Hottest Question Ask Constantly:

Cancer is an epidemic, but it’s not a disease that we need to fear.
How is it that we have a system in our body, that, arguably, is our MOST IMPORTANT SYSTEM
and we know nothing, absolutely nothing about it? 

In modern times how could this be the case?
When I was on Facebook that was one of the Hottest Question Ask Constantly:
Once you know the most potent way to customize this healing plant for you… your health
and well-being will improve quickly. Today, 33 U.S. States and 49 Countries have legalized the sacred plant as a medicine to some degree. These numbers have more than doubled in the last 3 years. The paradigm shift toward integrative and functional medicine is expanding quickly. But we’re still in the pioneering stages of this revolutionary new world of healing. 
Experts now incorporate mainstream treatments together with this healing plant because of its powerful immune-boosting abilities.

Their patients avoid the uncomfortable and sometimes destructive side effects of mainstream medicine by adding the sacred plant to their treatment regimen.  
Much like chemo sensitivity testing: no one chemotherapy would be the answer for everyone.
As well the cannabis plant acts entirely individually.
Different strokes for different folks what works for one person may not for the other.
For example, chemotherapy can be a destructive treatment. It destroys both the cancer cells
as well as healthy cells. The sacred plant helps prevent damage to healthy cells during this treatment. It also prevents neuropathy caused by chemotherapy.
And it relieves associated nausea and pain.
This is just one example of the powerful effects of the sacred plant.
Some doctors don’t know enough about this healing plant or are not permitted to recommend
it because of insurance or institution restrictions. So you must stay informed and request it.
If your doctor is not on board… perhaps it’s time to find a new doctor.
It’s your health, your quality of life, and maybe even your life itself that’s at stake.
Depending on the type of illness, location, and progress of your condition,
you may choose to go the all-natural route.

With All The Research Breakthroughs from Spain, Israel, Harvard, UCLA, NIH, NCBI, PubMed. All that’s been written about it and I blogged in Solitarius, 
With the great documentaries and informative videos out about the plant
their is still many questions? 

Dr. Christina Sanchez, a molecular biologist at Compultense University in Madrid, Spain explains how THC kills cancer cells. Cristina Sánchez (Madrid, Spain, 1971) graduated in Biology at Madrid Complutense University in 1994. Once graduated, she joined Dr. Manuel Guzmán’’s laboratory, where she studied the effect of cannabinoids on lipid and carbohydrate intermediate metabolism first and on cancer cell proliferation later. She obtained her PhD with Honors in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Complutense University in 2000.

During her postdoc at Dr. Piomelli’’s laboratory (University of California Irvine, 2000-2003) she studied the involvement of another group of bioactive lipids (lysophosphatidic acid and related compounds) on pain initiation. In 2004, Cristina returned to Spain and she started coordinating a new line of research within Dr. Guzmán’’s laboratory. The goal of her research is to understand and exploit cannabinoids as potential antitumoral agents in breast cancer. More recently, she has also focused her attention on new cannabinoid receptors and their possible involvement in cannabinoid antitumoral action in breast cancer and other type of tumors.

Raphael Mechoulam is an Israeli organic chemist and professor of Medicinal Chemistry
at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. Mechoulam is best known for his work in the isolation, structure elucidation and total synthesis of Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main active principle of cannabis and for the isolation and the identification of the endogenous cannabinoids anandamide from the brain and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol from peripheral organs together with his students, postdocs and collaborators.  

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) was discovered in the early 1990s almost simultaneously between several different scientist including Dr. Raphael Mechoulam (who also discovered THC). The main internal chemical mediator which binds at the CB1 neuroreceptor was identified and named anandamide.  The second endocannabinoid neuroreceptor was discovered shortly after the discovery of anandamide and was coined CB2. Scientist discovered the internal chemical mediator that binds to the CB2 neuroreceptor, called 2-AGA further discovery was made in the early 2000s. Neurologist had always believed that nerves could ONLY fire in one direction. By the late 1990s evidence was being presented that nerves were able to, under certainly circumstances, fire backwards. With the discovery of the ECS, it was also discovered that the ECS was directly responsible for this reverse firing and this was coined reverse signaling.
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) was discovered in the early 1990s almost simultaneously between several different scientist including Dr. Raphael Mechoulam (who also discovered THC). The main internal chemical mediator which binds at the CB1 neuroreceptor was identified and named anandamide.

The second endocannabinoid neuroreceptor was discovered shortly after the discovery of anandamide and was coined CB2. Scientist discovered the internal chemical mediator that binds to the CB2 neuroreceptor, called 2-AG (1).
A further discovery was made in the early 2000s. Neurologist had always believed that nerves could ONLY fire in one direction. By the late 1990s evidence was being presented that nerves were able to, under certainly circumstances, fire backwards. With the discovery of the ECS, it was also discovered that the ECS was directly responsible for this reverse firing and this was coined reverse signaling (2).
Point #1
The ECS is old, very old. We developed it in the same common ancestor where we diverged from insects. Almost every non-insect life form on the planet has an ECS. We can go as far back as something called a sea squirt and identify that it had a functional ECS, a very basic stomach, and somewhat of a nervous system. It certainly appears that our central nervous system and our ECS are closely related. By function, it appears that our ECS sits above our central nervous system (3).          
Main Point: 
The ECS is the oldest (and by virtue most important) system in our bodies!
Point #2
It is appearing that the ECS is our master regulatory system. While there has not yet been the “definitive” study here, most researchers are agreeing that this is the case. Copious amounts of research can be found at and using the keyword “endocannabinoid”. Try pairing endocannabinoid with “immune system” or “feeding and craving” or “cognitive”. As you begin to read this research it is very apparent that the ECS is the regulatory down and through every major human system. In fact, the ECS is the ONLY system in the body that can touch every cell. (4) (5)
Main Point:
The ECS manages EVERY function in our body..either directly or indirectly..cholesterol level, temperature, how we eat, when we eat, how and when we sleep, how we manage pain, our immune response, how we think, how we feel.
Point #3
The ECS is a resource driven system. In order to better understand this, let’s move to a system that we understand pretty well. Most of us know about dopamine and serotonin. We know that it takes these two chemical mediator to run our “happy sauce” and to keep us thinking clearly. Diseases of lack of dopamine and serotonin are things like Parkinson’s and other diseases of the brain. Most “mood” issues are thought to be inadequate dopamine and serotonin regulation (ECS related).
So where do dopamine and serotonin come from? Don’t feel bad, most phd’s cannot answer that question! We have to eat for dopamine and serotonin!
We break down dopamine and serotonin from foods that we eat, in particular foods that contain l-tryptophan. Most foods do, so nothing really to worry about. The point of the story is this…if I were to deny you food with l-tryptophan, you would not be able to generate dopamine and serotonin and you would become horribly depressed and would not think clearly. THIS IS A RESOURCE DRIVEN SYSTEM. WE HAVE TO EAT FOR IT! (6) (7)
Main Point:
The ECS is a resource driven system that we must eat for. We are all horrible malnourished with resources for this system as we do not yet understand how to eat for it.
Summary and Early Anecdotal Data
Our research is indicating that the ECS can be effected predictably from external resources. In particular those resources include cannabis, certain herbs and spices, certain fatty acids, temperature, and pressure. Cannabis provides an excellent “intervention” therapy, but it is relatively short lived. Long term and lasting changes are achieved by diet change and supplementation with ECS plant resources. For instance, black pepper contains a flavonoid called b-caryophyllene that modulates the CB2 neuroreceptor. Turmeric contains a flavonoid that has effects at the CB1 neuroreceptor and this is (arguably) why the synergize. 
With diet, it is appearing that the ECS is linked to omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and in particular how we balance these in our diets. The western diet is misbalanced at about 1 omega 3 for every 20 omega 6’s in our diet. Research data indicates that we are breaking down exactly as predicted with this misbalance. Further, this is predictably how we would break down as we fail in our master regulatory system the endocannabinoid system (ECS).
Dr. Ruth Ross describes what happens in the brain when introduced to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of the primary ingredients
in cannabis. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. “The endocannabinoid system responds to singing and dancing.” This makes me wonder about ancient cultures, Native Americans, and their harmony with plants and nature. She did a great explanation on the endocannabinoid system but when she talked about cannabis THC i felt like she wasn’t as confident as before. ‘This talk is actually not about the effects of cannabis but about the isolated effects of THC.
Her views here about the effects of THC on the endocannabinoid system may be very interesting to the pharmaceutical industry, but to those of us wanting to understand
the effect of THC when you use the plant naturally it is almost irrelevant’

Cannabis for Cancer!!!
Research into the eradication of cancer is constant, and with every new discovery we draw one step closer to finally ridding our world of this terrible disease. But until a cure is found, individuals struggling with cancer must find ways to lessen the symptoms of both the disease itself, and of the best curative measure we know of today: chemotherapy.
There are plenty of pharmaceutical medications out there, formulated to address the symptoms cancer patients face. In recent decades, cannabis has repeatedly made headlines as an all-natural option for tackling some of the worst side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, and the illness itself.

Ease Your Symptoms
Cannabis – or specifically the compounds in cannabis called cannabinoids – can help cancer patients in a number of ways. There are more than 80 different cannabinoids, but the ones found to be most beneficial to people with cancer are THC and CBD (most prevalent in the plant), as well as CBC, CBG, THCa and CBDa. The majority of cannabinoids have yet to be thoroughly researched, so this list may well continue to grow.
These cannabinoids interact in the body to offer numerous benefits to someone suffering from cancer. They ease the pain: chemotherapy treatments can cause damage to the nervous system, and tumors themselves can place pressure on bones, nerves, and organs within the body.

Cannabinoids also curb inflammation, which has a complex relationship with cancer.
Anyone who has struggled through chemotherapy and radiation treatments, or has seen someone going through them, knows that these therapies are a double-edged sword. Though definitely useful and even life-saving, they leave patients exhausted. Side effects like nausea and vomiting, and loss of appetite, further sap the body of the strength it needs to keep fighting.
Cannabis can help all these symptoms. The anti-nausea effects prevent excessive vomiting, and everyone knows cannabis increases appetite. Those cravings can be enough to keep food from turning the stomach, enabling patients to replenish the nutrients so vital to their battle.

Cannabis eases cancer symptoms. 
This statement is widely accepted even by the most conservative health professionals;
the disease tops almost every cannabis “qualifying condition” list in North America.
But recent research suggests that this all-natural, healing plant could do even more –
possibly even fighting off the cancer itself.
In addition to their better-known cancer-thwarting properties, THC and CBD have been
shown to halt the spread of cancer cells (which leads to tumors), and prevent these cells from metastasizing – breaking off from the crowd and travelling to another part of the body.

It turns out cannabis compounds can also prompt the death of some types of cancer cells.
They do this in two different ways: by triggering apoptosis or “programmed cell death”, 
and by starving the cells through the prevention of blood vessel development.
These incredible results have been seen both in animal studies and human cell line models. This angle of treatment requires a lot more research and,  of course,  true clinical studies, but the potential of cannabis holds incredible promise for the future of cancer therapy and eradication.

Cannabis Strains for Cancer
At FARM, we offer our cross-Canada clients a wide selection of cannabis strains that can address their cancer-based symptoms, and provide relief for many associated issues. In addition to pure, quality flowers, we also sell capsules, tinctures, shatter, and topicals.
To fend off the nausea caused by chemotherapy, we recommend Indica or Indica dominant hybrid cannabis strains. Find relief from nerve pain caused by cancer through vaporizing Indica or Indica dominant hybrid shatters, or adding it to your food recipes. Alternately, a tincture like 1:1 THC:CBD (Grapeseed oil) can address pain, inflammation and nausea, while also helping you fall and stay asleep (another essential factor for improved health). At FARM, the staff can you help you discover the best cannabis strains for cancer, and any other symptom or condition you may be facing.

Three Popular cannabis strains to treat cancer:

1. Granddaddy Purple
For cancer patients seeking relief from appetite loss, stress, insomnia, pain and nerve pain/damage, GDP is the ideal indica choice. This is a strain that has a THC content of approximately 22% which means it has quite an effect on a variety of symptoms. This strain is typically best reserved for high-pain moments or times when the patient is able to rest and relax because it is heavy on the body.
2. OG Kush
Is a very popular Indica-dominant hybrid strain for cancer patients suffering from the emotional distress associated with a chronic or terminal illness. One thing that’s not up for debate is OG Kush’s potency — its THC composition has been consistently measured at between 20% and 25%. It’s characteristics include mellow Indica-like body effects, but with an almost euphoric effect, like a sativa. This hybrid is effective for patients who suffer from multiple symptoms as it helps with both body and mind. 

3. Girl Scout Cookie
Girl Scout Cookies has a THC level around 28% which makes it one of the most powerful Indica-dominant hybrid strains. It’s highly effective for patients who have little appetite, a common side effect from Cancer. GSC can help patients suffering from depression, anxiety and deep, chronic pain. It is important to speak to your oncology team and your medical cannabis physician… to determine which methods and strains may be most effective. Start out slowly, so that you can self-report the effects of the medical cannabis and understand your necessary dosage. Consult with the Medical Marijuana Treatment Center staff for available strains and options.

As the rate of cancer diagnoses rises worldwide, patients are finding more options with their treatments and healthcare routines. Patients can suffer from the disease itself, or from the side effects of chemotherapy and other pharmaceuticals medications. Patients report experiencing anxiety, insomnia, appetite issues, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2018 there will be 1,735,350 new cases of cancer diagnosed and 610,000 cancer deaths in the United States. This epidemic affects not only patients,
but their families and caregivers. 

In 1975, The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published a revolutionary study within the medical industry which showed that tumor growth slowed or stopped in laboratory mice after the use of THC and cannabis compounds. Since then, numerous studies have been published to support the idea that cannabis can aid in improving quality of life and possibly modifying malignancy. 
The National Cancer Institute states that the chemical compounds within cannabis ignite cells and receptors throughout the body which produce pharmacologic effects within the immune system and the central nervous system. Additionally, the NCI recognizes that cannabinoids “may have benefits in the treatment of cancer-related side effects.”

Dr. Jordan Tishler, a cannabis-prescribing physician based in Cambridge and Brookline, Massachusetts, believes that patients should begin with cannabis rather than opiates because “typically [patients] use only 20 percent of the amount of opiates [they] would have otherwise needed” when medical cannabis is introduced. Tishler added that “with opiates, your risk goes up every time you increase [the] dose by a milligram. If you have someone who would need 100 mg of opiates.  So if you cut back to 20 mg, you’ve saved them
80 percent of the risk of the opiate. That’s huge.”
Increasing science-based evidence supports medical marijuana in the management of cancer symptoms including chemotherapy-induced nausea, vomiting, appetite stimulation
and for pain management. Cannabis has given cancer patients relief,
improved their mood and anxiety, and relieved insomnia.   +

If you choose to use medical marijuana to help treat estrogen-driven breast cancer,
here is a suggestion: Estrogen driven breast cancer typically requires higher proportions of CBD than THC, as it sometimes doesn’t respond well to THC. For other cancers, this is usually the opposite scenario. Locate a high-dose medical grade high CBD oil  (in concentrate form would make it easy to put into capsules.)  My Belief: always go 1:1 ratio for any type of cancer and reach your upper limit of THC without the adverse effects that cannabis can cause you!!! 
Although CBD oil may help with inflammation it takes a fair amount of THC to kill cancer.
If anyone tells you differently they are trying to sell you CBD oil and not kill cancer or they are misinformed.  THC initiates cancer cells to destroy themselves.
THC,  the active ingredient in marijuana, causes cancer cells to undergo a process called
autophagy in which cells feed upon themselves. 
According to a study conducted by Guillermo Velasco and colleagues at Complutense University in Spain.  Once cancer cells appear in a human body, they begin to divide and conquer other cells and tissues. This process of growing and spreading is also known as proliferation in the scientific world. However, recent studies have discovered that the 500 compounds in marijuana has an anti-proliferative effect on cancer cells.
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