Increase Your Life Expectancy

How to Increase Your Life Expectancy 12 to 14 years – YouTube

Well, there are no studies to suggest 100% is actually necessary. I eat about 95% plant based with local meat and locally caught fish a few times a month. People in Blue Zones eat meat 4 to 5 times a month as well as products like goat milk and cheese.

They just eat small portions on the side of their dish, not slabs of 10oz steaks and huge portions as in the US for example. Plus, it’s all local produce, some from their own animals and gardens. Big difference. There’s more to longevity than diet also-low stress, strong social connections, having a purpose in getting up each day etc.

George Burns on his 100th birthday speech with a typical cigar and martini in hand said
at the podium to the audience, “If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.”

There are many different factors for someone’s age and health. Food is just one of them, most of the time it gets way too much attention. There is no secret food or drink for longevity. Actually, with the right set of genes. You can smoke, drink alcohol and eat trash every day and still get to age 100 healthy.

This has already been proven and seen many times. Don’t look too deep into food unless it’s ethical. As long as it’s not ultra-processed but nutrient dense the body can utilize it. Or are you stuffing your body with harmful chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, and GMO’S

Food matters so very much IMPORTANT. Are you eating ORGANIC???

Look up the concept of Expected Value of Life Expectancy – Search (
That is like saying smoking cigarettes a few times a month if fine, or 1oz of vodka each day. Yes, you’re healthier than most people and similarly to vegans being 95% plant based, but you’re still consuming meat. Just like tobacco, alcohol, any amount of meat is bad for your health in several ways. Of course, in the grand scheme it’s not a big deal for you, but I just don’t see the point if you’re already 90%+ plant based. Just like I see no reason in smoking a cigarette a week.

That’s just me though…. ✌

Depends what kind of meat. I eat small amounts a few times a month, no more.
Why? Because Irish beef and mountain lamb is among the best and tastiest in the world, as is wild caught salmon, mackerel, sole, and shellfish like class A mussels from a few miles along the coast. I wouldn’t touch US produced meat of any kind if you paid me,
I heard too much about it and how adulterated it is. Big difference, so not all meat is the same and many of these studies on the poor health outcomes of meat are based on US consumption.

My locally produced meat and fish are not in your wildest dreams compared to smoking or drinking vodka. Though I’ve seen 90 Yr. Olds in Ikaria smoking daily, so there’s a whole lot more to longevity than just diet anyway. A 100% vegan diet is almost useless if you have no work life balance or social/community support and are stressed as hell, or a workaholic that doesn’t have any time off to enjoy life.

Gonna wait for your video “Why I’m No Longer Vegan”.
I don’t proselytize to my friends and family, since I don’t want them to avoid me.
I try to lead by example, and hope they ask me when they are ready. On the other hand,
I do spend a lot of time educating and advocating for veganism in social media like these YouTube comment sections, and Reddit.

I love that it just highlights the Nine basic principles of longevity just from the very beginning – 🙏❤️ and then I think it can be very
inspiring when somebody is really good at something. You can be seduced to love
Latin if the teacher is really interested in the subject – and I do think it is a bit strange
to talk about physical training and ten look as if you always

Just study at the desk … but of course to be able to relax and go with the flow can be

very charming 🙃🎶🌷🎵

I guess it depends largely on how your portrait yourself as a health practitioner when trying to be a role model by doing all the healthy stuff. If you’re shaming people for not living up to your standards or giving off a sort of condescending vibe, they will feel demoralized and have resistance to your preaching. If you, on the other hand, just live a healthy life and encourage them with detailed information, tips and tricks and meet them where they are at the moment, then I think being a role model and living what you preach is an enormous advantage.

I’d love to see the numbers from the study cited at 0:26 for those eating a whole-food vegan diet rather than just “healthy dietary principles.” I suspect that the data would be even much better and more statistically significant than what was reported in that study. Sure, if you reject Fisher’s method of significance testing, but we can stick with N-P hypothesis testing if you prefer.
So rather than quibbling terms, why don’t we try to resolve the heart of my statement?
The heart of your statement is the fact that these types of studies can tell us nothing about the cause of anything. At best they can only show associations and associations alone can never prove cause. There is not enough control in these studies to isolate any factor such as diet.

Plus, even if a correlation is statistically significant it doesn’t mean that it is of any use to anybody. We can never do the type of studies that would be required to prove anything about human nutrition, so all these studies are just a waste of time really.
Sure, if they came up with a correlation of something in the order of several hundred percent, such as we see in studies on smoking, then maybe there is something there worthwhile pursuing but that is never the case. Are you assuming that a vegan diet is better for you than a fully carnivore diet?

Where is there any evidence to suggest that?
1. The heart of my statement conveys the supposition that a similarly conducted study which tested a whole-food vegan diet would yield results which account for a p-value lower than the one seen in this study.
2. I am presently convinced humans are physiologically best suited to eat a whole-food vegan diet with supplementation, as needed (for example: vitamin B12). So yes, I am inclined to agree that a whole-food vegan diet is “better” for human health than a fully carnivore diet. The evidence which supports my view is documented and scattered throughout the peer-reviewed literature. But I’m open-minded, so if you’d like to lock horns on the matter, I’d be delighted to entertain your ideas and supporting evidence.

Like with most viruses, no amount of healthful eating is going to be a 100% guarantee against catching mononucleosis, I’m afraid. It’s no joke, I know. I had a somewhat severe case of it long ago. I could barely move, swallow or think straight for well over a season, among other issues, missing most of my first semester of 12th grade, when I ate decently, but far from plant based. (That would not happen for another few years.) If the Internet had been such a thing, then as it is now, I’d have not had the energy to post. I was one of the lucky ones. A 15-year-old in my school had died from it a year before I got it.  

Hi, Weronika Krynicki I am sorry that you are experiencing mononucleosis.
While plant-based diets can enhance immunity, they cannot prevent all infectious diseases. Plant-based whole foods rich in zinc, vitamin C and beta glucans may help.
You can find everything on our site related to immune function here: I hope that helps!
—Christine Kestner, MS, CNS, LDN, Health Support Volunteer

I’ve been fasting periodically for 5 years, and I love how it makes everything work perfectly, and makes you look like a teen. While I think that it is a truly working miracle cure for nearly all internal imbalances, be it hormonal or even cancers, lifespan extension etc., but when it comes to war with foreign invaders, it doesn’t work that well 🙁
In the past I had minor cuts infected twice during fasting, (when eating normally my wounds heal well), which suggests lowered immunity.

Some research papers also sadly suggest that this virus thrives on autophagy, exploiting our healthful pathways. I fasted for 18 days after mono diagnosis, symptoms disappeared but when I returned to a clean WFPB diet, symptoms returned – maybe during fasting my body stopped fighting the thing and this virus just was silently replicating the way it does initially after contracting… So basically in my experience fasting cures everything inside the body, but when it comes to foreign microbes, things don’t follow the same pattern 🙁

I’m so glad to be vegan and eating primarily a Whole-Foods Plant-Based Diet (WFPBD), those extra years can be used for the greater good to spread the words of veganism to those unaware of the harm they are causing by eating meat/dairy/honey, wearing cashmere/ leather/silk/wool, using unnecessary animal tested products or even simply just by visiting aquariums, circuses or zoos. Not only that but it means I can also see more of the world and have more time to pick up new hobbies or to learn another language. ~April Walford

Very interesting, great, video …. important points. Vegetarians are sometimes annoying,
at least to me, because in general they have the right idea, but the proof is in the pudding, and people just claiming to be vegetarian but who often have some pretty bad habits themselves act like they are on the winning vegetarian team.
I am all for vegetarians, but I also think that lightly eating a bit of meat, say the equivalent of the meat on a pizza, or the meat in vegetable fried rice, to get a little of the nutrients of meat and not eating a huge steak every day or many of the other obviously unhealthy things carnivores do, fast food, etc,

I have not seen any studies that significantly prove that – let me put it this way – there is not a lower limit to meat eating that is just as or almost equivalently safe to eating vegan.
I also think there is a lot going on that people who do these studies from both sides do not talk about, for instance the effects on the meat we do eat of what we feed the animals, or how they are “processed”.

Avoid Excess sugar, iodized salt, deep fried items especially meat, milk from genetically modified animals, food coloring, chlorinated water etc. Are causes of ill health apart from sedentary lifestyle, smoking and alcohol. Inner peace & tranquility are important.
Better to be vegan. We are still in the dark ages, with so my main points that we have to keep in mind. Not only soybean oil, all chemically processed oils trigger inflammation. Coconut oil, groundnut oil and olive oil are good.

Lifestyle habits to increase your life expectancy |

Moderation is the key word.
I’m mostly vegan although I eat small amounts of fish and one egg a day. I do intermittent fasting (18/6) everyday. I cut out sugar and all refined grains (rice, bread and pasta) although I eat small amounts of whole food tubers such as sweet potatoes, yams and taro roots. I walk 4 miles a day. My A1c is 5.3, my blood pressure is 100/60, my triglyceride is 64, my HDL is 92. My BMI is 24. I’m over 60 years old. I do not need prescription medications. As experts said, you control your lifespan 70% of the time, your genes and God controls 30%. I take full advantage of the 70% controlling power. What Separates the Longest lived in Hong Kong from those not – Search (

According to Google, the people in Hong Kong enjoy the longest life expectancy @ 85.3 years Hong Kongers also eat one of the highest amounts of meat in the world @ 660 g
(24 ounces) per person per day. Nothing beats beef…Are you saying that these statistics are based on a small group of people that live on rice, greens and stinky tofu?
I’ve lived and worked in HK for two years and greens come with meat or fish with a
small bowl of white rice. A variety of foods are eaten including tofu, greens, fruits and mushrooms. The far majority however eat this with lots of meat or seafood.
The last meal I had in HK was chicken and vegetables, when I ordered green beans,
they automatically came with beef.

👍 I don’t know how severe your case is, but I’m inclined to think that
your WFPB lifestyle may have saved you from worse and will certainly aid your recovery. 😊

We are still in the dark ages, so my main point would be that we have to keep that in mind.
I actually had to look around a bit, so here’s what I found by way of recommendations: Lots of water, ginger tea, decaf green mint tea and throat soother tea, sipped if your throat is still swollen. Vitamin C, Zinc and Magnesium rich foods as well as you can eat them (i.e., collards and dark kale, cut ahead of time then steamed if swallowing is an issue), berries, tofu for protein and iron (tofu scrambles, even?).

Extra Vitamin D, as it’s still winter and you’re probably inside a lot right now. Soothing vegetable soups are definitely good, but keep them on the veggie side and chop them finely if, again, swallowing is a problem.  Steer clear of sugars, fats and starchy carbs (bread, rice, white potatoes, &c.) for now, as they can trigger your symptoms. Eat small meals throughout the day instead of three larger ones to keep your blood sugar steadier.  

I hope that is helpful, and that you are better soon! 💚

NYC investor Irving Kahn who lived to age 109 – thought his long life was due to a decent diet and a love of his work. It turns out his 3 siblings all lived past the age of 100 including 1 sister who thought a fun life was drinking, smoking and going to parties and eating rich food. A researcher found out they had genetics of a higher than average HDL cholesterol level and a slightly elevated TSH or what would be a slightly underactive thyroid.

Love is a vital nutrient – Search (
I think the part about people being demotivated because they feel judged by those who have achieved a healthy state speaks more to the current state of emotional insanity and extreme narcissism that our civilization is currently in, than anything else. I think that is
a separate condition that also needs to be addressed just as urgently. Some of us wish to make the most out of our time on this Plane of existence. It shows what the researcher
Nir Barzilai – found out when looking at the genetics of centenarians.

Very interesting the latter finding on human responses to excellence.
People not doing so well can become resentful of those doing it better, or read it that way. Not a valid response but human, nevertheless. If we are to influence others an attitude of collaboration rather than preaching is more effective. The conflictual milieu about diet also engenders tribalism and “better than” front-offs. I never smoked, was never overweight (let alone obese), eat no processed sugar, and eat a diet dominant in whole plant foods (maybe 3-5% animal foods tops, and no processed foods). But the one thing that I just can’t seem to get into the habit of is exercise. Mainly because I appear to be in good shape without exercise, so I don’t find myself able to do it. But my exercise level beyond the walking of day-to-day life is almost zero.

We do not suggest looking for supplements to decrease glycosaminoglycans.
Your best bet is to avoid consuming them. Check out the Daily Dozen here: and our Optimum Nutrition Recommendations here: I hope that helps! —Christine Kestner, MS, CNS, LDN, Health Support Volunteer

What I want is not to increase my life expectancy but to not spend many years
sick before I die. Why would someone want to increase their life expectancy?

Absolutely stupid to do that.

You forgot to mention the recent Norwegian Life Expectancy study!!

I really love the video from Greger’s lecture How not to die. He talks about chronic disease and when camera turns to the audience, you can see thousands of people, who are either obese, or morbidly obese. No one with a healthy weight. Sure, that was a lecture in the USA.

Humans are soooo weird

Yes, we as humans are constantly threatened by people who are better than us yet extremely addicted to watching them.

A calm and positive mindset is probably way more important since this affects everything.

“It’s never too late”? Not so. Live like there’s no tomorrow and there won’t be.
You can’t wait till your 66 to adopt these principles and expect to realize the outcomes his research shows. Like renouncing God your whole life then telling yourself you found Jesus in your last 30 seconds on earth. Don’t count on the Pearly Gate to be open when you arrive.
Left out • Faith ▪︎Family ▪︎Fasting

Katherine Heigl Gets Candid About the Mental Health Toll of Hollywood and the Healing Power of Nature

Katherine Heigl Opens Up About Anxiety & First-Time Going To Therapy – SheKnows

Do this at 50 and you could live to 100 – – Search (

What an outstanding voice the Loren Alred has… if anybody has ever deserved

the Golden Buzzer, then she did!! ❣❣❣


Music is Healing | Hurt and Healer – Search (

In 2022, Loren Allred auditioned for the 15th series of Britain’s Got Talent, performing ‘Never Enough’. She received the Golden Buzzer from Amanda Holden, sending her through to the semifinals.[9] She won her semifinal on 2 June and
competed in the final, and finished in ninth place.[10]

TOP 3 Singing Auditions On Britain’s Got Talent 2022! – YouTube

Richard Arvin Overton, he called it the Overton diet.

It made him happy. Rod L. – YouTube
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