How Cannabis Helps the Body HEAL

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Even in states where cannabis is legal, about a quarter of people will never      use it while some people will use the drug regardless of its legal status.

There’s a lot of confusion in the industry, agrees Ronan Levy, the director and general counsel for Canadian Cannabis Clinics, which since opening a location on Turner Road in Windsor last September has seen more than 1,000 local patients seeking medical marijuana. He said people think they can buy marijuana at        the clinic. With the most perplexing question being best strains for cancer?

What the clinic does is take referrals from local doctors, set up an appointment with a clinic doctor, go through all the paperwork required to show the patient has a condition that medical marijuana can help and that he’s already tried conventional treatments.

Then the clinic doctor meets with the patient and if it’s warranted, provides a prescription that goes directly to one of the licensed providers. The package is delivered to the patient’s home.

Levy said the public don’t understand the difference between clinics like his and a dispensary, which many people believe are legally allowed to sell medical marijuana.         A few months ago police in Toronto raided a number of dispensaries, however, many reopened within days. So there’s a misperception that the medical marijuana system           is wide open, he said.

The second-largest licensed producer in Canada, Leamington-based Aphria, recently announced the start of a $10-million expansion that will more than double its greenhouse space (from 43,000 square feet to 100,000) and its sales (from more than 2,600 kilograms annually to 6,000 projected once the approvals arrive and the product it ready next year).

Jack Kungel, a Kingsville man who credits cannabis with rescuing him from terminal cancer and years of miserable poor health brought on by a major workplace injury, diabetes, overweight and being on more than 22 medications. Today, at age 64, he says he’s the healthiest he’s been in his life.

While he can’t sell or supply others, he said he helps with tips on the right strains to order from the licensed producers for their particular condition, and advice on converting the product into products like cookies, oils and even suppositories that don’t get you high.

“What it’s allowed me to do is function,” Kungel said, describing the decades-long efforts to make it illegal the biggest lie on the planet. “It’s medicine,” he said.

In Windsor, there are currently no dispensaries, but many people seeking medical marijuana are getting it from black market suppliers, according to marijuana advocate  Jon Liedtke,  who earlier this year opened Higher Limits,   a medical marijuana lounge      on Ouellette Avenue. He said “every day” he gets people coming in thinking they can buy medical marijuana there.

“There’s a lot of confusion for patients as well,” he said.

Jack Kungel Beat Cancer Naturally 2 Times and is Eager to Share How He Did It!

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– Jack Kungel, Cancer Survivor

Jack Beat Cancer (oh, and diabetes and other dis-eases) with Cannabis

Jack has beaten cancer twice and has been cancer-free for over 5 years!

In the early 90’s he had a devastating accident and was immediately put on a long list of medications – many for pain management.

Not only was he left with a debilitated body from the accident, he suffered life-altering side effects from the medications; particularly vomiting (for 20 years 15-20 times a day) which wore down his teeth, caused breakage of ribs and pain on top of pain. He realized that he was in chemical toxicity from all of the medications.

With his first diagnosis of bladder cancer which also affected the prostate, the doctor left him with the option of surgery. Jack took some time to think things over, time that was becoming increasingly more valuable.

“I took 28 days from the 3 or 4 months they said I had after being diagnosed with cancer, and began to educate myself.” – Jack Kungel, Cancer Survivor

Jack mentions that he had a serendipitous meeting in which a man introduced him to the healing powers of cannabis. He began taking in this medicinal plant in every way possible immediately: smoking, vaporizing and ingesting.

The therapeutic effects of cannabis allowed him to easily wean from his medications; from 22 medications a day to zero in a matter of a couple of months.

When he was cleared of cancer he dramatically reduced the cannabis protocol he was following. But, the cancer came back.

“Your body is the computer and the cannabis is the anti-virus. You take it and goes to where the body needs to heal… We are hardwired for this plant.” – Jack Kungel, Cancer Survivor

What it Took to Beat Cancer Again

This time Jack took a “no holds barred” approach. He not only aggressively began his cannabis regimen again, he drastically changed his diet to eliminate all meat, dairy and sugar. He now eats a mostly vegan diet consuming eggs only about once every 4-5 months and using bone broth regularly. He says he eats a lot of veggies and nuts and only whole fruits.

Jack explains from what he learned along his healing journey that cancer cells feed off of sugar and an amino acid called methionine. Methionine is predominantly in animals products, which is why Jack avoids these foods.

In the interview Jack explains the healing components of cannabis and dispels the belief that CBD (the non psychoactive component of the plant) is just one aspect of the healing component of the plant. He confirms that THC not only is the part of the plant that knowingly produces the “high” but is the most healing.

Well, it’s a fun and lively conversation… and there’s so much more!

“We want full plant medicine… You need the THC-delta-9 to heal… CBD just addressed the symptoms.” – Jack Kungel, Cancer Survivor

“I couldn’t walk before. Now I walk four or five miles a day.” – Jack Kungel, Cancer Survivor

Other topics we talked about:

  • Endocannabinoid System
  • CBD1 and CBD2 receptors
  • Decarb cannabis (baked, dried cannabis at 240 degrees) which converts THC 8 to TCH delta 9 which is curative
  • How cannabis extended the life of Jack’s dog with hip dysplasia
  • Why cannabis became illegal
  • Evolution of cannabis becoming legal in Canada
  • What we can do in the US to legalize cannabis
  • Friends with Osteoarthritis and Multiple Sclerosis sufferer can thrive due to cannabis.
  • Run From the Cure (video that Jack mentions)
  • How high estrogen cancers needs to be treated differently
  • Bone marrow (bone broth) boosts the T-cells
  • How a friend helped him figure out that his intense skin reactions was acidic reaction (burns)
  • The perspective of gaining LIFE!
  • How quantum hypnosis helped
  • How a friend with glioblastoma (an aggressive cancer that begins in the brain) has survived 2 years (when given only 2 weeks to live!)
  • How Jack deals with negativity
  • Why not to say “My (disease)”
  • The role of Methionine and Serrapeptase

Watch or Listen 

There are so many nuggets!

Joy Smith appeared on the show on Tuesday March 13, where she explained how she was diagnosed in July 2016 with ovarian cancer, stomach and bowel cancer.
In August 2017 she was given six weeks to live after it was discovered that the cancer has spread to her stomach and bowel.
But now she’s in remission and claims cannabis oil cured her terminal disease. Research Consultant Matthew Atha explains why the research into cannabis oil    has been so limited. Here she reveals why she feels cannabis oil is curing her disease. After being told she had six weeks to live, Joy claims she’s on the road to recovery thanks to cannabis oil during her treatment, calling for it to be legalized.

Corrie Yelland, a Victoria, British Columbia native, has a story that most people cannot imagine. In May 2007, she had a heart attack and afterward a double bypass surgery. As a result of the surgery, she experienced chronic pain from a maligned sternum and post-sternotomy neuralgia syndrome. Yelland constantly took pain killers to try to ease the pain, but nothing seemed to work.

Fast forward four years, Yelland was diagnosed with anal canal cancer and was coping with two spots of skin cancer on her collar bone. After two surgeries, the doctors told her that they were not able to get all the cancer and that she would have to go through radiation. She researched the procedure and discovered that there was potentially for permanent damage and she would suffer second- and third-degree burns.  There was also a good possibility that the affected areas    would fuse shut from the burns and subsequent scaring.

Hesitant about the radiation treatments, she asked for some time to think about it. Her doctor then told her that she had 2-4 months to live, at most 6, and that she should highly consider the radiation treatment.

But instead, she decided to start exploring the use of cannabis oil for cancer treatment.

At the age of 10, Deryn Blackwell was diagnosed with leukaemia and two years    later developed a rare form of cancer called Langerhans cell sarcoma.
After four unsuccessful bone marrow transplants he was given just days to live,
but Deryn battled his way back from the brink and has since made a full recovery. Deryn’s mother Callie revealed that she had been giving him medicinal cannabis and credits it with saving Deryn’s life

Mykayla Comstock

In the fight for cannabis treatment, a family forced to face the dire consequences of choosing between what doctors tell them, or what they know to be right, shares their story with the world. As adults, we have the right to choose our treatment options when it comes to healthcare. For a child, however, neither you or your parents have much choice in the matter. If parents go against doctors wishes in the treatment of their child, the can face child endangerment and neglect, loss of custody, and worse. In the fight for cannabis treatment, a family forced to face the dire consequences of choosing between what doctors tell them, or what they know to be right shares their story with the world.

In May of 2012, then 7-year-old Mykayla developed a cough, body aches, fever, night sweats, and a rash on her legs. When her family took her to the doctor, he suspected strep throat and put her on antibiotics. Her condition only worsened. Her second doctor found a “basketball” sized mass in her chest pushing against her internal organs.

Mykayla endured spinal taps and bone marrow biopsies before finally being diagnosed with aggressive T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

This disease accounts for 15-18% of all childhood leukemia cases. It originates with a change in the DNA, causing the bone marrow to produce leukemia white blood cells.

The painful path

Chemotherapy failed to treat the leukemia, so doctors decided they wanted to blast her entire body with radiation and perform a bone marrow transplant. However, the mass was so large that doctors refused to sedate her for risk of death from pressure on her esophagus and heart.

Faced with their daughter suffering one of the most painful medical procedures one can possibly endure, Mykayla’s parents refused. During her chemotherapy, they chose to treat her with cannabis oil and a healthy diet, and decided to continue this course of treatment instead.

In rapid fashion, her tumor began to shrink, and Mykayla was soon in remission. Almost four years later, she is still cancer free. She is the youngest patient in Oregon to receive cannabis for her condition.

Fighting doctors

Mykayla’s mother credits cannabis with saving her daughter’s life, but in the beginning, she had to fight to get the treatment her daughter deserved.  Mykayla’s biological father, Jesse Comstock, feared that his daughter would become addicted to marijuana and worried about the effects on her brain. Her step-father, Brandon Krenzler, was enthusiastic in how quickly her use of cannabis baked into brownies using cannabutter or in pill form brought her out of her pain and depression.

Their first doctor at Legacy Emmanuel’s Randall Children’s Hospital opposed medical cannabis, and so her mother, Erin, changed doctors. Associations like  Leaders of the American Academy of Pediatrics drafted and signed a resolution stating their opposition to medical marijuana use for children. Dr. Sharon Levy of the academy stressed that “marijuana isn’t medicine“.  Dr. Stephen Sallan of the Dana Faber Cancer Institute in Boston also believes that “pot does not cure childhood leukemia”.

The powerful truth

However Mykayla is just one of thousands of cancer patients who have seen fantastic results using whole plant extracts of cannabis, and the numbers are growing daily. When the government itself owns patents on a medicine it says is not a medicine, and pharmaceutical companies make medicine from a plant that “has no medical value“, how do we not stand up and fight for the truth?

This little girl is, and she even made a video in 2014, almost 2 years after her ordeal, to share her story with the world. If you want to know more about her, and her victory, you can follow her on Facebook or on their website:

Doctors for Cannabis Regulation  is the first and only national physicians’ association dedicated to the legalization and effective regulation of cannabis.  Until our launch —  many physicians were reluctant to publicly voice opposition to the war on cannabis,  lest they appear to condone recreational cannabis use and violate their ethical responsibility to “do no harm.” But through daily immersion in anecdotal patient experience and scientific evidence, knowledgeable American physicians now recognize:  

The cannabis plant (also known as the hemp plant) has been used in just about every culture for centuries. In fact, cannabis is included in the 50 fundamental herbs within the cornucopia of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has been cited in ancient texts as having a healing effect on over 100 ailments. In recent years in the United States, the collective mood is changing in regards to cannabis/hemp (aka “marijuana”).

Personally, I prefer to use the term “hemp” or “cannabis” since those are proper names for the plant, and the truth is that the term “marijuana” (derived from the Mexican slang “marihuana”) was popularized in the early 1930s by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (which later became the DEA) in order to make this amazing plant sound sinister and to elude the public’s existing familiarity and comfort level with the plant and the medical application of cannabis/hemp tinctures. “Marijuana” was not a commonly smoked recreational drug at the time.

Currently there are 25 states where it is legal for patients to use “marijuana” for medical purposes. Pending federal legislation may open up opportunities for federally-funded medical research, including human clinical trials. This will further prove cannabis’ track-record when it comes to healing a number of disease conditions − including cancer.

Cannabis and The Endocannabinoid System

In the mid-1990s, renowned Israeli researcher Dr. Ralph Mechaoulam, professor of Medicinal Chemistry at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, made an exciting discovery that would forever change how we look at our biological relationship to plant medicine. Dr. Mechaoulam discovered a subtle system within the body that seemed to have a balancing effect on every other system. He called it the Endocannabinoid (EC) System and it can be found in all mammals, including humans.

The EC system consists of a series of molecular receptors that are designed to receive cannabinoids. In particular this includes cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as well as other related substances such as cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabinol (CBN).

Prior research in the 1980s led Mechaoulam and others to pinpoint two main receptors for cannabinoids − cannabinoid 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid 2 (CB2). Researchers at the time also defined the natural substances called endocannabinoids, which our body produces on its own in a similar way it produces endorphins. Phytocannabinoids (namely THC, CBD, and their variants), on the other hand, come directly from the cannabis plant.

Cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 are designed by the body to be specific targets for THC, while our natural endocannabinoids help to synthesize it. The process of THC-cannabinoid receptor binding and what this does for the body is what researchers have been studying for over two decades. They are doing this in order to find out exactly how cannabis works in healing cancer.

Microbiologist Dr. Christine Sanchez of Compultense Univeristy in Madrid, Spain has been studying cannabinoids and cancer since the early 2000s. She was the first to discover the antitumor effects of cannabinoids.

“We now know that the endocannabinoid system regulates a lot of biological functions such as appetite, food intake, motor function, reproduction and many others and that is why the plant has such a wide therapeutic potential,” says Dr. Sanchez in a video interview for the web-based cable channel Cannabis Planet.

Cannabis and Cancer Tumor Growth

“We observed that when we treated [astrocytoma, a type of brain tumor] cells with cannabinoids, the THC…was killing the cells in our Petri dishes,” Dr. Sanchez says. “We…decided to analyze these components in animal models of breast and brain tumors. The results we are obtaining are telling us that cannabinoids may be useful for the treatment of Breast Cancer.”

Sanchez and other researchers have confirmed that the most potent effects against tumor growth occur when THC and CBD are combined.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, which does not have a psychoactive effect, has long been    known as a potent anti-cancer agent. This is because of its ability to interfere with cellular communication in tumors as well as in its ability to instigate apoptosis, or programmed cancer cell death. Some research studies, including in vitro and animal-based trials conducted by San Francisco-based researchers at the California Pacific Medical Center, have also shown that CBD may affect genes involved in aggressive metastasis. It does this by helping to shut down cellular growth receptors.

Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (i.e. THC), the psychoactive counterpart to CBD, has been shown to reduce tumor growth as well. It has also shown to have an effect on the     rate of metastasis, including for non-small cell lung cancer − the leading       cause of cancer deaths globally. A 2007 study on THC and highly-aggressive epidermal growth factor receptor-overexpressing (EGF-expressing) lung cancer conducted by Harvard Medical School found that certain EGF lung cancer cells express CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. They found that the presence of THC effected metastasis of these cells by reducing the “focal adhesion complex,” which plays a vital role in cancer migration.

Studies have also been conducted on the combined effect of CBD and THC on lung, prostate, colon, pancreatic, liver, bladder, cervical, blood-based, brain, and other forms of cancer. These studies lend increasing evidence to the fact that cannabinoids are not only antioxidant phytonutrients but powerful “herbal chemo” agents.

Says Dr. Sanchez: “One of the advantages of cannabinoid-based medicines would be     that they target specifically tumor cells. They don’t have any toxic effect on normal non-tumoral cells. This is an advantage with respect to standard chemotherapy that targets basically everything.”

If You Use Cannabis for Cancer, Do it Right

Because cannabinoid therapy is relatively new in the mainstream, a current challenge      for patients regarding its use is lack of regulation. This may change, however, with the possible passing of the Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States (CARERS) Act, which has the support of 37 members of Congress.

CARERS would remove “marijuana” from the Controlled Substances Act Schedule I drug category, where it has been since 1970 − on par with heroin and cocaine. This classification is ridiculous since, by definition, Schedule I drugs have “no currently accepted medical uses” and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) holds a patent (U.S. Patent 6630507) on cannabis oil for medical use!

Think about it. How can HHS hold a medical use patent for cannabis oil if there are      no medical uses for cannabis? OK, enough of the logic lesson. Let’s just say that there are some serious logic deficiencies in these laws.

If “marijuana” is rightfully removed from a Schedule I drug, this would open the door      for more targeted, federally-funded research as well as increased patient access to this amazing healing plant.

In the meantime, if you are on a cancer-healing path and are considering using cannabinoids, here are some general guidelines that experts agree      are worth considering:

  1. Do your own research. The best way to learn about the power of cannabis in healing cancer is to start digging. There are approximately 500 articles on Pubmed alone relating to cannabis and cancer. Learn about strains, qualified targeted research studies, what method of administration may be right for you, and the importance of balancing the Endocannabinoid System.
  2. Know your source. Unfortunately, because the medical cannabis industry is  also   largely unregulated, charlatans selling bogus products definitely exist. You should not have to    pay exorbitant amounts of money for any cannabis product that you buy from regulated pharmacies or online. Also, make quality a priority for you. Be sure that your product comes from an organic source and that you know that the plant has not been grown or processed using pesticides.
  3. Stick with natural cannabis products. Synthetically-produced cannabinoids    such as Marinol are commercially available. However, anecdotal evidence has found that these do not work as efficiently as natural substances do.
  4. Work with a professional healthcare provider trained in cannabinoid therapy. These professionals are out there in increasing numbers, especially in states where the medical cannabis industry is well established or growing, such as California and Colorado. Reach out to a patient advocate group online if no qualified professionals are in your area.
  5. Make cannabis therapy an important part of your overall cancer-healing toolbox. A well-rounded naturally-based cancer healing protocol involves working with the body’s own healing mechanisms through a variety of means.  For you, this may mean changes to your diet and lifestyle,  reducing stress,  getting quality sleep, moving your body, also intense detoxing protocols,  and using other supplements      and proven natural methods in addition to the powerful healing power of cannabis.

To get cancer, one has to collect a pool of negative energy, which moredn society is always ready to supply! – which works as cancer fuel. Cannabioids also have deeper acsess to human emo layers, than non-“narcotics” possessing closer to opioids depth of actin, being much safer in terms of addiction at the same time. One thus gets opportunity to reach the most hidden levels of emo/mental aspects, plus get a natural effect of activation and unblocking of these. After which it depends on a person, if one can mount this wave and make things sorted out, relative to one’s cancer origin, or being passive and obtaining just partial release.This also explains the universal action of cannabis, because it’s evident, there’s only ONE cancer disease at fundamental level and by fundamental mechanisms, and it’s location resulting in breat, colon, brain etc. tumors, depending on individual weak points and Constitution.


Preview  How to Make Cancer-Curing Cannabis Oil | The Weed Show

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