Never give up, Never surrender

 World peace will come only when the people of this
world are at peace within themselves.

Never Once  by Marshall Segal
Have I not commanded you?  TO Be strong and courageous. 
Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with
you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

The Prince of Peace Simply stated, Isaiah 9:6, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” 

What does it mean that Jesus is the Prince of Peace? 

A friend emailed me: “Can you enlighten us on what is going on – in the earth’s energy field?  
I AM  feeling strange in a not too pleasant way…  Thank you.

On its own – humanity lacks the divinely revealed knowledge of how to bring peace.
It is ultimately going to require the return to earth of Jesus Christ, and the setting up of the Kingdom of God,
to bring true, just, lasting peace.  World peace, or peace on Earth, is the concept of an ideal state of happiness, freedom and peace within and among all people and nations on Planet Earth. This idea of world nonviolence is one motivation for people and nations to cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that has this objective. Different cultures, religions, philosophies, and organizations have varying concepts on how such a state would come about.
Human beings, as they are today, are not ready for world peace, not even close. You can create peace in a room, peace at the dinner table, peace in your home, but the leap to nations and planets takes us out of the realm of reality and into our imaginations.
Let’s not get egotistical about peace by shooting right for the be-all-that-end-all. 

Desiring God 
To say that man can exist apart from God is to say that a watch can exist without a watchmaker – or a story can exist without a storyteller. We owe our being to the God in whose image we are made (Genesis 1:27). Our existence depends on God, whether we acknowledge His existence or not.  As the Sustainer, God continuously confers life ( Psalms 104:14 ). Scripture connects inner peace specifically to peace among people:
“Let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. 
Genesis 1 :1-27 

In my opinion there are a lot of different factors of energy coming into our awareness and these take a toll
on us in many different ways. First and foremost, GMOs and chemtrails are horrendous human experiments – then all the while – include multi-dimensional frequencies, Schumann Resonance changes, 5G frequencies, solar flares and more.
This all can wreak havoc on our bodies and our immune systems. We humans are re calibrating at
a rapid rate and that brings on all kinds of symptoms, depending on how you organically hold your energy.
I do my best to stay grounded and bubbled within!!!
I suggest learning how to do this so that you will gain the skills of being grounded and protected in your energy field. This gives you better judgment as well, and then uses your inner voice to determine what is and is not of your best interest. 
 I think we are in the times of redefining who we are and “the new normal.”
We Just need to learn to protect ourselves and our space from our environment and Big Government. 
I have a meditation   Here: for a grounding and bubble technique –
maybe incorporate that into your daily routine to maintain better judgement, discernment,
and grounding (peace of mind.)

Many folks are still holding onto negative frequencies and are stuck in this vibration –
no judgment here – it is just the concept of letting go of what no longer serves you and this is what 2020 is all about. So, then most ask – how do I do that???  Well that is the great part about doing spiritual journeying – it is all so personal – you can do just about anything…it is all about intention to LET GO of what holds fear. This will open more frequencies of JOY.
Then when you find even a shard of JOY – celebrate and gratify so that JOY
becomes your new redefined YOU. 
Again, not telling anyone what to do or not do – it is all about personal choice. But I do know we humans will do this work either here or in between lives – so  I suggest entertaining ways to do it while still here. 2020 is about gaining 20 / 20 vision – command  better boundaries for your auric field. Your room. Your home. Your spaces and places. Command and practice discernment consistently. Command protection without fear.

You are protecting your fields – not being scared. Find support!!!

  Lately, I find myself being totally uninterested in the news and toward current events and
I have recently been cutting people out of my life because I feel they are lost, stuck in some strange dimension that I don’t want to be around. And yet my love and gratitude to Spirit has grown hugely.
I feel now that I’m part of the universe, no, I feel I AM the universe. I am all of you. 

I definitely realize – that I pick up on vibes instantly and I am an empath that I feel what people are going through.  I can literally feel my energy being drained around low vibrAtional people and feel my energy spike around high vibrAtional people. It really messes with my anxiety. Sometimes I don’t know why I feel the way or what I’m feeling or what’s the purpose of it. I’ve learned to shield myself and stay positive and
to keep my balance.

Here are a few common signs that indicate that you are struggling
with an inner conflict!!

Follow certain simple yet Eight effective tips to deal with today world:

1. Give direction to yourself
Recognize your inner conflicts and resolve them to make peace with your inner self. There are times when you behave totally opposite to what you really are and analyze your behavior a minute later. People who have inner conflicts usually seek support and get easily influenced by others around them. They always find it hard to make important decisions of life and wish someone else could do that for them. Such people get dependent upon others, which negatively affect their confidence.

2. A feeling of discomfort
It feels as if life is moving in the wrong direction and we are completely helpless. People accept that things are bad but it is unfortunately a partial acceptance. They don’t actually try to fight the feeling but on the contrary try to suppress it (bury their heads in the sand), something which eventually worsens the problem.

3. Recognize the “root cause of the problem”
It is quite difficult to find a solution to your problem until you acknowledge the fact that you really are struggling with the inner conflict. The feeling of inactivity of the recurring inner dialogues may be a strong indication to make sure, so that you can make an action plan.

4. Don’t suppress you inner conflict or violate your values
Those who try to avoid or run away from their inner conflicts feed them even more. You must accept that you have inner conflicts so that your unconscious mind gets the message. Think of all the possible ways to come out of it instead of closing your eyes to them. You must remember that the act of violating your inner values actually instigates the inner conflicts. Listen to your heart when you make important decisions in your life and even if you have made a mistake in the past, make sure you don’t repeat the mistake again in future.

5. Tendency to be politically correct
Such people often try to follow the footsteps of others regardless of what they really want to do. The tendency to do that often includes the desire to get support from others around them. What others value or say is much more important than what you believe in even if it takes you miles away from your goals. How do you actually react in a situation when you get loose money by the bank manager? Do you point it out or keep it in your pocket without uttering up a word? Your answer to this question can tell you clearly whether you are one of those who struggle with inner conflicts or not.

6. Don’t stress upon winning
It is all right if you end up making a mistake or do not get the support of all others around you. Take it easy, as you get to learn something new every time you make a mistake or take the less traveled path to get success. You can never get approval from others if you don’t approve of your own methods to reach your goals.

7. Dump it on a piece of paper
You must follow certain rules in life. Develop a belief system and values that help you give direction to your life. Do what you must do to reach your goals instead of running away from your responsibilities. Do not use “waiting for the right time expression” to procrastinate as it may lead to inner conflicts eventually.

8. Write the conflict on a piece of paper
Psychologists believe that when you write down your conflicts give you a feeling that you have actually dumped it.  Along with it, you get clarity of thoughts, which is important to make wise decisions. It is quite difficult to move on in life when you have inner conflicts troubling you day in day out. One of the best ways to deal with them is to follow your instincts or to do what your heart tells you to do.

 All of that fear, anger and negativity will simply transcend with you into what is called karma. 
So again, you obviously get to choose to believe whatever you want to, as we all do. But many on the planet
are a living testament to the fact that doing the hard work to release fear and regain balance in empowered love DOES work. While everyone goes through this process the way they choose – my advice is to do whatever you can to clear out fear and make sure to do all you can to upload joy and stay present.
 And also remember to work WITH the Law of Attraction – meaning focus on what you WANT versus what you don’t want. Because you’re creating anything you give attention to. TEACH yourself about energy and learn about your chakra system and RE-FUEL your body with love and self esteem.  NO ONE can do this for you.
Not even a healer for a discount price. Honor your body as it is the vehicle you create from and with. Do positive affirmations daily. Only focus on the positive. Stop focusing on the negative because you are the one drawing it in and if you believe that dark entities are harming you then they will. For every negative thought think three positive thoughts. Do your best to see yourself as love and light.

Nothing Positive Comes From Being Negative  –  as stated by Joe Nuxhall  Born: Jul 30, 1928 · Hamilton, OH | Died: Nov 15, 2007 · Fairfield, OH and Joe Nuxhall should know he made an impact. On June 10, 1944, at 15-years-old  – NUXIE  became the youngest person ever to play Major League Baseball. 

  No one can take that from you and no one can do it FOR you.
We must Command light around ourselves – it is all about raising your vibration. And BTW, if you DO choose to leave this planet (message to those thinking suicide) all of your fear and angst will go right along with you.
I hope you realize that you will karmically still need to resolve what you do not do on this plane of existence.
So in my opinion, it behooves you to do the work now, here, and find love and joy as it is your birthright.

This world is a beautiful place if you choose to see it that way. 
Thereby,  I am learning to Surrender to all my existence (the good and the seemingly bad) is critical for overall health. Trusting your decisions and releasing fear opens the channels for You to flow through. My suspicion is that with complete surrender and trust in yourself (which is ultimately Source/God), life not only gets easier, but alignment to Soul purpose happens, and thus all of your dreams come true.
Everyone has a right to their version of reality, and this includes navigating “this enlightenment process”. 
If you feel it is not safe for you, that’s your truth, it just may not be another’s. 

I personally believe “evil” has every right to be here – for others to discern the difference between those bad and those who are good.  Just as I also have the right not to play in that sandbox so to speak.
I raise my vibration. Just a thought.

And BTW – what IS the REAL WORLD anyhow.
We are very powerful humans and our thoughts create our reality both good and bad. Keep up the medical reasons search but when there are no answers there turn to your higher self and ask for assistance that way. The Law of Attraction helps a lot! 
It is more about the different frequencies fighting between folks, meaning when someone is holding a higher vibration in love and then encounters another that is holding a lower vibration if fear – those two energies –  fight much like magnets pushing and pulling.
This may sound odd to some but  pretty “normal” to others that are energetically aware of this Ascension process and remember many folks are asleep to it and will not necessarily experience the same reality. The way I best navigate all this is to stay present, stay grounded and stay in the observer mode – meaning be somewhat in AWE of what is going on around us, and own it as your truth even if it is not everyone else’s. 
Go = Put God above ️

In these trying times: it’s important to Keep eating healthy & enjoying nature. It has always helped me
re-charge & regain balance. It is OK to seek that out as much as you need it. Some people’s energy is being drained, so one thing I have recently learned is how to minimize physical encounters with those people &
how to protect oneself when around such people.
If it is not too uncomfortable for you, try the meditation. It is important to protect – 
ALL of yourself against – external negative, draining energy.
 There are positive affirmations you can say & write to keep your energy strong to repel and/or reduce the negativity from other people. I have been using “Mind Movies” & “MindValley” for various guided meditations they offer for free, as well as other courses about maintaining positive energy through affirmations.
My favorite is: “You have the Heart of a Lion & You will Love Yourself no matter what the world tells You.” 
It is very powerful to say that to yourself while looking in the mirror – looking yourself in the eyes.
It gives you a huge boost of energy from the Creator’s Energy within all the Life around us.

 Kundalini awakening can be aggressive and Heal is a great movie to watch too.

“HEAL”: A New Film Dissects the Healing Power of the Mind-Body Connection.
The New Documentary Heal Makes Important Points About Staying Positive !!!
This new documentary explores the Power of the MIND and demonstrates that we are not victims of our genes, and that in fact we have more control over our health and life that we could ever imagine.
HEAL, directed, written, and produced by Kelly Noonan and Adam Schomer, dissects the incredible relationship between spirituality and science that yogis seek to optimize on a daily basis. “The intention behind HEAL is to inspire, empower, and inform,” says Kelly Noonan Gores, the film’s director. “We are living in an epidemic of fear and stress. I wanted not only to shine a light on our bodies’ brilliant capacity for healing, but also present the scientific evidence proving our beliefs, thoughts, emotions have a direct and profound influence on our genetic expression. I want to include inspiring real-life stories to show us what is truly possible when it comes to healing, even when we are told there is no hope.”
  The film tells the unbelievable stories and healing journeys of real people who were able to cure chronic
pain and overcome terminal illnesses using the “power of belief.” Leading scientists, master teachers, bestselling authors, and mind-body experts including Deepak ChopraMarianne Williamson, Bruce Lipton,   Michael Bernard Beckwith, and Anita Moorjani lend their insight to the film.

  It’s All in Your Mind!!!
Is it really possible that imagination can influence outcomes in the “real” world?
Using your imagination can be a powerful and creative tool for a life transformation.
See also It’s All in Your Mind!!!

Foods that cure disease provide over 4 hours of compelling video. Diagnosed with high cholesterol, 
Craig McMahon took control of his health and beat his genetic fate by consuming a whole plant-based diet inspired by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn,
Dr. Michael Greger and Dr. John McDougall. 

I suggest you Google and learn about the Law of Attraction as you are drawing in a lot of negatives and
that will only multiply – you can paradigm shift this by CHOOSING to refocus on positive outcomes.
Patience is key – usually our Higher Self knows exactly what is best for us.  I would suggest studying
the Law of Attraction to learn to paradigm shift. Throughout the darkness of the universe we can look forward to the shining stars of the universe. In this video Orion’s Nebula (Messier 42) it opened up a black hole or a tunnel with some kind of spellword to the four stars on the Nebula, I learned, 
I want to grow within my higher self. I want to be more protected, more able to control my thoughts,
more full of love.
I overthink in the realm of “higher-self”, what else is out “there”, how I feel much different than others.
I want to feel human again. But also with the knowledge and guidance of my higher self and my guides. I know I am on my great path, I am just needing a tribe. Some people who understand, who can hear me, who I can help.
I feel best when I help others, provide for others, loving others and being together. I feel full when I do this, but I need some support myself too, but from people that understand, who experience things similar to how I do.
 I do know the Physics of Change. Change is like Time. In fact, it is Time.
There are as many factors involving Change as there are in Time.

Why Time DOESN’T Exist! (A Life Changing Truth)
In my personal opinion there is no finish line with time it’s always in change, motion and transformation.
It is the evolution of creations itself. The purpose IS co-creation. We are humans having a spiritual experience here on the planet and sometimes we forget that. The great thing about the changing energies is that it is going to continue to be different all the time; especially now when people are awakening at such a rapid pace – so maybe just try, try and try again – meaning I just keep trying new things to work with my energy.
I try MANY different ways to play with the energies and these efforts will change as the energy changes.
I think one of the things to do is to keep the FUN and the AWE in this process versus
finding the frustration or the fear.
The only thing one can do is to be aware of what’s happening and to observe. To interfere in any aspect would throw the outcome. If you are afraid, center yourself, step back and wait. You might be right in assuming, Koi, that the simplification we’ve done in order to make the concept of time more understandable to us, is misleading. The idea of a timeline might not be false though. Maybe time can be written on a timeline – the starting point being the Big Bang, and the ending point being either the end of the universe or an infinite amount of time along the timeline (in case the universe will never cease to exist). The past can obviously not be changed according to this theory (like most other theories of time), but neither can the present or the future, suggesting that time is predestined in a sense.
This does not mean we can’t make our own future through decisions, but the timeline already “knows” which decision will be taken, or maybe there are an infinite amount of predestined timelines, the point being the predestination and time being “always” at all times. This “theory” has probably already been thought of before me, and that might be because it is as good as any common theory, since it like many of them also cannot be disproved in any way we know of. When questions get so complex that we can’t know which answer is the right one, we might as well choose one for ourselves. Does time exist, does time not exist.
It really is up to each individual to just “pick one”.

Sweden, Which Never Had Lockdown, Sees COVID-19 Cases Plummet as Rest of Europe Suffers Spike

Having Faith  just because we can’t see it … that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!
For in Him we live and move and have our own inner being, Our God is ALIVE. Alive and involved, in and through and over all that we see, touch, smell and sense… and even the things we cannot.  He is not an idle idol, a statue sitting on a hill, a God too high and lofty to reach into the depths of our very souls.
But rather is all around us, in us… It’s so easy to assume that we are alone in this world. 
We go through times of great hardship and feel alone… we may be surrounded by people,
but in our heart of hearts there is an ache for a deeper connection and to be understood behind the realms of sound and sight. “He is not far from each of us” Although we may feel alone and as though God is dead and silent, He is actually, and quite really, very near to you, IT’S IN HIM THAT WE LIVE –
our life comes from Him.
His breath breathed into us, sparking life and sustaining us… AND MOVE – He is with us through every season and circumstance, every move and turn our lives make, He is but a call away… AND HE IS IN OUR BEING – He created us and our innermost self.  He knows us deeper and more fully than any other human on the planet.  He is longing to bring to the forefront the true value and purpose of our very being. 

You Can Heal Your Life…
You’re not alone,  Christ is with you – all around you – empowering you. 
Have Your Best Day My Friends.  🙂 

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