Sandi Rog

Did You Know That Apricot Seed

May 25, 2016

Dear Mr. Biden:

This seems unreal. I can’t believe I have this opportunity to share my story. I hope and pray you’ll actually read it! I don’t know how much space I have in this window, so I’ll cut to the chase, and please forgive me if I sound cold and blunt. This is a story that is heavy on my heart because it nearly destroyed my family.

I’m a mother of four and got cancer from an MS drug (an autoimmune disease they’re curing in Mexico, by the way).  My step-dad  and  I battled the same “rare” cancer  (non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma) at the very same time: he died, and I survived (imagine how awful this time was for my mother).  When all the traditional treatments failed,  I  finally  beat cancer with a vitamin. Vitamin B17 (a.k.a. Laetrile/Amygdalin) is a concentrated form of apricot kernels (that’s assuming the fruit didn’t come from Monsanto, but that’s another story about GMOs).

Vitamin B17  is  found  in most fruit seeds:  apple seeds,  blackberry seeds, etc.  There     has been a cure  for  cancer  since BEFORE the 1970s,  and Doctors like  Dr. Richardson was using it to cure his patients in 1970 until the FDA shut him down and rumors were spread  about  arsenic being found in apple seeds.  According  to  Dr. Krebs Jr.,  whom discovered Vitamin B17,  it  works  on  ALL cancers  (his writings  can be found in medical textbooks to this day). Because Vitamin B17 is natural, it can’t be patented, so none of the higher-ups are interested in it. Millions of people are needlessly dying. Just like your son.

Here’s how it works: when B17 breaks through the trophoblastic cells that surround all cancer cells, it creates a chemical reaction, which then creates cyanide, killing the cancer cell, while feeding the healthy cells.  It’s a natural chemo  from  our  Heavenly Father. Please read Genesis 1:29 and you’ll see that God expects us to eat His seeds.

Years ago, a man named Jason Vale cured his cancer with apricot seeds and then      started selling it and telling everyone that it cured cancer. This landed him in prison!      We no longer have freedom of speech here in the “land of the free” because no one who sells the seeds  o r Vitamin B17  are  allowed  by  the  FDA  to  say  it  cures cancer.  Our insurance company is United Healthcare,  and  do you know  what they specifically list         as “not covered?”  Vitamin B17 and Cannabis Oil.  (Yes, cannabis oil is another natural treatment that cures cancer.      Here’s just ONE of the many stories:

Again, none of these cures can be patented and won’t make Big Pharma and the FDA money. Cancer is Big Business. We no longer donate to “Run for the Cure” fundraisers,    or any type of program  like  that  because the money simply goes to Big Pharma,  and when they bring their drugs to be approved by the FDA,  the  one with the most money wins. Please research this! You’ll see that the same people who run the FDA also run       Big Pharma companies. It’s unethical and should be illegal.

People who want “freedom of choice in cancer treatments” have to go to countries           like Mexico to get cured of their disease. Doctors in Mexico are curing autoimmune diseases that are incurable here in the States, not to mention cancer.  These cures       should be happening here. Here in the land of the free, not in third world countries. American doctors who’ve discovered these cures  and  who have a conscience have      taken their practices to places like Mexico ~ so that they can actually live up to their Hippocratic Oath.

Would you please allow “freedom of choice in cancer treatments?”                                         I’ll include links to prove my case. You can learn more about my story here: All I know    is I was supposed to die, but this simple vitamin cured me, and it can cure others too.

I was at Colorado University Hospital, and when everything failed, I told them I was   going  to  take B17.  They were willing to monitor me on it when usually they’d tell us an alternative we brought up was quackery.  If you contact them,  you can find out that I am cured (I’m still alive three years later, and I’m writing to you, so I’m cured). They told me to go home because what I was doing was better than anything they had to offer  (which was chemo and radiation). My doctors were: Dr. Han Myint  and  later Dr. Gutman.

Please ask yourself. How much money would the FDA and Big Pharma make if fewer people were sick? Please. Please help the American people. Please reclaim our freedoms    to be able to cure ourselves  with natural remedies  and have the freedom to choose how we want, not only ourselves, but also our CHILDREN to be treated. Please encourage insurance companies to cover natural treatments.  Please  have  medical  schools  teach natural treatments/remedies  to their aspiring doctors.  (My own family physician said      he felt cheated in his education after he saw what cured me.)  Please be the one to save         a nation from disease and death.

Finally, please try to get your hands on a DVD titled, “Second Opinion: Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering” (“Laetrile” is another name for “Vitamin B17”). Dr. Suriura’s comments during the press interview are very revealing and show how Sloan-Kettering suppressed the truth (HERE  is where you can get the video).  Below is my cancer blog,  along  with  other  links that tell the TRUTH about Vitamin B17.  I don’t make a profit off of B17 because I want to be able to tell my story and how it cured me.

My blog:

The story of Vitamin B17 (note how old this video is, and how long the cure has              been known and denied):

Thank you so much for your time. If you want more information, I’ll be happy                     to provide it. I’d love to have you over for dinner, I’ll make pasta!

Many Blessings,

Sandi Rog 🙂

Preview  Sandi  Rog ~ I BEAT CANCER WITH VITAMIN B17

The principle of function is simple:
Cancer cells need large amounts of energy, or glucose, to develop and grow.  When you take vitamin B17,  cancer cells absorb the glucose molecule from the vitamin,  while the enzyme beta-glycosidase helps to release the benzaldehyde and cyanide from it, thereby destroying the affected cancer cells. Thanks to  high concentrations of beta-glycosidase enzymes, vitamin B17 is exceptionally deadly to cancer cells and at the same time completely harmless and non-toxic to healthy ones.

Benzaldehyde and cyanide are toxic elements, but in combination with the glucose molecules present in vitamin B17, they become inert and no longer have any toxic effects.

Ernst T. Krebs Jr., was an American biochemist who promoted various substances as alternative cures for cancer, including pangamic acid and amygdalin. According to him, “cancer was caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B 17 (Laetrile, Amygdaline).” (Krebs, E.T., Jr., cited by Howenstine, J., 2007)

As Dr. James Howenstine, MD (2007), explains, “no person eating a high nitriloside(Vitamin B 17) diet (Hunzas, Eskimos, Hopi Indians) or voluntarily taking a high intake   of nitriloside containing foods has ever developed cancer.” He further adds,  “the food with the highest quantity of Vitamin B-17(laetrile) is in the pit of apricots.”

Other seeds that contain vitamin B17:

  • Grapes
  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Nectarines
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries

The recommended daily dose is 5 to 7 apricot seeds for prevention.

Diseased people should consume 1-2 seeds every hour, but not more than 35 seeds a day.

The maximum dose can be determined by dividing your body weight with 3, and the result that you get is the maximum number of apricot seeds that you can consume in the course of a day.


Howenstine, J., MD. (2007, January 28). Can Cancer Be Avoided or Cured With Vitamin B-17?.Retrieved June 16, 2015 from NewsWithViews,

This may be the best form of Laetrile/B17 with exception to Laetrile Injections

Vitamin B17 Controversy: Poison or Cancer Treatment?

Preview YouTube video Does Vitamin B17 Cures Cancer ?

Does Vitamin B17 Cures Cancer ?

 Preview  Sources of Vitamin B17 | Laetrile | Amygdalin for Cancer Patients – G. Edward Griffin

Sources of Vitamin B17 | Laetrile | Amygdalin for Cancer Patients – G. Edward Griffin
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