How To Supercharge Your Spiritual Growth!!!
Deborah King
Deborah King
New York Times best-selling author, health & wellness expert, and spiritual teacher Deborah King was a successful attorney in her twenties when she was diagnosed with cancer, which began a quest for healing that would radically change her life.
Extremely Reluctant to undergo invasive surgery, she turned to alternative medicine and experienced an amazing remission at the hands of a healer. Along the way, she conquered the alcohol and drug addictions she had used to bury a childhood of emotional and sexual abuse. She realized that ignoring problems and unresolved emotions all her life had led her to the point of turmoil, addiction and illness.
Through her subsequent journey, Deborah learned ancient energy healing techniques, dove into a serious practice of meditation, and transformed her life. Her amazing recovery led her to leave the corporate arena for the field of energy medicine, where she mastered ancient and modern systems, ultimately developing a powerful technique of her own. Deborah’s energy healing and life coaching courses both teach and transform.
 In my work as an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I often talk about the importance of chakras, which are focal points in your body that move energy in and out between your personal energy field and the larger unified field beyond. In order to maintain your physical, spiritual, and emotional health, it is essential to keep each of your seven chakras clear and open, spinning gently in the right direction. But there is another key point in your body that also affects your health and well-being: your thymus.   http://www.healingenergy.com.au/what-is-energetic-healing/

Why do you need to know about your thymus? The thymus gland is part of your immune system and helps to fight off illness, but your thymus is also the seat of your spiritual development. With an activated thymus, you can supercharge your spiritual growth.

Your thymus gland is located between your throat chakra in the middle of your throat, and your heart chakra in the center of your chest. If you feel where the two sides of your collar bone meet below your throat, there is a space or a little dent. Right below that, you may find the thymus with your fingers—a small rounded spot that is slightly raised. If you can’t feel yours, don’t worry! Every body is different, and the size of the thymus changes as you age. Whether you feel it or not, rest assured that your thymus is there and ready to be activated.

When your thymus is activated—or open and expanded—it sends a message to all realms that you are working in service of love. It becomes like your personal spiritual “signature,” a sign that tells the cosmos you are on the path of light. An activated thymus can change your life. Here’s how: The Witches Rule of three  dragonfly  CLING by cherrypieartstamps, $7.50:


1. Receive Initiations to Higher Spiritual Levels

A spiritual initiation is a step on the path to reconnecting with Source. There are many steps, or levels, and the process does not happen overnight. With continued self-work and self-care, including meditation and journaling, you can complete lower level initiations on your own, sometimes without even knowing. An energy healer or other facilitator is usually needed for higher level initiations. However they occur, initiations can only take place when the student is ready. Expanding your thymus is one way to help prepare your body and energy field for spiritual initiations.

Charging and expanding your thymus will open the door to the unified field of energy that encompasses the entire universe and everything within it. You will then be able to focus your attention on connecting to the masters of the universe and entities on higher planes. There are no shortcuts on the path to Source, but an activated thymus is like a head start or a boost.

2. Awaken Your Inner Healer

Did you know that you possess your own unique spiritual gifts? You may not be aware of them yet, but activating your thymus will bring them to light. Maybe you’re incredibly patient and can really listen to others, or maybe you can see or hear things on another plane. Or perhaps you even have the gift of energy healing like me! Whatever your special talents may be, activating your thymus will awaken them. If you discover you have the healing touch, literally, please join me at one of my healing courses or workshops so you can cultivate that gift and learn to perform powerful energy healings. An activated thymus is an excellent foundation for the practice of energy healing or a career in energy medicine.

If your unique gifts don’t immediately reveal themselves, continue to put your intention toward expanding your thymus. You can even tap on it, gently, while imagining a soft pink light surrounding you and envisioning your thymus opening up, connecting you to Spirit. Awaken Within    Abraham Hicks~ You are a energy Being!!!!!   https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi7NWcr3WQ8R5cKLeK-ZtcyPIQyKa95hH

3. Stay Healthier and Heal Faster

Your thymus is not just influential in your spiritual health, but is necessary for your physical health as well, as an important part of your immune system. The thymus is a lymphoid gland that plays a vital role in the production of T-cells, which are some of your body’s best warriors in the fight against bodily intruders like viruses.

Like your chakras, your thymus can get clogged by negative emotions. When your thymus is overwhelmed with unexpressed emotions, you might get sick more often or feel generally tired and weighed down, no matter how much you rest. When your thymus is activated, it is charged and healthy, which means your immune system is charged and healthy, which means you fall prey to fewer illnesses and heal faster when you do catch a bug. You will also have more energy. That alone might be a life changer!

Now you know how this gland you’ve probably never really thought about can have such a huge impact on your health. Activating this key point can do wonders for your spiritual growth and development and effect change in your life in a profound way.

If you’d like me to activate your thymus, take a moment and watch this FREE video where I do just that! You will also want to check out my Hay House LifeForce Energy Healing Course, starting right now, that teaches you about all the chakras as well as how to heal yourself and others, PLUS certifies you in the field of Energy Healing!  https://www.healyourlife.com/5-things-energy-medicine-does-beyond-regular-medicine 

 Image result for SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE gif
You are energy. Your entire existence is the purest form of light. Even when you get sick, your body was designed to self-heal – a process which is known as energy healing.

As far as the spirit goes, while it can be affected by certain diseases, it is far more durable, yet harder to heal.

A lot of people choose to go to talk therapy for many consecutive years. They are a bit blinded by what society tried to impose, by what the norm is. If you’re one of those people, you may have realized by now a surprising fact.

Any type of talk therapy can help you identify the problem, but it will not be able to tell you how to fix it or how to heal it.

Energy healing doesn’t just help you overcome problems affecting your body. It also lights a spark inside of you. It shows you the truth and the path you were destined to walk on ever since you came into existence.
You have to  love with all my heart, all your soul and spirit, with every fiber of my entire being. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place.

If You Do …You will experience:

  • Increased level of awareness
  • Deep & loving connection with you
  • More confidence
  • Heighten creativity & enhanced brain function
  • Happiness will become your natural state
  • Anxieties will disappear
  • Re-Connecting with your inner-child
  • An increase in positive thoughts
  • Lower stress levels
  • Increased vitality

Image result for what is an energy healing?

Energy Healing is all about accepting that you are an energy being. A being that is much more complicated than just a physical body. A being that exists in multiple dimensions at the same time. Accepting and understanding this, we can then utilise various techniques to restore your energy flow to the optimum balance across all those dimensions.

How can this be? The concept of each of us existing simply as energy is not a new idea. New understandings in science have changed  our perceptions of what we are made of. Atoms which were once considered as the smallest particles that ever existed are in turn made up of subatomic energies, which have no solidity at all.    Science tells us they are quite literally, packets or waves of information that vibrate.

This information or energy is in fact light, which is adapted to create our Biofield.                If you have any doubt you are an energy being, then watch the Dr Jill Bolte Taylor       video My Stroke Of Insight, in this a 19 minute presentation wherein Jill describes          her perceptions of reality when a stroke blocks her analytical thinking.

Preview  My stroke of insight | Jill Bolte Taylor

It’s an astonishing story.           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU 

Louise Hay is the author of the international bestseller You Can Heal Your Life, is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher with more than 50 million books sold worldwide.

For more than 30 years, Louise Hay has helped people throughout the world discover & implement the full potential  of their own creative powers  for personal growth  and self-healing.  She has appeared on  The Oprah Winfrey Show  and  many other TV  and radio programs both in the U.S. and abroad. Visit Louise Hay’s website at: www.louisehay.com  and connect with her on Facebook.

 Louise Hay has made a life out of healing people… on their own steam. She has lead the way since the 1980s on how you can heal your own life. At the forefront of the self-help field, Hay has become a Matriarchal figure to many now in the business of self-help. In the 1980s Louise Hay self-published You Can Heal Your Life, a book that has sold over 30 million copies to date, and spurred her on to build her own publishing company ‘Hay House.’Taking the philosophy one step further, Louise Hay has stepped along with the information age and put the theories behind her book into a complementing DVD with  the same name.  I think the book  and the DVD  would probably work best hand in hand;  the book for reference once it is read, and the DVD as a frequent reminder when watched of the powerful resources  we hold in our own hands.  Louise Hay has gathered some of the best self-help teachers,  most who have seen Hay  as a guiding light in their own lives,  to explain the thoughts behind You Can Heal Your Life.

Very similar in format to The Secret, this DVD is easily digestible information that is both empowering and constructive. Author of The Erroneous Zones Dr Wayne Dyer, The Angel Lady Doreen Virtue, Life Makeover teacher Cheryl Richardson, Dream Interpreter Leon Nacson, medical authority and author of Women’s Wisdom Women’s Bodies Dr. Christiane Northrup, and medical intuitive Mona Lisa Schulz, along with a handful of other spiritual intellectuals, all give their perceptions on the philosophy that our “thoughts and our actions can equal miracles” as Richardson states.       http://www.veoh.com/watch/v17030504WsgTbfQm 

Causes of symptoms according to Louise Hay
Sometimes we need a reminder that good things - things we deeply want - are happening right in the midst of our lifes roughest times. This image:
Sometimes we need a reminder that good things – things we deeply want – are happening right in the midst of our life’s roughest times. This image offers that reminder, and honors the reality that joy sometimes can’t come until after the storm. Dragonflies carry amazing symbolic meaning, including transformation/change that has to do with maturing and the deepening of character, and the ending of self-created illusions. They’re also associated with courage and strength.
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