Govern Our Thought Police

Winston Churchill said “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance,
and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

There’s 38 to 40 🦏 in the senate.
Mitch isn’t going anywhere for quite some time until his next election.
You can’t vote for enough MAGA senators in the near future to make a difference.

The Senators vote for who the party leaders will be. They hold that role for 2 yrs. McConnell is coming up in 2023. So, we need to vote for America First senators in 2022,
who will then be voting for the next party leader. This is why McConnell is so afraid of the 2022 race. Let’s get him out!

Biden just vomits $80,000,000,000.00 for IRS enforcement instead of boosting border security. Furthermore, he puts America on the hook for an additional $300,000,000,000.00 towards the science fiction of climate change.

Rather than taking steps (lifting “vaccine” requirements) to rebuild our military, he is going to arm 70,000 IRS troops to assail the general civilian population. In socialist conversions, governments always confiscate guns and wealth. It appears to me that IRS agents could be used to rob every one of us door to door in the same style as the fondest memories of George Soros. I wonder how many people will protest the armament of federal troops against the capitalist interests of our nation.

The Biden regime is a joke! I live only hours from the area in Kentucky that was ravaged by the December tornado and FEMA did little to help most of those folks! Biden visiting the flood-stricken areas of Kentucky is for appearances only! He donates billions to Ukraine while our people suffer! Thanks for all the mentions my friend I finally get notifications!


The Inflation Reduction bill passed on a party-line vote with V.P. Kamala Harris
breaking the 50-50 tie. It passed with an amendment by GOP Senator John Thune
to exempt some companies from its 15 percent corporate minimum tax.

The bill contains funding to beef up IRS enforcement, expand green energy production, and lower the. cost of healthcare Republicans successfully forced Democrats to strip a provision that would have capped the price of insulin at $35,

Senate Dems erupted in cheers and applause after the 16-hour voting session
Democrats were hopeful for a win ahead of November’s midterm elections.

Biden Plans To Steal The NEXT Election With An Executive Order. No Kidding ⋆
The 2022 election is already stolen unless we can raise serious outrage. Last year Biden issued executive order 14019 that spends taxpayer money to cheat just like 10,000 mules. This order is a scam that allows cheating at 2020 levels even if no emergency is declared. We don’t need our tax money going to some worthless junkies who are working to steal our election.

And then Biden grants mail in amnesty to all of the smugglers he smuggled into every state. States should pass laws that in order to vote one must live in said state for more than 2 years. Also every state should pass laws to unrecognize federal amnesty from their state. Then all illegals could be deported to DC, the only place where they got amnesty.
And then Biden grants mail in amnesty to all of the smugglers he smuggled into every state. States should pass laws that in order to vote one must live in said state for more than 2 years. Also every state should pass laws to unrecognize federal amnesty from their state. Then all illegals could be deported to DC, the only place where they got amnesty.

Why hasn’t anyone brought this up?
Why are there still January 6th political prisoners sitting in a jail cell and these 2 are walking free, wreaking havoc everywhere they go? WHY?????

I can’t believe there are no attorneys out there that haven’t found a way to get the January 6 prisoners out of jail! Are you all cowards or just don’t give a f*ck? The 2 letters below prove that Pelosi and Mayor Bowser are responsible for everything that went down that day!!! End of story!


Trained and prepared to handle security? As Speaker of the House isn’t it Nancy Pelosi’s job to ensure the safety and security of Congress?

Insurrection? Not even close…

Treason? 💯💯💯💯💯

Hold them accountable!!!

That is just the tip of the iceberg.

Where are all the Democrats emails and communications prior to the J6event? Why just one side of this story? The security for large crowds is always paramount to a safe event for all. All this from a woman that tied up the National Guard in Washington DC for months after the election. They slept on concrete floors and had little to eat the entire time.

Why hasn’t someone stepped up to help them!! If I had a law license, I sure would!!
There’s a blessing in helping them, God is in this!!
Amen and Amen!! I agree with you!!!

National Defense Authorization Act… Gives the government the power to arrest and
detain American Citizens, anywhere in the world for any reason and for any length of time… Without charges… It was also signed behind closed doors by Obama, late at night, on a New Year’s Eve… And as speaker of the house, Nasty Nancy should be investigated and held accountable for the Capitol Police force’s failures that day.

Yet we are not hearing anything about that.

Go against them, they lock you up indefinitely. You lose your rights.
While Committing violence, you get bailed out by them.
George Floyd Was NO Angel …ALL LIVES MATTER 🙂

See how it works. But it’s both sides. Exactly to make an example.
That’s it. Understand that pleaseeee WTF?

Well, you actually know why, you just don’t want to have to believe the truth of what happened on J-6. I’m the same.
I don’t want to believe it either. We have been overthrown by the Marxist left.
There! I said it. Care, says your posts are good but change NOTHING. Now if you were to join our Christian Army and work with us to remove wicked politicians from Congress – THAT will change EVERYTHING!
Why? Because we will work with Trump Republicans and pass laws to crush corruption, investigate and jail evil doers. This will be the best political decision you ever made in your life and have fun doing it. Go to our secure website’s home page to understand our vision:
That’s How People – YouTube

God bless you and yours as God blesses America for doing His will on earth.

I’m amazed how Nancy Pelosi literally wrote down her own playbook:
As the reason for not accepting reinforcements for crowd control.

Don’t believe for an instant, that our Republican members in house and Senate, minus a few true constitutional believers, aren’t in on this patriotic protest that turned violent as a direct involvement of their infiltrators. This was planned as a response to the stealing of the 2020 election and sadly, it worked!

Above is solely my opinion but it’s my core belief, aside from God
My guess is that she knew that trained troops would have spotted her embedded bad actors in the crowd and weeded them out. Pelosi’s sabotage troops literally opened the way, allowing protesters to flow into the Capitol Building unimpeded.

They were letting them in and there is video that proves it!!!
We’ve seen the January 6 CCTV footage. We know what happened.
It’s ridiculous that the J6 hearings are looking at entirely the wrong people.

Luke 8:17 kjv – Search | Luke 21:26 kjv – Search
2 Peter 3:4 kjv – Search | 2 Timothy 3 kjv – Search

The Sergeant of the Guard (SOG) requested extra security and it was rejected …
Well, the Socialists of Nazi Germany had the Reichstag fire. And J6 was all staged by
the DEMONRATS with the FBI, DOJ, and CIA and let’s not forget the Capitol Police!!!

And Muriel Bowser went along for the ride!!!
Two reasons come to mind. 1. She is incompetent
2. She was hoping it would happen as it did.

Can’t have any letters when the stage has also been set for
an INSURRECTION as per the D.O.J., F.B.I., & Democrats 🙁

These ‘Socialists Commies” in the United States had their January 6th. And they are going to milk it for every ounce of political power they can … If Nancy Pelosi had the National Guard, there it would’ve ruined her plans to have a coup. And blame it all on Trump and his supporters. Can’t have the National Guard protecting the capital and disrupting her instigators and the purported Trump armed insurrection. Pelosi has managed to waste millions of dollars of government time on this partisan witch hunt that’s going nowhere. Think how well that time could have been spent on bipartisan solutions to border security, energy Independence, rising crime, actions that serve ALL Americans!

How many people are in jail as a result of the recent ANTIFA attacks in Oregon?

It’s time to put the people ahead of the destructive party agenda!  🇺🇸

We will see the ugly side of the Democrats Again.


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