Hope Through Cancer

 Since Hope Aguilar was a child she knew that whatever she did in life it would be in trying to make a difference. The native Texan is a veteran of the U.S. Navy,  Texas Army National Guard,  and U.S. Army.  She completed  her BA in Psychology at UT Dallas, and currently teaches English as a Second Language   in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

She became a lover of writing while she was in college.

Although she never imagined her first book would be one about her journey through cancer, she hopes her story will inspire others and promote ovarian cancer awareness. Hope Aguilar’s heart’s desire is to travel and write of her adventures.  Hope is a proud parent of two adorable cats,  she loves her family and friends,  and also carries God in      her  heart at all times. Her future plans  include  returning  to Texas  to further pursue    her passion for writing and to continue advocating for ovarian cancer.

Hope Aguilar knows what it means to hope against the odds. Her fight with cancer taught her that her Christian faith was sometimes the only thing keeping her hope alive. The book that documents her journey in dealing with ovarian cancer,  ‘HOPE through cancer’, is not only meant to bring awareness to this disease but also to help others who are struggling with their own cancer situation.

The book recounts Hope Aguilar’s battle with ovarian cancer and her realizations as she struggled with this disease. The book points out that it is very important for people not to be so afraid of cancer  and  that  they should listen to their own bodies.  She also recounts how her family and friends were there for her during her illness and how important it is for cancer patients to have a strong support system.

Most importantly, however, Aguilar wants people to understand the role that faith      plays  in fighting serious illnesses like cancer. “I called the book ‘HOPE through cancer’ with ‘hope’ in all capital letters for a reason,” says Aguilar. “It was because I want people  to understand that this book is not about me, Hope.

But about having HOPE for the future through faith, even when the future seems dark.     It was my faith as a Christian in the cross of Jesus that kept me strong.” Hope points out that “the Big C” has been made too important in our world. “When I was ill, my mom told me that it was not the ‘Big C’ but the ‘little c.’ That we should not allow it to scare us or give it too much power.”

Instead of investing power into the cancer,  Hope Aguilar credits her faith in Jesus as           the power that pulled her through her illness.  ‘HOPE through cancer’  is her testimony   that faith, along with the love and support of family and friends can help cancer victims recover and even triumph over their illnesses.  https://authorhopeaguilar.com/

 Did you know that Saudi Arabia was the only country in the world that didn’t allow women to drive? Did you see how I wrote “was”?
Yup that is a thing of the past now. As in 13 days ago past.

How awesome is that…is this!
Women are now officially and legally allowed to drive cars. Or motorbikes. Or vans.         Or even big trucks. All vehicles. As long as they have the proper licenses for one or all     the types of vehicles I listed.

But HOLY COW is this amazing!
Maybe for all those that don’t live in the country. Maybe not even for all those that  actually live in the country. There are people who don’t approve. Also more so from         the male gender side, but I think there are some women too. It’s a HUGE change.           And with all change there is skepticism. And even fear.
Fear of what you may ask. Fear of the unknown. Fear of women being in accidents.       Fear of women causing accidents. Fear of men not being nice to women who start driving. And, in my opinion,  fear that with more freedom,  more rights women  will start being a part of more things altogether. And that can scare men. That can scare people, in general.

I won’t go into too much more detail about this, but if you look back at history this is nothing new. Women throughout time have had to deal with adversity. The right to vote. The right to be in armed forces,  outside of clerical duties.  The right to make choices on her body. The right to divorce. The right to an education. The right to have any job that she’s qualified to do.

And then we have the rights of those who may be black, like in America with the civil rights movements in the ’60’s.

History has shown that we can fear what we don’t understand, what is different than us, what may affect our life somehow.
It’s all quite silly to me. But hey what do I know I’m just a brown woman.
People can be scare or fear what they don’t like, they don’t know or they don’t understand. That’s all fine and dandy. As long as it doesn’t interfere with progress.

Which is what is happening in Saudi Arabia. Times are a changing! And for the better!
There might be men who don’t care to see this progress. For whatever reasons; whether    it be religious or cultural.  But regardless of what they don’t approve of this change has taken place and more (positive) changes will only continue. And I for me things that’s pretty awesome!

All of that said, for me and the many women in this country we welcome this change     with courage, tears of joy, and gratitude for those that made it happen. The Saudi family and those courageous women that fought for this day. Some even at cost.

So, what did I do to celebrate? Was I brave enough to take to the streets and drive in a country that is known for having not so safe drivers?
You bet I did!

I celebrated this positive change by getting behind the wheel. It may have only been for    15 minutes. It may not have been on the freeway even. But it was me, a woman, driving in Saudi Arabia. That’s a memory I’ll forever cherish. Though I hope to do some more driving before I leave. Knowing me…I’m sure I will!

Cheers to (positive) change! Cheers to progress! Cheers to girl power! #fistbump!!!

P.S. If you wonder what the women here tell me about this new change. It’s almost ALL positive. They want to drive. Admittedly, some do not care to drive.  But now  it’s  truly a choice. If they wake up tomorrow and decide (once they take the course and get a license that is) “hey I’d like to drive myself to work or college or to the mall or anywhere” they get to! They now have a choice! And that has them excited.

As for those that don’t care to drive. For some it’s because they enjoy being driven around. Even non-Saudi women tell me they like that. Though it’s not for me. If I can drive I’d also prefer to drive. And then others are more like watching how it goes. They want to see how other women, maybe Saudi women in particular, do with this change.

And, lastly, there are some that can’t or won’t drive cause of their father or male guardian not giving them permission. But I’ll save that for another blog.

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