Disinformation Dozen

Tessie Hutchinson held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved in on her.
‘It isn’t fair,’ she said. A stone hit her on the side of the head.”
~Shirley Jackson, The Lottery

Tessie Hutchinson Obituary

Tessie Hutchinson Obituary

She married Bill Hutchinson and had four children, two sons and two daughters; Eva, Bill Jr., Nancy, and Dave. Tessie was a responsible person who always looked on the bright side, who would protect her family even with her life on the line. She died on June 27th, 1946 and was buried in front of the corn crops.

  • Location: Cornfield, Bennington
  • Nationality: Vermont
  • Died: 1946-06-27
  • Born: 1910-06-15

Obituary of Tessie Hutchinson – Cornfield Bennington …


Now it’s the Disinformation Dozen, Next it will be Us.

By Karen Hunt

What is the difference between disinformation and misinformation?

Simply put, disinformation is when someone purposely tells lies in order to mislead you. Misinformation is when someone mistakenly gives false information.

We’ve been hearing a lot about disinformation lately. I don’t know, when I was a kid I’d never heard of the word. I’d never heard of a lot of words we have now. But then, in those long-gone days, my world revolved around my family and then my neighborhood. The minute school was out for summer, my shoes were off and I was outside from dawn until dusk, climbing the hill behind our house, making forts, dissecting a snake my dad killed, swimming, playing kick-the-can and Cowboys and Indians, yes we did all those dangerous things where you can catch diseases from the natural world and you misappropriate cultures. When I wasn’t playing, I was drawing or lying on my bed reading books. Nobody did “play dates” and there were few organized sports. Nobody was plugged into technology.

TV was a special event in the evening. Boredom was a dirty word.

I know people tend to look to the past with nostalgia, but truly, there has never been a time in history when even the recent past has left us so far behind. Our children’s world is more frightening than the days when we learned how to hide under our school desks in case of an atomic bomb. Or when we shivered with dread at the thought of communism invading our shores.

Now, the dread isn’t some distant nebulous thing, it is in our very homes.

It is in our heads. Our children can no longer uncover their mouths to breathe the air or smile at a friend. Just yesterday I heard advice from the government that if you see someone you know in the store you should refrain from being “friendly.” Such actions are a bad habit we need to break. Just walk on by, do not engage in conversation. A phrase I hear over and over from people arguing on social media is, “Stay in your lane.”

Now once again, Los Angeles, where I am for a few months, has instituted mask mandates, even though those coverings are as ridiculous at preventing the spread of a virus as hiding under a table is to escape an atomic bomb.

The insanity has always been there, growing and growing, until now it has exploded in a force so powerful it has left us all stunned and bruised. While we’ve been distracted by technical devices and lulled into a trance by drugs, our brains and our bodies have been hijacked. We must reclaim the rights to ourselves. If we do not do this, if the majority of people don’t refuse the booster shots and vaccine passports, our chances of ever regaining our freedom on this planet will probably be lost, perhaps forever.

And that right there, what I just wrote, would be labeled disinformation.

But I, like probably all of you reading this, am only a small fry.

To the elite, I am not an individual with an independent brain.

I am one of the masses who must bow to manipulation. They believe we all will eventually. That we are so weak and stupid, so addicted to what they feed us, that we will not put up a fight, or if we do, it will register no more than the irritation of a fly that is easily obliterated with a swat.

But by what means should they swat us? It must be carefully thought out.

Jen Psaki has told us that the government has identified 12 people who are responsible for disseminating 65% of the disinformation.

Disinformation has become a direct threat to public health,” said Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), which released the report in partnership with the Anti-Vax Watch, in a release. “In the midst of a global pandemic, the Anti-Vaccine Industry has executed a targeted campaign to mislead Americans about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines. Social media is enabling anti-vaxxers to recruit millions of Americans and indoctrinate them with fear and doubt. If Big Tech companies don’t act now, the pandemic will be prolonged, and more lives will be lost.” 

The report accuses Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — who was banned from Instagram last month —  Joseph Mercola, Ty and Charlene Bollinger — whose Twitter accounts were briefly suspended at the beginning of the pandemic — Sherri Tenpenny, Rizza Islam, Rashid Buttar, Erin Elizabeth, Sayer Ji, Kelly Brogan, Christiane Northrup, Ben Tapper and Kevin Jenkins of spreading disinformation and claims that their social media accounts “have repeatedly violated Facebook and Twitter’s terms of service agreements.” And the CCDH has receipts — the report is full of screenshots of “example violations” that range from misleading to antisemitic. 

I’m only somewhat familiar with Robert F. Kennedy. Some of the others I’ve heard of but I do not “follow” any of them. Frankly, I do not think it matters who these people are. They could have picked any number of higher profile dissenters. It’s just a step along the way toward the goal of total control.

At any rate, the vaxxed will heave a sigh of relief. Thank goodness these reprehensible renegades have been identified by our glorious government! Now, all we have to do is silence them, right?

Biden went so far in his recent, disastrous, Town Hall meeting to say that these 12 individuals are “killing people” with misinformation

As Lying Biden Says, He Will Find A Cure For Cancer.

While Making Insulin Unaffordable to Most Families.

To Pad The Pockets of Big Pharma. See-no-evil monkeySpeak-no-evil monkeyHear-no-evil monkey

Bioaerosol Research Performed by China’s Military May Have Started —

the COVID-19 Pandemic in October 2019: Down pointing backhand indexDown pointing backhand indexDown pointing backhand index
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Bioaerosol Research Performed by China’s Military May Have Started the COVID-19 Pandemic in October 2019 (thegatewaypundit.com)

Top 10 BIGGEST LIES About Covid-19 (humansarefree.com)
Think about it. Killing people. Mass murderers and government isn’t the mass murderer, with lie-after-lie-after-lie — about masks and lockdowns and PCR tests and variants and where the virus came from. That list of lies is the real disinformation and it will only keep growing.

How soon will it be before these twelve people are dragged before a tribunal and sentenced to what—death? If more and more people start getting sick and dying in the winter, why not? Don’t these monsters deserve it for being mass murderers?

But what is this disinformation that is being blamed for making so many people sick, even killing them?

It is anything that questions the State narrative—not just of the Biden administration, but every leading country’s State narrative, because they are all saying the exact same thing.

Surely if the Disinformation Twelve are silenced that will end the problem of the dissenters, right? The dumb, easily swayed, weak, indoctrinated unvaxxed sheep will realize the error of their ways and never have another subversive thought.

All because 12 people picked out by the government will be silenced. Magically, we will roll up our sleeves. We will go outside when they say we can. We will stay inside when they say we must.

We will submit to any and all experimental drugs.

We will accept our boosters so our vaccine passports won’t be canceled.

We will eat what they tell us to eat. We will die when they tell us to die.

We will allow them inside out heads to mine our thoughts and inside our bodies to steal our DNA and our organs. And if we have little blips of subversive thoughts in the future, we will allow them to cleanse our minds and make us pure again.

 For all these good people who have followed the rules and been vaccinated and accepted masks and lockdowns, the fact that there are still people out there who are “vaccine hesitant” is unfair and frightening. It’s the fault of those unvaccinated unbelievers that the Delta variant is spreading so rampantly. It’s their fault that all the good vaccinated people are still getting the virus. Coronavirus (COVID-19) (msn.com)

This is the beauty of the scapegoat. You can control the populace through fear and acceptance of false information, making them turn on whomever you want to blame.

In Singapore, The Boston Globe tells us that 75% of COVID infections are among the vaccinated. In the United States, just this week we heard about 3 Texas Democrats and Pelosi’s aid who have tested positive after vaccination. The numbers keep growing. In Israel the vaccinated are getting sick but we are told it’s because “the vaccines are working.”

Never fear, it’s not the fault of the vaccines, even though there are reports that their efficacy is waning. It’s the fault of the anti-vaxxers. We are walking incubators of disease.

You can read about the frustration and resentment toward the unvaxxed on a daily basis now. Here are three examples from The Los Angeles Times.

Tougher tactics targeting the unvaccinated needed to stop the new COVID-19 spike, experts say. “When being vaccinated becomes the more convenient of the two options, that will drive people to be vaccinated,” Bibbins-Domingo said. “You have to make it slightly less convenient to be unvaccinated at this point.”

Don’t exempt religious objectors from vaccine mandates. Stopping the spread of a deadly communicable disease is obviously a compelling interest and vaccinations are the best way to reach that goal. No one, in practicing his or her religion, has a constitutional right to endanger others.

And opinions of the unvaxxed: Unvaccinated adults, L.A. Times readers are infuriated with you. For people who are eligible but refuse to vaccinate, their health insurance premiums should go up accordingly, and they should be refused the subsidies provided under the Affordable Care Act.

But it gets worse. They are vilifying children now. Check out these headlines, this one from Business Insider: A fully vaccinated mom caught COVID-19 after her kids went to summer camp: ‘Our kids are Trojan-horsing us.’

And this one, from The Daily Mail: ‘Get your freedom back’: England manager Gareth Southgate urges young people to get Covid vaccines so we can ‘open up’ – with TWO THIRDS of 18-29s still to get the first dose.

What has become of us? Now children must take on their shoulders the responsibility of getting vaccinated lest they be held accountable for adults not getting their “freedom back?”

France has mandated vaccine passports. The UK has mandated vaccine passports, despite its own vaccine minister calling them “discriminatory.” Canada has become a totalitarian State.

But the most horrific news I’ve heard yet comes from Israel. You can watch it here: https://twitter.com/karenalainehunt/status/1418887060925161476

“Dear Citizens: Those who refuse vaccines are endangering their health and the health of those around them and the freedom of every Israeli citizen. They are endangering our freedom to work, the freedom of our children to study, and the freedom to hold celebrations with family. Those who refuse vaccines hurt us all. Because if all of us were vaccinated we would be able to maintain our daily life. But if one million Israelis continue not to get vaccinated it will oblige the 8 million others to shut themselves in their homes.

The Corona Cabinet decided today that as of the 8th of August those who refuse vaccines will not be able to go to the theater, the synagogue, the amusement park, the soccer game, or any activity with over a 100 people indoors or out, unless they bring negative results from a coronavirus test at their expense. Yes, they will fully bear the cost of the test.

There is no reason why those who have fulfilled their civic duty should bear the cost for those who refuse to get vaccinated….I appeal to everyone who knows someone who is not vaccinated to persuade them. Explain to them that they should not hurt others.

Persuade and explain—do not give up.”

There are no words strong enough for the horror of this.

“Persuade.” “Explain.”  “Don’t Give Up


Imagine how this could destroy families, friends, colleagues. It is dangerous rhetoric.

I am appalled that Israel of all places would turn on its own when they are a people who truly know the meaning of being demonized. What will be next? Will those who refuse the vaccine be banned from banks, from markets, from having a job? This is what we have to look forward to.

By now, everyone has had the opportunity to hear reputable voices speaking against what has happened. Anyone who truly wants to seek the truth can find it. But they better hurry. Those voices are being silenced. The ones with the courage to speak are systematically having their reputations destroyed. You can read some of my other essays where I talk about this subject.

Yet, most people do not want to see the truth. The majority lay their bodies down on the altar of “science.” There is no need to coerce the faithful. They walk willingly into the lab and submit to the will of the “experts.”

The idea of natural immunity is becoming a dangerous conversation. Headlines such as Forbes Why We Can’t Rely On Natural Immunity To Protect Us From Covid-19 and We cannot rely on magical thinking: Herd immunity is not a plan are fed to a gullible public—many of whom have been consuming drugs for years and eating fast food and living unhealthy lives. Others, the “woke,” eagerly follow this new religion, even off the edge of the cliff. People who spend extra money buying “organic” products proudly display their vaccine status online. When the boosters come it will be interesting to see how many will take them.

The future for the common man would seem to be addiction to State mandated drugs, starting even before birth. At a certain point, humans will not be able to survive without these drugs. Naturally anything will be a distant memory. A heathen, backward way of living.

We are at a turning point in the history of humanity and we have already turned the corner. The question only remains what we will do, what energy we will leave behind for our offspring. What stories the outcasts will tell around campfires at night of the heroes of old who stood up for freedom against incredible odds. Perhaps after a thousand years, just like some science fiction plot, the outcasts will rise up again.

It is clear and becoming clearer every day that there is an agenda beyond this vaccine. It’s insane that we would destroy our economies, our immune systems, our very sanity because of a disease that is less dangerous than influenza. It was never necessary to do anything so drastic against this disease. There are multiple therapeutic drugs and our own strong immune systems. Death comes to us all.

The older you get, the more likely it will be. This fear that has been instilled in us has kept us from experiencing the meaningful lives we were meant to live. Those magical moments of joy have been taken from us. The gods of this world will never stop their insatiable greed for knowledge until they have found immortality. They will dissect, destroy, and consume anything that gets in their way or that might help them reach that goal.

It is beyond a horror movie what they are already doing. Vaccine passports are on an app, and each person will have a unique digital ID, on a central database including everyone on the planet. The algorithm that works out what you can and cannot do will control the rest of your life until you die. What happens when you get pinged and it says it’s time to get your booster? If you don’t do it, your passport will expire. The way things are going, there is little doubt that those who do not comply will not even be able to go to the bank to buy food.

I am sure we ordinary folks have no idea how advanced this mining of our bodies and minds goes. Just one horrific example, China’s gene giant harvests data from millions of women. A prenatal test used worldwide sends gene data of pregnant women to the company that developed it with China’s military.

I could give example after example but what’s the point?

It always comes back to the children. I look at my grandchildren and my heart breaks.

The point is, what will life be like for our children without such interactions? 

What is the purpose of life anyway? 

This is something we must think about as we go forward. In my essay, Amusing Ourselves to Death, I talk about how we have become so distracted by entertainment that, in the words of Neil Postman, we are “amusing ourselves to death.” Our children are being taught to interact with “Youtuber Influencers” online who play games for them while our children sit passively watching.

And these thoughts lead me to wonder what will happen when there are no more unique thoughts left inside of our brains? 

When it is all a rehash of what is being fed to us? 

What will happen when we have no more natural instincts, no more natural immunity, no more natural anything; it is all synthetic?

What will happen when the overlords have picked us so clean of every free thought and action that there is nothing left except a robot implanted with their thoughts and ideas? By then, perhaps we will have outlived our use, except as machines. Perhaps this, too, is why the gods of this world search for other worlds. To find new subjects to dissect.

Yet in their searching, they have unlocked Pandora’s Box. In their arrogance, they assume they are the powerful ones when they are but small players in an even bigger game. For, surely, if there are other worlds, there must be other gods who will not be happy to see their arrival.

And it seems they have forgotten the one true God above all. The stories of old that sustained humanity will be gone. When the humans of the future look up at the sky will they see a place of magic and wonder, or will all imagination be gone?

As I write this the Biden administration has announced it is buying 200 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine in preparation for administering it to children under twelve and possible boosters.

Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, and she held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved in on her. “It isn’t fair,” she said. A stone hit her on the side of the head. Old Man Warner was saying, “Come on, come on, everyone.” Steve Adams was in the front of the crowd of villagers, with Mrs. Graves beside him.

“It isn’t fair, it isn’t right,” Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her.

~ The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson

This unsettling short story takes place in an ordinary American town. It opens by describing just another day in the lives of the townspeople, the lovely summer scene, kids just out of school, flowers blooming, everyone going about their daily chores. Except this isn’t just another day. It’s the day when one person will be chosen randomly to be stoned to death. This killing has been going on for so long, no one can remember how it started or why, but it is a tradition, and not to be questioned.

Once Tessie Hutchinson is chosen, all the others breathe a sigh of relief. It isn’t them. They can now become self-righteous in their positions of safety, looking down on Tessie as the tainted one. Without a qualm, they are united in their convictions with renewed fervor.

It is the children who gathered the stones for the killing. And when it comes time to kill Tessie, even her own son is given a stone to hit her with.

The Lottery was written in 1948 and was partly inspired by the horrors of the Holocaust exposing man’s inhumanity to man. The same SS officers who went home at night and tucked their own children into bed with a kiss spent their days torturing and killing other people’s innocent children.

We can look back at this in horror. We see it clearly from a distance. How could they have been so blind? We would never be like that.

But we are blind. We are on the verge—no, we are right in the middle—of the greatest mass execution in the history of humanity and the majority of people either can’t see it, refuse to see it, or they are too distracted to pay attention.

Back in May, 2021, Marjoie Taylor Green was vilified for comparing a vaccine passport to the yellow star imposed on Jews. Greene tweeted. “Vaccine passports & mask mandates create discrimination against unvaxxed people who trust their immune systems to a virus that is 99% survivable.”

Oh, how could she say such an outrageous thing!

And now, irony or all ironies, Israel is leading the way in putting the mark of the unclean on the unvaxxed.

Very few people will read this and those who do will no doubt be the ones who already agree with what I am saying. For the vaxxed, if they ever had a slight glimmer of curiosity, it is gone. They have no interest in researching beyond what they are being fed by the State’s propaganda media. Like the man with a gambling problem who commits his last dollar, they’ve traveled this road too far to turn around.

“I had a dream. In fact, it was on the night I met you. In the dream, there was our world, and the world was dark because there weren’t any robins and the robins represented love. And for the longest time, there was this darkness. And all of a sudden, thousands of robins were set free and they flew down and brought this blinding light of love. And it seemed that love would make any difference, and it did. I guess it means that there is trouble until the robins come.”

That quote is from Sandy Williams in the movie Blue Velvet. Just like The Lottery it takes place in an ordinary town with a dark violence beneath the surface. But within every town both sides are always at war, as within each heart. We must never forget that even if all hope seems gone, there is still love. There are still the innocent voices of children to protect. There is still the chance, no, the necessity, to stand up and fight. This, I feel more and more compelled to say.

Biden’s national security advisor says Afghanistan fell to the Taliban because the Afghan army lacked the ‘will’ to defend its country (msn.com)

Flights resume from Kabul airport as people scramble to leave Afghanistan (msn.com)

The Taliban Are Back. Now Will They Restrain or Support Al Qaeda? (msn.com)

As Delta Surges, Covid-19 Breakthrough Cases Remain Uncommon (msn.com)

As murders surge, Democrats find a new message: Fund the police (msn.com)

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