A Climate Emergency

Wednesday July 20, 2022, Good morning, friends 🌞 

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USA!! USA!! USA!!  🇺🇸

BONUS: The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary (theepochtimes.com)

Capitol Punishment | Everything They Told You Is a Lie – A January 6th Documentary (odysee.com)

In the wake of Sen. Joe Manchin’s announcement that he won’t vote for a bill
addressing climate change unless inflation slows next month, climate leaders are
calling for President Biden to declare climate change a national emergency —
and it appears that the White House is seriously considering the move.
A formal declaration would open up new possibilities for unilateral action by the executive branch to combat climate change, including halting U.S. exports of crude oil and halting offshore drilling.
Biden could even redirect military funding to the construction of renewable energy projects — much as former President Donald Trump diverted more than $18 billion in Pentagon funding to build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico — and impose trade penalties on countries that permit deforestation, such as the destruction of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil.
But such a creative use of the relevant federal law would also undoubtedly trigger lawsuits from fossil fuel companies and Republicans.

On Monday evening, Sens. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., held
a press conference to ask Biden to explore a range of actions to reduce climate pollution. Many of these, such as using the Defense Production Act to build up domestic clean energy manufacturing capacity, are extensions and expansions of moves Biden has already begun to make.
“There is probably nothing more important for our nation and for our world than for the United States to drive a bold, energetic transition in its energy economy from fossil fuels to renewable energy,” Merkley said.
Amid record-breaking heat waves in the Western U.S. and in Europe, Merkley
argued that climate change is no longer a future threat but an already unfolding disaster.

“My state is in crisis,” he said. “We have massive droughts that are destroying our farmers. It’s affecting our forests. We have the red zone where the pine beetles are killing the pine trees. We have forest fires … and we have a huge impact on our fishing, both in our streams and offshore.”
The most dramatic option that Merkley wants Biden to take is to declare a national emergency on climate. 
Later that evening, the Washington Post reported that the White House is indeed considering doing so. “The president made clear that if the Senate doesn’t act to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, he will,” a White House official said in a statement. “We are considering all options, and no decision has been made.”
Speculation that the president would soon declare a climate emergency increased when
it was announced that he will visit the Brayton Point power plant in Somerset, Mass., on Wednesday to give a speech about climate change. Brayton Point is currently shuttered while it transitions from burning coal to generating wind power.

RELATED: NEW LOW: Biden approval rating hits all-time low,
majority of Dems don’t want him to run in 2024, poll shows.

Rhetorically, Biden has previously called climate change an “emergency,” but he has stopped short of making an official declaration under the National Emergencies Act.

U.S. presidents have declared 60 national emergencies since 1976, according to
the think tank Demos. Historically, those have typically been for acute crises, such
as specific natural disasters, rather than a long-term predicament like climate change.
In an era of increased partisan polarization and congressional gridlock, however,
pushing the boundaries of executive action is becoming more common.
Trump, for instance, declared illegal migration across the southern border a national emergency so he could use funds that Congress appropriated for the military to build a border wall, a move the Supreme Court upheld in 2019.
In theory, such a precedent would bode well for a climate emergency declaration, but one cannot assume too much consistency from a court that has also become more partisan and seen fit to limit the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce the Clean Air Act.

The Associated Press reported that on Wednesday, Biden “will stop short of issuing
an emergency declaration that would unlock federal resources to deal with the issue,” according to a person familiar with the president’s plans.
Sources acquainted with the White House’s thinking also told Yahoo News that though a climate emergency declaration is under serious consideration, it will not be coming this week. Instead, the president will reportedly announce some new executive orders on climate change during his Massachusetts speech. “Don’t be disappointed
if you don’t see a climate emergency tomorrow,” one source told Reuters.
Biden has already signaled his intent to pursue an array of executive actions, such as stricter new rules limiting various pollutants. Until now, the White House has moved cautiously on executive actions on climate change, as it tried to get its proposal to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on subsidizing the adoption of electric vehicles and clean energy sources such as solar panels, formerly known as Build Back Better, through an evenly split Senate with unified Republican opposition. Absent Manchin’s support for that package, experts say, it will be virtually impossible for the United States to fulfill Biden’s pledge to reduce emissions by half this decade.
“If the Senate will not move to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, I will take strong executive action to meet this moment,” Biden said in a statement released Friday evening.

The two towers soon after the demolition, surrounded by smoke.
The cooling towers at the former Brayton Point Power Station in Somerset, Mass., crumbled during a controlled implosion on April 27, 2019. (Craig F. Walker/Boston Globe via Getty Images)

Some environmental advocacy organizations have been urging Biden 
to declare climate, change a national emergency ever since he won the presidency.
“If he declares a national emergency, it triggers the ability for him to deploy around
130 different powers,” Jean Su, energy justice program director and senior attorney
at the Center for Biological Diversity, said. “One of the most useful for climate is the reinstatement of the crude oil export ban.”
Stopping the export of crude oil would reduce emissions by the equivalent of shutting
42 coal plants, according to the Center for Biological Diversity’s calculations, because it
would reduce domestic oil production.
“Shutting that off would actually reduce the incentive for companies from fracking
in the Permian Basin” in Texas and New Mexico, Su said. With an emergency declaration,
Biden could even phase out all exports and imports of fossil fuels entirely, she said.

Similarly, while the president already has the authority to stop selling new leases for offshore drilling, an emergency declaration would allow him to go further and stop issuing permits for offshore oil and gas wells under already existing leases and halt all drilling immediately. Whether he would do so is a different matter: He pledged on the campaign trail to end new fossil fuel leasing, but — feeling political pressure to look as if he’s pursuing every possible approach to lowering gasoline prices — the administration is currently considering selling new oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico and in Cook Inlet in Alaska.
Su also argues that an emergency declaration would allow the White House to do more under the Defense Production Act (DPA) than it would under that law alone, such as marshaling funding under the DPA to deploy clean energy — for example, rooftop solar installations on low-income housing.
There are some in the climate advocacy community who think such a move would have limited ability to alter the U.S.’s emissions trajectory, which can be dramatically moved only if Congress passes new laws with broad new regulatory powers, fees for carbon emissions or spending to deploy renewables and electric vehicles, as Build Back Better would have.
“While a climate declaration is important in terms of media attention and galvanizing the climate movement, it does not have significant impacts on carbon pollution,” said one climate expert, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid upsetting colleagues.

“It is a symbolic act more than a substantive one.”
The Madness is getting worse – David Icke – Bing video

Global temperatures are on the rise and have been for decades. Step inside the data and see the magnitude of climate change. We now have an authoritarian government that rules by decree.  
Declaring an emergency to do what you otherwise can’t do legally is what a dictator would do.   Besides he basically tried that with the EPA and the courts stopped it. If he declares an “emergency” the courts will likely stop that as well.  Trump would not do it. Do you have any idea what shutting down oil exports would do to the already crumbling economy? How much can you afford for gas? I am at my limit. wake up before it is too late.  On top of all that, China puts out more pollution than the rest of the world combined. Yet the USA is the bad guy in all this? PUHLEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSEEEEEEE…. It comes down to one thing: MONEY. The banking cartel has spent years trying to figure out how to tax us on the air we breathe. Now, instead of taxing us on the air we breathe in, they’ve figured out how to tax us on the air we breathe out. You want to understand climate change? Just follow the money trail……………… So, sending the world into economic chaos is an emergency now. Brandon should be addressing record high gasoline prices, runaway inflation, record southern border crossings and record high crime rates. 

 Sounds like becoming a dictator. ” Halting U.S. exports of crude oil and halting offshore drilling. Biden could even redirect military funding to the construction of renewable energy projects” We export oil then buy oil back at higher prices. Most renewable project money will feed Illinois more money to pay off the pension funds as Illinois Gov. Pritzker did with the covid money. This will be turned down as illegal by the supreme court. When it does all who voted for it should be held accountable as traitors! What we need is ADULT LEADERSHIP in the white House and Congress to stop this Recession/Depression! 

  What this means is Biden is acting like a dictator with an “executive decision” when the people’s representatives don’t vote for the radical extremist agenda of climate change. The majority of representatives not moving this agenda across the finish line shows that the majority of the country does NOT agree with this. I would demand impeachment if Biden does something illegal like this. I will pray republicans sue him if he tries. There is no climate crisis, only a political crisis on the democrat side.   Lame ducks are really scary. Any mess created; his party can blame him later. As usual, this will be a transfer of our money into the hands of the unknown. Much like the covid funds were. It will have zero effect on the climate.   

The government can’t even stop robocalls on my cell phone.
Now they think they can curb the climate? 

  I think this country has several more pressing issues that could be better described as national emergencies instead of so-called climate change, which has always been debated. What about the lawlessness at the southern border? It is stated very clearly in the constitution that one of the main functions of the federal government is to protect the country’s borders – the federal government is a dismal failure at this constitutional requirement – no debate needed!  

I’m sorry but there is no climate change emergency.
It is just another Biden trick to control us. Most of us cannot afford an electric car much less the costly upkeep of one. The climate is no more in trouble than it was 40 years ago when it got so hot that the highways buckled. Doesn’t anyone remember that? Besides, what are you going to do while you’re faced with an emergency and waiting for your car to charge?

This is your typical liberal thinking they are saving the world while other countries go about their business 10 times worse than us. The democrats are trying to make a play before the midterms because they know they are doomed by their own failures to help America! Instead, they insist on sending our money abroad helping nations while our own people suffer. This demonic party’s appetite to spend us into oblivion while doing away with thousands of high paying American jobs is not only idiotic it proves they do not have the necessities nor the understanding to lead our nation back to prosperity. As far as America is concerned the new green deal is done and the polls show the democratic party is also on its final stages of majority rule. We need their self-induced inflation like we need holes in our heads. Please vote for common sense and not on party lines! Our country is in grave danger by overreacting misfits pretending they were elected!  

Renewable energy is great and all but look at its impacts. Wind blades can’t be recycled, new batteries require tearing up the earth to get to metals needed, solar panels can be recycled. These things need to be considered too, yea it’s green but look at the damage.  “Stopping the export of crude oil would reduce emissions by the equivalent of shutting
42 coal plants” Yeah, you’ll also kill millions of people and drive-up energy costs so high that the poorest people in the world will get crushed with energy inflation. Just look at what’s already unfolding in Europe and America and we’re talking about reducing availability even more?
Trust me, if green energy was TRULY competitive and cheaper than fossil fuels, we wouldn’t need to force people to do it. This will simply create another crisis that will need to be solved…the same people creating the crisis’ are the same that have the solutions. Funny, I live in a state that is providing almost all my power via “green” energy and surprise, my bill has basically doubled in the last 5-7 years…I thought it was supposed to make it cheaper?
Last point…please provide the report that shows the total globe impact to climate change even if we did everything suggested here…. go ahead let’s see what the models show will change in America with all the suffering they’d push on people vs the MASSIVE costs.  To declare an independent climate emergency for 334m people is nuts. Why should the US be the only country that does this? If you want to declare a climate emergency, it has to be a collective effort.

But again – why the US alone?

Most polluted: 2021 – #3 India – 2022 #5 with 1.3b people 2021 – #10 China – 2022 #22 with 1.3b people 2021 – Pakistan – 2022 #3 Pakistan with 220m people 2021 – Indonesia – 2022 #17 with 273m people 2021 – “#85” – United States – 2022 “#90” with 334m people (NOT BAD)

The 4 countries above couldn’t possibly declare a climate emergency (maybe China because they are “ruled”) with a collective population of over 3 billion people. So, isolate the US with a population of 334m and #90 as the most populated country in the world? Please, stop isolating the US with a bunch of nonsense happening everywhere!

And I don’t feel like providing the long list of issues facing this country as it is.
It’s just another forceful approach that the administration will do although they’ve created enough damage as it is. I don’t need to save the world as a global power. I’m just a drop in the ocean like the majority of the citizens that agree with me.  If the situation is truly dire, why not restrict air travel both private and commercial including private jets used by the government (congress) stop all car racing cruise ships or similar activities stop using plastic for everything and look into more nuclear power generation?
I love the climate Czar flitting around in his private jet while telling us to stop polluting
or Biden flying to the middle east to beg for more oil and telling us to go electric. SMH

Gas Would go up to about $15 a gallon, we would go into a depression, your electric bill would go sky high, groceries would triple. The American economy would be destroyed, and Russia and China would keep on doing what they’re doing and don’t care what the United States says. They would be nowhere for you to charge your electric car. And if you did find some where it would cost you about $300 for eight hours. There’s no amount of money you can obtain to change mother nature. In the end you would not be stopping anything. And Trump would be right Mexico would pay to finish the wall to keep us out and the candidate would probably start there.  How many times did the article mention a crude oil export ban?

Does that mean Brandon will no longer export Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) crude?
He can declare any emergency he wants regarding climate change- mother nature’s wrath will continue for the foreseeable future and most of us will be living with the heat and floods in snowstorms that are imminent to affect all of America and Europe. In a few years we will have water, no irrigated land and the population will be fighting to meet basic needs. Thank you for industrialization, globalization and dependence on fossil fuel.  For bribes from China, the Far-Left extremist Biden wants to destroy the remains of the US economy and transfer the rest of our high pay jobs to China, that manufactures practically all of the outrageously expensive and environmentally destroying solar panels, electric cars, batteries and parts, and the windmill nonsense.

From climate.gov “Short-lived solar explosions don’t influence weather events like the March 2012 heat wave, but longer-term variations in solar output might affect Earth’s climate. The latter half of the seventeenth century experienced a decades-long stretch of minimal solar activity known as the Maunder Minimum, which many scientists suspect may have triggered the Little Ice Age—a cold spell that chilled the Northern Hemisphere from about 1650 to 1850.” it’s been warming up since then??  

If Biden declares an independent state of emergency to go lone wolf in the US – he will lose his presidency. He doesn’t have enough gusto to have any impact. In fact, we can’t even transport grain from Iowa to feed chickens which is 60% of the optimum costs for raising chickens and 80% of the total grain supply “on the mainland”. What, does Biden want to cut down on chicken droppings too to help the climate? Biden and the rich democrats are bound and determined to end big oil and fossil fuels in place of Green Energy investments that they are waiting to make a killing on. That’s what this is about. When you look and see who is invested in all the Green Energy companies, you’ll realize this.

The Planet of the Humans – FULL Documentary
where all the ugly details are provided.

The man should have left our domestic energy alone and concentrated on creating
the things his ideas need to work. Lithium, rare earth magnets facilities and mining.
He could have retained jobs and created jobs for two wins instead of going through two losses. 40 years of experience in what? Taking bribes.  Let’s hope Biden does not declare an emergency just to get his agenda through. It’s a bad precedent and not the way for a republic to be run. We didn’t elect a king; we got rid of one a long time ago. It is amazing to me how EVERY single thing that Biden does has to have a comment about how Trump did something. The WALL has NOTHING to do with climate change! Halting the building of the wall was one of the most detrimental things that have been forced on this country EVER.

We as a country need to declare a Biden Emergency, along with a Democratic Left Wing Socialist emergency. They are responsible for our current predicaments with the economy, inflation, energy, the border, Afghanistan, etc. This man is now officially desperate due to these policy failures. But in reality, all of this is just smoke, and mirrors deliberate in its intent, to detract and distract us from the horrible shape the country is now in. He knows the deceitful media will not come after him like they should. And it’s easy to understand why, since they’re the very reason he got elected in the first place. They are essentially co-conspirators. They won’t even tell us what’s going on with the Hunter Biden investigations. I’m sure the media will be issuing their apology to America for hiding Biden’s incompetence, the same day hell freezes over! 

 He will do anything to squeeze more money and take this country towards socialism!
Biden is declaring a new American Civil War if he does this. The nation has been crippled badly with his agenda and this will be the last straw of Working America.  Climate change fraud is a ploy to give the Far-Left extremist Biden unlimited power over our lives, to shut down the economy, prohibit private cars, to make us eat insects, and to reduce the entire nation to hunger in rags, like in all communist countries. So, in over SEVENTY YEARS the temps have risen 1.2 degrees! Holy cow, stop the presses, we need to …. do nothing. We are killing ourselves for 1.2 degrees.

I remember when it was “Global Warming,” then there was a short-lived “Global Cooling” and now its “Climate Change.” It’s all politics to depart you from your money. Summer is supposed to be hot. It’s not supposed to be comfortable.  This will do nothing to impact “climate change”. This will be to garner some praise from some fans of this egotistical belief that we can actually change the climate.
What next, an executive order to use a “way back machine” to change the past? Oh wait…. The only way you will stop this so-called climate change is to stop cutting down millions of trees daily. I’m not a tree hugger but common sense tells you that the tree is what keeps the earth cool. Trees help produce more rain to cool the earth as well. But we all know that this earth is meant to burn up.

Let me ask, how many of John Kerry’s homes have solar panels on them or round them? Are there any wind turbines in Vermont? Does Joe Biden have any homes powered by wind or solar? The answer to these questions is no. They own no electric cars or bio willie aircraft. while they parade around telling us that only more tax dollars will stop the crisis. while they are doing nothing to help. Wakeup people I wonder why more Republicans are not on board these initiatives, too. We are talking about a healthier environment and atmosphere. Also, consider that in a few decades, with lots of climate science research and resources that are carbon limited, we may even be able to create mechanisms for some climate control.

Maybe tell John Kerry to quit jetting around the world spewing garbage out his mouth about emissions and then maybe some people would pay more attention. It is almost likely that we will hear a states’ rights argument if Biden would declare a climate emergency.
The result of that is yet more head in the sand inaction on man’s contributing to our climate/weather changes. It is hard to deny that there are more than just natural cycles happening to our climate/weather. After all the hubbub about Trump being a “dictator”, we’re going to allow a senile bumbler to become one man rule on something as important as energy??? This is insanity. One more step towards the Great Reset.

“Climate change” is just a pretext for achieving a socialist dictatorship.
If Biden stupidly declares a “climate emergency,” the number of moderate democrat
voters defecting to the GOP will increase immediately and exponentially. Over 2 million moderate democrat voters have already defected to the GOP in the first half of 2022 with another million expected by November and we will be voting straight red as a vote AGAINST the radical leftist extremism that has kidnapped and infected our once-decent political party. If we moderate democrat voters cannot expel the leftists from our party, we will beat them at the polls. I don’t see Biden declaring such an emergency. For one thing that would be a bold move and he’s just too timid. Secondly, he doesn’t seem to care about campaign promises made which makes you doubt whether he really thinks climate change is an existential crisis.

This is all just a joke. The planet is going through another change.
It’s not global warming, it is a phase that occurred hundreds of years ago. In 50 years or more it will change to arctic air and the planet once again gets cold. Someone needs to tell us what is normal with our planet. I remember 60 years ago we had very cold winters and then people were saying that the planet was dying because of all the cold temperatures. Someone needs to convince me what the norm is. The leading cause of Climate Change is warning labels. Without warning labels, Mother Nature was able to get rid of the weakest of the herd. Now we are stuck with them and they breed and contribute to greenhouse gasses and have a carbon footprint that would not be there.

See Michael Shellenberger’s TED talk on renewables.
It is not from a fossil fuel guy, rather the opposite. YouTube has it.

If we don’t do something very soon, it will be too late, and our ancestors will inherit
an earth that is uninhabitable. Anyone that doesn’t realize that the weather trends, the increasing fires, the tornadoes, the radical temperature changes are an effect of climate change have their heads in the sand. Dinosaurs became extinct and humans could also become extinct. It won’t be in our lifetime, however, perhaps in our children’s or grandchildren’s lifetime.   Educate yourself about Climate versus Weather and don’t fall for the shell game. China and India continue to build coal powered electrical generation plants. So, while Jurassic Biden cackles on about a phony crisis, and our economy tanks, the rest of the world grows in economic strength. When will the less intelligent who believe they can control weather wake up? The Sun is our source of climate and until the deficient leader of the free world wakes up, we are doomed.

What happens when he declares an emergency is we spend more money that we don’t have, on things that we don’t need or that won’t work to change the climate. The items
we will be purchasing will be made by those companies that Nancy Pelosi’s husband just happened to have recently invested in.  “Su said. With an emergency declaration, Biden could even phase out all exports and imports of fossil fuels entirely”.
Seems clear that the Biden Admin wants to shut down the petroleum industry.
If Biden pulls the trigger on an emergency order that includes this kind of action,
you will see lawsuits and $10/gal gas and doubling inflation. Every product made from hydrocarbon as well as the means of getting it to market will contribute to scarcity and inflation Even the smug, elite EV owners will see scarcity and higher cost as brown outs sweep the nation and our already overtaxed power grid fizzles even more because 65%
of the power source is, you guessed it, Hydrocarbon.

Is this Biden’s next disastrous decision??
Joe couldn’t lead us out of a one door room.  
Climate change is the biggest fraud of all time.

This is a crisis that the USA can’t solve alone. But currently we are ranked 24th in the world’s most green countries. (World Population Report is considered nonbiased with
no political affiliations. They are not USA based and they are focused on interpreting international statistics in palatable reports that most people can also understand.)
Some are much smaller countries which likely makes it easier to pass legislation.

These are the top 10.   But again, the USA ranked 24th. 
#1 Switzerland #2 France #3 Denmark #4 Malta #5 Sweden
#6 United Kingdom #7 Luxembourg #8 Austria
#9 Ireland #10 Finland  

See the source image

Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to
be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Outside the Green Box: Rethinking Sustainable Development 

by Steve Goreham  
Today, businesses are trapped in the green box of sustainable development. Academics, government leaders, public opinion, and thousands of laws and regulations demand the adoption of sustainability. In response, companies spend billions on renewable energy, carbon credits, biofuels, and other green policies in an effort to counter the coming environmental apocalypse.
But a look at data and trends shows that the ideology of environmentally sustainable development is based on false concepts. Population growth is slowing, nations continue
to reduce air and water pollution, climate change is dominated by natural factors with negligible effects from human greenhouse emissions, and societal access to resources continues to grow.
Society and business should adopt a policy that is sensibly green.
We should continue to reduce air and water pollution, but avoid other policies aimed at stopping global warming and halting hydrocarbon use. These other policies actually do little for Earth’s environment. Outside the Green Box is a well-illustrated and amusing look at society’s quest to be sustainable, and the resulting misguided policies that provide little benefit for the environment. Learn what “your green consultant didn’t tell you.”

Image result for The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism 

The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism 
by Steve Goreham 

The first climate change book that is fun to read! Using figures, cartoons, and whimsical sidebars, Steve Goreham describes our crazy world, which is far down the primrose path of global warming fantasy. Contrary to popular consensus, climate change is natural and NOT caused by our cars. But this book is not short on science. Goreham uses charts, graphs, and references to dozens of scientific papers to support his arguments. He shows that icecap melting, stronger storms, polar bear extinction, and many other climate fears are unfounded. At the same time, this large collection of zany pictures and quotes grabs the reader’s interest. “Goreham, the antidote for Gore!” Doug Giles, Syndicated Radio Host  

“It’s all here. Replete with great graphics and much humor, Steve Goreham reveals the mountain of failed eco-predictions, rank green hypocrisies and outright fraud that currently masquerades in the guise of modern environmentalism and ‘climate science’… The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism is an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand expose of all the key facts behind the dirty ‘green’ politics of the greatest pseudo-science racket of our age.” Peter Glover, author, journalist, and International Associate Editor, Energy Tribune.
“This is the first book written to make you laugh at the absurdity of man-made global warming—that is, until it makes you cry. If 250 pages of facts are too much, you can simply read the amusing cartoons and quotes on every page to fully understand how the world has been misled.” Jay Lehr, PhD, Science Director, The Heartland Institute 

“I am extremely impressed with this work, easily the best of its kind I have ever read… an authoritative, well-referenced, but easy-to-understand summary of the climate scare and its dire implications for society and the environment.” Tom Harris, Executive Director, International Climate Science Coalition 
“Interesting, accurate, compellingly readable, and directly relevant to one of today’s most important political debates. What more needs to be said beyond, ‘Buy this fascinating book!'” Robert Carter, Australian Marine Geologist and Environmental Scientist 

“SteveGoreham’s new book is exactly what I hoped would be published. It makes climate science understandable to everyone. Finally, some common sense, presented in a way to inform, not to deceive.” –Burt Rutan, Aerospace Engineer, Innovator, Entrepreneur  

“Steve’s insightful and readable analysis of the ideology of Climatism and its socialistic goals is an important addition to public understanding of both the facts and the critical importance of making the right decisions for America.” Harrison H. Schmitt, PhD, Geologist, former Senator and Apollo 17 Astronaut  

“Goreham’s book is an excellent, readable, comprehensive, and indispensable education for everyone. It should be required reading in all schools, universities, statehouses and Congress.” Edwin Berry, PhD, Physicist and Meteorologist  

Steve Goreham. – Bing video

Bill Cunningham | iHeart

“Steve Goreham has provided the science, the motivations, and the examples of deceit that surround the man-made warming hypothesis. He leaves no excuse for the public and the policy makers to prolong the misguided effort to spend trillions of dollars trying to reduce the insignificant effect of CO2 on global climate change.” –Leighton Steward, Geologist, Author, and Environmentalist 
VIDEO: Jane Goodall Says Global Issues ‘Wouldn’t Be a Problem’ If Human Population Was 94% Lower at World Economic Forum – National File
Elon Musk is right: Getting enough lithium is one of the biggest challenges facing electric-car companies (msn.com)
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power | Live In Conversation with Al Gore | Paramount Pictures UK – YouTube
Review of ‘An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power’ – Competitive Enterprise Institute (cei.org)
The Best Documentaries About Climate Change and Where to Watch Them (movieweb.com)
Gas vs. Hybrid: All About the Japanese Models That Offer a Choice (caranddriver.com)
What 2006’s An Inconvenient Truth Got Wrong About Climate Change (grunge.com)

Al Gore: An Inconvenient Sequel : Truth to Power / by Nature Podcast – Bing video
How Much Does It Cost to Charge an Electric Car and a Tesla? | News | Cars.com
An Inconvenient Sequel Truth To Power Environment Facts (refinery29.com)
78e1d8bcbd23cda54ba78c660dae2903c3778ce2.pdf (festival-cannes.com)
Changing climate: 10 years after ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ | Science News
20 best climate change documentaries you need to watch | Mashable
An Inconvenient Sequel – Now You Know Movies! – YouTube
17 Films About Sustainability & Climate Change | PBS
Can electric vehicle batteries be recycled? (msn.com)

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

Tubitv.com – Search (bing.com)
An Inconsistent Truth – Bing video
List of environmental films – Wikipedia
An.Inconvenient.Truth.2006 – Bing video
Category: Climate change films – Wikipedia
Climate change movies list – Search (bing.com)
TimesTalks: Al Gore on Climate Change – Bing video
Genetically modified organisms, Monsanto. – Bing video
Don’t buy the latest climate-change alarmism (nypost.com)
The Seven Climate Movies (And The One We Need Next) (forbes.com)
40 Health Myths That Aren’t True, According to MDs (prevention.com)
After Indiana Mall Shooting, One Hero but No Lasting Solution (yahoo.com)

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