✨Cannabis Research 101✨


While some people will tell you the best cannabis is 1:1 ratio ( 17% THC to 17% CBD )           what is known cannabis reacts differently in everybody. Some can tolerate high levels        of THC to help pain a bit, sometimes, The high dose THC does not seem to be friends          to others, and makes them feel anxious and jittery depending on the strain. While the dispensary people are very kind  and helpful Their advice is that cannabis is a journey   until youfind the right dose. I don’t know anything — about quality brands, frequency       of dosing. however, is it affordable to play around with the high THC product to make        it usable or what does one do if it doesn’t work?

Remember ALSO:
Every cannabis strain is different, and unfortunately the research for parsing the differences is awful slim in the U.S. Also, many and various brands of oil have been               shown to profile much differently from how they are labeled. This is not to say that      some brands are legit, but if you don’t know, you can be easily misled.

So if your thinking about doing cannabis. I would strongly recommend obtaining quality   organic bud  and  making your own oil.  It’s DOABLE BUT BE SURE TO HAVE PROPER VENTILATION.  Also,  for the record,  cannabis affects everyone differently and the state    of cannabis science in the U.S. is still pretty abysmal. If you want real science, bone up on Israeli research: https://www.moderncanna.com/blog/exciting-cannabidiol-research-out-of-israel/?fbclid=IwAR1snEsu62qWhIDArwIeLi7AU2Xckm91zueN3uhbMC-aDlp_keN6X9k5ZLs

CannaTech 2017 – The Future of Medicine: Genetics Based Personalized Treatment –      Dr. David Meiri
Also every body that ever took cannabis will tell you over the years they needed the THC  in addition to CBD. With the best advice giving yourself time to build some tolerance and overcoming the jitters. And remember everybody reacts differently to smoking, vaping or injecting or medible (which can be dangerous.) Sometimes you won’t know your reaction until after you ate the brownie, vaping, smoking or ingesting the tincture or oil.

Best to Try 3:1 ratio for smoking/vaping, so your less jittery. With most Indicas, however some Sativas too. Gotta find your sweet spot and move forward either way on the spectrum after experimenting which works best for you. https://www.thestranger.com/seattle/a-beginners-guide-to-ingesting-marijuana/Content?=20059080

Some of the popular sativa’s are Jake’s Grape or Sour Grape and Grape Ape?
AND For feeling creative, happy, cerebral. try these popular strains: AK47, Clementine. which are daytime sativa. Cannatonic is also Good!!
Nighttime and breakthrough symptoms (nausea especially) take the big guns. Popular Indica’s: Matanuska Thunder fuck, green crack, white widow and God’s Gift. However,     If you’re in CALI. look up Radicle Health and work with a Cannabis practitioner to get guidance. Perhaps you can use other cannabinoids with greater success. Research this stuff…read…listen…BEFORE you argue as people are seeking real help learn your metabolism and what makes you high?





Human Metabolism of THC
Indica strains are generally best for evening/night use as they’re known for ‘couch lock’ and body stone snooze effects, where as, the Sativa strains are more typically known for daytime alert/creative effects, which quite a few people finds makes them feel edgy and jittery. (A lesser-known quirk is whether a plant is harvested early or late; cutting earlier than peak time can make an Indica’s effects more like a Sativa’s, and harvesting a Sativa late can make it give more of an Indica-like body stone.) Best to go with the lowest level   of THC possible, and the highest level of CBD possible and see how you react to THC.

Away to avoid the high You can use suppository and the high is different, however more manageable.  When you insert one around 2:00 in the afternoon  but it doesn’t effect you until  6 or 7 hours  later. I guess everybody is different.  By understanding suppositories. You can take a MUCH HIGHER dose of high THC and the THC won’t make you as jittery, anxious and you will be able to take a much higher dose? Most people don’t get high using suppositories because they are not well absorbed in the lower rectum. If someone does get high its because they were placed too high in the rectum and picked up by the Vena Cava – straight into the blood stream – similar to taking it sublingually under the tongue.
Getting started. Most people recommend a 1-1 strain like AC/DC or Harlequin and    Indica strains like Kush, Diesel, God.. There is a lot of controversy but I agree some THC  is required to kill cancer. CBD’S are good too and can be taken as well.  However,  THC is the Mighty Cancer Killer in my book. Take the proper CBD ratio and you should be taking enough to REALLY feel comfortable with the THC. Canna-brain isn’t fun, but it beats the heck out    of chemo-brain.
Cannabis can be less toxic in the long term. ALSO important is to take high Cbd FECO       to help with anxiety…( caused by high THC lol) and superior nutrition.  IT Can’t hurt!!!
Also too many women are not getting good results with high CBD. Therefore the highest amount of THC your body can tolerate is needed for all cancers.                                                  Yes, each must choose for themselves, and many will not take THC, but its known to    have reversed hormone driven cancer (but you have to find your limit.) There are newly diagnosed women all the time who deserve to know this one fact.   THC should not be feared. It always helps and most times doesn’t harms.

We need to stop this fear mongering if the cancer is progressing one must use more THC. I’ve seen many women turn to chemo and radiation.  There are many factors contributing to cancer progressing or cancer healing. I know a woman with ovarian cancer who didn’t heal at one gram of THC in her oil so she took 2 and healed soon after. Maybe what she should had done was up the ratio and not the grams to save money.  Make it known:  The strength/ratio of all the cannabinoids in the dry cannabis is exactly the same in the oil that it’s made from. If the weed is 1:1 then your oil will be 1:1. Thereby,  a gram of 1-1 oil might have .25 the THC a gram of oil made from high THC Indica has! You get more bang for your buck making medicine out of high THC cannabis!!, I would definitely say the higher the THC in your cannabis the better!!

Think of it this way: A gram of my high THC oil will probably have between 700-800 mcg. of THC, plus all the other cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids from high THC material. Where as A gram of oil  made from a 1-1 strain might have 200-300 mcg. of THC. and you can take CBD drops anytime to get more CBD to help lessen the effect of the THC: CBD oil is easy to get. With THC oil it is much harder and more expensive. Consider that 1 gram of oil made from a 1-1 strain would have about 25% of the THC that a gram of oil made from high THC would have. You would need 2 or 3 grams to get as much THC as you do from high THC cannabis.

For every article you find that infers THC has an impact on the estrogen receptors, you   will find another article that says it doesn’t. We just don’t have enough research to make      a sound decision on this. Just because the cancer spread like Wildfire in one patient with hormone driven cancer who took a High THC oil doesn’t mean it will you too.

So in the meantime, you will hear people suggest to keep your THC levels low. . . .    because it can causes an estrogenic effect. Much research has been performed with isolates, however. We are discovering with more research that an isolate versus full spectrum material it can make a difference. We need more research for a definitive  answer and genetic lab test to fully understand the plant.

It will be a new world when we can grow this healing plant in a pot on our deck, or a row  in the garden beside the beans and tomatoes, or a whole garden!!! So anybody can grow it and anybody could make the oils, salves and tinctures. . . . to treat every disease known to mankind at no cost at all. THAT IS HOW IT WAS AT ONE TIME!  THIS IS HOW IT WILL BE AGAIN. Who on this god-forsaken planet cannot see the necessity of growing your own material, Thereby, being sure you know what is in the batch??
The OPPOSITION to making this healing, life giving, harmless plant available to all who needs it through GREEDY PROFIT MONGERS blinded by their need for the bottom line. And in virtual reality that may not be the way to go. DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR HEALTH AND LIFE. Stand up for yourself. Educate yourself. Find a way and learn how to grow your own plants so you can make your own medicine and heal yourself! It is easier than experiencing yourself or a loved one suffer.
Get involved with other advocates of medical cannabis. With only one proactive step it   can lead to more connections, more possibilities, more power and more solutions. We are moving towards a more sane and humane world by doing this! The one disadvantage when u grow the plant and make oil at home is that u don’t know the THC.

What is the Difference between Cannabis versus CBD OIL.

CBD ratio with the higher THC is the faster killing the cancer. Its always important to learn through others experiences that drove before you where all the pot holes are in the road. http://jackkungel.com/index.html   https://scottspctraintrip.blogspot.com/

If one grows their own plant material, do you agree which simple research don’t you   agree heating it in coconut oil or olive oil is a safe procedure? Whereas, using solvent         is a little more dangerous but a true safeguard you know the contents of your batch.
Simple Instructions:

Knowing your strains, decarbing your cannabis, choosing and infusing your carrier          are important first steps and requires research on your own part!!!
You will need at least 5 strains of material and start with 15% CBD and 5% THC 3:1.
You must have THC for curing cancer because THC crosses the cb1 cb2 receptors and Helps make CBD effective.
Then I would have my own medicine? I think all cannabis has CBD’s and other cannabinoids in the leaves, stalks, roots.
The buds have the highest concentrations for sure, and most of the THC, but all the cannabis has THC in it.
Rule of Thumb: achieve the highest content THC – CBD which your body can safely tolerate to kill cancer.

FECO is good for TNBC!! You need the THC! ️

Just throw the book at it, it doesn’t matter what works, but make it work!!

Below is her website link. Robin Swan’s company is Firebird Touch Therapy.
Address: 6529 La Jolla Blvd, La Jolla, CA 92037 Phone: (406) 249-1443
So many people are dying because they are told not to take THC!
There is nothing to fear from THC and EVERYTHING to gain.
It NEVER makes cancer worse.

7 Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil (Plus Side Effects)

In this video by Dr. Cristina Sanchez she talks about ratios. Near the end she speaks    about breast cancer  and she suggests using a higher ratio of CBD to THC. Probably          the best method start with 3:1 Cbd:THC and work your way to a THC dominate oil. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxoxiHgXeXw
To make quality oil find at least three to five strains of Cannabis flowers with varying ratios of THC and CBD and a wide range of terpenes, and mix those flowers into and an extract the medicinal compounds using food-grade alcohol,  likely organic cane alcohol. Where would you find organic cane alcohol. https://www.extractohol.com

If you have a plant with 10% THC and 3% CBD that is about a 3.3:1 ratio of THC-to-CBD so the oil will come out in that range, or ought to. You only get out what you put in, so you can get Cannabis with known potency and make Oil close to what you want with some basic math applied. For my own preference:

Top 9 THC & Pot Health Benefits, Risks & Side Effects

I would target a higher THC-to-CBD ratio [ 3:1 ratio or higher ], and could achieve this     by knowing the lab analysis on the Cannabis flowers your choosing to extract it from and do the math to get the ratios where you need them [ Or I could have a very high THC and   a high CBD and mix them at separate times,  which I would determine based on figuring out which I thought worked best, mixing in one blend or taking THC/CBD first and take the CBD oil at a later time in the day ]. https://www.thecannabist.co/2017/01/31/thc-test-potency-marijuana-joint/41267/

I would mix each gram with a carrier oil, most likely a blend with MCT coconut oil,        olive oil and macadamia nut oil as one base. Because it takes good fat to help absorb         the oil into your body.  This helps the body absorb the benefits more than if using just concentrated oil. I would target 300-500mg+ of THC per day for two months and have follow-up testing/scans/ blood work to determine the progression of the disease, or a chance of healing.  I would want,  along with the THC,  100mg-200mg or so of CBD.           If I had an estrogen-driven cancer, I would flip this to 300-500mg of CBD and 100mg-200mg of THC.
While checking my results in 60 days and if the disease is progressing, I would switch to a 1:1 ratio or even more THC than CBD. Every body is different, however, THC and CBD and all the other compounds work the same way, it is our bodies that determine how well they will perform. Make it easy on yourself when taking Cannabis extracts, keeping up with the updates, research is going to expand the healing potentials exponentially once we know what we don’t know.

I would also eat a healthy “alkaline” diet, and eat good fats, which I believe is the Ketogenic menu. I would drink a lot of clean, filtered water and make sure I walked at  least a mile a day, preferably near a lake or an ocean, or at a high altitude. One must be proactive and not impulsive.  One must also keep fending off consuming the toxic food ingredients and the increasingly hazardous air, water we are exposed to by simply living our lives. . . . As research unfolds, I’ll amend my cancer treatment plan, and hopefully    with 100mg+ of THC a day in my system avoid the final stage cachexia.

I would go to the retail outlet, read the lab reports on what they have and figure out how much of what is needed to mix  and make my own batch of quality oil. I would also grow my own plant materials  that I felt would produce what I wanted,  For myself I like a 1:1 ratio or even less THC.  I’m pleased to see more people  recommending lower ratios of   THC, and this is just coming from my perspective of the cannabis industry is becoming.

Anti Cancer Diet – pH Balance chimachine4u.com
Consume water/ lemon diet for 6 days straight. No food at all. Consume six glasses or more of bottled water with half lemon squeezed in each time for 6 straight days with no food cleanses your body. After water diet; Fresh juice of beet Apple carrot once day.
Stay strictly on a vegan diet.
Most cancers need carbs and glutamine..so cut off the food to help rid cancer.
And he will go into autophagy repairing his body. Metabolism will increase too.
No quite, but cutting out these two will help. ~ For “autophagy” FASTING is needed           for at least 5 Days..
see Drs. Jockers & Jason Fung’s very helpful recommendations.~ everyone gets into autophagy at different rates.
.but still a help. Strains don’t matter, THC and CBD and every other Cannabinoid are identical in every strain.
THC and CBD matter, terpenes matter, so I’d research the terpenes and decide what you’re looking for and then find the flowers with those compounds.  No two strains of the same name will have identical profiles unless taken from clones so strains are merely a guide to what should be in any specific one. https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/myrcene-linalool-and-bisabolol-what-are-the-benefits-of-these-can?fbclid=IwAR01lmLXOfp3ITyYfhaz8qRop2GICdfesWN0EEDpHC8ZQV9820Bi_CZcLIU

Also look into research on Boswellia Serrata, sold as a standardized extract under the name 5-Loxin. It has shown some
promise in ovarian cancer. You’ll likely need a lot, like at least 3 capsules, 3 times daily, which is more than would be used
for its other uses. Fortunately, it’s not very expensive.

 Frankincense as a Potentially Novel Therapeutic Agent in Ovarian Cancer!!!!
The common name for Boswellia is Indian Frankincense. This research covers the        effect of the active component AKBA, which is what 5-Loxin is standardized for.                   It also says it is complementary to platinum based chemotherapy.
The guy I know in California who makes oils says he is seeing great results for a number     of different cancers by blending eleven different strains together so you get the broadest variety of cannabinoids and terpenes.  Google Shorak Oil.
His book is on Amazon.com called “Marijuana killed my cancer and is keeping me cancer free” $8 worth every penny.

I’m trying to get educated about CANNABINOL by reading a lot of research and                the recommended amountis 12% THC and 12% CBD. I take 1 only syringe of this       tincture which holds 1.0 ml,  three times a day.
A SIMPLE suggestion try a starting place at 8 to 16mg of CBD
Now, I am having trouble with understanding the dosages. Many individuals are         taking anywhere from 100mg or higher of THC.
My doctor has me taking 1:1 (12% THC and CBD, three times a day, of 1.0 ml)                   and taking 1.0 ml of 25% THC, 90minutes before bed.
This does include the 6 Terpene’s I need to reduce the pain for NEUROPATHY.
Some dosage sounds very minimal compared to others but one must take into           account the differences in others

And l just watch this one: https://youtu.be/fYMCA_Tg_vk
Dr. Tamara https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkNnHOym-CM
Can anyone tell from personal experience, best strains for actually killing cancer?           How much does strain matter?
OR Am I overthinking it? The Cannabinoid THC and CBD are the major ones                   that kill cancer, which all cannabis strains have them!!!
(In other word, any strain can kill cancer). But no one can tell you what strain                 suits you the most, just try different strains, different combinations
and listen to your own body! Using medical cannabis is simple, feeling good =              doing right. However, try to look for Indica dominant strains,
which is generally more sedative. It needs both, high THC and high CBD.                           One kills cancer, while the other keeps it from metastasizing.
Harlequin or Girl scout cookie works well too.
First, every cancer is different and every person at a different stage and in different   overall health. It’s impossible to say if it will take 1 month
or 20 months for a given persons cancer to be put in remission.
Secondly, 60 grams of oil that contains 40% THC and 5% CBD is quite different             than 60 grams of oil that contains 80% THC and 80% CBD.
To set out on a course of simply consuming 60 grams in an arbitrary period of time            is a crap shoot.
Thirdly, I believe it’s important to keep in mind that successful treatment of disease       with cannabis is dose and duration dependent.
What that means is we must take a strong enough dose and take it often enough to        keep constant pressure on the source cancer, allowing it
no free time to grow or spread. Depending upon the delivery method & bioavailability       of the medicine, the cannabinoids remain therapeutically
active in the system for 4-6 hours. After that, most has been metabolized by the liver. Always remember half rice grain to start before bed and
increase and building up tolerance. What you want is 5 strain full extract cannabis oil (FECO).
Lastly, the idea that everyone can expect to be capable of doubling the dose every four  days and be on a gram a day at six weeks is just not a
sound idea. Everyone handles THC’s psychoactive effects differently. I’ve been using cannabis oil for about 7 years and a grain of rice sized 70%
THC cannabis oil puts me on my lips!!!
What you say would be true if not for the fact that a 30% THC strain will kill cancer just   as quickly as an 15% THC strain… you will just have to take
twice as much one just has to take more of the 50% at a time. You can kill cancer cells      not even knowing what strain it is let alone how many mg your taking, if you dose up to your tolerance to psych activity and keep increasing dosage as you build tolerance.
Granted, I’m not fighting cancer so don’t need to push my tolerance to reach a therapeutic dose for cancer, but for those who must, there are ways to get the THC mg without intolerable effects.
Dosing raw FECO is the least bioavailable method to deliver cannabinoids and do so by attempting to accurately judge dose size of a heavily concentrated oil and WILL result in one taking too much with a negative experience. It is also very difficult to know how many mg one is taking by this method so one must go thru trial and error every time they switch strains of oil. And then there is cost… I’ve seen numbers as low as 16% of dose is actually taken up by the body, with the rest passing thru the system and eliminated.
Others have put it in the 30ish%. It’s all over the place. But when one studies the pathways in which lipids are taken up, it’s only a logical conclusion that the best method of delivery is to help the body out by breaking FECO down into smaller droplets so there is greater surface area for bile and pancreatic lipase to prepare the cannabinoids for efficient uptake.
Bottom line: As with all you read and hear, don’t take my word for it.  Research and entertain many different opinions from the great many sources.  It can seem a daunting    task but if you look at it as simply seeking truth in taking control of your own health, it’s doable and don’t believe everything you read and hear,  I believe what I verify and trust. Full spectrum actually works best in my opinion because you’re getting lots of strains & different cannabinoids through the entourage effect.

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