The 2017 Path 0f Totality

Image result for boy foreground solar eclipse

When I thought about todays events “solar eclipse,”


Preview  Total Solar Eclipse 2017 from Madras, Oregon, 21 August 2017


Preview  2017 Eclipse & Feast of Trumpets – Watchman Alert

 This is a must watch 🙂

And I thought about the meaning of the lyrics to
Bonnie Tyler’s song,            
“Total Eclipse of the Heart”?

She’s singing about the totally consuming, yet destructive love                                               that is taking all the light/joy/happiness out of her life.

“Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I’m only falling apart.

There’s nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart.

The song was inspired by the relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff in the novel, “Wuthering Heights.” While they shared an intense, passionate love for each other, their relationship was also toxic and destructive. An example of so many breast cancer patients that I have chatted with on Facebook.

Preview YouTube video Bonnie Tyler – Total Eclipse of the Heart


And so it is in “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” The singer is afraid to have her lover in her  life, yet terrified at the thought he might leave.  When they’re together, their relationship is explosive, but when they’re apart, the singer can find no light in her life. The lyrics clearly show how torn the singer is.”

Case example:

Not saying she had a bad relationship. Doctors had given Anita Moorjani just hours to     live when she arrived at the hospital in a coma on the morning of February 2nd, 2006.

Unable to move as a result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for almost four years, Anita entered another dimension, where she experienced great clarity and understanding of her life and purpose here on earth. She was given a choice of whether to return to life or not, and chose to return to life when she realized that “heaven” is a state and not a place.

This subsequently resulted in a remarkable and complete recovery of her health.

Anita’s riveting talk will inspire you to transform your life by living more authentically, discovering your greatest passions, transcending your deepest fears, and living from a place of pure joy.

Preview YouTube video Headstart: Anita Moorjani,

author of the book “Dying To Be Me”

Her true story will radically alter your current beliefs about yourself,                                 your purpose on earth, your health, your relationships, and your life!


Before I go into detail on the Mari protocol that turned my wife’s cancer around rapidly after a biopsy which both gave a positive diagnosis and kick started rapid growth of her cancer I’m going to give a nutshell outline. Then dig in a bit about why we did what we   did. The net result was she was cancer free in about 6 months though it was a year from diagnosis before we saw another Doctor and had the tests to prove this. So in a nutshell this is what you need to do.

1. Deal with Chronic stress, whatever it takes.
2. Remove toxins from your life, that includes, people, personal care products, household cleaners, junk food, sugar, and one of the most important “Root Canals” ( esp if you have breast cancer )
3. Choose a good anti cancer diet, if you have a tumour then aside from avoiding the obvious things like refined carbs, refined sugars, processed and fast foods, also avoid, pasteurized milk and meat. But Add Kefir made from raw milk.
4. Top up your diet with good supplements some of the most important are: Magnesium, Iodine, Selenium, Organic Sulphur, Vit C, and a good green powder food based with broad spectrum nutrition. Finally Baking soda, to help rapidly alkalize.
5. When Mari had Cancer we didn’t know about Transfer Factor but she takes it now as preventative. Would definitely have added this had I known about it so include this and put it at the top of my list of priorities, also this is the only one you can’t practically get from food.
6.Good quality filtered water, lots of it.
7 Plenty of sleep
8. Find something to live for a passion, a goal something to drive you.
9. Learn the breathing exercises described in the top post. This as a more direct impact   on your pH levels than food.
10. Add herbs and spices to your life along with juicing and add them to your veggie juices.

Dr. Allan Greenberg-
“As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a serious accident, your best chance of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and hospitals, and learn nutrition, herbal medicine and other forms of natural medicine.  Almost all drugs are toxic and designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone. Most surgery is unnecessary. In short, our mainstream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt. The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be.”

This information is aimed at people who don’t have the resources to go to a natural clinic such as Gerson or a good natural cancer Dr such as Dr Gonzalez, if you have the money those are your best options but can run into tens of thousands of dollars and so is not an option for many. Not only will this information give you a proven protocol using some of the very best anti cancer and pro health products and choices but if your part of this group, I offer full free support to anyone doing the Mari protocol.

I’m not a Doctor but rather a researcher that has spent thousands of hours researching crossed the world worked  with top natural doctors  and have not only been able to help   my wife but many other people just by sharing information. What you shouldn’t do, is try and pick and choose one bit from one protocol and another bit from a different protocol. This is very dangerous as for example, if you use IV vitamin C from one protocol and then Budwig from another they work against one another. Maybe you choose Iodine from this protocol but you miss selenium, then you could be damaging your thyroid. Choose a complete protocol and run with it with your whole heart.

Cancer Protocol

The underlying foundation of natural protocols is that all disease is caused                          by one or more of the following three factors.

1. Toxicity including chemicals, medications, pathogens etc
2. Deficiency including nutrition, sleep, love, sunlight, exercise
3. Chronic Stress – Negative emotions

Any of the above contribute to an acid state which in turn means a low oxygen state    which Otto Warburg proved was the cause of cancer.  It’s critical therefore that your        low oxygen/acid state be addressed. It’s worth noting that all toxins including chemo      and radiation are highly acidic and along with surgery suppress the immune system,       the very thing you need to fight cancer.


While it is true that an acidic body (acidosis) can lead to a variety of health conditions    like osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, muscle loss, high blood pressure, kidney stones, cravings for sugar and carbs and more, in regard to Candida we are talking about the      pH level in the “gut.”

Yes, your “blood” pH should be slightly alkaline for optimal health. However, the pH of your “gut” should remain acidic to function properly. It is acid that keeps pathogens like Candida yeast from growing out of control. Thus, the word “acidophilus.” It is the acid  in the dophilus that is important for helping to eliminate yeast overgrowth. Acidophilus    is acid forming; e.g. lactic acid and acetic acid. Acid in your stomach and your intestines   is your first line of defense against pathogenic intruders.

When you take antibiotics, it kills off your acid forming bacteria and makes the environment too alkaline, which is why antibiotics promote Candida overgrowth.

So not only do antibiotics directly eliminate the good guys that help keep Candida          from taking over, they also change the pH in your digestive system to one that is            more hospitable for yeast and other pathogens.

Different parts of the body have a need for different pH levels. In a healthy body,           body tissue and blood pH runs about 7.3 or 7.4, which is slightly alkaline; while an      empty stomach is somewhere between 1 and 3, which is highly acidic; and the small intestine ranges between 6 and 6.5, which is slightly alkaline; while the colon runs   between 5.5 to 7,  which is slightly acidic;  and the vagina is typically between 3.8         and      4.5, which is moderately acidic.

However, there is variation even within these parameters; for example, the pH may be different in different areas of the small intestine like the duodenum and the caecum.

We are living in a world that is bombarding us with toxins, from food, water, pollution, prescribed medication, household cleaners, personal hygiene products, Mercury fillings, root canals, radiation etc.  At the very same time our diets are mostly highly deficient of essential nutrition which it needs to function optimally and to deal with  toxic overload. Add to this the stress of modern living which uses higher levels of our already depleted mineral reserves and we have a perfect environment for disease.

Many people ask me what about such and such cancer, if you understand the above correctly you will realise it doesn’t matter what particular cancer you have as you are       not treating the cancer you are treating the cause and the causes are the same.

Watch the following video by Jason Vale to get a clearer picture on this concept.

TEDxDubai 2010 Jason Vale One disease,one solution

Diet is therefore foundational to everything else that you do,

I’m not going to recommend a particular diet as I don’t believe there is any one diet that is perfect for everyone but there are certain factors that all good diets agree with. No refined foods that includes foods made with refined ingredients such as flour. So no bread, pasta, white rice, sugar. No tinned foods, most foods in packets, no fast food. Non — pasteurised milk, no GMO. Meats should only be from animals that are fed their natural diet i.e. grass for cows and are organic free range. What they do to the animals and to the meat is very carcinogenic from factory farmed animals aside from being unethical. Stick with foods as near natural as possible, without all the chemicals and additives we have become so used to. Adding lots of green veggie/fruit juices to your day is a great way of getting a lot of good easily assimilated nutrition.

Now when you are sick you need a lot of extra nutrition and to get that you will need to supplement. I have 2 supplements as the back bone of my protocol one is home made and the other you can’t get from regular food. The home made one is a form of pro biotic but much more powerful than anything you can buy. It will help get your digestion working properly and provide some key nutrients. It’s made from raw milk so some people who have been sold the idea all milk is bad might need to do some research, and ignore all the research on milk from animals fed unnatural diets often GMO, given huge amounts of drugs and hormones, then having the milk heated destroying most of any remaining good. Also although nearly everyone that is allergic to milk is fine with this, if you are super sensitive there is a non milk version. It’s not as good but it’s still better than anything you can buy. The product is called kefir, it’s a fermented food and adding fermented foods to your diet in general is a very good idea, and Kefir is the king.

To learn how to make watch
To learn what Kefir does for you watch
Or read
One good supplier of kefir grains in the US is

The second of the two foundational products is Transfer Factor I believe it should be      part of every protocol and used by anyone wanting to prevent disease, because it is the most powerful immune stimulant in the world. Since you can’t get cancer with a strong immune and can’t ever truly heal from cancer without a strong immune doing everything you can to build immune is the most important thing you can do.

TF It is not a drug not nutrition or a plant and it has over 3,000 studies behind it and is used by Medical Doctors and in Russia even in the hospitals despite being totally natural. Of all the products I recommend this one I consider so important that I chose to work with the manufacturer and be a distributor.

“I believe transfer factor is, without a doubt, the greatest discovery of the century in supporting and modulating the immune system. I believe a strengthened immune system will be the primary way to stay well in the future. This nutrient can affect the immune system like nothing else can. I sincerely believe everyone needs to consume this product.” Rob Robertson, MD

“Transfer factor is the most exciting product for the immune system that I’ve seen in       my eighteen years of practicing medicine. It has literally revolutionized my practice, particularly in terms of chronic diseases.”
Kenneth Singleton, MD, MPH

Short video about TF here video           for further info go to my page

Or this very informative site

One of the best documentaries ever done on the role of immune for cancer is part                of a series by Ty Bollinger and can be seen here

Two other immune boosters worth adding to TF and Kefir if you have the money are     Beta Glucan by Transfer point or

So I’m often asked will this protocol work with chemo, radiation, surgery etc the answer is yes but I wouldn’t advise doing any of those things. If toxins are part of the cause of cancer how do you think adding carcinogenic toxins is going to help? Truth is all that these toxins will do is poison you and yes it’s true the cancer will also be poisoned and usually it’s pretty good at shrinking tumours but after it’s all finished your in worse health than you were before and the cancer more often than not comes back even stronger. However since that information is so different to the information the Doctors have told you it makes sense to do some investigation, to look at the facts they are not telling you.

I’m going to give you one fact here then a whole lot of resources you can check out. It’s important before allowing yourself to be poisoned to know just how successful that poison is at killing the disease you have, actually there are tests that can be done to determine how helpful a particular chemo is for your particular cancer, but they won’t tell you that and will rarely do those tests. If pushed they might give you statistics, especially if they think they look good. So lets say they say this treatment gives you a 70% chance. You might be a bit nervous but doesn’t sound too bad.

However it’s a carefully crafted lie. Let me explain. Chemo and radiation has all kinds       of side effects most people don’t actually die from the cancer. . . but from the treatment. However if you die of any of the side effects for example a heart attack due to the chemo attacking the heart,  or pneumonia, or an infection brought on by the chemo induced low immunity, thus all these people instead of being added to the stats as people who died are removed from the stats because they didn’t die from cancer. This is just one of many ways we are lied to by manipulating statistics so we accept their treatment. I hope you will look at the following information to give you a more balanced approach.

You may be able to borrow this great DVD Healing Cancer from the inside out from your library

Then watch this Chris Wark 3 reasons I refused Chemotherapy

97%+ of the time chemotherapy does not work study over 12 years proves.

American Cancer Society admitted that untreated cancers often go away

Radiation therapy can makes cancers 30x more malignant

natural news radiation therapy cancer treatment side effects

Healthy people that handle chemo get cancer

chrisbeatcancer how-the-american-cancer-society-spins-data-to-make-the-cancer-industry-look-good/

How about surgery such as double mastectomies,-20-year-study-proves

Mari Protocol

The following protocol is designed to build the immune system and create an environment that is not cancer friendly. It is to be used along side one of the anti cancer health building diets. That’s why it can be used on virtually any cancer.,Though certain cancers might benefit from the addition of extra things that have been shown to be effective on that particular cancer. Such as Lung cancer benefits with nebulising certain things.

This protocol is effective with cancer because it empowers your body to fight cancer       and for that reason would work on many other diseases as well and as a preventive.

Some people that still have a conventional mindset even though they are looking at natural options are looking for a protocol designed specifically for their triple negative double back flip xx gene cancer and miss the point. The point is to make your body strong and then it will take care of any health challenges even if you don’t know about them.

OK so lets begin, I want to address something very important that’s overlooked by many. Most people with cancer have had a period of chronic stress or and strong negative emotions such as anger, guilt etc that preceded that cancer. If this is the case as it was for my wife and if the stress is still current then it’s critical it be dealt with. Stress on it’s own can cause cancer or other diseases and to ignore this fact is a serious mistake. To further make the point I’m going to explain what I did to deal with stress.

My wife is Brazilian and I’m English we lived in the UK and my wife’s mother in Brazil    got very sick. My wife got somewhat stressed about this and flew to Brazil to be with her. Obviously this was only practical for a while and she had to come back to the UK.

Her mother then died of cancer. We had not even been told she had cancer. The guilt      my wife (Mari) felt was strong esp. since her mother had been begging to see her. Then   her daughter had a baby and her father got sick and the stress of being away from her family increased. She got depressed and we argued etc.. Her heath went down, She had Hypothyroidism which we managed to fix primarily with Lugols Iodine though we added selenium later. We also resolved palpitations and a few other things with supplementation.

She was desperate to see her family so went back to Brazil for 3 months. I couldn’t go because I needed to work. During her time in Brazil she was diagnosed with Uterine cancer following a biopsy. To cut a long story short and after a lot of stress and heartache.

I decided that the only thing I could do to help deal with her chronic stress was close my very successful business and move to Brazil (where I didn’t speak the language ) so she could be near her family and me. Basically I had to lose everything, my business and all  my stuff (a lot ) and start all over again in a new country with no obvious skills that were transferable to this country. I tell you all this just to help you understand the importance of dealing with chronic stress. Basically you need to do whatever it takes. Having said all that there is a way of having stress and it not affecting your health.

For full information on this which is particularly helpful if you are in a situation where  you can not avoid stress then watch the following.
TED Kelly Mcgonigal how to make stress your friend

Certain things help us deal with stress much better, good nutrition for starters, spending time in nature, exercise and music all have a role to play. Nature sounds for 2 hours a day have been proven to have reduce stress hormones by up to 800% it’s also a very relaxing way to go to sleep here is an 8 hour video of nature sounds   So when your working on your computer, now you can have a stress fighting back track

Another very helpful tip is to change your attitude and if that sounds difficult here is a simple exercise proven to re-train your mind and teach it to look for the positive in every situation. Take a small notebook or a smart phone with the ability to take notes and that you always have with you. Then have the aim as you go through the day of making at least 5 entries as they occur of positive things or blessings in that day. Don’t wait till the end of the day and think back, the idea is to train yourself to be always looking, so needs to be done at the time or as near as possible. Sounds simple but it’s very effective.

Even taking a walk in the fresh air helps us deal with stress as well as more vigorous exercise. So make sure you start incorporating some of these stress busting ideas and  come up with a few of your own.

Next to address is toxicity. Everyone is aware that many chemicals are carcinogenic,      they probably are not aware just how much exposure they have. In a modern world it’s impossible to avoid all poisons but that doesn’t mean we should do nothing to limit our exposure. Certain toxins are more directly linked to cancer and the very first one that should be addressed are those in your mouth.

That means removing root canals and mercury fillings.If you’re unaware of the dangers    of these please look at the following information
and listen to this fascinating interview itsrainmakingtime /dr-hal-huggins-getting-root-dental-decay
Breast cancer in particular is strongly linked to root canals. Another concern is the radiation from smart meters and cell phones.

If you follow the advice in the dietary part by eating only organic unprocessed,       unrefined natural foods you will be avoiding a host of pesticides, herbicides etc.

Your water needs to be chemical free that means no bottled water and using either             a distiller or RO system along with a filter on your shower.

Finally,  some of the heaviest toxicity comes from the chemicals we use at home, from      our household cleaners and soaps, to air freshener, toothpaste and cosmetics. All should be changed to natural ones and be careful not to choose the many fake natural ones that switch one chemical for another.

There is one source of toxicity that goes unnoticed and yet is among the most deadly and is produced inside of us by a poorly functioning digestive system. As such a colon cleanse is vital for all with health concerns. Good diet is going to help with this but I recommend a herbal tea known as Royal or Holy tea. or Swansons carry the Royal tea version. Fermented foods are important as they have a major role to play in healing gut issues and since 70-80% of the immune system is in the gut the importance can not be over emphasised. Its about natural simple foods packed with nutrition and plenty of good water which is one of the primary means of detoxification and it’s also very important to be fully hydrated ( your urine should be clear ) and most people are at least mildly dehydrated.
The water you drink should not contain fluoride and chlorine etc. or be bottled water with a very few exceptions, this usually means some kind of filter or a distiller if using distilled water or RO it’s important to add minerals back into the water. Finally include as many anti cancer foods as possible. I don’t want to prescribe too much on diet as there are multiple routes to go and many sites that do a good job helping with that. I will say that green juices are a great thing to include in any diet. Gerson therapy is based around this. I like to recommend that people do a week whole organic fruit ( not juice ) fast. Even if your diabetic this will do you the world of good, resting your digestion since fruit is the easiest of all foods to digest, packed with nutrition, If fruit is difficult for you then a Veggie Juice week is going to achieve a lot of the same goals. It will help balance blood sugars and begin a detox process.
When you are sick you will benefit greatly from higher levels of nutrition than even a good diet can give you. Many believe this to be the case even if you are healthy. There are certain nutrients that are more important than others when it comes to cancer. These are the ones my wife has used and were chosen after thousands of hours of research as some of the most potent anti cancer nutrition.
Before I make some recommendations of different supplements, I know many people will take a look and then go to their local health shop and get a “similar” version. Even worse they will go to Amazon or ebay to try to get the best price. It’s your choice and your life, I’ve spent a lot of time researching this and don’t recommend particular brands for fun, but because they are some of the best. There are many very poor supplements and so often I talk with someone not getting the results only to discover they are using very poor quality supps or they bought from Amazon in which case even a good brand may be rubbish as Amazon is full of fakes, it’s very big business. More obvious when it’s cheap Ray Bans or a designer handbag but with nutrition people fall for it all the time. See the following articles on the subject.
Natural News finds fake nutrition on Amazon agent and forensic investigator for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration finds fakes on Amazon and ebay health reporter finds Major Retailers Under Fire for Fake Supplements Times article on fake supplements your very life may be at stake do not take chances to try to save a few dollars or be a bit more convenient.Ok so here are the key supplements that have proven to be some of the most important. This could be a very long list but I’ve chosen to keep it to the most foundational to keep it as economical as possible.I’ve already discussed Transfer Factor and Kefir. To add to these would be.Magnesium
Lugols Iodine
Organic Sulphur
Vit C
Pancreatic enzymes
Super food
Zeolite ( powder )
Baking SodaWith certain things like TF and Pancreatic enzymes the higher dose the better,              other things like selenium, iodine and baking soda too much is not good.Ok it’s not within the scope of this post to give all the reasons why these supplements       are so important so if in doubt please ask.First up lets deal with baking soda otherwise known as Sodium Bicarbonate, NOT the same as baking powder. This is not nutrition but rather is something that has a strong alkalising ability and great to use short term to rapidly alkalise. Because of it’s power to alkalise some people with very low stomach acid may be better off not using this and no one should use long term or in the time shortly before or after food when you need your stomach acid to digest.
The idea is to get your urine pH to 8 and hold for a week. This will not affect blood pH    but has been shown to be very effective for many people. You will need to buy pH strips     to monitor your urine pH. Amazon is fine for this kind of purchase and here is a good example
Start with 2 half tea spoons a day and work up if required, take 3 readings a day but not your first morning urine which will be the most acidic. Take the 3 readings and work out the average, your want to get it to a point where the average is 8 and held at this level for 1 week. Then stop using it. Note SB does deplete potassium so it may be wise to eat potassium rich foods or supplement during this period. It’s important to note when testing urine pH, not to pee on the paper this washes off the chemicals and can give an inaccurate reading. Rather dip the paper to urine for example collected in a container. Some people like to add the SB to a sugar or lemon but I’ve not seen any evidence that this helps and I remain unconvinced by the theories. It would only work if the SB was bonded to the sugar strongly enough to pass through the digestive system and remain intact into the blood. I’m highly doubting this in which case your just feeding the cancer with no payload.Selenium:Not to take selenium is simply because you don’t know enough about it’s role in the fight against cancer. Read this article to give you the basics should be a minimum of 200mcg and up to 800mcg the following is my choice as it’s a quality food based selenium, with some additional cancer fighters like ginger and turmeric.iherb megafood selenium +E IodineLugols Iodine should be taken at a 25-50mg dose but you may need to build up as it can cause detox pushing out fluoride and bromides. It is very important at these doses to only use with selenium as otherwise it can actually harm the thyroid but with selenium it massively helps thyroid function. It’s also especially important for breast, ovary, prostate and as already mentioned thyroid cancer. You can use the tablet form (Iodoral) instead if you prefer but you lose the advantage of possible topical application and altering the dose easily, has fillers and you will pay more.If you actually have thyroid issues there are a number of companion nutrients that you need to take with Iodine and Selenium see this article Stop the Thyroid Madness Companion nutrients 5% 2 drops= 12.5 mg. 4 drops=25 mg. 8 drops=50 mg 16 drops=100 mg A very good brand is J Crows ( not from Amazon ) In Canada it is a little more tricky so here is a Lugols Iodine SulphurIf you have cancer. . . . you also have low oxygen and you better do something about that,   one of the most likely causes of low oxygen is low sulphur, critical in oxygen transportation and seriously lacking in the soil and therefore diet for most of us. Adequate sulphur is also important for immune. Not all Sulphur Supps are the same here are two good suppliers.
Or deficiency is very common in fact most people are deficient in the US            and if you have cancer then even more so.Natural News A Magnesium Deficiency Increases Cancer Risk Significantly like to suggest using two kinds of mag and one being oral and the other topical,          which allows for it to go directly into the blood stream and missing out the digestive system and possible mal-absorption.iherb trace minerals ionic mag money is very tight then do a search on magnesium bicarbonate ( magnesium water ) home made recipe. Magnesium is critical don’t even consider missing this out.Super foodWhile these key nutrients are all very important … all nutrition works in balance and            the best way to make sure you have got a good broad range of everything you need is to include a really good super food powder or supp, that has a broad range of veggies, fruit etc Here are a few good examples.


One of the reasons tumours can be resistant even once you get the immune stronger           is they hide behind a protective protein layer, this layer can be digested by pancreatic enzymes and is especially important for pancreatic cancer. Howver should be part of         all tumour based protocols. Here is the one formulated by Dr Gonzalez.


The late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez was a New York-based physician who treated cancer with pancreatic enzymes and individualized nutritional regimens. He worked with Robert A. Good at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center while in medical school. His protocol has been used to treat thousands of cancer patients.

The Truth About Cancer team was extremely saddened to learn of the death                          of Dr. Gonzalez from an apparent heart attack on July 21, 2015.

This interview with Dr. Gonzalez is part of “The Quest For The Cures Continues”          docu-series.


Preview  Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez Interview: The Quest For The Cures

Or another

Vit C

Much research has shown the power of Vit C and it would be remiss not to include.           Vit C such as lipolife liposomal, do not use absorbic acid which is a synthetic version and only a part of Vit C lacking the very important bioflavanoids. You can also make additional Vit C from the peel of organic citrus fruits.  Camu Camu  is another good source  of  Vit C. ( please note vit C should not be used if doing the standard BudWig protocol )  If you can get Vit C IV that is a very good option and would then be the synthetic Vit C.

Read this article for the most effective oral Vit C said to be as effective as IV


Do You Need to Detox?

by Micheal Londo

Ionic Detox Footbaths are a recent breakthrough technology in detox therapy. It involves filling a footbath tub with clean water and adding sea salt, which is high in mineral content. An array connected to an ionic detox cleanse unit circulates charged ions through the body, acting like magnets to attract the oppositely charged ions of toxins, heavy metals, and cellular waste. This process is painless and takes approximately 30 minutes. 


Pull The Poison Out With Clay

My first pick for toxicity is a Three-Blend Internal Nutritive Clay Detox. We have      a very specific kind of clay mixture that also provides micro-nutrients! Clay has been   a natural “miracle” healer in just about every culture around the world. People can use it for food poisoning so it’s nice to keep it on hand!  You  can  create  compresses  to  pull poisons out from animal and insect bites. It’s the finest clay for drinking and it doesn’t taste like DIRT! It’s an easy item to take with juice and smoothies.


Since toxins are often a major part of the picture helping the body remove them is          very important. Zeolite is possibly the safest way to do this as it doesn’t cause toxins           to be released from stores which unless your body is able to remove fast enough can be dangerous. What it does is remove toxins that are in transit moving around in the blood and it does it very well. The powder form is the best and most economical.

For very good information

to buy

Both Chlorophyll and Cilantro can be used very effectively with zeolite but best to start with just zeolite, cilantro will move toxins out of places of storage into the blood stream.

To further help with detox exercise is key and rebounding has been shown to be the        best exercise to get lymph moving.

There is also an excellent 20 second exercise designed to open up the lymph system around breasts, after the wearing of a bra which traps lymph.

Infrared saunas, or mats ( Biomat ) also not only help with detox but directly attack  cancer and can be very relaxing and give pain relief.

MMS is something that should definitely be considered especially where there are viral implications. Straight Talk on MMS – Andreas Kalcker

Something over looked by many is the way we are affected by all the electricity we are surrounded by, we are electrical beings and there is a very easy and cheap method of helping to be much better balanced  and to get the same feeling we might get walking barefoot on the beach at the edge of the water or maybe on damp grass, in both cases it allows us to be earthed. This is a great documentary on the subject called “Grounded”.

You will see from the above that we believe in hitting cancer with as much as possible, while some people have used for example just grape juice and had success, when your dealing with something as potentially powerful as cancer I prefer to take as few chances    as possible while being aware that cost and time are limiting factors for most.

Hope this may help some people, I’m not a Doctor I’m a researcher so legally can’t give medical advice, all I can do is share what I know has worked for us and others and leave the choice to you.

A few additional thoughts.

Since allopathic medicine has only two ways to address cancer which are to cut it out      (the visible part)  or  Poison it along with you.  There is always a lot of pressure to start    such treatment quickly, giving little time to make decisions. Since one of the key causes     of cancer are toxins it should be obvious that adding more toxins are not going to help.

Often people wonder what if any risks are associated with their biopsy, if this is you then this video might prove helpful

Here is Chris Wark on the question of surgery and biopsy

Your first meeting with your oncologist is a very scary one watch this video by Jerry Brunetti and learn a critical question you need to ask your oncologist along with what causes cancer and what you can do about it.

Sometimes your family or friends are hard to get onside, tell them you will discuss it           with them after they watch this video. The Cancer Report. It will also be good for you

If you need a non invasive test purported to be very accurate and able to detect cancer    way earlier than other methods and has no risk of damaging your body check out.

Or this test is to find cancer early as much as 5 years before other tests are able to spot cancer.

Sometimes we need a little inspiration here is one of the best short video’s I have seen       to do just that

And also this inspirational talk of amazing healing’s by Dr Schullze

Finally sometimes you just have to laugh (best way to fight stress) these video’s will         help you. Some people have used laughter as a major part of their healing.

Bill Maher rant on Big Pharma

Erin Foley Stand-Up

Article taken from the group “Empower your body to fight cancer naturally!”

Those who know the least obey the best: George Farquhar

Preview YouTube video CANCER is Curable NOW (Original Documentary)

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