God created man in His own imagein the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them.

Ronald Reagan
40th President of the United States

Lived: Feb 06, 1911 – Jun 05, 2004 (age 93)
This powerful message by President Ronald Reagan reminds each American we are One Nation Under God.
Celebrate America’s freedoms and we celebrate the Ones who gave us these freedoms.
This video makes a powerful addition to your church service or patriotic gathering. Perfect for when you are speaking on the topics of freedom or America’s religious heritage for the next generation.

GOD BLESS President Reagan, Nancy & HIS FAMILY!


People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly
or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be. 
Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something
to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled;
their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.
When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn.
They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach US lifetime lessons:
Those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
You’re to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway); and put what you have learned to use
in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

So enough of this protesting nonsense already: 
What makes all humans the same is that everybody’s special and unique with different DNA. 
Well it appears all the people in the world came from the same blueprint irrespective of what language they speak or color of their skin. We all have similar needs, food, clothing, shelter and companionship.
Our strategies for meeting those needs are similar – but we make so much about of the slightest differences. 

We all have the same dreams, complaints, problems, interests, and motivations in life. 
I promise you. We all perceive the world and are forced to create our own unique world view.  
There are several major cultures (Western, Far Eastern, Middle Eastern, etc.) which have nothing whatsoever in common with one another. However, we are all condensations of energy with absolutely no matter at all,
and we are intimately connected with each other within the great energy field of all the universe,
so there is no separation at all between us.
Nature has made all humans the same or similar. The Color of your skin or brain power may differ but it doesn’t matter as each individual is different in that respect. Equality is not a descriptive but a prescriptive, ethical term. It concerns what should be most fundamentally valued and respected about a person and all others among the most morally defining features they have. 

People that are equal means, they have the most fundamentally respectful features in common.
If you want to be included into someone’s life welcome them into your life with a smile 🙂
Being A street thug will only bring you a hard life and get you killed!!!

SO If you want RESPECT:  give it and there’s a good chance it will be returned.

Traditionally these features have been defined as dignity meaning the cognitive awareness
and power to be self-determining in the way they think, act, relate and interact.
This power encompasses a variety of cerebral functions and neural nets, expressed under the guidance of social understandings and institutions,  Justice under the law, opportunity in the economy, access to healthcare, and freely available education – but only in countries where the people value equality to
the extent that they fight for and enact laws to guarantee it.

People are the same from the mental and physical capacity point of view. But external appearance and mental processes differ widely and that is where some excel and others fail. There are certain universals of human culture, about 70 of them identified so far. I read about the research in the book The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker. But after that cultures vary immensely. For example, in western cultures children are nourished before adults In Africa, the father is nourished before the rest of the family.
In China the oldest male son is nourished first. By nourished, I mean that that person is fed even if others go hungry. Because they have different physical characteristics, different abilities, different interests and tastes.
However they all have equal “worth”. Equal dignity.
And an equal right to our respect and support unless lost in very specific circumstances.
If you think about it, we are made from the universe; we are part of it. 

We were made from the universe, and so we are all the exact same in our cores, no matter how different we appear to be.  We are simply the universe in consciousness experiencing itself. And the universe is in fact a constant, and so we are all, in our core, the same. There are a plethora of differences between each and every person on this planet. Some are major, but most are minor. The only thing that is exactly the same in each person is their original spirit. Although some have become far darker over their lifetime. 
What makes all humans the same is the classification of having most, if not all, of the characteristics of the human species (homo sapiens). This includes the human genome, similar physiological characteristics (eyes, ears, arms, legs, etc.), certain communication characteristics, similar associative characteristics (like culture), certain created systems that encourage further understanding (education), etc.

This is more or less a simplified definition of humans.

 In summing it up, everybody have different choices and intentions and tastes, so in “reality
(as in my reality) we are all the same because there is no point of view, there is no big or small or blacks or whites, or males or females, nothing to describe, relatively we are different as everybody has a point of view and that makes it different. Generally we are all the same.
But because of our background or the way we are raised we bring differences into the equation like who we choose as friends is what shaped us versus who are brothers and sisters turned out to become.

Some humans have no regard for others, no respect for the religion of others, no respect for
the customs of others and no tolerance for anything other than their own. I believe people have basic commonness in general regardless of nationality. However, the way you were brought up and its experiences in life makes up one’s thinking, language, and culture. it can also change with age and more of life experiences in time conditions the person.
People are biologically much, much more similar than they are different. Variations within populations are greater than between populations and humans are far, far more like one another. Anatomically, yes.
We are all members of the same species. We are all primates, and some things are universal.
But everything else relies upon culture and psychology.
The outlaw biker in Texas has different views from the middle class college student. 
I rather like the fact that humans are (in DNA) more than 99.9% similar to each other and more than 99.5% similar to an ape. I understand that humans are also 50% similar to bananas. Because racialists and white supremacists seem to like enlisting “science” to justify their wholly erroneous belief that there are intrinsic differences between human “races” (in every group we have our “good” and “bad.” just like good and bad cops.)  There is a new form of imperialism called globalization that insists on ironing out differences and
destroying unique cultures and features. 

The reality is that while people share many virtues and emotions, there are many different cultures with different ways of looking at the world. There is more variety in the world and when we try to force them to be the same – to fit our mold – some are destroyed (like many indigenous people), some ignore us and carry on on their own path (like modern China) and some rebel violently (like the Islamists).
  We all are born, we all live, we all need food, water, shelter, and clothing. We all want to have families, find love, love others, protect our children, see them grow, see them become adults and parents as well. We all die. The circumstances of the above commonalities are different due to location, culture,
and the nature of both human kind and our natural surroundings.
We all suffer, we all have joy, 
We all question, we all provide answers, we all search and eventually we all find. 
Confirmation Bias has us wanting to have our beliefs and preferences confirmed/endorsed. Clever opportunists know this about people and use it to attract or stir up and then manipulate them. This is an age old political and public relations tactic.  So we tend to constantly scan our environment looking for what supports our biases…..and we criticize and even attack those that don’t (like/they’re our enemy).
Most people are totally oblivious to doing this even turning their backs to strangers on elevators. 
If they were more aware, they’d gain more understanding of themselves and others and
this anger and hate would cease.
So if I assume everyone is (or even should be) like me, I can become outraged with even a hint that they aren’t. This is reinforced by culture and by the many leaders and those seeking leadership: “To finally……end all those differences!”. Of course it’s easier to control a population (or segment of a population) when they are more alike….lock step….follow the leader. Obviously there are some cultural differences, but we all share the same DNA, we can mate with each other successfully, and we can learn each other’s languages so then
we can communicate pretty successfully.
I think we notice the differences so much more than the similarities because we are so similar, to those differences that stand out. Food and climate and religion, and history and class structure all play a part,
but I could describe several different types of people and I know you would recognize them through your own life experiences. Therefore, If only we did see each other as brothers, the world would be a better place.

We may look different and have different life styles and life choices, but we all have the same emotions.
All people everywhere feel love, hate, joy, happiness, sadness, jealousy, etc. the exact same way.
The intensity of the emotions may differ, but otherwise we can all relate to everyone else when they are feeling the same emotions we feel. Levels of intelligence and capacity for empathy may affect them as well,
but that does not affect your basic premise with two patterns in the world of nations:
1. People as a collective whole (a culture, in other words) are very different from each other.
2. One on one, person to person, there are more similarities because individually
we have very similar needs, wants, concerns and hopes.

It’s like the old nature vs. nurture argument. It’s not one or the other. It’s both, often simultaneously,
and depending on the perspective you’re looking from. On the biological level, we’re mostly similar because
as animals we have similar basic biological needs. We all need good air, water, food, shelter, etc.
There are also universal human psychological needs like identity, community, etc. 
As groups, however, (clans, nations, cultures, religions, etc.) we’re often quite different.
Although very often, if you dig deeper, you’ll find similarities and patterns among psychological groups. 
On the individual level, when we meet and interact with someone, we get to experience both – the similarities and the differences. And that dynamic determines whether we fall in love or go to war – or just walk away.
We humans are pretty much the same, but some of us have traveled further along their version of The Way to becoming Love, as opposed to just surviving in Fear. The journey towards that Destiny of becoming Love is actually a huge one, but all are likely doing all they can do, according to what they understand it to be.

In the end, then, some of us have learned a lot and acted upon it and some of us have listened
to societies’ Lies and not grown much at all along their version of The Way of their Life Mission.
There is a huge teaching process needed here,  but maybe “The Trumpet who makes that terrible noise”
will end up showing many of us how bad we can become when we do not turn towards Love.
Equality is not sameness, for there are many ways to describe human similarities AND differences. 
What makes humans different from one another is what makes them unique. Sex, race, personalities, intelligence, and endless other traits belong to all. They are commonly celebrated, cultural, as well as family traditions. More or less, yeah. There are differences in appearance, culture, social norms, etc. but generally speaking those are learned. When it comes down to it, all humans are basically biological machines with a bit of free will mixed in to make things interesting.
 There is variance in the mechanical design of various genepools – for example, Kenya creates a dramatically higher number of elite distance runners when compared to other locations – and Jamaica produces better sprinters but about 99.5% of human DNA is identical across all people. A lot of people answering this question are getting hung up on culture, ideology, religion, national identity, etc.

But none of that is ‘real’, in the same sense that a human individual is real. 
Genetics, mechanics, biology, brain chemistry – those things can be easily,
empirically proven to be basically similar across all people.

People are basically the same everywhere. What they believe, what they do, and especially how they relate
to one another, is not necessarily the same everywhere. Using caution, I personally find it tragic and ironic
that what sets each person apart, no matter how wonderful or special, historically is also the source and
roots of great conflict and hatred throughout the entire species…
Our parts are interchangeable. If you need a blood transfusion in another part of the world, chances are someone has your blood type. We can give away “spare” parts like kidneys and livers. We all laugh.
We may not laugh at the same things and a smile may be harder to coax from one individual than from another,
but there are things that make us happy.
We all cry. We all feel pain whether physical, psychological or emotional.
When someone close to us dies we feel a sense of loss.
We all want something better for our kids. Even terrorists want this. They are completely wrong-headed
in the way they try to accomplish things, but if you listen to the rhetoric they’re wanting what they perceive
to be a “better” society. Their vision may sound horrific to us, but to them it’s “better”.

We all want to feel important and accomplished.
Not necessarily to be Nobel Laureates, but to feel like we matter.
We all find it easier to have compassion for those like us than for those we perceive as “different”.
So the sooner we begin to see how much we are alike, the better for us all.

However, we are all the same in some respects.

We require clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, clean food to eat, a clean environment to live and grow in.
We all require the same general things: light to do our work and other activities, space to move and feel free, clothing to keep us safe, clean and protected from the environment’s excesses, opportunities for social interaction with people we prefer, and the ability to avoid those we would rather avoid, the opportunity for privacy, temperatures generally hospitable for our general survival and flourishing.
We all are fragile and breakable; when cut, we all bleed.

One could go on and on, but you get the gist.

With all that being said, the short answer still remains as follows: 
The only equality humans share entirely, is their inescapable mortality. 
To be human, we are required to be birthed, only to be promised a death to come. 

Therefore, effectively speaking on sameness of the human race undoubtedly is MOST alike
and similar in the facts of one’s beginning and
guaranteed end to life.

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