Lightness Into Darkness

We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace—business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob. Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me and I welcome their hatred. — Franklin D. Roosevelt

And taxes on the wealthy were as high as 90% back then… That’s nonsense!

Read what he said again. Focus on “more”.

The Affordable Care Act has made things worse.

Social security & Medicare- going bankrupt Vaccines- developed by private businesses ACA- caused insurance premiums to skyrocket!!!
The assumption that spending more of the taxpayers’ money will make things better has survived all kinds of evidence that it has made things worse.

The New Deal era was the most prosperous time in our history when our middle-class was the strongest Social Security? Hasn’t made things worse. Vaccines? Haven’t made things worse. Medicare? Hasn’t made things worse. Affordable Care Act? Hasn’t made things worse. There is such a thing as wasteful spending, but lots of good things have helped people from the government. Every single thing you’ve mentioned has done irreparable harm to the American taxpayer! I’m not even sure you’ve researched this. I wouldn’t know where to begin. All of these things are riddled with corruption, murder and payoffs.

Social security is going broke and doesn’t pay nearly what it used to. Gov’t intervention in the health care system destroyed it… people used to only need insurance for critical care. Vaccines have been around long before gov’t intervention, and were cheaper. Not to mention , the medical field charges a huge mark up because they know insurance and or the government will foot the bill. Also people selling supplies to the medical field do the same thing.   It seems as though healthcare is shamefully unaffordable since the “affordable” healthcare act was passed. History Matters!   President Bill Clinton’s Economic Policies (

1. You need to look beyond immediate benefits to unintended consequences

2. Like all generalizations, there are a few exceptions, like spending that would have been private had not the government taken it over.

Do you live on social security?

The generation that believed they could get screwed. Now we know that we need to pay the tax but still make other plans. Same with Medicare. It’s a lie that we still pay for. Some people always have their hand out. All of the above made things worse.

Each was a Ponzi scheme that was going broke since day one. The selfish people are ok with taking what they can get out of it and not caring about those who come later, like you, never learn and never care. Gimme Gimme Gimme!

You obviously don’t work in the healthcare industry — Medicare and the affordable care act have absolutely made things WORSE…
America is broke and we continue to give billions in taxpayers money to foreign countries and it has to end. The ACA absolutely did make things worse. Anyone with private insurance through an employer now pays twice as much for coverage and 100% of all costs only after a $5,000 deductible is met, then 20%. $70,000 hospital stay used to be covered 100% now you pay $14,000 MUCH WORSE!

Don’t blame the ACA on that. Insurers are having a field day.

Our health system sucks. Our access to good care is the worst in the developed world. That’s not from the ACA…You most CERTAINLY can blame Obamacare. And those who were forced to buy into the ACA found that it was also unaffordable. It should have been called the Unaffordable Uncaring Act! Yes, It Was The ‘Affordable’ Care Act That Increased Premiums (

Galileo on Twitter: “@ThomasSowell @OGAMO1 Social Security? Hasn’t made things worse. Vaccines? Haven’t made things worse. Medicare? Hasn’t made things worse. Affordable Care Act? Hasn’t made things worse. There is such a thing as wasteful spending, but lots of good things have helped people from the government.” / Twitter
Yeah, like FDR’s New Deal, right? That was awful.
The government collects so much in taxes. It can solve problems and make good investments at times like the investments that created the internet and building the suburbs. Millions of jobs, careers and wealth creation in America would not have happened w/out these fed govt investments. That doesn’t take into account the opportunity costs of all the jobs, careers, and wealth creation that would have happened with the money in private hands if it hadn’t been extracted in taxes.

Private business cannot risk large scale losses.
This is why the fed gov’t researches too many drugs to count b4 big pharma steps in to profit. No private entity could have started the internet or built the suburbs w/out the fed gov’t. #factsonly You are absolutely delusional. Go watch “Men Who Built America”, so you learn at least something about your own country’s history. It was the private sector in the 19th century, who put the USA on the path to catch up with the rest of the world. In the early 20th century, tax rates were about 70%. After the war, depression, the federal gov’t built the national highway system and the suburbs so today’s grandparents could buy a first home and start passing wealth down.

This is when the majority moved from inner cities, rural areas.

That doesn’t take into account the opportunity costs of all the jobs, careers, and wealth creation that would have happened with the money in private hands if it hadn’t been extracted in taxes. You can now watch the full documentary Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World – Full Video – YouTube

Thomas Sowell on Twitter: “The assumption that spending more of the taxpayers’ money will make things better has survived all kinds of evidence that it has made things worse.” / Twitter
If you don’t enjoy the journey, you won’t enjoy the destination.
So spending money on the Covid vaccine during a pandemic is making things worse?
Sometimes the government needs to spend money. Making a blanket statement like this is kind of ridiculous. Again, distilling the point down to a precise, articulate, and succinct statement that captures the essence of the issue without invective or hyperbole. Again, much respect.

Combined interests vs diffuse interests.
Some say, “We together will raid the treasury.” They join together (51%) under any guise & loot away. Others say, “I’ll just mind my own business.” They prosper. Until too many of the former group send cities and nations into decay.
Shifting money, resources, and power from the poor- middle class to elite conservatives is what makes things worse. Infinitely worse.
Just giving everyone tax breaks doesn’t fix many problems either… I just wish that our Government, 20 or 30 years ago, had realized it, & kept it in mind that.. “Facts & Feelings are 2 different things”.. maybe tax money would have gotten spent just a little better?

It’s all about the fallacy of composition where in gov spending is said to be beneficial to the economy,as the money is spent and re-spent, creating jobs, raising incomes while generating tax in process.but usually the same money if had remained in taxpayers hands it would have done the same. The assumption that government spending is automatically bad is the second stupidest thing about communism.

The death of the Weimar Republic was the nonexistent social spending. The resurrection of the USA was the New Deal. Stop saying ‘evidence’ when you don’t have any. We are governed by a ship of fools who ignore your simple truth. In the end, it is not about truth but power.

It’s not the money itself but how it is spent. We have a failing infrastructure and are not prepared for worst case scenarios. Pork in important bills has to go. People need to make their own way, they will be proud when they do. I believe in hand up, not handouts. However, some will pocket a handful without doing squat. If you have run ANY kind of business, big or small, you know that throwing money at a problem never fixes it…..NEVER!!! We are spending the unborn taxpayers’ money though?

Repeating the same and expecting a different result is madness. ~Einstein

Maybe they should steal less of my money and let me spend it.

FAA? No air traffic control? So defund the police? No problem?
The soviets had 16 5 year plans, all of them worse than before, Cuba is on their 12th, Venezuela on their 5th, NOKO?

Flag of Cuba

I’m 67, since 1953 they are not better off. Like the military budget, maybe if y’all reduced that by 10% you guys could have a lot of things you want, and you’ll still be the leading military by a country mile. Says the aging apologist for trickle down voodoo urine voodoo economics …

The Laffer Curve ball, dancing all the way to the bank in the Panama Papers … Philosophically misinformed social science is also teaching that personal observations are inadequate evidence for what exists and acts as the cause of political effects. Graduates are entirely dependent on political authority for confirmation of what is true and what is propaganda.
As opposed to Reaganomics /trickle down,/supply side/voodoo routinely booming and busting hard under Republicans. That proven repeat failure is ok or doesn’t warrant a comment?
Vaccine passports are the end of human liberty & freedom in the West.
i guess you spent the last 40 years ignoring the nationwide downward spiral that lower taxes have created for the United States – crumbling infrastructure, fraying safety net, more homeless, more food insecure – but sure! KEEP MAKING TAX CUTS, PLZ!
I’m a big Thomas Sowell fan. However the U.S. Government has the constitutional authority to create new money by spending. Then bring that money back out of the economy through taxation if the new money causes inflation. I’m questioning the term “taxpayer money”. Thoughts?
Why is this? With mountains of evidence that the welfare state and other progressive policies do more harm than good, how do they still have support of mindless sheep (Dem voters)?
Always the lazy and ignorant government option who is not willing to fix what’s wrong and do the hard thing to grow. How do you suggest we deal with the serfs? Small price to pay to maintain present wealth distribution. Where were you when the govt gave trillions in taxpayer money to rich business owners?

Slogan: “Be part of history, elect the first intellectual into office this century.”

Given that you are an economist, please evaluate the attached and provide your expert opinion. Then tell us what’s different. Your peers allege that this created the longest lasting recovery in US history. Thanks. Obama Economic Stimulus Package: How ARRA Worked (   This is not Sowell’s account, just one that posts quotes from his books. He goes into this pretty thoroughly in his bibliography and even in his interviews, particularly in the context of the welfare state and it’s effect on lower economic areas

Collision symbol

The 3rd Yan Report is published The Wuhan Laboratory Origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the Validity of the Yan Reports Are Further Proved by the Failure of Two Uninvited “Peer Reviews” The Wuhan Laboratory Origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the Validity of the Yan Reports Are Further Proved by the Failure of Two Uninvited “Peer Reviews” | Zenodo Link:

A brilliant quote. Verifiable positive results as well as consequences when that does not occur are missing in most government. The solution from our politicians is always more spending with zero oversight/management. Is Reality Optional?: And Other Essays (Hoover Institution Press Publication Book 418) – Kindle edition by Sowell, Thomas. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @

America generates trillions each year from the taxes we already pay. The government doesn’t have an income problem, it has a spending problem. No one should have to pay any additional taxes because we will never see any benefit from it. You need to end it with and who will pay for it, pretty much think it is a credit card, it helps to think that also there is the same assumption that it won’t do bad to you except when you’re broke and can’t pay it back.

What a total ungodly waste of money…. It’s not climate change that is going to murder us off – it’s the progressive cure that is consistent with their belief that there r too many people using their planet.. Abortion murders are not enough for them so they need a destroyed economy. Umm I think they are spending more than taxpayers money.

Unless you meant future generation taxpayers.

It’s slave morality. Some people wanna be slaves to the state. Disincentivizing people, denying people the motivation to “do for self”, removing personal responsibility and replacing it with dependency on the gov’t are a high price to pay for gov’t handouts. Sowell is one of the wisest men in the world. Too bad more people don’t know anything about him. The left worships at the altar of race hustlers like Al Sharpton. It’s intended to make things worse. Prosperity and peace are the antithesis of democrat socialist power.

Dems have always been the tax and spend party. Raising corporate taxes just leads to higher costs for consumers. Any 5th grader knows that! Ronald Reagan Interview on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson – 01/03/1975 – Part 02 – YouTube
Exactly!! you have more sense and knowledge than most of Congress combined. Which proves that people in Government are insane!
You know who knows how to spend taxpayer’s money best?

The taxpayers.

One would think after the accumulation of a $30 trillion #NationalDebt to “make things better,” that a new business model should be tried.
And the tax dollars are never used efficiently or effectively. They end up lining the wrong pockets. I am old enough to remember when the government spending several million dollars was big news… A LOT of the spending is from rich f#cks buying debt, so they can become rich. That is the Democrat’s entire raison d’Etat. Yeah you can’t spend your way to prosperity…

Democrats don’t care about that. Spending more of taxpayers’ money will make Democrats seizing total power easier and that’s literally all they actually care about. Democrats always spend us into recessions. Obama ruined the biz economy under his tenure. Democrats lack financial, fiscal, intelligence. Just look at every major democratic city. It says everything right there. No country has ever taxed themselves into prosperity. Life isn’t predictable. Enjoy each special moment as it happens. Mindfulness is a pattern of living that brings joy day to day and moment to moment.

2 Timothy 3:1-9 1 But mark this: that in the end times perilous times will come: 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 traitors, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a know for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. ledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers opposed the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

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