Fields of Dreams

The Real-Life Field of Dreams: Location & History Explained

ASA 🎥📽🎬 Field of Dreams (1989) a film directed by Phil Alden Robinson with Kevin Costner, Amy Madigan, James Earl Jones, Ray Liotta, Timothy Busfield. WATCH:  
The iconic baseball diamond from Field of Dreams is not only a real place, but it also has quite the history. The beloved 1989 baseball movie has remained a classic of American cinema and continues to emotionally resonate with audiences beyond baseball and general sports fans. Over the last three decades, the titular field from the movie has become every bit as iconic and important as the film itself.

Field of Dreams tells the heartwarming tale of Iowa corn farmer Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) who lives with his family in an isolated farmhouse surrounded by a cornfield. When a ghostly voice from the field tells Ray to plow his crops and build a baseball field, Ray feels compelled to comply. Once complete, the field plays host to an ethereal baseball team made up of White Sox players who were ousted from the team in 1919 following a scandal. As Ray continues to heed the seemingly random requests of the ghostly voice, all the pieces begin to fall together, leading Ray to finally understand the meaning of these ghostly words: “If you build it, he will come.”

In the years following its release, Field of Dreams has come to symbolize the spirit of baseball to many viewers. The concept of putting aside life’s difficulties for a few hours
to enjoy America’s definitive sport has perhaps never been as perfectly and emotionally captured as it is in Field of Dreams, and the movie’s magic would ultimately end up leaping off the screen and into the real world thanks to the field itself.

Is Field of Dreams a True Story? Is the Movie Based on Real MLB Player?

Today, baseball fans can still visit the actual cornfield where the film was shot, and watch (or play) a game on the very same baseball field. The Iowa scenes for Field of Dreams were shot across two neighboring locations: a cornfield/house owned by farmer Don Lansing, and a cornfield next to Lansing’s, which was owned by Al Ameskamp. The iconic baseball diamond was constructed across both properties, with most of the turf falling on Lansing’s side. Both farms are located in Dyersville, Iowa, and following filming, the field was left behind by Universal Pictures to be dealt with at the discretion of the property owners. While Ameskamp allowed his crops to reclaim part of the set, Lansing turned his property into a tourist attraction, allowing any visitors to see the house and his portion of the baseball field for free. In 2007, Ameskamp sold his property to Lansing, giving him complete ownership of the field.

By 2009, the “Field of Dreams” site hosted a yearly visitor count of 65,000 people.
The site was sold in 2011, and its new owners transformed the area into a full Field of Dreams experience, including off-site lodging, guided tours, and baseball-themed souvenirs.
The location would make headlines in August 2021, when an official MLB game would be hosted on a second, larger baseball field temporarily constructed near the original field. The game, originally scheduled for 2020 and featuring a match between the Chicago White Sox and the New York Yankees, was introduced by Kevin Costner himself. It was a significant moment for fans of the movie; not only was the site now an official part of MLB history, but the ghostly prophecy spoken to Costner in the original film had come true in the real world. Universal may have simply built a movie set, but lovers of baseball, classic Americana, and Field of Dreams have been coming to feel its magic for themselves ever since.

Read More: Where Was Field of Dreams Filmed? Does the Field Exist?  

Synopsis: Nick Lodolo, Reds excited for Field of Dreams game (
Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) is a novice farmer who lives in rural Iowa with his wife, Annie (Amy Madigan), and their young daughter Karin (Gaby Hoffmann). Ray’s deceased father, John Kinsella (Dwier Brown) loved baseball, the Chicago White Sox, and Shoeless Joe Jackson (Ray Liotta), who was banned from baseball for his part in throwing the 1919 World Series during the so-called 1919 Black Sox scandal. His father, though, seemed “worn down” by life.

While walking through the cornfield, Ray hears a voice whisper, “If you build it, he will come.” He imagines a baseball field in his cornfield. Annie is skeptical but she tells him to follow his vision. He works on the field for the next couple of days, hoping to find out what will happen. Neighbors stop along the road to watch and heckle as he plows under the corn. He waits all year to see whatever happens. Nothing happens, leaving a dejected Ray. One night the next summer, several deceased ballplayers from the 1919 team began practicing and playing on the field. Soon after, Ray is told by his brother-in-law that unless he gets rid of the baseball field and returns it to farmland, he will go bankrupt.

Ray hears the voice again, which prompts him to contact 1960s author Terence Mann (James Earl Jones), who had once written about the golden days of baseball.
He wrote that as a child he dreamed of playing for the Dodgers on Ebbets Field.
He goes to Boston to find Terence and bring him to a Red Sox game, which he envisioned in a dream one night. At the game, Ray sees a message on the scoreboard telling him to find a 1920s ballplayer named Archibald “Moonlight” Graham.

Ray and Terence travel to Chisholm, Minnesota, Moonlight’s hometown, to find him.
The first place they check is the office of the local paper, but one of the researchers there tells them that Moonlight Graham has been dead since 1972. A confused Terence and Ray return to their motel room, wondering how to find Moonlight. Ray decides to go out for a walk. During the walk, he discovers that he has somehow been magically transported back in time to 1972. He quickly finds the elderly Moonlight Graham (Burt Lancaster) in the streets, who has been working as a doctor since his brief time in the major leagues. In Graham’s office, when Ray asks why he left baseball for medicine, Graham answers that he’d rather save lives as a medical doctor than scrounge through the minor leagues again. He declines Ray’s invitation to fulfill his dream.

When Ray comes back to the real world the next morning, he and Terence return to Iowa. On their way, they pick up a young hitchhiker. After a brief discussion of how the man is trying to find a way to play professional baseball, the young man introduces himself as Archie Graham (Frank Whaley) – the young Moonlight. The three return to the farm, where Moonlight begins to play with the other ghosts. More baseball players have appeared in Ray’s absence, and Moonlight is having a great time playing, while also being razzed by the veteran players about his youth and enthusiasm.

During an argument between Ray and his brother-in-law, who is forcing him to lease
the property before it’s too late, Karin falls off the bleachers. Karin appears to be not breathing. Moonlight quickly runs to help but hesitates to leave the baseball field.
He does step off the field, instantly becoming the old doctor Ray met in Chisholm.
Graham recognizes that Karin is choking and holding her steady and pounding her on
the upper back, causing her to cough up the piece of hot dog that had blocked her airway.
Ray realizes that Graham’s decision means he cannot return to the field as his younger self and apologizes to the doctor. Moonlight assures Ray that it’s alright, and thanks him for his chance. He walks out into the ballfield toward the cornfield, the players now addressing Graham with subdued, respectful voices. Terence and Karin persuade Ray’s brother-in-law that tourists will pay admission to see the magic of this field to bring back memories of the game.

At the end of the day, the players head for the corn stalks in the outfield. Just before vanishing, Shoeless Joe asks Terence if he will come with them. An angry Ray demands to know why he can’t go. Terence persuades him that he has to stay behind to take care of his family. After saying goodbye, Terence walks into the cornstalks and disappears.

Shoeless Joe then tells Ray, “If you build it, HE will come”, and glances toward a player near home plate in catcher’s equipment. The player removes his mask, and Ray recognizes his father, John, as a young man. At his wife’s urging, Ray introduces John to his granddaughter, Karin, catching himself before telling Karin who he is, and simply introducing him as “John”. As his father is heading toward the outfield, to leave with the rest of the players, Ray asks his father to play catch, finally calling him “Dad”, as father and son choke back tears. As they play catch, a long line of cars begins approaching the baseball field – people coming to watch the game… thus fulfilling Karin and Terrence’s prophecy that people will come to watch baseball.

Kevin Costner would be proud. It’s time for two teams to re-emerge from
the corn stalks in Iowa. And this time, it will be the Cincinnati Reds and Chicago Cubs.
The second edition of the MLB’s nostalgic Field of Dreams Game will take place in Dyersville on 8/11/2022 and act as another regular season game.
The Reds’ and Cubs’ three-game series will open at the niche ballpark,
and fans are already intrigued following the hype of last year’s inaugural event.
Before we see home runs shot into the cornfield, let’s take a look at what we can expect
at this year’s Field of Dreams Game, as well as what this matchup means to the baseball community: Field of Dreams game: Reds, Cubs to pay homage to MLB history.

 MLB’s Field of Dreams Game: A Complete Guide for This Year’s Second Edition –
NBC4 Washington (

RELATED:  Field of Dreams 2: Lockout – Every Cameo In The Funny Or Die Sequel

2022 Field of Dreams Game – Bing video

All-time favorite baseball movie – Search (

Big Bang Debunked | God vs Big Bang | How Old is the Universe | Big Bang vs God | Intelligent Design – YouTube

” Does Creation Speak? “
#JESUS #GOD #Creation
#Gospel #Earth #Heaven
This beautiful world speaks to us of a loving GOD WHO cares for HIS creation.
” For by HIM were all things created, that are in Heaven, and that are in Earth . . .
and by HIM all things consist of ” (Colossians 1:16-17).
What is clearly seen in creation are “. . . HIS eternal power and GODhead . . .” 
(Romans 1:20).   
“The heavens declare . . . HIS handiwork” (Psalm 19:1)
Yes, creation does speak. GOD holds the world together, and HIS creation
trusts and depends upon HIM. GOD’s greatest creation is man because “. . .
GOD created man in HIS OWN image . . .”  (Genesis 1:27).  
And GOD gave man a free will to choose if he will trust his CREATOR.
Dear Friend, have you put your trust in GOD?
You ask. ” What does it mean to trust GOD? “

FIRST, trust GOD when HE says that every person is a sinner.
The Bible tells us in Romans 3:10,“. . . There is NONE righteous, no, not one.”
And again Romans 3:23 says, “For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of GOD.”
Our sins have separated us from GOD. Before you can know that you have eternal life and that you will go to Heaven, you must first know and believe that you are a sinner.

SECOND, trust GOD when HE says that our sin debt must be paid.
Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death . . .”
According to GOD’s WORD, we are ALL sinners, and our sin must be paid for.
If we fail to trust GOD in this life, we will die without CHRIST and spend eternity separated from GOD.

THIRD, trust GOD when HE says that CHRIST died for our sins and rose from the dead.
The Bible tells us in Romans 5:8, “But GOD commendeth HIS love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us.”
The best news that anyone could ever tell you is that JESUS CHRIST died for your sins.
All our sins were laid on HIM. HE paid our sin debt in full.
CHRIST shed HIS blood on Calvary for you, because “. . .
without shedding of blood is no remission ” of sin (Hebrews 9:22).
Then HE rose from the dead, and HE said to those who trust HIM, “. . .
Because I live, ye shall live also ” (John 14:19).

FOURTH, trust GOD when HE says we must personally receive CHRIST as our LORD and SAVIOR.
Romans 10:13 says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.” 
That “whosoever” means you. GOD allows you to choose whether or not you will trust HIM. A person can believe that GOD loves him.
He can believe that he is a sinner, and that sin must be paid for. 
BUT if he is not willing to put his faith and trust in CHRIST,
he will die lost and be separated from GOD forever.

[] Do you realize that GOD loves you?  (John 3:16)
[] Do you believe that you are a sinner? (Romans 3:23)
[] Do you agree with the Bible that your sin debt must be paid?
(Romans 6:23)

[] Do you believe that CHRIST died for you? (Romans 5:8)
[] Do you see that you must call upon the Lord to save you?
(Romans 10:13)

The Bible says that “the goodness of GOD leadeth thee to repentance” (Romans 2:4). 
If you would be willing to turn to GOD in repentance and faith, pray this simple prayer
or one like: LORD, I know that I am a sinner, and I believe YOU died and rose again for me.  I am trusting YOU to forgive me, come into my heart and save me. 
Help me to live for YOU always. In JESUS’ name I pray, AMEN.

When The Holy Spirit is Speaking – You should Listen to His Voice.
Powerful Motivational Speech – YouTube

GOD’s promise for you is everlasting life:
” For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
If you have made a decision to accept JESUS as your personal LORD and SAVIOR after reading this post, please let me know so that I along with the angels in Heaven can REJOICE over one sinner that repents.

Share your new-found faith with your family and friends (Acts 16:31-33).
Identify with CHRIST through believer’s baptism and become part of
a local Bible-believing church (Acts 2:41, 47).
Can a Christian Believe in Evolution?
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