Wrongway Feldman

The Seven Deadly Sins of Gilligan’s Island (the Show’s Creepy Inspiration)

The Seven Deadly Sins of Gilligan’s Island theory is quite simple. Each of the seven characters on the island represents each of the seven deadly sins. Now, this theory
seems to fit upon initial inspection — there are technical difficulties when you get
down to THE MAN himself, Gilligan.

Run with me on this one . . .

Is Gilligan the Devil?
Years ago, CBS had a popular little series called “Gilligan’s Island”. There is, however,

a dark secret about this “comedy” you may never have realized. The island is a direct representation of Hell.

Nobody on the island wants to be there, yet none are able to leave.

Each one of the characters represents one of the 7 deadly sins:

The Prof.
 1. Most obvious is the Professor, who fits PRIDE to a T. Any man who can make a ham radio out of some wire and two coconuts has to be pretty cocky. His character was later revised and given a series of his own, called “MacGyver.”

Farm Grrl
 2. For the sin of ENVY we need look no further than Maryann, who may have worn those skimpy little tops, but could never achieve Ginger’s glamour. (An interesting and completely irrelevant side note, a nationwide survey of college students a few years ago revealed that the professor and Maryann were voted the most likely couple to have ‘done it’ on the island.)

Juan Hot Tamale
 3. And who could doubt for a moment that Ginger is LUST incarnate? Sure, the kids were supposed to think she was ACTING, but we all know what being deprived episode after episode was doing to her. You know and I know that glazed look wasn’t boring.

Mista Howell
 4. Mr. Howell is about GREED.
What kind of person takes a trunk full of money on a three-hour cruise?

We are now left with three characters and three Deadly Sins. We have Gilligan, the Skipper and Mrs. Howell to whom we must match GLUTTONY, Wrath and SLOTH. 

 5. Certainly we can further eliminate Mrs. Howell from this equation by connecting

with Gluttony always taking more than her fair share.  She did jack shit during her many years on the island and everybody knows it. After much consideration, I have decided that he can easily do double-duty, covering the two remaining Deadly Sins.

The Skipper Toooo
 6. The Skipper portrayed Wrath which he had no shortage of. He hated it there,

and he took it out on his little buddy Gilligan. He was, after all, a big guy with the tendency to hit Gilligan with his hat at least once an episode. 

 7. Being a Sloth is the Devils workshop. Gilligan kept his emotions inside, but that made it worse. He was responsible for stranding them on the island. He was the one — with whom “accidentally” sabotaged every attempt the Castaways made to escape the island. He had been bullied his entire life, especially by the Skipper, and this was his way of getting back at them. 

Gilligan is SATAN. Think about it.

So here we have the Seven Deadly Sins trapped in an endlessly recurring Hell of hope followed by denial and despair, forced to live with each other in our TVs until the last
re-run ends. As you can see, there is a Gilligan problem here. Who is their captor? 

The Seven Deadly Sins.
Is What keeps them trapped there?

But a closer viewing indicates that the island may well have been Hell —
and the red-clad Gilligan the devil who kept them on his island.

The greatest part of the metaphor, though, is that if the others ever wanted to get off the island, what they needed to do was kill Gilligan — and that each of us has our own inner Gilligan, that sweet-natured, well-meaning part of us. . . that always sabotages us from getting what we really want.

Maybe if we truly want to succeed in life, we need to kill our own inner Gilligan.

Why wouldn’t the other men on Gilligan’s island just kill Gilligan considering that he was constantly putting their lives in danger and he foiled every attempt they ever had of being rescued?

In the TV show “Gilligan’s Island”, why was it that other people were able to come to the island but Gilligan’s crew couldn’t get off it?

Given the choice who would you prefer to spend time with from the TV show Gilligan’s Island: Mary Ann Summers or Ginger Grant?

What is something from Gilligan’s Island that is really kind of dark, but gets ignored?
The Seven Deadly Sins of Gilligan’s Island (the Show’s Creepy Inspiration).
How did the castaways end up getting rescued from Gilligan’s Island?
Surviving Gilligan’s Island Documentary (2001) – Bing video
Why was Gilligan’s Island named after Gilligan?

Why Joe Biden Would’ve Left the Gilligan’s Island Castaways Stranded

[WATCH] If Joe Biden Was a ‘Gilligan’s Island’ Character,
Which One Would He Be? – PJ Media

Gilligan’s Island Wrongway Feldman (ok.ru)

Why Is Joe Biden So Unpopular?

#1 Reason is Liars Never Prosper and Biden didn’t create 6 million jobs. He opened up blue states to go back to work from lockdowns. I’m sure I could’ve come up with a more dated reference — if I’d really put my mind to it.

Which Marx Brothers foil would Joe Biden be? Which villain from The Shadow would Biden be? If Joe Biden visited the farm on Green Acres, how quickly would he set it on fire while losing a debate with Hank Kimball

Gilligan’s Island was a 1960s TV show in which seven people; representing the Seven Deadly Sins, according to some — were stranded on an island after their three-hour
boat tour off Hawaii got involuntarily extended by a massive storm.

The castaways spent every episode trying to escape the island, and in most episodes, loveable doofus Gilligan (Bob Denver) would somehow screw it all up. But there were a handful of episodes in which someone else screwed everything up for the stranded seven.

It was never Skipper (Alan Hale), Ginger (Tina Louise), or Mary Ann (Dawn Wells),
it was usually a guest character. The castaways would pin all their hopes on that guest
to save them, only to finish up the episode right back where they started — stranded, listening to their radio.

I can’t help but think of one of those guest failures every time I see Joe Biden take any action or make any statement regarding foreign policy. He’s simply not very bright & has never been seen as a leader. Just this past week, Biden blundered into fights with Germany, India, and Russia. Two of those are our allies, and we need India to counter any China-Russia axis in Asia. His unforced blast at Putin caused an international row.

Back in 1987, Ronald Reagan identified Biden as a demagogue. That reflects Reagan’s ability to read character accurately, and just how long that Joe Biden has been in office.
By the time Reagan jotted that down, Biden had already been in politics, failing to solve any problems, for about 14 years. Everything since then about Washington has changed, except Biden.

He’s still there, still failing to solve any problems, he just fails much more consequentially now. To paraphrased, former Obama administration Defense Secretary Robert Gates, For more than 40 years. Joe Biden has always been going the wrong way.

After one year in office, what has Biden done about the four crises he pledged to address?
The Seven Deadly Sins of American Politics: Gluttony – OZY | A Modern Media Company.
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