Virus Superposition

Your ‘situation’ & your hardships & your struggles are trying to teach YOU something

There are too few flu cases this year to run any modeling from the CDC.
I wonder why?

This guy said that his doctor told him to get a flu shot so that, if he gets sick, they’ll know it’s COVID and not the flu. Besides the fact that 40%-60% of people who get a flu shot and
still get the flu, it seems COVID tests can’t distinguish it from flu.
Dr. Fauci Wants People To Know Covid-19 Vaccine Was Developed By A Black Woman – YouTube

Very simple. The flu has disappeared globally because masks work great for the flu but not for Covid-19. Flu virus is simply terrified by a piece of fabric or paper placed in front of the mouth. Unfortunately Covid-19 doesn’t care. It is just too mean.

These are the terms that history will use to describe the handling of this “Plandemic”.

Feel free to add the ones I missed…
Medical Malpractice
Media induced Panic
Political Malfeasance
Willful Ignorance

Because people are wearing masks to prevent the much more deadly COVID. COVID also causes long term disabilities in a large percentage of cases, unlike the flu. Your medical license should be pulled for spreading false information. Watch “THE CV19 GENOCIDE OF 2020 BY CLAIRE EDWARD’S Please like and Share everywhere far and wide!”

Virus superposition if you know your quantum physics !
Viral competition most likely. It’s not super well understood but we have seen this historically when a new dominant virus comes in….
The others get out of the way The behavior to avoid corona is the same as that to avoid influenza. We just never did it because we generally don’t take influenza seriously. Avoid contact wash hands etc. also decreases flu maybe more than corona. Influenza has morphed into COVID for the purpose of continuing to inflame fear among Americans, not to mention the fact that government and private insurers are paying 20% bonuses to hospitals and physicians who treat COVID.

As the flu season BEGINS, make room for the possibility that masks, #SocialDistancing and other #pandemic prudence to which The 3-Digit IQ Crowd adheres could also mitigate #influenza spread? They’re lying! Everything is COVID COVID COVID! Fear Mongering to justify Lockdowns! Proves people are masking, washing hands and social distancing.

Effective against flu virus but not Covid-19. What are we missing?
Do we need to go on the offensive and find ways to kill this bug, not focus just on preventing contact. Because they all tested positive for Covid-19 even though we know it’s the flu. It’s flu season aka cough and cold. Yes. Fewer heart attacks and cancer deaths, too. Can we assume Covid-19 has cured a lot of diseases somehow? Crazy world we live in . #Covid19 knowledge hierarchy; 1st, Journalist, then politicians, drug company executives… doctors are at the bottom of the ladder. Why silence dissenting voices?

The world is walking blindly into some people’s pockets.

Any good salesman knows when you are closing the sale on one product,
you don’t want anything else to disrupt the sale.
Only think about corona, all other causes of death no longer exist, and if it was not for Covid-19, we would all be immortal, or so it would seem we believe now. Less susceptible population to die from pneumonia after the initial wave of COVID nursing home deaths in NY?
NY is one of the states that CDC flu numbers are tracked.

Flu vaccines worked or recording flu & RNA traces of former colds (Coronavirus) into Covid19 is working. 99% recovery from Covid properly codes this #CovidPhobia which is doing unprecedented harm. That is the political scandal masking itself as “science” & “health.”

Even kids are asking why masks work for the flu but not Sars-Cov-2. It looks like Sars-Cov-2
is able to slide under or over a mask, do the High Jump, Long Jump and Pole Vault over Plexiglas barriers !!!! Maybe because it is a lab engineered virus which behaves differently?
The fact that there are too few cases for the CDC to run any modeling, simply proves that Covid-19 wasn’t as serious as the Dems, Deep State, Medical Community, & MSM lead us to believe. Covid was weaponized by the Dems to control the American People.
In our private school, there is required mask wearing, social distancing, sanitation and an abundance of hand washing. Unlike last year’s terrible cold and flu spread, these measures make a difference. Kid’s spread flu, but not Covid-19.

Some people who work in a lab state: We tested for influenza in past years. We stopped testing for influenza in October so we could put all our resources to Covid-19.
Coincidentally, influenza cases disappeared.
“The FDA is outsourcing COVID-19 testing to10 Chinese companies that have received FDA authorization U.S. testing.” per Jordan Schachtel.

“I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS”: Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing – YouTube

CDC is going to have to stop publishing the historical mortality too.
People will get the wrong impression about being scared of Covid-19.
And that is dangerous. People must be scared of Covid-19. That’s the rule.

Dr. Samadi I think you’d love to know I know of two people that tested. One got a rapid test and was positive. His follow up test that day never got sent to the lab. Another?
Rapid was negative but follow up was sent to a lab and he had to quarantine 3-4 day.
Numbers are skewed.

The COVID-LAB 19 companies have to ensure their BILLIONS OF $$S coming in from
the US TAXPAYERS for years since these COVID-19 TESTS are FREE to everyone.
FALSE POSITIVES keep AMERICANS fearful but makes money for the LABS!
Tested ‘Positive’ For COVID-19? Be Sure To Ask This Question | ZeroHedge

Coronavirus is the strain that happened (either natural or not) this year.
It was POLITICALLY WEAPONIZED to shutdown our economy, stop our freedom of assembly and stop our freedom of speech.

Why? For the Few to gain control of the Many…

Flu cases ‘drop’ 95% compared to last year. Are patients being misdiagnosed as having COVID-19? (

More ppl got flu shots and more ppl wearing masks and social distancing has to be part of it, correct? It’s not all part of a hoax. Just being pragmatic about it.
The truth is usually somewhere in the middle?

I am home now fighting something that feels like the flu. Headache, fever, aches and chills.
I refuse to be tested because regardless of what it is it will be Covid-19. It may be but I’m not giving them one more statistic to use to fuel the fear. Flu doesn’t exist anymore. It was
phased out by a new improved isolation tool that scares anyone it comes into contact with.
Flu got old and boring. Covid-19 is a new designer virus that attacks brains, lungs, hearts, GI, joints.
You name it! Covid-19 is what’s happening now!

Because most illnesses are counted as COVID-19. Anyone that goes to the hospital is counted as a Covid-19 patient most likely. So the flu it’s called Covid-19. A mild cold is called Covid-19. Everything is called Covid-19. Makes the number nice and high so they can control us more.
Locked up like a criminal in your house and not going out Or prohibited from gathering with friends or family obviously reduces the numbers of any contagious disease. I don’t think suicides, despair, loss of lives from stress of these draconian measures are reduced in number.

Dr. Fauci Predicts When Things Will “Get Really Bad”
By Dr. Anthony Fauci.

This is when COVID cases will peak, he says.
Over the summer, it seemed impossible that the COVID-19 pandemic could get any worse than it did in the spring, where hospitals were hitting capacity, there was a shortage of ventilators, and makeshift morgues were being set up in the street. However, despite warnings from top health organizations and experts — including Dr. Anthony Fauci — the health crisis is worse than it has ever been. Scarily enough, the nation’s leading infectious disease authority and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, maintains it is going to get even worse. Read on to hear his warning, and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these 
Sure Signs You’ve Already Had Coronavirus.

Things Will “Get Bad in the Middle of January.”
During a briefing on Monday, Fauci told New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo that he expects the virus will rear its ugliest head in the New Year. “The middle of January could be a really dark time for us,” Fauci said. Why? According to Fauci, the decreasing temperatures,
Thanksgiving holiday celebrations, and then the upcoming holidays will have an
amplified impact in a “surge upon surge” manner. 
“You’d expect that the effect of the Thanksgiving surge would be probably another week and week and a half from now, because it’s usually two and a half weeks from the time of the event,” Fauci said. “The problem is, that’s going to come right up to the beginning of the Christmas,
Hanukkah potential surge.”
“We could start to see things really get bad in the middle of January,” Fauci predicted.
RELATED: 7 Tips You Must Follow to Avoid COVID, Say Doctors

You Can Turn the Trajectory Around, Saving Lives (Including Your Own)
However, he did mention that there is one way to turn the trajectory around: either avoid holiday gatherings altogether or take the same precautions during them that you would with strangers — wear a mask, practice hand hygiene, socially distance, and try and congregate outdoors or
in well-ventilated spaces.  
“It’s such a natural thing to think, when I have family and friends over for the holidays, Christmas and Hanukkah, you get indoors you take your mask off because you’re eating and drinking. And you don’t realize that there may be somebody that you know, that you love, that’s a friend, that’s a family member, who is perfectly well with no symptoms, and yet they got infected in the community, and brought it into that small gathering that you’re now having in your home,” he said.

As for yourself, follow his fundamentals and help end this surge, no matter where you live—wear a face mask, social distance, avoid large crowds, don’t go indoors with people you’re not sheltering with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and to protect your life and the lives of others, and don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.
Read More:  Dr. Fauci Says You Can Catch COVID This Way After All  | Eat This Not That
I repeat: “We all know why … it’s a miracle. Flu Cases and Old Age Deaths have vanished from the face of the earth. I guess there is a bright side. If we can avoid Covid-19, we will live forever. We all know why. Fraud in disease classification. Flu A/B classified as Covid-19.
Same fraud perpetrated by “ruling class” in our presidential elections.
Manufactured votes given to Biden.
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