The World In Front of Me

No automatic alt text available.                                         Sometimes you gotta quit thinking so much.

   If it feels right, it probably is.

         So just go with it!!!!” 



MATTHEW 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

Dr. Robert Lanza is the man. His stem cell research is ahead of anyone else. Then there      is “Biocentrism”,  Consciousness is the answer. The double slit experiment screams out, look at me, figure out why this is so. And if we can, I think we will jump light years ahead.
I do not care if the interviewer agrees with Lanza or not, but it would have been nice if he at least understood what the was trying to say.
Lanza for his part doesn’t seem to know how to explain things in a way the interviewer         can grasp though I think he is actually being clear.  He is saying the big bang is only an extrapolation based on the way we think, the logic of which totally breaks down when         you go all the way back,  and I have to assume he is saying that,  therefore,  wasn’t an actual event.
The interviewer himself says that before the big bang there was no matter so there was no time, parroting the view of our present paradigm. But then he insists the “moment” before the big bang is an important question.  I wanted to grab him by the ears and say, dude, you just said there was no time before the big bang so how can there be a moment before the big bang?  When you are talking moments you are talking about time, and that is what Lanza is saying; the logic of the old paradigm totally breaks down if you run it back to its supposed beginning.
  Lanza is saying neither our minds nor our languages are smoothly up to the task of dealing with reality at anything but the Newtonian physics level, the world we live in as animal beings.  The rules and logic we operate on at that level are not reality but mental constructs, most basically space and time.  Space and time are not things “out there.”         They have no existence apart from being tools of our minds, hence we create space and time.
This is simply the mode in which we express our experience.  It isn’t “the reality.”
  We are taking some of the evidence we see and forcing into these limited constructs,      extrapolating back by the logic of those constructs we arrive at the big bang.  That’s the only way to come to the big bang theory, but if so then the big bang was not an actual happening but merely a deduction of certain bits of evidence from the perspective of the prevailing paradigm.
 I say based on certain “bits” on information because you have to ignore other bits of information to make the present paradigm hold water, such as those that come from the experiments Lanza mentions in which things happen that contradict the logic of the present paradigm.  The way physicists have tried to escape these contradictions is to say, well there is really two sets of scientific laws both of which are true though the contradict each other.  Lanza is saying no, that is nonsense.  There is only one reality so one of them isn’t reality, and he is saying it is the one based on space and time as things out there.
  He is proposing that what the evidence suggests is that a theory of everything not be sought on stuff based physics because essentially it has already proven itself to be wrong if we care to notice these other bits of information.  He is proposing a new paradigm based on life and consciousness, which this information is suggesting. I think it is an important thought and a step in the right direction.  Lanza is in the unenviable situation of having explain to others concepts that he himself is struggling to express.  This way of thinking is in its infancy.  We lack the language to express ideas that are as yet foreign to our present way of thinking.
 We lack the reference points needed to understand more fully.  The reasons this path needs to be explored I think are quite clear.  It is going to be a difficult path.  Here we feel like strangers in a strange land. Lanza avoids, rightly so I think, dealing with how this impacts ideas about God in biocentrism, but if life and conscious is that which all other things arise, then the idea of a super being, a super consciousness is certainly not out of the question.
 In my own thinking that is were I have been for some time; that we are part of that consciousness and that as a whole that consciousness is self aware be definition, and if you want to call it God, then I have no objection, though I would hesitate to connect the concepts of any religion with that being, though certainly some spiritual concepts up around which religions grew may certainly aid in our understanding if only by analogy.
 Whether or not we see true reality clearly or not, it must be true that it is all around us, and as we ourselves are conscious, living beings that we might glimpse pieces of it and have our thoughts influenced by it seem unavoidable. I certainly think Lanza is right about one thing (and likely many): the idea that the consciousness we are ends at death is absolutely absurd.
 Anthony Terry the chemical compound for empathy is serotonin and theres other cells that cause mirror image connections in the brain which in turn cause people to feel what they are seeing in others.. They find in serial killers that most of the time they lack empathy, as a result of extremely low levels of serotonin .. I personally believe serotonin and endorphins cause morality or humanity.. Personally, I have no all..I feel nothing, never have,maybe never will, without use of drugs.. but when I dis take m.d.m.a it caused a flood of the chemicals I lack(,serotonin,endorphins) causing me to feel things for the first time ever, empathy being the main feeling I had.. I do believe chemicals are the reason for why we feel anything at all.. An evolutionary trait to stop us from killing off one another and causing us to instead work together to thrive.. Nature changed from survival of the fittest, to everyone works together to achieve the common goal of survival. All this, just by evolving a chemical into the human brain.

 So, this also means the dinosaurs weren’t actually there until a conscious being found their bones, which weren’t actually there either. Does that mean that the conscious being made up the bones and decided there were dinosaurs?

There’s no compelling evidence of a big bang, and complexity theory says there’s no way we’ll ever know. Per Halton Arp’s work, red shift indicates youth, not distance, though most distant objects are seen in their youth. So there probably is no inflation at all. And big bang hangs entirely on inflation, and of course a miracle, where “nothing exploded”.

Kaku’s latest book is The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind (

The Universe in a Nutshell: The Physics of Everything
Michio Kaku, Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at CUNY

What if we could find one single equation that explains every force in the universe?         Dr. Michio Kaku explores how physicists may shrink the science of the Big Bang into an equation as small as Einstein’s “e=mc^2.”  Thanks to advances in string theory,  physics may allow us to escape the heat death of the universe, explore the multiverse, and unlock the secrets of existence. While firing up our imaginations about the future, Kaku also presents a succinct history of physics and makes a compelling case for why physics is the key to pretty much everything.. 

What I really don’t understand is why, if consciousness is the center of everything (that is, us and other animals), why are the creators of physical reality stranded on earth? Why is the universe so inimical to our survival? Why are there so many inhabitable planets, etc.?
I think the key factor of what Lanza is explaining about Biocentrism is that the matter        of the moments before the big bang was the correlation between the creation of this universe and a universe before us. I recently read an article notifying that the MU-theory (multi-universe) now holds up with concrete evidence. Now for what I believe Lanza tries to explain is the just as the universe expands in formation couldn’t another universe do the same once it’s end reaches. And as the old metaphysical and philosophical thought is they something cannot be created without a thought of it and to then craft.
These may apply to a living universe (consciousness/universe possessing life) have to expand to create more space. In doing so it reaches and end to a new thought/edge of space, so it expands by creating a new one. The thought for me came when I looked into Thermodynamics and saw how the laws apply to the outlook on God/consciousness/ universe, are possibly relative.
 There could be a infinite universe that started all others but it is of living form. Though      to make more room it expands; another science subject I read was that these German physicists were studying an atom in which while doing so discovered the atom was “aware” of them watching and calculating. (Don’t take that as it was talking and eating either), but interesting as that is, I also found the plants react to environments along with genetics.
 This being said I am trying to explain that there are discoveries showing all that we say do not possess a consciousness or intelligence have been shown to posses some. This is more than likely over looked. I believe the academia schools must get out of their comfort zones and understand that we must focus on a big picture instead of reminiscing on old subjects. So yes I believe biocentrism is true to the science. There are numerous of studies that hold many contradictions but are overlooked.
 If I had a computer to show you links I would, but mobile use is unable to use it. Hope I gave a well synopsis, I would more than certainly like to help explain more. But for now I’m going to keep studying on what I need to know more on physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, anthropology, and metaphysics.
Inline with this footage, it seems the difficulty arise in the acceptability of the idea where this ‘conscious’ stands? There is a ‘reality’  cloaking_this_phenomenal_material_body of 135 chemical elements(as per present level of observation and experience–yes Science). As long as this ‘reality’ put our physical body on, physical body remains active and ‘express’ all emotions, satis_factions, e.g.,love, anger, starvation, appreciation, despise to name a few.
 When this ‘reality’ put physical body off ( exactly the same way as we put on/off our garments), nothing left in material body. All perception/conscious or whatever we name it….is simply disconnected. Can anyone guess any state in normal living life style, where we experience the temporarily disconnection of  this ‘reality’ with the physical body? that is when body stop acting/reacting to any thought?
 Asleep is one state where every individual go through this experience. Interestingly every individual live about 50% of their life in this state and learn nothing about this state, even never question it…. why?  Just like the way we are taught and learn  to live in a wakening state.
Everything is the same energy, This energy is what is always happening. This one energy can appear as two, it can appear as a me that is here and a you over there. It can appear to have an experience in which it experiences itself as a separate entity or as an individual person which tries to know and understand things. It pretends to be a person who can make choices and has views and opinions, and is also living on a plant called earth. It can also appears to know the difference between right and wrong and out that it then goes on constructing an artificial reality believing that what it observes is real including thoughts and emotions.
  In a way it’s playing a game of separation in which everything appears separate from the one source. Because believing that we are separate is deeply unsatisfying we are always seeking wholeness in one way or another. But when there is no you or I, all there is, is wholeness. It is an infinite mystery that can never be worked out or attained. The only thing that gets in the way of what is longed for is the energy of “I am a separate person that is separate from everything else.
Ramana Maharshi understood all of this via his direct experience. He taught that all of us can gain the same experience/understanding by delving into our own consciousness. The way is to investigate the silence of the space between thoughts. This /communication/ between quantum particles and every 3rd dimensional object in our reality is a “4th dimensional spime” constructed of infinity compacted plank frames that stretches from the beginning of the big bang through the 5th dimensional plane of infinite probability factors and parallel realities.
Our reality or perception/consciousness is /decided/ or experienced somewhere between theses two dimensions. Our consciousness is a confluence and product of a 10D reality that is fully capable of violating linear causality and, as mentioned, on the quantum level, even capable of temporal retroactivity. True Story folks…. and much more eloquently and coherently explained by Rob Bryanton.
31:00 the conversation has me thinking:  As dinosaurs began to sprout feathers millions of “years” ago,to eventually evolve & leave the ground in flight as we see today – so we, as humans may evolve to command time & space from within ~ outward. Certainly, this could happen.
Between 1963 to 1984 the north american psychic medium, Jane Roberts channeled an “energy personality essence” who was called Seth. The Seth Material describes soundly and elegantly all what biocentrism propose and much more. I very recommend it to those who want to understand the nature of reality and our role in it.
Logic didn’t exist until we did, so to think of a logical time before the brain is illogical.
  We cannot experience our own reality unless that there is an observer.  Truth can only be know when we allow ourself to be removed from the discussion. Truth is nothing more than a consensus.  A true objective reality is very hard to prove; it seems critical in its application to scientific thought, but a greater understanding of the nature of existence cant exclude subjective, sentience, experience and perspective.  Yes, as humans we all share the same consciousness. But what people don’t understand is Robert is referring to ALL life on Earth, that is why you see fossils as that was life that came before humans, but even dinosaurs had consciousness as well.
Well, it may seem so. But “we are all the same”? Certainly not. “The same” means identical. And that is not the case. Observation tells us that there are in fact differences and there are similarities. What we all have in common, humans that is, are destructive impulses. Only in that respect are we “all the same”. Look around and convince yourself whether this is true or not.
And in answer to your question, “how come we all see the same things”, the simple answer is AGREEMENT. Reality comes about by agreement. We all, or life for that matter, agrees that things are perceived a certain way which brings about the reality we all see. It is not conscious process, mostly so. But that, in short, is about the underlying principle.
I would like to see Dr Lanza sit down with Mehran Keshe and see who has a better understanding of things in this regard.
The point of consciousness evolution is to lower the entropy thru experience and love INFORMATION IS NON PHISICAL AND SUBJECTIVE AS CONCIOUSNESS IS NON PHISICAL AND SUBJECTIVE. IT IS THE COMPUTER. INFORMATION IS THE MEANING. It takes consciousness to process the information. EMOTIONS ARE THE FEEDBACK MACHANISM FOR CONCIOUSNESS. Prayer is your focused intent that changes your future probability. God, Jesus, Buddah, Mohammed, Babaji are just interpretations of the LCS larger consciousness system. Sounds like blank cheque isn’t it?… mmmmm lrt me think… I am not completely sold on Metaphysics.
The non physical realities cannot be proven scientifically with 3D tools because they are not part of this reality. Subset cannot define a larger superset. Same what Thomas Campbell says too. To measure it, you have to go there thru personal experience. The ultimate theory of relativity is every reference frame is relative and solid in your reality. That is why dreams seem so real. Depending where you are that is your ‘solid” reality or objective. There is not fundamental objective reality, is all relative. The only fundamental reality is ONLY consciousness. squirrel in the tree analogy makes me think about Robert Lanza on Biocentrism. Listen to Thomas Campbell that has same analogy. Tom Campbell in Calgary: Theory of MBT (Sat) 2/3

 Preview YouTube video Robert Lanza on Consciousness (COMPLETE)

Robert Lanza on Consciousness (COMPLETE)
Consciousness Mechanics: The Movie
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