Putting a Bullseye on Lyme Disease


It is important to educate people about Lyme Disease:

because it is often misdiagnosed.


Early symptoms can include a rash, fever, headaches and fatigue.

If the disease is left untreated, it can result in joint and heart problems, chronic     pain,  and cognitive problems such as difficulties concentrating or remembering things.  Also as with any disease,  treatment is more effective  if  Lyme Disease is diagnosed early. Needless to say it’s absolutely vital that awareness is spread and people learn how to protect themselves, their families, and their pets from this potentially dangerous disease.

  For Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News.com herself a Lyme    Disease Survivor amongst other things.  She is also always providing information and       insight to her followers. http://www.tiredoflyme.com/the-cowden-protocol-for-lyme-disease.html     https://www.healthnutnews.com/lyme-treatment/

“Researchers in the Netherlands had randomly assigned 281 people with persistent    symptoms who had been diagnosed with Lyme disease to three groups. First, though,        all the people were treated with antibiotics for two weeks.  Then, a third got a placebo,         a third got one kind of antibiotic and the remaining third got different antibiotics for a period of three months. At the end of the trial, no group of patients did better than the other.” https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/lifestyle-podcasts/how-do-you-get-rid-of-lyme-disease/

“They were not helped by prolonged antibiotic treatment,” says Dr. Bart-Jan Kullberg,       a senior author on the study and an infectious disease researcher at Radboud University  in the Netherlands.” https://www.healthnutnews.com/prolonged-antibiotic-treatment-gave-no-relief-for-lasting-lyme-symptoms/

For anybody who would like Erin’s Free ebook click into this link

The natural world is a beautiful place, and not always the friendliest place around.  With one such danger is Lyme Disease,  and for those who spend time out in the wild (especially campers and hunters) it’s the danger they face every time they get an unwanted passenger  in the form of a tick. These little critters should also remind us to be vigilant, and to spread awareness to help save lives.  In 2015,  the CDC reported  also  that Virginia was one of the 14 states from which 94% of confirmed Lyme Disease cases were reported.

Where Lyme is Prevalent in the States!!!



Tragically, many people do not realize they have Lyme Disease. Untreated Lyme disease can produce a wide range of symptoms, depending on the stage of infection. These include fever, rash, facial paralysis, and arthritis. The CDC also recommends that you seek medical attention if you observe any of these symptoms and have had a tick bite, and live in an area known for Lyme Disease,  or have recently traveled to an area where Lyme Disease is common.   https://sponauglewellness.com/10-states-lyme-disease/

It is estimated that Lyme Disease costs the U.S. healthcare system between $712 million and $1.3 billion each year. However,  the misery it inflicts on our friends and loved ones is incalculable. A Lyme Disease diagnosis can be missed for years or incorrectly diagnosed as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune diseases, lupus or arthritis, or worse – patients are sometimes told that what they are suffering from is psychiatric disorder or mental health issue.  https://globallymealliance.org/lymelight-episode-5/

How These Five Strategies Help You to Overcome Lyme Disease Insomnia

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. Activists throughout the United States use it       as  an opportunity to organize walks, 5K runs, also showings of the Lyme documentary Under Our Skin, and other events to help educate the public and/or raise funds for research.

As too many of those who suffer from Lyme Disease know, Northern Virginia is one of    the most common locations for a person to contract Lyme or tick-based diseases. Nearly 200 new cases were reported in 2016 in Loudoun County with most cases confirmed in  the months of June, July, and August.

The Ixodes Tick, known as the black-legged tick or deer tick, is the most common       carrier  of  the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.  Ixodes ticks have a brown and black, hard-shelled body, but may appear greyish when engorged. The babies have six legs and are one to five millimeters in size, while adults have eight legs and can grow up to twenty millimeters when feeding.   http://livininthelymelight.blogspot.com/2013/11/

Thief In The Night

However, if your truly going to promote awareness for Lyme Disease you have to take a high profile celebrity and write a blog how the disease almost destroy her singing career !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=pYbEQ4umojE

Shania Twain Weighs in on Battle With Lyme Disease

Shania Twain feared she would never sing again after a battle with Lyme disease affected her vocal cords and caused her to withdraw from the spotlight for over a decade.  She’s so strong and overcame so much The “That Don’t Impress Me Much” singer is opening up to 60 Minutes Australia about the toll the illness took on her, both physically & emotionally.

“I never thought I would sing again,” she said. The 52-year-old singer had to fight to regain her voice from the damaging effects of dysphonia, the result of Lyme disease. She also said that her divorce from Robert “Mutt” Lange after reports of infidelity left her “broken” as she fought for her health.  ~ Omg the woman he cheated with. 🤮

“I was shattered,” she said. “How many more traumatic moments can I take?’ she said.      “I wasn’t just broken, I was shattered.”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pASDkzhSVlE   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ilO2eiDU7w

In July, Twain also opened up to PEOPLE about he r battle with Lyme: “I was very scared for a little while that I wouldn’t sing again, ever. I went through that moment, but I found a way. I found a way to do it.” Now, using her voice requires lengthy warmups and physical therapy that Twain described as “very, very difficult.” Twain was away from the music scene for 15 years, as she worked to recover from the disease.

Twain’s 2015 attempt at a final tour was plagued by health issues, as she was forced to cancel several dates due to a “respiratory infection.”

Life’s about to get good for concert goers across the country.

Twain, who recently released the single “Life’s About to Get Good” off her upcoming album “Shania Now,” notes Lyme is “a debilitating disease” that “you can’t play around with.” https://nationalpost.com/news/national/shania-twain-on-contracting-debilitating-lyme-disease-that-led-to-vocal-issues
Shania Twain is hitting the road in support of her latest album titled Now. And while the woman behind huge hits including  “You’re Still the One,”  “Don’t Be Stupid”  and  “Life’s About to Get Good” continues to battle Lyme disease, the singer is more than ready to put on another round of unforgettable shows.
“Lyme disease does affect your life for sure. It’s such a silent evil thing,” she explained to E! News’ Zuri Hall. “A lot of the symptoms you just learn to live with. I was lucky that I caught it early. I did get a lot of damage but I’m not battling with degenerative organ issues so I feel very fortunate.”
On a daily basis, Shania stays focused on staying in good health, staying fit and staying in a good frame of mind. She also has perspective in the fact that everyone is faced with challenges. How you respond, however, may be the true test.

“By the time you’re my age, you have something. Everybody’s got something in some form of their life,” she joked. “I’m proud of myself on one hand for persevering.”

While she’s keeping details of her latest tour top-secret, Shania admitted her favorite song to perform remains “Man! I Feel Like a Woman.”
Shania also described her next round of shows as “still sexy” and “something nobody has seen before.”

Shania Twain Loves the Creative Side of Touring.

As for her pre-show rituals, the Grammy winner revealed that things have slightly changed after learning about her Lyme disease diagnosis.
“It’s more work for me now vocally because of the Lyme disease effect on the nerves in my larynges so it’s like an hour and a half of like physical exercise,” she explained to us. “I take a mini trampoline with me and I’ve got to do a real pre-show.”
Find out if Shania is heading to your neighborhood in the coming weeks by visiting her website now.
And while the woman behind huge hits including “You’re Still the One,” “Don’t Be Stupid” and “Life’s About to Get Good” continues to battle Lyme disease, the singer is more than ready to put on another round of unforgettable shows.

“Lyme disease does affect your life for sure. It’s such a silent evil thing,” she explained to E! News’ Zuri Hall. “A lot of the symptoms you just learn to live with. I was lucky that         I caught it early. I did get a lot of damage but I’m not battling with degenerative organ issues so I feel very fortunate.”

On a daily basis, Shania stays focused on staying in good health, staying fit and staying     in a good frame of mind. She also has perspective in the fact that everyone is faced with challenges. How you respond, however, may be the true test.

Twain joins a long list of celebrities who have struggled with Lyme disease.
Canadian singer Avril Lavigne contracted Lyme disease from a tick bite in spring 2014, and was bedridden for five months.
“I felt like I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t talk, and I couldn’t move,” the Canadian singer told People at the time. “I thought I was dying.”
Lavigne said she felt lethargic and lightheaded for months but didn’t know why. She finally got a diagnosis of Lyme disease.
“I had no idea a bug bite could do this,” said Lavigne.
In 2015, Lavigne revealed that she was about halfway through her treatment in an interview with ABC News.

View MORE: Avril Lavigne expects to recover fully from Lyme disease. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uarB8H6Bjm8

Mold and Mycotoxins
by Neil Nathan MD

Radio Host Kaleah LaRoche’s experience:
Back in 2010 I began to have pain in my shoulders and arms that began to increase more and more. I had no idea what was going on with me. I had not used traditional medical doctors in some fifteen years and had no medical insurance. I didn’t want to go that route. I tried chiropractors, acupuncture, and was eating a raw food diet. I went off the raw food diet and did another kind of diet recommended from an alternative practitioner. I did tons of different kinds of supplements and I spent thousands of dollars in my effort to heal, whatever it was that was making me sick.
I rapidly began to lose the range of motion in both arms. I had severe pain so bad I couldn’t sleep at night; so the lack of sleep contributed to my getting sicker and sicker. I would have severe muscle spasms in my arms that would send me through the roof in pain. My arms got so bad that I could no longer pull a shirt over my head and so I had to visit a second hand store and buy several large sized button up shirts that I could put on with my arms straight down, because by this time most of the range of motion in my arms was gone. It was in December of 2010 that I had a session with an alternative doctor. He told me I had all kinds of issues going on but the one that rang true for me was Lyme Disease.
I began researching Lyme Disease and learned that people had results with TAO free Cats Claw or Samento so I headed for the supplement store to see if I could get some. I talked to the man who worked there and he said they didn’t have the TAO variety. I explained that I was trying to heal Lyme and he told me that just last week a couple came in who both had Lyme Disease and they went to see this doctor in Idaho who treated them with magnets. They both experienced getting really sick at first but were healed of Lyme and when he saw them they were both glowing.
The day before I had also received an email from a friend who had gone to see a doctor in Idaho who diagnosed her with Lyme. When I looked it up online it was the same doctor. So I picked up the phone right away and scheduled an appointment.

The diagnosis of Lyme Disease was confirmed and I went through five, painless,              non invasive treatments in a two week period and all symptoms of Lyme began to      rapidly decline. I was left with only the loss of range of motion in my arms but with    strong intention and diligent effort I recovered my arms completely and have had              no symptoms of Lyme Disease since.
Since I posted on a much earlier blog about my challenge with Lyme I received many emails from people asking for the name of the doctor who helped me.

I invited Dr. Tony Smith to be a guest on Sedona Talk Radio to talk about his work

in diagnosis and treatment of Lyme.

All-Natural LymeStop Technique for Lyme Disease!!

This was a special broadcast that aired live on February 1st, 2013 at 10am PST.  I met Dr. Tony Smith at a couple of conferences and decided to come to Idaho for a tune-up with LymeStop. 

Kaleah LaRoche

Dr. Bill Rawls’ Lyme Story – How I Recovered My Life
See What Dr. Rawls Discovered as He Battled to Overcome Lyme Disease.

Beyond Antibiotics: Effective Alternative Approaches

 Chronic Lyme Disease Treatment by Connie Strasheim!!!


Lyme disease is a complicated bacterial infection that is often seen accompanied by many other co-infections, this heightened number of infections could be making patients more susceptible to cancer. Infections have been shown to have three major modes of either causing or assisting in tumor growth, they cause inflammation, depress the immune system, and they can alter DNA causing mutations in the cell. Fortunately, Envita has developed patient specific and targeted treatment plans for Lyme disease and many of its coinfections, reducing the risk of developing cancer from infections for their patients. Though this one connection between Lyme bacteria and cancer is scary, when adding it to the list of secondary and primary Lyme coinfections that link to cancer a terrifying picture begins to form. Lyme disease can lead to all three of the actions correlated with infection leading to cancer; It causes inflammation, depresses the immune system …

Lyme Disease and Cancer Connection.

Data is very clear that specific cancers are linked to certain infections, many people are aware that infections like HPV can lead to cervical cancer, and Epstein Barr can cause Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. What you may not know is that recent data suggests 25% of all infections may potentially lead to cancer and this statistic, in our clinical experience,   could be an underestimate. Patients with chronic Lyme disease may not realize the potential cancer risk they are exposing themselves to. A surprisingly high number of Envita’s patients with late-stage cancer test positive for Lyme disease as well as its  primary or secondary coinfections. https://www.envita.com/lyme-disease/lyme-disease-and-chronic-infections-can-lead-to-cancer

How to Heal Lyme Disease: My Healing Protocol — Part 1

How to Heal Lyme Disease: How I Healed Myself — Part 2

Hyperthermia has been widely used in Europe and some other parts of the world as a viable alternative cancer treatment. Whole body hyperthermia involves incubating the entire body inside of a thermal chamber and heating it to 107-108 degrees Fahrenheit, and then cooling it over a period of six hours, during which time the heat kills of any cancer cells and microbes deep within the organs and tissues. Local and regional hyperthermia heat specific areas of the body where tumors are located.
When combined with other treatments, local, regional and whole body hyperthermia have a high rate of success in treating various cancers—even late stage cancers that have failed to respond to more conventional treatments.
Of late, a few practitioners have also discovered hyperthermia to be an extraordinary tool for treating Lyme infections, especially Bartonella, Borrelia, Mycoplasma, and viruses. One of these practitioners, Friedrich Douwes, MD, a renowned integrative cancer doctor in Bad Aibling, Germany accidentally discovered that hyperthermia could kill Lyme infections over 13 years ago, when two of his cancer patients who also had Lyme disease saw their Lyme infections go into remission after he treated them for cancer using hyperthermia!
Shortly thereafter, Dr. Douwes stumbled upon research that showed that syphilis spirochetes–which are similar to Borrelia spirochetes- were susceptible to heat and would die when the body’s temperature was elevated to 106 degrees Fahrenheit, as in hyperthermia. He then surmised that Lyme spirochetes might also be susceptible to heat, and so continued to treat Lyme patients using hyperthermia, with great success.
What’s more, Dr. Douwes discovered that the effects of hyperthermia were potentiated whenever he would administer IV antibiotics to his patients during the treatment, and that the treatments penetrated deep into the tissues, where they normally would not reach without hyperthermia. This was a revolutionary discovery for him, and has turned out to be a great benefit to his patients, many of whom who have been healed of Lyme after failing years of antibiotic tretament and/or other therapies.
In my upocming book, New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment: 10 Top Doctors Reveal Healing Strategies that Work, (which will be released later this month!), Dr. Douwes describes his protocol for Lyme, which includes hyperthermia, in conjunction with other tools that he uses for Lyme treatment such as IV ozone, peptides and nutritional therapy. He has a high success rate in treating patients for Borrelia and Bartonella using these tools, although admits that hyperthermia is not as effective for Babesia.
Still, Dr. Douwes’ website has some incredible testimonials of people who have been healed after just one or two hyperthermia treatments, along with a couple of weeks of adjunct therapies, and his reputation as a renowned cancer expert has also opened the door for him to becomes widely successful at treating Lyme and related conditions.
Hyperthermia may not be a suitable treatment for everyone; indeed, there is a risk of side effects for a small percentage of people, although Dr. Douwes believes that these effects can be greatly minimized with conscientious preparation and planning. He contends that he has never had a patient experience serious side effects though, because he and his staff take great care to ensure that all necessary preparatory precautions are taken, before, during and after the treatment.
Dr. Douwes charges approximately 15,000 euros for two weeks of treatment, which includes the adjunct tools that he uses to heal his patients. While this is a lot of money for some people, considering that many people with Lyme disease spend well over that much money on treatment, year after year, 15,000 euros may be a bargain for others. What’s more, hyperthermia may be an important treatment for those who have failed more conventional regimens involving herbal remedies and antibiotics. Indeed, I believe that it may become a more popular treatment in the days to come as more and more people learn about it.
In any case, I encourage you to check out Dr. Douwes’ chapter in New Paradigms                in Lyme Disease Treatment, where you can learn more about this new, cutting edge    Lyme treatment that is setting thousands of people free from this insidious disease. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bId9ycVuds

How does ozone therapy work for Lyme Disease?
Ozone therapy is believed to deactivate microbes such as bacteria, yeast, fungi and protozoa whilst also fueling oxygen metabolism and boosting the immune system.            So you can see why ozone therapy is believed to be helpful for people with Lyme        Disease as outlined below:  Potential to deactivate the Bb bacteria and coinfections
Assist with treatment of opportunistic infections such as candiasis (yeast)
Oxygenise the environment – as it is believed that Bb does not thrive or even survive              in a high oxygen environment
Boost an already depleted immune system – by stimulating white blood cell          production and release of cytokines that assist the body to fight the infection.
Facilitate the elimination of free radicals and neurotoxins caused by the die off                    of the bacteria itself!
Aid and support a number of vital functions in the human body. Dr. Elena Frid, MD.

Welcome to Mark Hathaway’s Biosynergy Health group, where you will learn that we are all biologically unique and it is the understanding of this biological uniqueness that is the secret to reversing disease and optimising health and wellbeing.
Many of the people on this site will already be progressing through Mark’s metabolic and body chemistry profiling and rebalancing program and will be using the group to share information, learn from others and generally learn how to take back control of your own health and wellbeing – the natural way!.
Please note, this forum is for information and free speech purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. A qualified medical professional should always be consulted in the matter of any illness. For more information on Mark’s works, please have a look … 

Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy

Pain Relief – documented that pain is decreased up to 59%
Increases Range of Motion – extremely important to prevent progressive, degenerative joint and disc disease
Strengthens Immune System – by increasing lymphocyte activity
Speeds Up Healing and Recovery – by 30 to 50%
Regenerates Damages Nerve Tissue
Releases Myofascial Restriction
Restores Muscle Strength
Increases ATP Production
Decreases Edema & Inflammation


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