules at bedtime
Plexus 96 ~ Every Morning
Plexus Boost ~ 1 – 2 Capsules a day
Vitamin C (1000mg) ~ 1 Capsules 3x/Day

In order to maintain pH levels and keep his system alkaline, he was also drinking ½ tsp Pure Baking Soda, 2 tsp organic lemon juice, 8 ounces pure water ~ 3 – 4x/Day….

We are eating whole, fresh, organic foods as often as possible.

We have removed almost all refines and processed foods and sugars from our diets.

I emphatically believe that you can fight and win the cancer battle. You must be diligent, consistent, and refuse to take “NO” for answer….. SO In other words, if you believe you can and should, do the research, ask the questions….. then follow your gut and heart and JUST DO IT!!

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