TrUst ThE ScIEnCe

Not living in paralyzing fear of COVID is not the same thing as not believing that COVID is a real illness.

I believe that there is a chance I could get into a car wreck, but I still drive every day. Life comes with some degree of assumed risk. You just don’t let it control you.
You completely miss the point. The idea is to diminish risk, not run from it. That’s why we ask motorcyclists to wear helmets and we have seatbelts in vehicles. Crashes will still happen but the chance of serious injury is diminished. It is not all or nothing.

I’m surprised how many 60-70-80 years old are still alive. We got to live a life with no seat belts, helmets, and drinks out of hoses. And only had about 4 or 5 vaccines. Physics indicates that those comparative measures are effective and don’t have adverse effects on the user. Wearing a helmet is my choice just as it should be my choice to wear a seatbelt.

This virus is not enough of a problem for the level of worry everyone is giving it. Do you run from everything that you have a 95-99% survival chance.
Do you eat perfectly and drive perfectly with no alcohol?

Education helps.

As soon as I finally found the protocol on how much to take,
completely cured in THREE days, thou u take it for 5 days.
Order ivermectin from overseas pharmacy. It WORKS!!!!!
Look on I think they’re in stock right now.
I think somewhere around $2/12mg tablet

Doubt it. Live your life and demand our government give us hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. U are the one that misses the point. Wearing a seat belt or helmet has virtually no downsides compared to all
the Covid measures. E.g. It doesn’t require injecting a foreign substance
into the bloodstream that could potentially add more risk in your life
from unforeseeable side effects.
We could save even more lives by raising the driving age to 25, installing
5 point harnesses in vehicles, and requiring the use of driving helmets for everyone in the car. Insurance lobbies pushed for seat belts.
Lot’s of states do not require helmets for motorcycles.

How many people are dying needlessly each year
because people are too selfish to wear a helmet?

Drive a vehicle equipped with side/rear view mirrors,
airbags, anti brakes etc.?

You could diminish risk by wrapping yourself in bubble wrap. Are you really going to do this? Hospitals won’t turn you away and let you die just because you drove an automobile then got into an accident. They still treat you and
try to save lives regardless! Since when did humans become inhumane?

Then why aren’t we promoting better health/lifestyles?
It is a proven fact that healthy active people face statically zero threat from this virus. Instead we push a shot that it’s only proven asset is to pharmaceutical companies’ bottom line!!! Full lockdown is of course running from it, the only thing more drastic is killing yourself. Diminish risk at what cost? The cost of our freedom, having 5 year olds wear masks, and firing people for not getting this stupid vax is not even close to worth it.

Do you wear a seatbelt? Obey traffic laws?
I agree with you in spirit but your analogy can very easily be used to argue the exact opposite of what you’re conveying. People have forgotten that they can and will die. It’s like all of a sudden Covid was this reminder that life doesn’t last forever? We all will die – and it won’t help living on earth if all we do is hide from death – it is so irrational and uncharacteristic of human behavior. Imagine- there would be no planes – no cars – no boats – no innovation – no natural evolution of human progress – everyone just hidden in caves waiting for death.

Who are these people living in “paralyzing fear”?
Or do you mistake people asking you to do something as simple
as wearing a mask or getting vaccinated as living in “paralyzing fear”?
Let’s consider another new point given the existence of Delta for both sides.
If you’re deciding between being vaccinated vs unvaccinated at this time, wouldn’t you prefer to be symptomatic vs asymptomatic before making decisions RE: being around others and putting them @ risk?

I think a better analogy is driving on snow and ice. You can take precautions like chaining your tires or putting studded tires on your car to be safer, or you can just risk the lives of yourself and those around you by just driving as if the conditions are normal. Just because I take all the precautions I can doesn’t mean the others around me are, that can be at a store, restaurants or anywhere. You’re right in a way living in fear doesn’t help anyone but you do have to be mindful of your surroundings and take all precautions you can !!!


Life is risk management.
Obesity is the number one risk factor for severe COVID. Being overweight is very risky for your heart, eyes, kidneys and feet. Let’s start focusing on what really matters. Yes but you take reasonable precautions, you don’t speed too fast, you wear a seatbelt, you don’t drive drunk, and when there’s a dangerous snowstorm where you could get killed or accidentally kill someone else, you stay home. Similarly, taking action to avoid infection by COVID is not the
same thing as living in fear of it.

I drive, but carefully, and I still wear a seatbelt to minimize the risks associated from driving. Do you drive the speed limit, wear your seatbelt, stop at red lights and watch out for other passengers on the road by reporting dangerous drunk drivers? All of those are mitigating factors. Vaccines are a mitigating factor protecting you and everyone else.

This is a perfect point and exactly how I feel.
Live and enjoy your life! Be cautious but not afraid that death is around the corner.
Keep looking up – to the clouds. “This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into Heaven, will come back in the same way as you saw Him go into Heaven.” I believe in and trust God but I look both ways before walking across the road. Believe me there are worse things that can happen in your life than Covid.

Ironically your chances of dying in a car crash are probably higher

than dying OF MicrobeMicrobeMicrobe (not “with”)

You should be taking daily Zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D3, Melatonin,
and copper every other day as copper is being deleted by zinc in your body,
and BAYER Aspirin 325.
Absolutely. This is all about risk management and it’s a personal decision.
I don’t prefer heights, so I steer away from opportunities that would put me
up at a height. If you’re scared of Covid, steer away from opportunities that increase the risk.

Best sense of truth I have read in a long long time! #NoCovidVax #NoMask
And you must have your contingency plans. Having Quercetin & zinc on hand to take immediately if ANY symptoms. Next Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin along w zinc. Knowledge is power. Quercetin is the natural product to use along with zinc if you cannot obtain #IvermectinSavesLives & #HydroxyChloroquine .

#Quercetin opens the cell so the zinc can enter…

Take the first sign of any symptom and take b4 PCR. You cannot rely on big pharma medical doctors to save your life. I lived it. Best to have a Naturopath in your corner.
My fear has continued to drop and my confidence that I can avoid this virus or survive it has kept rising. No one can sustain the level of fear they try to fear monger us into. People have a right to live in fear if they choose, they do NOT have the right to demand anyone else accommodate their irrational fears.

There are like 4 year olds who carry security blankets because they are scared of the boogeyman, I’m not carrying a blanket to appease anyone. I do not deny Covid exists, I just believe it’s #MyBodyMyChoice and with a 99% survival rate, that my body is strong enough to fight the virus if I get it (if I haven’t already)
I do not want to be a lab rat for Big Pharma and some megalomaniac to study and make money off of!

The supermarket was crowded but 4 masked KARENS were in formation – screaming for people to ‘keep away from them’- even if u were there 1st How to help these sad broken people? Will they ever wake up? I think I have a higher chance of dying riding a horse than with Covid. I just saw a Taliban fighter with a COVID mask and a machine gun and all of the others around him had machine guns also! Not worried about bullets but COVID is another thing!

Live your life in good cheer, NOT IN FEAR!

You can’t live if you are always afraid! Our ancestors were amazing,
they passed that DNA onto us! They had a dream and made that dream
come true. We must pass that dream to 2 R kids and grandchildren.
Tell them they are Amazing Americans!

  Peter McCullough, MD testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee

There is a very small chance of you dying every single day of your life
from something beyond your control. You can hide in fear, or live your life.
My husband has ALS. We refuse to stop living with what time he has left.
We are on a 3 month RV trip so far to 6 states. #LivingLifeUnafraid #LivingEveryMinute

And if you are so frightened by the “risk” you have the choice “not to drive”
or “not to go to public places” or “to always wear a mask” or “to get the jab”.

I could get hit by a bus crossing the street, that doesn’t keep me from crossing the street.
Exactly. Mass hysteria over a virus that kills less than 2% of those who get it. The difference in Covid and the flu is minimal. We lived with the seasonal flu every year without paralysis or loss of freedoms. People need to educate themselves and live smart, not afraid. I agree Covid is real. I also believe
I will not waste whatever time I have on this earth obsessing about it.

I fully agree. God gave me this line of thinking when I had cancer and was squaring off with Pharma re: chemo treatments. They push the “you are gonna die” narrative to scare us into very expensive, but potentially NOT guaranteed treatments with horrible side effects. Agree 100% it’s real , I could get it (again) and it could be a problem …I just don’t give a shit and will not take the Fake vaccination* or wear that damn face dipper any more- *never tested with a control group = Fake science! fake vaccination.

Life could end at any time, but there is no reason to worry about it. Everyone, except for a certain immortal cartoon villain, is going to die someday. What matters is how you lived. We are born to die, as harsh as that is, it is the truth. No one gets out alive, but we have been given the choice to live life as fully as we possibly can in our time here. If you fear death every single day that is your choice but it doesn’t change how it’s going to end. So have fun! Bingo…plus, according to CDC pneumonia has killed almost as many as covid…do you see any fleas on TV to get your pneumonia vaccine?


This isn’t a fight for peace and safety. It’s a fight over our souls.
We’ve been given the knowledge on how to decrease our chances of spreading. Use them and you’ll be ok. The current issue is no one knows how to care for themselves if they do get it. That’s what should be promoted, not this fear of being vaccinated or else dying.
Should we fear what kills the body, but not the soul when it comes to COVID and variants? Should we bow down and worship false idols by taking the COVID vaccine and boosters?

And SO WHAT if you get it?! I had it AND the variant.
It’s the flu, genetically modified to be more highly contagious – not more deadly – rebranded and promoted with a bottomless budget and a world class marketing team as “loss leader” to the REAL product…the vax passport.

I saw this posted and thought it suited today’s world very well.


When diagnosed with MS I did not spend even a moment
in fear of it. I knew I could be hit by a bus, crushed by a tree falling or struck by lightning. With no judgement of others choices, I decided if I would live in fear of what could happen, I would not be living at all!

Go about your life as there will NEVER be another day like today.
…and COVID being a real illness is not the same as that illness being caused by a computer generated genome sequence called SARS-COV-2. Opinion: Mandated Vaccinations — Who is responsible for their risks? –

I’m not going to live my life in fear over maybe getting sick. Frankly I have other chronic conditions that could get me sick as well along with the normal day to day risk that everyone has. If I live my life in fear of maybe I won’t be living my life. No apologies. So true but fear is a horrible thing!
I Folded handsfor strength to fight Satan.

Because it is when we R afraid that is when Satan wins our MINDS OVER Folded hands

Exactly. To further this, ending mitigation strategies that don’t work (ie masks, social isolation, testing with no intention of treating), needs to stop. It not only perpetuates fear, but it encourages continued political authoritarianism. I mean, people choke on their own spit and swallow air wrong.. they still decide to live everyday. Just because I’m not wearing a hazmat suit and shooting up with endless jabs, doesn’t mean I don’t take Covid “serious.”

I’ve simply outweighed the pros and cons.
Sorry, apples and oranges. Can you tell me what the long term
side effects of this experimental vaccine are?

If they are so effective, why are they now pushing boosters?

Sorry, don’t trust the people pushing this. Where does it end?

Are you not going to eat food out of fear of choking?

Do you wear a seatbelt, replace your tires before they’re
completely bald, don’t drive while intoxicated,
observe traffic rules like speed limits, etc.?

If so, you’re doing everything you can to reduce the risk of injury/
death in a car accident.
New Analysis of Health Conditions & High Risk for C*19: Anxiety,
Obesity + More

Great words of wisdom. That’s kind of like the vax.
Curious WHY we never hear reports of how bad the C-19 is in Mexico?
Cases, hospitalized, shortage of ICU beds, deaths. Vaccinations?

Mexico is in our own backyard, should be priority news for America?
Especially since illegals are crossing by thousands. WHY! WHY!

I also educate myself on how a car operates.
Learn what a virus is (a dead thing your body produces when it encounters a pathogen) and what it isn’t (a live thing that jumps from human to human).
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