The Force Within US

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When I thought up a name for my website: “Solitarius came to mind because to me          it sounded like a compass giving people direction.” After I went to the shrine in Carey Ohio and prayed and received a vision for this website. Solitaire was a card game my father played regularly and I thought what a  “wonderful thing”  a source pulling out answers to cancer like a solitaire card game. ALSO some experts believe The Solitary nucleus in your brain is the area of the brain where emotions play out and influences your cells !!!

Which way are you going: in the field of computers what was up to date in the 1990’s     is irrelevant today. We no longer use floppy disc and now we use flash drives. Very few people use dial up  and  now everybody  is  high speed  and wireless.  However, what is annoying still  is when you lose our connection.  When this happens the inner  feeling is that you need guidance, direction, redirection and correction that will show us the way. We need that connection to have inner direction!!!

When we lose our way we are notorious for not asking for directions.  Similarity  “we feel” when we receive “Divisiveness” and “Misinformation.”  It will not change the outcome and the emotions  are creating too much negativity for our world and for you.  What is sent out comes back and will only hurt the sender in the end.  I would not like to see that happen to anyone. Most of you know negative emotions can even cause illnesses.  So please ease up.

Nothing  positive  ever  comes  from  being  negative. Whereas  Human Nature has us always looking at the negative.  For instance,  the catholic religion  had  848 priests  who raped or molested children and sanctioned another 2,572 with lesser penalties,  providing the first ever breakdown of  how it handled  the more than 3,400 cases of abuse reported to the Holy See since 2004.

In 2012, there were a total of 414,313 priests. While the total number of priests worldwide has remained  about the same since 1970,  While the Catholic population        has nearly doubled, growing from 653.6 million in 1970 to 1.229 billion in 2012. As a human race I tend to look at others and see goodness in the majority of priests!!!!

   Therefore when we lose the map GOD intended us to follow. WE end… up on a dark winding back road feeling that your on a road to nowhere  (we all know that feeling… we      all have been there a few times in our life.)  The bible being the best seller of all time and the least read book of all time. Grants us direction through Scripture, as we learn several important calls to action.
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  First Thessalonians 5:1-11 tells us to wake up, First John 2:28-3:3 tells us to clean up; Romans 13:14 tells us to grow up; and Timothy 1:6 tells us to stir ourselves up. I believe those that successfully heal are those that listen to the call of actions. They also listen to their inner voice and the direction of those that whom come into there life tell them.
  It is through your inner being of body, mind and spirit where true healing of the dis-ease takes place. One that heals I have noticed has a true self and knows deeply where the root of the disease comes from within their heart. A survivor have self esteem about themself.
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  Being focused means slowing down and entering fully embodied in the present moment and how do we do that.   According to Amos Clifford whom is a leading therapy expert and author of A Little Handbook of Shrin`rin-Yoku (that’s “forest bathing” in Japanese). As you’re walking there will  be beneficial changes to your nervous system.  These changes stem from a reduction in the stress hormone cortisol, an improved heart rate, and increase oxygen into your cells that bolster your immune function.
   Studies show that a three-hour hike through a forest calms the body and mind for a week. These walks will connect us to our well being and also proves to be calming and peaceful to our spirit.  When we lose sight of the human element it gives one a chance       to listen to what your inner being is telling you about what is right for your spirit.

Preview YouTube video Shinrin-yoku Forest Bathing Trail Tea Ceremony

FoPreview YouTube video Forest Therapy pathways to well being

Forest Therapy pathways to well being

rest Bathing Trail Tea Ceremony

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