Healing Our Planet

When I met Rosanne Lindsay, B.C.N.D. on Facebook, a writer, mother, health freedom activist and author of the book, “The Nature of Healing: Heal the Body and Naturopathic Doctor, certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board. She is also a graduate of Trinity School of Natural Health in Naturopathic Medicine,  holds an M.A. in Environmental Health Science,  and is an advocate. . . for natural health and healing, self-empowerment,  and the freedom to choose one’s own foods.  She came to healing through her own journey of reversing profound hypothyroidism naturally using the tools of Nature from which she discovered her gifts as a healer. and so can you. If you have thyroid disease or any disease, you have come out of alignment and given up your power.

In today’s ‘age of technology,’ the costs of disease and disease rates have been escalating in all age groups with no end in sight. Is it possible we have been focusing on treatments and searching for cures without understanding the cause of disease or real nature of healing?

Like art, healing is a work in progress as unique as the healer. As art imitates life, healing imitates nature. Just as the planet is not set up to fail, neither are we.  True health reflects a connection to our environment to find balance. As such, health is our birthright and our natural state. The Nature of Healing is really a journey without a destination. Your health today reflects every choice you make along the way, from the foods you choose to put into your body, to the beliefs you choose to keep in your mind.

Your answers are not found outside yourself. They come to you in the form of signs from your body, mind and spirit. Since our choices ultimately leads us toward health or disease, your health becomes your responsibility. The true nature of healing recognizes our nature is Nature.  And if given the right tools, the body has the innate capacity to heal itself.

Today, the silent epidemic of thyroid disease is not only a universal phenomenon but    also a reflection of how people have lost their collective voice. Silence and powerlessness go hand in hand.  When we suppress our ability to speak our truth,  we manifest it in the physical. Women are ten times more likely than men to be diagnosed with thyroid disease, of which 80 percent is autoimmune.

Yet, most of us have no idea about the thyroid, its needs, or how we got here.

What is happening?

Autoimmunity exists when the body decides healthy cells are foreign invaders and   mounts an attack against itself. In this unfortunate case of “friendly fire,” our bodies become reluctant victims of our environment and our choices–from the foods we eat         to the thoughts we think. The attack of Self defines the Age of Victimhood. We are the cause of our disease. Victimhood is not only a state of dependency but also a wake-up    call.

This book: Free Your Voice Heal Your Thyroid connects the dots between science and   intuition to answer the question of how we find full healing. There is no reason to accept the status quo of “living with thyroid disease” when you can heal yourself to by coming into balance.

Because balance is found in Nature, a return to Nature for real food is as important as a return to the heart for speaking truth.  The power to heal  is a choice  to be responsible to yourself. In autoimmune disease,  the moment you stop attacking yourself is the moment antibodies cease to exist. When you focus attention to healing versus disease you begin to replenish your reserves. If you don’t invest in yourself, who will?

If you don’t love & respect yourself, why should anyone else? As soon as you decide to love yourself, you claim your inheritance as a healer. If I was able to reverse thyroid disease naturally, so can you.

The Outer Limits of Inner Truth discovered a great article by Ms. Lindsay called “The Age Of Victimhood: A Paradigm On Its Way Out.”  They  had  the  pleasure  of  discussing  the article with her. Here is a quick excerpt below:

“For us to live in balance, we must embody balance. We must merge our dual aspects, shadow and light, have and have-not, feminine and masculine and connect as individuals, first. As creators, we fuel ourselves from power within, connected to a universal power source. We are individual expressions of a greater Source, all connected.

Therefore, if we can write reality, we can also right reality. We only need to change          the game. In a dual reality, we can choose different labels to become the Masters. That      is how the holographic program functions.”

“Everyone is a victim at some point in their life, and there is no doubt that terrible      things may have happened to you that were unfair. But seeing yourself as a victim is    being focused on the past. Instead, look forward to who you can be today, master of       your own destiny.” – Alex Blackwell, author.

Breast Cancer

This is the classic disease that is known to be caused by estrogen stimulation. In general, estradiol causes cells to proliferate and progesterone causes cells to differentiate and grow up. Estradiol causes the femaleness in women. It causes the breasts to grow and the hips to round out. However, too much estradiol can cause an increased incidence of breast cancer. Women who have menarche early and have menopause later are at a greater risk of breast cancer. Numerous studies show that some chemicals pretend to be estrogen and can stimulate breast cancer cells in the test tube to grow.

Download the paper from Breast Cancer Fund here that talks about Environmental Estrogens that cause Breast Cancer. Recently, there have been law suits that have been filed against a major pharmaceutical manufacturer asserting that birth control pills are causing an increased incidence of breast cancer. Millions of dollars have been awarded     to the plaintiffs. Web search law suit and hormone replacement.

In the 1995 Nurses� Health Study, a study was done on the increased risk of breast  cancer in women  taking various synthetic hormones.  It was found that women taking synthetic estrogen alone had a 36% increased risk;  those that are on synthetic estrogen plus progestin had a 50% increase; those on progestins alone had a 240% increased risk   of acquiring breast cancer!

Women who, at the time of the study, had been taking estrogen and progestin for 5-10 years had a 45% increased risk. This study is 1 of the largest done to date. Breast cancer    is more common in areas where iodine consumption is lowest. The highest incidence of breast cancer in the U.S. is in the “Goiter Belt,” an area inland in the region of the Great Lakes.

The land in the region has iodine-poor soil and there is no native, iodine-rich seafood to consume. In contrast, Japanese women consume 25 times more iodine than American women and their risk of breast cancer is reduced.

Think how often this statistic is attributed to soy consumption or lack of red meat.   Perhaps it has nothing to do with soy or fat, but rather with iodine?

How much iodine is the “right” amount to keep breasts and thyroid glands healthy?       This is a hotly debated topic.  It appears that up to 1 milligram a day is considered safe, even though this is more than 6 times the recommended daily allowance.  Doctors who  are proponents of iodine therapy advocate up to 50 milligrams per day.  This is more      than 333 times the recommended daily allowance!

The theory behind this level of supplementation is to replenish the gland and leave extra  to be taken up by other cells in the body.  Advocates of this regimen suggest that women   be tested to see if they need higher dose iodine. . . by challenging them with a 50 mg dose  and then collecting their urine for 24 hours. If their body has sufficient iodine, 90 percent of the dose should be excreted.  Iodine appears to be the great energizer for healthy cells.

If they are holding on to more than 10 percent, they are labeled as iodine-deficient and advised to go on a high-dose supplementation protocol for months followed by lifelong lower-dose daily dose.

The Goiter Belt

In the early 1900s, much of the northern continental United States. . . .was known as            the “Goiter Belt.”  Many people living in this so-called Goiter Belt, which encompassed       a region from the Rockies to the Great Lakes Basin to western New York, also developed goiters (swollen thyroid glands) because the soil lacked iodine.

Before the 1920s, iodine deficiency was common in the Great Lakes, Appalachian, and Northwestern U.S. regions and in most of Canada. Treatment of iodine deficiency by the introduction of iodized salt  has virtually eliminated iodine deficiency  and the so-called “goiter belt” in these areas. However, many other parts of the world do not have enough iodine available through their diet  and  iodine deficiency  continues to be an important public health problem globally.  Approximately 40% of the world’s population  remains      at risk for iodine deficiency and iodized salt is energy!!!

The human body does not make iodine, which is needed for the production of thyroid hormone. If adequate iodine is not present, the thyroid gland goes into overdrive and becomes swollen, often leading to hypothyroidism.

Today, most people in the United States and other industrialized nations consume iodized table salt, which has dramatically lowered rates of iodine deficiency in these countries. However, about 40% of the world’s population remains at risk for iodine

Learn more about thyroid health.

Iodine is an element that is needed for the production of thyroid hormone. The body    does not make iodine, so it is an essential part of your diet. Iodine is found in various  foods (see Table 1).  If you do not have enough iodine in your body, you cannot make enough thyroid  hormone.

Thus, iodine deficiency can lead to the enlargement of the thyroid (goiter – see Goiter brochure), hypothyroidism (see Hypothyroidism brochure) and to intellectual disabilities in infants and children whose mothers were iodine deficient during pregnancy.

Rosanne Lindsay is a board certified Naturopathic doctor, and writer.  She is author of        2 books, including her latest book also based on her own story of thyroid disease reversal: Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.  She is president of the National Health Freedom Coalition, and also contributor to Wisconsin for Vaccine Choice. Find her on Facebook at Rosanne Lindsay and Natureofhealing. Consult with her (Skype or Zoom available) check out her blog at http://www.natureofhealing.org/blog/



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