The #CCP Threatens Nuclear Strikes

Time to BREAK CHINA In 6 pieces … that will bring peace and remove a communist dictatorial threat !

‘Marxism Leninism Maoism Basic Course’ – Bing video
Introduction: Otto-Ernst Remer (August 18, 1912 – October 4, 1997) was a highly respected German Wehrmacht officer who played a decisive role in stopping the July 20, 1944 plot against Adolf Hitler. During the war he was wounded nine times in combat and ultimately promoted to Generalmajor (brigadier general). After the war he co-founded the Sozialistische Reichspartei (SRP). He remained a fervent National Socialist until the end of his days and is seen as a ‘Godfather’ in the postwar underground.

General Remer on the New Jewish World Order
“The main task of your generation is finding a healthy and honorable solution to the Palestinian question. Capitulating before Israel is not a solution; it is betraying the future generations. If you cannot obtain a victory today, the least you can do is not to capitulate without resisting. Instead of giving up, you must work seriously and create the economic, political and social conditions for the future victory. In the first place, you must conquer tyranny, decadence and corruption in your own heart! You must know that your strength is Israel’s weakness. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed like a rotten shed, whereas the vitality of the German people has been preserved in the seed and could lead us Germans to fresh progress. The Islam began in the 6th century as a cultural, spiritual and reforming movement against the superpowers of that time. The military strength of the Islam grew as a consequence of its spiritual strength. 
The only real solution of the Palestinian question lies in the return of the Palestinian people to their fatherland, in the setting up of a true Palestine,
that should be able to confine within its limits the Jewish usurping state.
Any solution violently extorted, any unjust peace will be rejected by future generations. The regimes that are in power in the Arab and Islamic world are like dead bodies. They perished because of their weakness. The future belongs to the forces of Islam. The Hamas and the Jihad [two uncompromising Islamic movements] are the Islamic response to the Zionist challenge. This is what takes place in your countries today: your leaders are politically finished. Instead of stepping down in honor, they cling bitterly to power and
try to drag their peoples along into the precipice.”   Read More: 
 An Interview with General Otto Ernst Remer | National Vanguard 
Democratic Fascists Prepare to Drop the Hammer | Black Agenda Report

The Afghanistan Deal Is Already Falling Apart –
Military threat is the only strategy for a barbaric party to cover the truth.

The Democrats’ Gun Control Harassment Strategy – The Truth About Guns

Merrick Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas Testify Before Congress On The “Domestic Extremism” Threat – Occidental Dissent

The Greater Israel Project: A Zionist Scheme To Transform The Geopolitical Map Of The Mideast – The Millennium Report

Trump isn’t the threat to democracy, Democrats are | Washington Examiner

The dirty little secrets of the Pentagon in the Biden era –

World War I: Schlieffen and His Plan |

Breaking: The #CCP Threats Nuclear Strikes On #US After US Announces Investigation into Origin of #CCPVirus. “Our nuclear missiles must be so numerous the U.S. elite will tremble at the thought of military confrontation with #China at that time.” “Given the intensifying U.S. strategic containment of China, I would like to remind once again that we have many urgent tasks, but one of the most important is to keep rapidly increasing the number of nuclear warheads and strategic missiles like the Dongfeng 41 with extremely long-range and high survival capabilities. This is the cornerstone of China’s strategic resilience against the United States.

“We must be prepared for a high-intensity showdown between the US and China, at which point a large number of DF-41 and JL-2 and JL-3 will be the backbone of our strategic will. Our nuclear missiles must be so numerous that the U.S. elite will tremble at the thought of military confrontation with China at that time.
“On such a basis, we can calmly and actively manage our differences with the U.S. and avoid all kinds of gunfire. As U.S. hostility toward China continues to burn, we need to use our strength and the unbearable risks they would face if they took the risk to force them to remain calm.” Asian people are more likely to get Covid-19 and die, study claims | Daily Mail Online
China Virologist was wiped from the internet for telling the truth:
Dr. Li-Meng Yan speaks out: China Virologist was wiped from the internet for telling the truth: Dr. Li-Meng Yan speaks out – YouTube


Please see the link HERE: How China locked down internally for COVID-19, but pushed foreign travel (
Getting two experimental jabs with potential side effects including death…
& then still wearing a mask on an airplane is secretly a red pill for these brainwashed turds. I mean sheep, I mean people!!!
So the CCP killed millions of people worldwide and tanked the global economy by releasing a bio weapon, and now they are threatening to nuke the US if they talk about it. That doesn’t seem like a great strategy. Both parties have been pushing for a hot war between either China (repubs) or Russia (dems). We’re at the mercy of greedy sociopaths. Sit back and enjoy the show. So Covid-19 really was the opening shot for World War III (WHICH is of the spiritual variety…)
Eventually the left will see why the rest of us tolerated Trump’s imperfections.

This is a SHIT show. China working with Biden admin. There was already an ongoing investigation, was there not? The Biden admin shut it down and now wants to figure out what’s going on. Seems like a reasonable proportional response. Wasn’t it Bill Clinton who declassified our nuclear secrets to China. Stupid liberals! How We Would Fight China. – The Atlantic

This sure helps:

(1) Dems with another distraction – Bing
(2) WW cabals agenda – Bing
(3) Military industrial complex – Bing video
(4) Agenda 2030 the new world order – Bing
(5) Evil Population control idiots (Fouchy, Gates, etc.)

Have I missed anyone?

China was never very good at lying either this is rather par for the course, however it was only bad to call them liars with this virus. Any other time they were IP thieving capitalists when it came to cloning products & not viruses.
It was a biological attack! When are people going to see this for what it is!?! China threatening nuclear war with the USA? What is our DEFCON status?
If they threaten to use nukes over investigating the Covid-19 origin.

That shows they are guilty.

Between the Chinese cyber hacks that put Biden (Their straw man) into office to the Chinese spy’s assigned to work with politicians, they are taking over the United States! Research started right here in the good ole U.S. of A and was outsourced to China only after red flags arose due to the fact it was believed it could be used as a biological weapon. We are way overdue for a global war and the elites want one bad. This is the end game they want.

Nuclear means global nuclear winter and a new ice age. China and the
USA would kill humanity if this ever happened. It would add jet fuel to an uncontainable flame. If you think about totalitarian regimes, the strongest forces which lead to leadership selection are nepotism and/or psychopathy.

If the nukes are made in China we don’t have to worry.
Everything made in China is junk.

The more ruthless you are the more likely you are to succeed, no place for empathy. That is why we end up with Stalin, Mao, Hitler ….. now Xi. Your propaganda is weak, chairman Xi Jinping must be worried that if the truth
of the Covid source is from China he will be ousted for not containing the information flow. Pretty much everyone knows the coronavirus is a CCP Bioweapon and the vaccine is an unsafe experiment …WAKE UP USA!

China will be defeated if it goes into a misadventure spree.

Chinese PLA has not fought any war for decades. They may be numerous in numbers but weak and inexperienced. China would have its trade and energy interdicted thousands of miles before it even hit the South China Sea, w/in a short period it wouldn’t be able to feed its livestock + people, nor have energy or employ people. Don’t guide them…let them live in a Motley fool’s paradise…The last actual war they fought was against Vietnam, and they lost,

Only a guilty nation would threaten nuclear attack to prevent honest investigations into the search for truth in a global tragedy. CCP will never allow investigations of itself as it knows very well it’s at fault & will do everything to threaten the PLA but won’t strike. PLA knows if it strikes first then they will wipe out their own. You forgot. Trump is longer in office. If we do get attacked. Biden will do nothing.

An important thing to understand about the CCP is how all market enterprises trace back to it. There is no free press or free market. None can deviate from the party line. That being said, China is clearly at war with the West. Just look at recent Australian relations. Why not start here. They know it started in a lab in Wuhan. It’s coming.
Why is the CCP so scared of the US investigation? Face screaming in fear

Not knowing that since the cold war ended, America’s stockpile is now bigger, because the US doesn’t target any Russian locations anymore. Didn’t think of that did they? There is no winning in a nuclear war. Just in case, here’s one sobering thought. China can easily sacrifice 1 MILLION in a war, and not bat an eye. It’s NO COINCIDENCE that all the posturing really started after the most “popular” president ever (Rolling on the floor laughing) was “elected”.

The world will be watching AS We would wipe them off the face of the earth.
Doing the same thing and expecting different results = INSANITY Are you part of the Solution or part of the Problem?

It’s the end of the world if Jerusalem is destroyed….

It’s written… What is Israel’s role in the end times? |
What Jesus Said about Jerusalem and the End of the World Of all the words of Jesus recorded in the Bible, about twenty-five percent of his teaching was devoted to prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, the scattering of the Jewish people worldwide, and the end of the world. There will be no warning sign of the second coming and the end of the world!!!1
  (Matthew 24:35-36) 

Next Events to come:

Revelation 19:17-21… *
Revelation 19:17-18…

Attack by BLM/Antifa or illegal aliens against Trump, police, soldiers, and Trump followers, with the purpose of slaying them.

China CCP Army gathering with other countries, against US and EU countries?
Comprehensive Agreement in Investment?

The White Horse: Rev 19-20…
People getting vaxxed by fake PCR test results. Side effects.
Hitting vaccinated ones and those living in countries with Catholic and Evangelical believers.
New “Nuremberg type” trial, for Pandemic…
China CCP falls.
W.H.O./Big pharma falls –
Their “collaboration” was foretold

(Rev. 19:19-21) | Dr. Gene Kim – Bing video
US traitors, sentenced to death and judged by law. 00 – Index – The Plan Foretold (
BLM/Antifa (or illegal aliens) want their heads, feeling heavily betrayed. – Bing

Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases | OPA | Department of Justice

Pamela Popper: The COVID-19 test is not a test & the vaccine doesn’t protect you (

(1) CovAids Does Not Exist…
(2) Variants Do Not Exist…
(3) The “Test” is Not A Test…
(4) The Vaxxs are Not A Vaxxs…
(5) This is A Spiritual WAR….

(6) Wake Up People… Folded handsFolded handsFolded hands
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