The Inverse is not True.

Choosing a mental state that’s good for others will burn you out.

There Lies Your Power💥 This Is the Truth… This Is What They Are After!

For You to Lose Control of Self. Leaving You at Their Merciless Intent for You.

So Be Self Mindful, Premeditated the Speak 🗣#LivingIntentional101

Choosing a mental state that’s good for others will burn you out. Self-care should not be ignored. run from people who make your life a living hell …Surround yourself with happy, warm, and genuine people. ~”Tena Desae”

Some people who are good for your mental health include people who are:

– Honest – Kind – Respectful – Supportive – Enthusiastic – Can cope with change –

Have a sense of humor – Are reliable


Choose people who are good for your mental health.
More Importantly, ignore certain people to maintain your mental health. Although empathy is important, it’s not enough to enhance your mental health. You also want someone to be able to share his or her experiences and open up to you. Understand that your life, no matter in what form, should be a ‘safe haven‘.

Far too many humans have too low self-esteem and let other people in, even though they don‘t really want them to join. It‘s better to be alone than with toxicity around you. Choose your people wisely. The latter is a priority. Yes, have the right people in your circle. If they bring you down, leave them behind; it’s not worth your growth.

Cherish these people. There are not many around with true sincerity.

“Choose people who: choose you, ask how you are, see you, let you be you, feel good about your nervous system, you can breathe easily around, you don’t need to perform for, are good for your mental health, want to see you win, don’t try to control you.” @EssentialMastry and @MindHaste … Choose people who lift you up.

Don’t waste your time on people who don’t matter; focus on the right people.

Negative people have the absolute worst ROI.

If you can’t control who you’re around, don’t let their words affect you.

Be so at peace with yourself that no words can penetrate your mind.

Zen is about reacting without a pause

The more you react, the more you unconsciously repeat the past. The more you pause and respond, the more you consciously create the future. Practice the pause. A person who pauses before reacting is a very powerful person. Being able to listen and think more than react opens you up to a plethora of self-awareness and growth opportunities. It takes maturity and emotional intelligence to choose peace and understanding over impulse reactiveness.

you don’t have to internalize another person’s negative emotions. you don’t have to absorb their trauma, energy, or anger. reactions and responses aren’t always necessary. —as your awareness rises, you will choose to not engage or react to another person’s inner conflict.
The older you get, the more you realize that not everyone deserves an explanation and the max they can get from you is “okay”.
Realize at what point you are in your life and don’t let anyone bother you!
Not everyone deserves the right to create the future. Some people are locked into instinctual response cycles for a reason.
Is it because when we pause we give our hearts a chance to take part in our reaction, and can we say the mind will not be in full control?
The pause brings you back to self awareness and self control, there you’ll have your power once again in a chaotic moment of others continuing to project and trauma bond still.You are in control of you, be grateful for that.


S T O P Explaining yourself to people

You owe no one no explanation of what you do Live Your Life the way you wish.
Always maintain control over your composure. This is something that only made sense to me over the past couple of years. It’s more about breaking out of that “compliance mindset” they indoctrinate you with in childhood.

That’s maturity brother. It’s not every narrative that’s deserving of an explanation. Some details are a foregone conclusion.

When pressure is applied, handle it with a stone face. Think logically constantly and aim to move forward.

The faster life goes, the more often you need to pause.
Always breathe deeply, calmly, centred and relaxed! In the pause you hear the call. In the pause you get the “aha” moments. In the pause you get creative. Your power lies in the pause.

Take a deep breath and you’ll realize that most of the time, it’s not about you but about them. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself. Don’t lose yourself to unconscious and low vibration behaviors. Life is all about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. 
Avoid at all costs.

Control your emotions to keep your energy flowing in the right direction.

Use that negative energy in a positive way and I’m sure that will make a big difference.
Your emotions and passion can be a great asset or a detrimental liability You’ll never cross an emotional bridge, if you keep rushing back to the other side. Your emotions are the hardest thing to control. Emotions are like fire. Control it and make your dinner or let it go and burn down the world.
Once you learn to control them then you become a stronger person.
Don’t waste energy on unnecessary things which mean nothing to you.

What are your best tips for controlling your energy?
Emotional mastery is a goal we should all work towards True, take control of your emotions or they consume you.
They are a powerful source of creation, or the harbinger of your destruction. Regulate or be consumed because where your attention goes your energy flows Your choice…Exactly, you must control them, or they control you.

Always breathe deeply, calmly, centered and relaxed…

Our fictions give us meaning and a lens to see the world. Nothing wrong with that as that’s how human psychology works.The danger is if those fictions are based on false evidence and detached from reality.
Technically it’s all fiction. Our senses do the best to interpret reality. We don’t even know how close our take is as our senses basically suck ass, to say it technically.
In a way it is. It all comes down to mental models that facilitate interpreting sensorial info. But if we use the wrong model and/or have compromised/lack good sensorial info, operating in the real world is difficult. Absolutely. The truth is our senses can only pick up a fraction of a fraction of what’s out there.
But when I learned we see 0.001% of the light spectrum and hear 0.001% of the sound spectrum… There are a few gaps

Once we stop lying to ourselves we’ve begun to become who we could be.You must destroy the fiction in your head, so you can live your true story.
Emotions are involved in our decision making and daily energy more than most think
When you decide how to act, that’s a superpower. Control your emotions and you control your future.
Lust makes a man do things, a man with self-respect wouldn’t do.
One should always put reason before emotion. channel them rightly.
The world is interconnected and interdependent. That is the challenge. We can drive a hard self-narrative on ourselves. As they say it’s never as bad as it looks, nor is it as good as it appears. 🤔
Take the fiction out of your head and turn your reality into “fiction”
The fiction in your head creates imaginary barriers that don’t exist.
You are just existence itself. You are only pure awareness… Your thoughts? well that part is not you. Just a movie playing constantly on the screen of your existence. Realize they are not the same and you’ll be free.

We rise and fall together.

Oh wow, see how the media 🧠🛀🏻is..

Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again…

Do not waste mental energy on things that are out of your control.
You already have a hard enough life.

Great mental health and wellness message!
A lot of things happening around us are the way they are and we ourselves choose how to perceive them.
Being happy is a choice! Being dissatisfied and unhappy is also a choice. I love to see that you chose to be happy ❤️
Perspective is everything 😊💝

Type carefully, because people like me will think you’re talking about something interesting 😂… those who see the positive light in most situations

have the best vibes & are my kind of people ☀️❤️

There is never anything negative but only ever a positive


. The negative feelings are lessons to be learned


These make us stronger and let that sink in…
Life has interesting way of teaching even the most powerful people

that joy from wealth is fleeting at best 🤗💥

“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius


“The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.

The pessimist fears it is true.” -J. Robert Oppenheimer

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. This includes science.

Happiness is a mindset, one can literally be broken or going through hell & still choose to be happy; Looking for a silver lining in every situation is a tactic to surviving life, & someone’s ability to hold out against the stormy weather is what makes him or her a strong person. Jim Croce – Time in A Bottle [1973] – YouTube

Is New York City More Dangerous Than Rural America? – Bloomberg

(2) Mark Hamill on Twitter: “And how is YOUR day going?”.

Since when does the state attorney general run the city’s DA office?

Doesn’t she know the difference between the State of New York and the City of New York.

Well, I got to travel up to Veni’s Sweet Shop in Niles, Michigan so much better than this.

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