Tumors Disappear with Increases in Nutrition

Image result for A hatred of nature

Hospitals  are  where  nutrition  and  nature go to die.  Nature and nutrition aren’t    permitted inside medical buildings…… medical schools or medical ideology because  science is an attack on nature. A belief system that disrespects nature and holds as its’  core belief that nature is faulty, will disrespect the patient and the foods that can help     the patient……..because humans are from nature. A hatred of nature is a hatred of humans, and medicine is an enemy of nature. Connect the dots.

Science and medicine are related belief systems that are based on hating what nature produces  and  loathing anything that has anything to do with nature.  An inverted belief system if there ever was one. Even inside oncology wards across the world, these inverted priests of this anti-life religion preach consumption of “boost” drinks or Gatorade, serving Jello, ice cream, fast food and other complete abominations of nature,  proven to increase cancer growth  and spread.  All  conventional  cancer  treatments  are  proven  to  increase cancer growth  and spread as well…….. and  therefore  are  nothing  but a reflection of our culture’s collective insanity. Anyone whom believes that causing cancer will cure cancer is  by definition, clinically insane.


Cancer charity fund raising drives that serve hot dogs, pop and other cancer causing   foods are nothing but an extension of the extreme hatred for humans and nature that the religion of medicine/science preach  from  their  stainless steel alters  of  human sacrifice. When  someone  eats a hot dog that causes cancer,  to raise more money for therapies that cause cancer, they are participating in an anti human, anti life, anti nature, anti God ritual. Evil loves nothing  more  than  what  the  elite  call  “useful idiots”  who act out this sinister agenda.

Why does something so obviously inverted,  satanic,  immoral and unethical have to be explained with this sort of detail.  The selling of a lie,  is one thing  but the purchasing of     a lie,  by  an entire culture,  is quite another.  People  today  are  obsessed  with  the death, disease,  failure and pain brought to our society by the cult of medicine and science.  Most people are such devoted followers of this new religion,  that  they  want  you  to  be  forced poisoned and force initiated into the cult, to make them feel more sane with their own insanity.

Evil is a form of stupidity  and  our own government lubricates  this evil religion by celebrating, funding and encouraging anything that kills humans, nature and life. “Hail to the poisons that poison”, declares the government. “The only good citizen is a citizen who sides with the poison cult”,  the newspaper screams  on  the  front page. “You must poison yourself into better health,  after the first poisons  made  you sick”……….. declares  science and medicine. Earth has to be a satanic mental asylum for another planet somewhere else in the Universe. Very few explanations other than that remain.

Via: Jason Christoff


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