Time Waits For NO ONE

We’ve seen the devastation the climate crisis has had on our country:
homes and neighborhoods in ashes.

God is in control of the weather! It says so in the Book of Job in great detail in the Bible!
The book of Revelation predicts an increase in natural disasters in these times! If you think you can STOP The Climate Crisis try Stopping Lightning Bolts DURING A THUNDERSTORM. The weather on earth has been constantly changing since the beginning of time. Even before humans. As long as there is a 22 year solar cycle there will be climate change. Is she proposing managing the thermal output of the sun?

Weve actually had less wildfires than previous years..
and within the average lol. https://nifc.gov/fireInfo/fire

Some of the most active hurricane seasons on record and historic flooding and tornadoes
in the Midwest. Starting on January 20th, the Biden Administration will tackle this crisis head-on here and around the world. Hurricane frequency within historical norms..
hard to determine exact cause of change says..
Hurricanes: Science and Society: Long-term Records of Hurricane Activity (hurricanescience.net)

Here in the United States they will put an extreme annual tax on second homes. Large “gas guzzling” personal vehicle annual tax. National gasoline tax to drive up the cost of gas to European standards to force people to buy smaller cars. Democrats feel people need to be led, they can’t think for themselves.

“If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street
If you try to sit, I’ll tax your seat
If you get too cold, I’ll tax the heat
If you take a walk, I’ll tax your feet
‘Cause I’m the taxman, yeah, I’m the taxman”
Taxes aren’t always the answer ya know…

Climate Activist Apologizes for Global-Warming Scare Mongering

Some Experts tell us Climate Change gloom and doom is NOT HAPPENING!
Drastic Environmental and Global Warming Predictions of the Last 50 Years HAVE NOT COME TRUE! Read this long list… Even if we will switch to electric cars today with the rest of the planet. It will change the climate in 20 years for 3%. What we should do is support poor countries and try to increase their life so they will start asking about the climate.
But now they are looking to feed their kids.

My opinion being There’s no climate crisis. There’s a human adaptation crisis. We have to adapt to the changing world, rather than trying to make boogeymen out of specific chemicals. Think of it like body temperature. A small change can have you in bed with a fever. Same here. Small changes in temperature have big consequences.
Some people from other countries are humbly begging President Biden to put the poorest countries in Africa on our Covid-19 vaccination plans.
Because they lost two cabinet ministers. #letssavemalawi
What about China? They started this pandemic!

Throwing money at a problem without finding the root cause of it is foolhardy:
There is no saving this planet until we get our population under control. The Earth cannot even support 8 billion people now, much less 11 billion by 2100. We are a plague that is overrunning the planet, making extinct every other creature. Then, we will be next. Capitalism and it’s demand for constant growth is the problem. Just look at the carbon footprints of any Western countries citizens compared to the global south.

Population is only part of the problem and it’s unhelpful to prioritize it like this.
But the biggest polluter to their planet is China. Some people talk about planting trees,
which would make the single greatest impact on planet warming, area rainfall modification, stream bank stabilization and carbon sequestration. Especially in terms of safety and results for lowest price. But there’s a problem with planting trees as a climate solution.

It takes a minimum of 20 years for a tree to start maximum absorption. It’s simply not fast enough.Yes it helps a fraction but it’s mainly an exercise in making people feel good. Liberals would like to see the government handout of 273.6 million vehicles cost $11 trillion dollars. And only 500,000 charging stations you would have a 30 minute wait per charge. 547 vehicles per charging station with 11 days waiting to get your car recharged. That would be a 127 terawatt electricity consumption per year currently 3.9 terawatt total US electricity consumption 2019.

With India, China and Brazil, as the biggest polluters and aren’t willing to change a thing.
So it’s not going to work. Last summer China saw the sky for the first time, due to the pandemic. It has been over 25 years since they have seen the clear skies. What does that tell you? Waste of $$$$ and it is premature to conclude with high confidence that increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations from human activities have had a detectable impact on Atlantic basin hurricane activity.”


People can’t think about the survival of our species if all they can think about is the survival of their families. Tackling the climate crisis requires not just reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also increasing economic security in a guaranteed way.

Green New Deal: Get people back to work building renewable energy (ROBOTICS, factories, installation, repair/maintenance) and our crumbling infrastructure. Invest in indoor/vertical farms so cities can grow their food locally, reducing shipping (costs and emissions). Look into Joel Salatin – the Lunatic Farmer — The Lunatic Farmer  The regenerative agriculture movement can save the planet while still providing food for the world. Check him out,
you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

“Climate crisis” how about calling it for what it is: Global Warming!
The ice is not melting from the top down, it’s melting from the bottom up – Much like implementing Medicare 4 all without first getting cost to the physician under control first.

In Summary: there’s nothing you can do to stop a hurricane and I haven’t
seen anything in the 60 plus years along the gulf coast that can, and all the government ever did was screw things up and I don’t think you will be any different !!! Whereas CO2 is only 0.04% of the atmosphere. While Wildfires start because of poor regulation protecting endangered nets, not allowing owners to clean their woods from dead DeBry that’s a fire hazard and then arsonists once they start. The rest is called mother nature. Keep lying and wasting our money as usual. Let’s speak, let’s trust, let’s act.

Finally, if Trump’s common sense solutions is a risk to the insane asylum?
From building the wall and turning Southern California away from the Gravy Train and recovering 1000’s upon thousands of kids and human trafficking.
A second impeachment is what he gets for his earnest work. While Trump’s knowledge of national secrets would make him an unwelcome man in your dictatorship. A chilling scenario would have Trump declare himself “president in exile”, to foment insurrection among his devotees!

This song may carry you and all of us on this Earth over the Pandemic and into a better future. Freddie Mercury – Time Waits For No One (Official Video) – YouTube
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