Flutter Your Wings of Hope

By Rachel Bykovny.


Hello my name is Rachel Bykovny.
First and foremost, I am a wife, pet mama, cancer wellness advocate, and a mindset coach.  My sole mission in life is to help others navigate the messy waters of healing.  I experience so much joy sharing the tools I utilize to maintain a Cancer Healing Mindset.  Living with cancer does not have to be doom and gloom.  With the right attitude and motto, you too will feel empowered to “Fear Less, Slay More” just as I do.

I have shared many times in my blogs (Countdown Mentality), (My Miracle in Progress Story), & (On a Mission to Beat the Unbeatable) how when I was diagnosed, all I wanted to do was make it until 40 which will be October 22. Now that it is here, I am taking that officially back and counting down until I reach the big 40 and beyond.
Considering the roller coaster of a year I have been experiencing with my health and all of the chaos, drama and suffering around me, finding myself in this place of complete faith in my healing is a breath of fresh air.

As a woman approaching 40, I am currently in my worst shape physically and mentally. I can hardly move around anymore due to the damage done to my joints from my 30 LBs of weight gain. I have what is called “Moon Face” from what I think is Cushing’s Disease caused by excess cortisol in my body which as you may know, is caused by stress. But you know what? I do mot care about any of that because I am here!! I am alive! As my dearly departed friend Judy would have said “I am doing it. Im making it”!

My intentions for going forward are to keep that in front of me. To remember how very blessed I am to have so much love and support. Without it, I would not be here. I want to take a few moments to give a special thanks to a few people who helped me through it.

Alec, my husband

To my husband, Alec. You are my rock. You have the most difficult job any human could be faced with, to watch the one you love suffer so tremendously, and yet you always find ways to make me smile. Your unconditional love, despite all the physical and mental challenges I have and the unreliability of me as a partner, has made me feel so safe and secure. Whenever I mention this, you act like I am crazy to even think that any other reality is possible. I am certain there are many partners/caregivers who would not be strong enough to endure what you have for the past 3 years and especially this last 6 months. But you are a Beast! You rise and grind everyday to make sure I never want or need anything. I look forward to starting a whole new chapter with you. With our clean slates, we have the opportunity to live how our hearts desire. To design our life in any way, shape, or form from now on! I love you with all my heart!

My Family

I want to thank my family next. I kept the gravity of my situation hidden for a long time. I would only allow myself to be seen on my good days and never allowed anyone to know I was sick. Once I opened up, the love has been flowing in. It has been so wonderful how all of banded together to help support Alec and myself. Each and everyone of you know the roles you have played. Many of you helped us financially when we needed it the most. A few of you took care of our pets while we were in Mexico. Several of you helped us around the house and with getting the house for sale, selling our stuff, raising money, staying with me when I needed extra assistance, and I am sure there are a hundred other things I cant remember now. Many of you provide moral support in the form of memes and other motivating stuff when I need it most.
I am so grateful to have so many people in my immediate circle that are behind me in my corner, pushing me to keep going. We have had a very windy road these past several months and together we all made it happen so I could get back to Tijuana for needed medical care. I love you all dearly and I hope to be well enough some day to pay you back for everything.

My Hope 4 Cancer Family

The newest addition to Team Rachel is my Hope4Cancer family. They gave me hope when all seemed darkest. My doctor, Marcos Rodriguez, is the most caring dr I have ever been to see. Even when I was receiving all my nutrition and hydration from a feeding bag and was in so much pain I just couldn’t deal, he never let on that I should be worried. All of the nurses are angels especially my nurse Magda. Elvira was so patient in dealing with the financial/admin stuff. Dr Ramirez always took the time to explain to me exactly why I needed to do something or another. Dr Tony and his wife Marcy who have been so kind and taken me under their safety wing like a baby bird and have generously helped me with my healing journey. All of these angels were sent to earth to help people like me remember that there is always HOPE and to never give up.
Some people ask me if I am getting paid to promote H4C and my answer is always the same….of course not. I am just sharing my experiences and they happen to be an integral part of my story. I only offer my truth so that others can know their options and not allow the conventional medical system to dictate their life expectancy. There is only one judge and the people in the white coats are not it.
I love and thank you all for the sacrifices you make to provide a healing environment for people looking for wellness like me. I cannot wait to see everyone again on Monday when I go for my 3 month checkup.

Prayer Warriors, Moral Support, and Financial Donors
To anyone who has provided prayers, moral support, or generous donations, I will never forget you. Without your help, I would not be in the situation I am in now. I have had people from all over the world reaching out to me and offering to help or sending me messages of how my journey had inspired them. I have strangers stopping me in the street and telling me God wants them to pray with me. Thank you one and all for your tremendous faith in me and my battle. Love, healing, and light to you all.
I could go on all day, but for the sake of brevity I will wrap it up here. I am so happy and grateful for my upcoming birthday. Join me in counting down until its arrival!
The most beautiful version of Hallelujah you ever heard
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