Retracing The Steps Taken

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Within this blog post:  I am retracing my steps since I began researching cancer in 2006.  In early January,  my fathers health was tumbling from his experiences with chemo in 2005. His weight was at a lost “with full blown cachexia.” Being that I had severe depression being treated with Lexapro. When a neighbor came over with a letter he received about research out of University of Texas and aloe vera and cancer. Made me wonder if this would be true what else is out there that might help a cancer patient.

  Lets begin from the start and for me that was March 2006 while attending a mass at the shrine in Carey Ohio I prayed the rosary and a week later started to meet people. First person being Mant Prowg a Chinamen from Kettering OHIO.  With Mant being  a cancer survivor from China moved here and soon realized the culture shock he was experiencing. He couldn’t believe the food people ate here on a regular basis in China we teach are grade schoolers better than that?


Some of what he spoke highly of was not so much herbs for cancer. . . .but vitamins and minerals from food source,  beta carotene from the carrot  and beta glucans in medicinal mushrooms. Herbs he mention were  burdock and red clover telling me that combination can be affective for clearing out the blood. Milk Thistle keeps cancer at bay and out of the liver of cancer patients and not to forget calcium & omega 3s for healthy cells. He thought fenugreek was great to help with sugar balance.

If I only knew back then :  There are six studies in recent years showing that cancer patients  with the highest blood glucose levels survive least. And also in Jan 2014 (Cancer Watch) with a study showing that glucose causes cancer. Johns Hopkins Medical showed restricting glucose helped colorectal cancer survival. Diet and exercise were the two complementary therapies that the 2012 American Cancer Society report, that was covered in Cancer Watch, concluding could increase the survival and even prevent a cancer returning.

Weight loss can also be overcome through a healthy diet – you can always eat quality protein,  good fats  (fish oils, Extra Virgin olive oil, coconut oil and flaxseed) and raw vegetables that contain good calorie levels; you don´t have to eat chocolate cake and  sticky buns.

Cachexia means people actually die from the drugs they take. That is the fact that really has to be solved. Loading cows´ dairy (with growth hormone) and glucose into the body, merely feeds the cancer your oncologist is trying to eradicate.  Fact is that:  That there are several research studies covered in CANCERactive showing. . . .taking a daily fish oil reduces cachexia risks.

There is almost vehemance against Hydrazine Sulphate from the orthodox medical community, yet anecdotes abound that it can do a job.

Here is one:  In 1987,  Erna Kamen,  a sixty-three-year-old lung cancer patient,  was administered hydrazine sulfate after her discharge. . . from a Sarasota, Florida, hospital. “Basically, my mother was sent home to die,” says Jeff Kamen, who is an Emmy-winning television reporter. “She´d lost a significant amount of weight by then, and she had no appetite and virtually no will to do anything.”

A doctor had told Jeff´s father, Ira Kamen, that hydrazine sulfate offered at least “a shot in the dark.”  So one Monday in August 1987,  a home nurse gave Mrs. Kamen one hydrazine sulfate pill shortly before serving lunch.  “On Tuesday morning,”  recalls Jeff,  “there was a commotion in the house.  My mother had risen from her bed  like the phoenix rising from the ashes.  She was demanding that the nurse bring her downstairs  so that she could have breakfast with me. When people you love get into this kind of facedown with death, you´re just incredibly grateful for each moment.”

(Excerpted from Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book ISBN: 0895295105)

My interest in natural medicine started in January 2006 in that single instant. In worse case scenario my father being stage 4 Leiomyosarcoma a cancer type that lingers until it becomes dragon like with its intent to kill you. My father was fully committed to saving his life with the only thing he knew that could in the end.  From January until he passed away on April 3 2006. He drank an ounce of Aloe Vera three times daily. In that time we noticed and 8 cm shrinkage of that tumor. . . . which was extrusive  and easily visible on his breast bone  with 4 – 1 inched legs growing threw the muscles in that area.


  How do I know this fact:  when the mortician of the funeral home he was to be shown at was preparing  the body for the viewing.   He asked me “if ” he could resurrect the tumor from the corpse so my father. . .could finally be freed from the tumor at last.   The agreement was “yes,”  if  I could hold the tumor and if he would slice into that tumor and tell me the color of the tissue and cells inside.   Which he at the time came back and told me the color was gray. Meaning that the tumor was in apoptosis (pink means its fully alive and involved.) Which many in the medical profession will tell yon not so they have seen tumors in all colors?


  I was computer illiterate at that time as my nephews and nieces began to show me how  to use a computer. Then from that the internet as I began researching about aloe vera and cancer. With my initial findings being Father Romano Zago out of Brazil and his cancer protocol.  With The Aloe Arborescens Protocol for cancer treatment having been around for many years.  It was nothing new and has also been proven to be effective in advanced cancer patients.  The protocol began in Brazil, then it traveled to Europe and is finally in America.

The protocol is designed to supercharge the immune system quickly. But no matter how it works on cancer, it safely gets rid of cancer cells and floods the body with super-nutrients.

Several books have been written on the protocol, each differing slightly from the other. A Catholic priest, Father Romano Zago, OFM, developed the official protocol and wrote the book on the history of the cure and details of its use. This book is called: Cancer Can Be Cured! The book has a long list of impressive case studies for different kinds of cancer.

Father Romano Zago also lists many nutrients in the plant and demonstrates that it is highly non-toxic. It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to overdose on this product.

Because this is a pure plant product (with honey and a distillate) it can be added to any other alternative cancer treatment. This protocol is rated as a “Stage IV Supplemental” treatment, which means it should be supplemented to the highly potent “Stage IV” protocols.

Fortunately for those in North America and Europe, where Aloe Arborescens is not grown or cultivated, a high-quality commercial version of the product is available for purchase over the Internet.  As it took me a few years to find this bit of information of more modern day research which I can no longer find on the internet and I am glad I filed it away:


Dr. Lawrence G. Plaskett, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry among many other academic distinctions, also states “The action of substances in Aloe vera does activate and intensify the immune response,  and this constitutes one of the fundamental scientifically established actions of Aloe upon the body.”

It is in the boosting of the immune system’s response to antigens (foreign elements in     the body,)  Aloe vera has shown the most promise in treating cancer.  Although no one       is yet proposing that Aloe vera is a cure for cancer,  it is clear from research conducted throughout the world over the past thirty years that Aloe vera and, in particular, certain specific substances in the plant – have very dramatic and impressive anti-cancer effects. Aloe vera has been demonstrated to enhance the immune system’s response to cancer, promote the growth of new and healthy cells, and reduce the overall viral load within the body thereby revitalizing the body in its fight against the cancer.

When radiation and chemotherapy are necessary, Aloe vera helps to minimize the damage done to the body by these treatments, which also destroy healthy cells – particularly immune system cells – crucial to the body’s recovery.  The  use  of  Aloe vera enables the body to heal itself from cancer and the damage done to it by conventional treatment: the immune system is boosted, tumors shrink, metastases are reduced so the cancer does not spread, and new healthy cells begin to grow.

How can Aloe vera do all this?

An important aspect in the theory as to the cause of cancer is that the onset of the disease is due to a failure of the immune system to respond properly to the development of cancer cells in the body.  This has given rise to an area of cancer research called: immunotherapy. It is generally accepted that the human body is forced to handle the incidence of cancer on a regular basis,   and the immune system responds to the growth of cancer cells routinely. Cancerous cells develop due to a variety of pathogens which the body encounters and overcomes daily.

Varying theories which attribute the onset of cancer to abnormal radiation exposure, environmental contaminants, pollution, preservatives and chemicals in the food supply, lack of proper nutrition, stress, viruses, genetics or whatever else,  which may very well    be correct.  That is to say, there might be any number of variables that cause cancerous cells to begin to form. According to this understanding of cancer, it is when the immune system is compromised and cannot fight off the growth of abnormal cells that the cancer takes hold, and a tumor begins to form.

With Further compromise  of  the immune system  to  respond to cancer cell growth determines whether the body develops cancer or successfully eliminates the abnormal cells and remains healthy.

A brief explanation of the important parts of the immune system will make the amazing benefits of Aloe vera in the treatment of cancer more clear. White blood cells are the most crucial part of the body’s immune system. Certain chemical signals released by tissues in response to an antigen (foreign particles in the body) attract white blood cells, which respond by concentrating in the affected tissue.

Neutrophils are the first cells to respond  to an infection and they “eat” the foreign particles. The swelling associated with infections is due in part to enzymes released by neutrophils in this process. Monocytes follow up by “eating” larger particles that could   not be handled by the neutrophils as well as the neutrophils that died as a result of    having eaten the foreign particles.

The moncytes release a number of chemicals which play crucial roles in the fighting of infection, including interferon and interleukin. These chemicals stimulate lymphocytes    to continue the response to the antigen.  The white blood cells break the antigen down   into fragments,  which the lymphocytes can chemically recognize and respond to.  The  most common lymphocytes are B-cells,  which kill foreign antigens, and “helper” cells, which regulate the action of T-lymphocytes by intensifying or slowing down the “killer” cell response.

Aloe vera contains a number of chemicals that enhance the activities of all of the      immune system functions  just described.  Polypeptides  serve as immune system stimulators,  helping to control a broad spectrum of immune system diseases and disorders.  Polysaccharides increase the action of white blood cells thus increasing            the production of “killer” T-cells and interferon.

They also chemically enhance the action of the “killer” T-cells.

One of these polysaccharides, acelated mannose, has been patented as acemannen          and  is approved in Europe  to stimulate the immune systems of AIDS patients. AIDS research has shown  that Aloe vera  use can double the number of both  “killer”  and    “helper” T-cells within three weeks and at the same time reduce the P-24 core antigen.  The overall indicator of viral load in the body. Interferon and interleukin production is stimulated, attacking the cancer and viruses in the body. Lectins and emodines are two anti-tumor chemicals in Aloe vera which, along with an increase in the tumor necrosis factor brought about by Aloe vera, begin to destroy malignant cancer tumors.

Aloe Vera Juice has been proven to be effective in cancer in animals. In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved Aloe vera in 1992 for the treatment of soft tissue cancer in animals as well as feline leukemia.

There is clear scientific evidence that, in vitro, Aloe vera will suppress cancer tumor growth, stimulate immune system response, raise tumor necrosis levels, and promote healthy tissue growth – and countless studies have been published on this subject. For     the past thirty years researchers have known that there is significant evidence that Aloe vera is highly effective in fighting cancer.  But the FDA,  and the major cancer research institutions have not conducted a single test of the efficacy of Aloe vera as a cancer treatment, nor have they even considered it as a complement to conventional therapy.       In his assessment of Aloe vera and the treatment of benign and malignant tumors.

Dr. Plaskett sums up the frustrations that many Aloe advocates feel: “It is amazing, however, that in view of all of the positive indications which exist for the anti-cancer effects of Aloe vera that no medical studies have been initiated in human cancer.”

There is clear evidence that Aloe vera is effective in the treatment of cancer in animals – and it is approved by the USDA for such use. There is clear clinical evidence that Aloe   vera is effective in boosting the immune system response in the treatment of AIDS in humans – and it is approved in Europe for such use.

There is a large amount of anecdotal evidence that Aloe vera use in humans is effective     in boosting the immune system response in the treatment of cancer — both in healing     the cancer directly and in enabling the immune system to withstand the onslaughts of radiation and chemotherapy.

However, providing this information to cancer patients, or supplying them with high quality Aloe vera concentrate is NOT approved by the government.  On the contrary, merely providing the information about cancer and the benefits of Aloe vera use can      lead to prosecution, as in the case of T-Up, Inc.

The only explanation is that the development of Aloe vera as a treatment, or adjunct           to conventional therapy, does not represent a profitable investment for the cancer industry.

The pharmaceutical industry cannot patent whole leaf Aloe vera concentrate and      without a patent there is no way to reap the immense profits that chemotherapy treatments bring.

Preview  Aloe Vera Acemannan Kills Cancer Cells

 With other group members at the time telling members what they did when they had cancer it was a mixed group of hope. However, WE did have success stories from Bea Yris and others. However, when I decided to change directions. I decided to include more research links and renewed hope of less confusion. In the new format I began to share more links about internet cancer survivors so members could blaze      a trail already taken from another.
One always being around in our group would Be Carl O Helvie a 45 year ling cancer survivor who is one always helpful in assisting a member of the group with information about cancer. It was through his Holistic Health Show where I suggested he interview a few people I was interested in and Carl returned a few favors with interviews he sprung on me.

Hi Ken: You may be interested in the website of my guest this week–Dr Sandra Goodman who has developed a website of research and articles over many years that includes a lot on cancer and nutrition. She also did the study on nutrition and cancer in England, Her site is:

Image result for Dr Francisco Contreras, Please listen to Carl O. Helvie radio show link at the 16 minute mark in this thread with Dr Francisco Contreras, where he states laetrile injections is still today one of the most effective ways of treating cancer.

Tags:  apricot kernels,  cancer survivor,  coffee enemas,  colon cancer,  cryoalbasion,    dendrite cells, Dr Carl O Helvie, emotional/spiritual resources, essiac tea, exercise, high dose vitamin C, holistic approach, Holistic Cancer foundation, immune system, immune therapy, integrative physician, intuition, juicing, laetrile, meditation, metabolic signaling transduction, side effects, stress, survival rate, Vincent Crewe.

Posted in alternative health, body alignment, body-mind-spirit, Cancer, ovarian cancer, oxygen, Podcast, prayer 

Better Together: Laetrile, Enzymes, and Emulsified Vitamin A

The theory of vitamin A working better in combination with other therapies was demonstrated powerfully in 1978. That’s the year that Harold Manner, Ph.D. and chairman of the biology department of Chicago’s Loyola University, conducted an intriguing study of emulsified vitamin A.

Dr. Manner used a therapy that combined:
Emulsified vitamin A
Proteolytic Enzymes (molecules that act as catalysts for all chemical reactions within the body and are necessary to sustain life)
Laetrile (a powerful cancer-fighting agent found in over 1,200 plants,especially the seeds of common fruits such as apricots, peaches,plums, and apples)

Dr. Manner reported his results in his book titled Death of Cancer:

“The tumors gradually underwent complete regression in 75 of the experimental animals. This represented 89% of the total group. The remaining 9 animals showed partial regression.”

Manner repeated the experiment, trying various combinations of vitamins, enzymes, and Laetrile. Combinations of enzymes and or vitamin A with Laetrile were significantly more effective than just enzymes and/or vitamin A.

Vitamin A Benefits A Natural Alternative to Chemotherapywritten by Danica CollinsDid you know…that vitamin A benefits has been shown to cure leukemia—without chemotherapy? In a study conducted at the prestigious…

In this new text-reference, Carl Helvie explores the realm of community health care for advanced practice nurses who are currently working in community care and for anyone else who requires an understanding of the issues involved.

   In Carl’s  interview on his radio show “Holistic Health Show” with Klaus Pertl (partner of Lothar Hirneise, wrote Chemo Cures Cancer and the World is Flat.)

   Dr.  Lothar Hirereise is brilliant.  His understanding of cancer is superior to orthodox protocol that     simply treats the symptoms of a patient  and the patient as a guinea pig via toxic cocktails.  The mind/body connection is everything, and the only protocol that heals, meaning the patient will be alive and well 10 years from now.

Preview DR. Lothars Hireeise Interview

  In Lothar’s book he details visit’s 100 cancer centers and based their cancer center   on those experiences as well as 4 years with Dr Johanna Budwig. He says most people do not understand how to use the Budwig Diet.
Cottage cheese is what most people use for the Budwig Protocol. However,  Quark is a fresh cheese of European origin. It is a mild creamy cheese without the sour taste of yogurt.   It is a soft un-aged cheese and is not the same thing as cream cheese or cottage cheese. It is also distinct from ricotta. . . because ricotta is made from scalded whey.

In this interview with Carl, Klaus talks about some of those experiences.

Klaus Nigel Pertl (German-Canadian) was born in 1960 in Canada. One year later he moved to Germany where he was raised and where his formal education…
I have also through the years research cannabis oil thoroughly and Carl’s Interveiw  with Mara Gordon was extremely informative 🙂

Cannabis Extract Expert, Mara Gordon, Speaks on the Holistic Health Show

Mara Gordon, founder, Chief Process Engineer, specializes in the development of cannabis extract treatment protocols for seriously ill patients in California. She is the co-founder of Aunt Zelda’s, Calla Spring Wellness, and Zelda Therapeutics.

Prior to Aunt Zelda’s, Mara worked as a process engineer, helping Fortune 500 companies create intelligent software by utilizing the Rational Unified Process. This experience has enabled her to take a detailed and scientific approach to medical cannabis.

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