The Body is Your Temple

drmarkhyman @drcaseyskitchen explains how toxins can actually have an effect on obesity and the many places they can be found, and the list could go on.

 Find the full episode on The Doctor’s Farmacy.

How Toxins Affect the Body and Brain – Holistic Help

dr mark hyman on Instagram: @drcaseyskitchen explains …
dr mark hyman on Instagram: @drcaseyskitchen explains how toxins can 
dr casey’s kitchen explains how toxins can actually have an effect on obesity – Search (

The 3 Big Reasons You CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT! (How To Burn Body Fat) | Dr. Casey Means – YouTube

The Body is a Temple. 🛕

What could be more vital than caring for the health and wellbeing of this gift of body we have been given? 
I am here to help. Join me this week for class to learn more. My sore classes are perfect for beginners, where you can learn at your own pace according to your needs. !🙋‍♀️ 

 Exactly! Obesity is a complex issue that includes environmental factors. 
I think placing all responsibility on the person who is obese erases the responsibility of the government to regulate these hormone disruptors.

Awareness is the first step to change. No need to be overwhelmed. Be empowered to make better choices in the products you buy and bring into your home. There are amazing low toxic & non toxic options available. And if in doubt when it comes to personal care and household cleaning products, make your own. It’s easier and cheaper and in the process you’ll declutter your home ✌️

I think it is so wild how many people have something to say about fear mongering. The news pretty much everyday all day is fear mongering, but we just accept it. Here, we are being given an inside peek into chemicals that are literally poisoning us on a day-to-day basis that we may not be aware of. Doesn’t awareness give the opportunity to choose? When we are at choice, we are in our power. Thank you for providing this information.

That’s it. I’m going to live in the wild and create my own life. Build and hunt.
Hahaha I can’t even change the channel on the dumb TV bc remotes confuse me😂😂 
They are making us sick while big P lives the best life, profiting off our sickness.  This is a negative post but it is always clean . To have your filter for water in the house , buy food on the markets , try natural products. Yes of course This us everywhere we create it us People but we are strong being we can manage if we concentrate on healthy eating , fasting, sport and energetical, emotional balance 🙏

  How come I know so many things about skinny people that eat all crap and stay skinny.

It’s called epigenetics. It’s why we have so many diseases and conditions we didn’t have 30 years ago
cleanerlifewith.rose @mauirealestatelife 

Electrasirena  Electra, Greek name for ‘the storm clouds illuminated by the beams of the returning sun.’ 
Ozomone means many branches.  Cloudy source of where the rainbow meets the sea.’

I think just being mindful of what is in our products and our food. 

This is absolute nonsense. Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Don’t over consume calories and you won’t gain fat, simply.
Eat healthy and exercise and you won’t crash your metabolism. Sounds overwhelming and scary. That said, simply cleaning up our diet and cutting out sugar, flour and processed food will get you a long way and on a path to good health. I’ve done this. Don’t let this information stop you from living a good life. Yikes 😬

So many doom and gloom comments for this post. Come on people!
We have to know our enemy in order to defeat it. We have to know the ugly truths because this will lay the path for action steps. The fact that there are so many toxins in the air, soil, water, clothing and food and we are all still here able to heal and thrive shows how remarkable and powerful our bodies are. Stop it with the “thanks for depressing me”, go watch the podcast, make the changes, be more mindful of your choices, inform others and stop wasting your energy on complaining, let’s be motivated to make this world a better healthier place. 

So true. Our environment is saturated with chemicals everywhere, even those “BPA free”.
I can’t imagine how the world will be in 50 years.

@drmarcoantiaging agreed! I feel sad for my kids, what will life be like for them in 50 years

OKAY…what do we or can we do to avoid them?
It seems, live in a bubble but whatever material it’s made from is toxic 😑 

I think this is true but over exaggerated. Not that she’s lying but has wrong data.
Like people talking about plastic being the worst thing for the environment, 
but in reality, plastic waste represents less than 1% of the waste we produce.

This is not a surprise….. What’s really interesting about what has gone on in our world
it’s that a lot of people are becoming aware that toxins have been around for decades…
don’t forget the chem trails in the sky
Radiation from your cell phone, all the other gadgets that people have in their homes, computers, TVs the list goes on… those horrible EarPods that people keep sticking in their ear you know are close to your brain…..

I do believe they are also one of the sources of cancer running rampant in our population.Just wait until you read Estrogeneration by @anthonygjay

If you are looking for great advice on limiting toxins, follow @environmental toxins nerd
ANDDD the stress, fear, worry, and obsession about all of these things can be even more damaging to the body, mind, and nervous system than the actual chemicals. This stress and fear can increase cortisol (stress hormone) which wreaks the most havoc on the body.

Get outside.
Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.
Take walks.
Get in nature.
Get sunshine.
Drink lots of water.

They are the food we eat.
Much of what they call food are things that we are genetically not able to process properly that screw with us, so many of the foods we eat are filled with excessive amounts of sugar and naturally occurring toxins that our body can’t handle, especially in the quantities we eat today, the government food pyramid Will make people sick it is a recipe for type two diabetes which is the number one cause of heart disease. 
People need to understand that our bodies cannot process sugar when we eat it it releases a bunch of hormones that literally tell ourselves to physically close up and start functioning as a defense mechanism trying to reject what we put in our bodies and they tell us foods are healthy and switch the names up and give them all of these intricate scientific names that nobody can understand but much of what they tell us to eat is full of sugar and you don’t need to eat it like they say. You don’t need bread, you don’t need any grains, you don’t need corn, you don’t need beans, you don’t need peas and you don’t need most fruit. 
I learned this and thought they got the science wrong or the people saying this were crazy but I kept studying the science and I stopped eating these foods 14 months ago. I’ve lost a ton of weight. I’ve thrown away all my medications and about three weeks ago I had my doctor run a comprehensive blood panel as well as checking all of my organ functions. I restored my metabolism. My immune system is working great. I’m not deficient in a single nutrient and according to my very traditional medicine doctor there’s nothing I can improve in my diet. All of my tests came back on the optimal side of the healthy levels.

drcaseyskitchen If I could only say one thing about food 🍽, it would be to focus on nutrient-dense whole foods. 🥑 But I like to go deeper. 🤿⁠

What we eat matters⁠
– In addition to supplying energy, whole foods provide molecular instructions to help your body repair tissues, fight infection 🦠🥊, produce hormones, and stimulate bone 🦴 and muscle 💪 growth.⁠
– Certain foods—too many in the ‘Western” diet—jeopardize your metabolic health by spiking blood sugar 📈, raising cholesterol and triglycerides, adding empty calories, or driving inflammation via additives or sugar.⁠
– Metabolic health is about long-term trends, not 1 meal.⁠
– Your body can adapt to the occasional fast food 🍟 or high-carb meal. But how meals affect us—spiking our blood sugar or leaving us feeling fatigued 🥱—is valuable feedback.⁠
– Nutrition is individual, and not everybody will react the same to foods.⁠
– But if you’re looking to simplify your diet and reduce some of the most harmful foods, cut ✂️ these 5 as much as possible.🔻⁠

1: Repeatedly eating too much sugar 🍨 (including natural 🍯) can cause damage to the body. It’s wise to limit all sugar, but avoiding added sugars, especially, is 1 way to limit overall intake.⁠

2: Wheat flours 🥐 (whole wheat too) causes blood sugar spikes. Repeated spikes raise your disease risk. In addition to swapping for alternatives, limit snacks 🥨 and breads 🥖 with wheat flour.⁠

3: More than 70% of foods in U.S. grocers 🛒 are ultra-processed. People who eat fewer processed foods tend to have healthier gut microbiomes and be more metabolically fit.⁠

4: Vegetable oils and refined seed are high in omega-6 fats, which have been linked to poor metabolic health. Especially dangerous ⚠️ are hot dogs 🌭, deli meats 🥪, and bacon 🥓, which raise your Type 2 diabetes risk.⁠

5: Most fast foods 🍔 are ultra-processed and loaded with refined flours, fats, salts, and hidden sugars—often engineered to be potentially addictive.⁠

#MetabolicHealth #Metabolism #CGM #Levels #Health #Wellness #WomensHealth
 #Microbiome #FoodisMedicine #FastFood #Wheat #ProcessedFood #SeedOils

There are ZERO supplements or medications that can fix a chronically toxic lifestyle
FIRST THINGS FIRST ~ Bone broth, collagen, probiotics or any other currently popular product will not fix your fat, gut or other health problem. No amount of beneficial nutrients can overcome a toxic barrier.  *Detox first, THEN nourish* is the title of today’s post on my functional medicine nutrition page.

More targeted detox below 👇

mincinnutritionist @mincinnutritionist 🎯 
ALL THINGS TOXIC & TARGETED DETOX ~ on my functional medicine nutrition page by date:
❎ Feb 26 Toxic heavy metal testing
🌊 Feb 22 Unwanted surprises in your water
☕ Feb 5 Caffeine: The dose makes the poison
🌡Jan 22 Mercury as a factor in Co*V Mortality
🕺Jan 16 How the body gets rid of toxins. Focus: liver update

😰 Dec 23 Neurotoxic heavy metals
🌱 Nov 16 Toxic metal reduction on a plant-based diet
✔ Nov 14 How to detox from ______ Know your toxins
🛡10/14 Copper Toxicity & ADHD
💇10/13 Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Summary – All 12 Reasons
😁10/7 FDA Updates Mercury Amalgam Risk Groups
🐟9/23 Mercury Toxicity of Fish
🚬9/8 Detox Wood + All Other Smoke
🌿8/10 Detoxifying Plants/Foods
🤰8/8 Personalize Your Detox Protocol
😰8/3 Are You Tired or Toxic
😡7/30 4-part Liver Health series must read!
🔥 7/6 Iron Overload
✋7/5 Skin Is A Detox Organ
✈5/3 All About Aluminum
🍫3/10 Heavy Metals in Chocolate,
🍖Bone Broth & Supplements

😭12/10 What Is Your Body’s Toxic Burden
👶10/18 Lead Found In 95% of Baby Food Tested
🔹Head for the page grid under my Profile for those of interest

Toxins anyone? Never stop asking WHY! 
There is a place for both nourishing supplementation and toxin elimination. Prioritizing what MOST needs accomplished for a given individual is best done on an individualized basis. Bio individuality rules. Personalization is key. Just as one size vitamin doesn’t fit all, neither does one size detox. Obesogens & pfas ☹️ pfas chemicals are in my clothing yikes wrinkle free clothing 😒😣 I kind of knew about it before but it’s really getting to me now🙄 I wonder if pfas could be why I have Tinea versicolor🤷‍♂️ I doubt it but you never know.  

Keys are Do not worry…eat healthy and exercise…be happy

Drink water, your body is 70% water, oh wait don’t drink water because it’s full of toxins. Eat vegetables because it’s good oh no don’t because it’s full of toxins. 🤯🤯🤯

Where focus goes energy flows.
Everything is energy, energy is everything.
The opposite of love it’s not hate, it’s FEAR.
We should wake up and understand this. ❤️

Our environment is making us so sick!
A massive list of things to stay away from and are impossible to stay away from, without offering any solutions. Quite literally stressing out the average person who is trying to better themselves and doesn’t know where to begin. And stress/cortisol is quite literally one of the biggest contributors to negative health, mental and physical. Do better.

@greenumbrellacincy, Can we work on the factories putting all this in our air and water? 
Our air all around Cincinnati often smells like the cleaning products they produce along the river in lower Price Hill.

 Such great information to get out there, thank you! ❤️
All this chemicals affecting our microbiome and hormones

 Well, people need to do their best to live and eat clean, but sadly, many will use this
as an “excuse” for an unhealthy body and to excuse bad habits. “Well, it’s not MY fault 

  This makes it seem like a lost cause, but what is the detox process? Whole foods, methylation support.. stress mgmt, sleep…but what else? Let’s be encouraging!

Let’s please not forget the aerosol chemical sprays from the Geoengineering chemtrails. No such thing as a contrail.

  Yes, because they disturb our hormones which leads to hormonal imbalance and one of them is Estrogen dominance which leads to weight gain.  The best way to take this under control is less is more and whole nutritious food 🙌

 Living in a world of convenience has made it more and more Toxic😢 
we just have to do what we can when we can to make it better.

 Been saying this for years. When we ingest these toxins the liver packages them
in lipids to isolate them because we can’t process them. It’s a defense mechanism

I found it so strange when I left London for a holiday in the Mediterranean.
I had no allergy flare ups. I was completely free from the constant sniffing and sneezing. 
Soon as I entered back into the U.K. it was like clockwork, all my symptoms rushed back.

  So now what? This is our world we must live in. Even smarter choices still are toxic. There are still skinny people and obese people living in the same world both making the same choices. It’s complicated and a dooms day message such as this is interesting in 30 seconds but it’s not furthering the help that real people need from social media. Life is way more complicated than “all the chemicals in everything we use is causing inflammation and obesity.”

  Please don’t panic ✋
I know and I agree this can be overwhelming. More when someone is new on knowing what food, cosmetic industries are doing. So let’s bless it all, the air we breathe, the food we eat, the showers we take, the water we drink. Make conscious choices but when unable to, just ENJOY IT. Whatever you are eating or using on your body. It is more dangerous to be stressed out of all the bad it is causing in our body to simply enjoy and bless it. Of course, keep the healthy and conscious choices when you can.❤️❤️❤️
➡️ If you are new, make steps to change the food you consume, products you use little by little, just be more conscious of your choices and don’t panic.

  Let’s not forget the 35 chemicals-neurotoxins in breast implants, that when ruptured, seep into the lymphatic system for life, oh and printers ink is just one of them 💀
zeigarst  Bummmmmeeerrrrrr


I have a chronic illness and I can completely understand how hearing all this can be completely overwhelming. It’s all about making small changes over time. I started with changing my diet. Once I had that under control, then I discovered Beautycounter. It is a beauty and skincare company that is dedicated to safe, clean products. The next step was to replace my cleaning products. I use a combination of Thieves from Young Living, a variety of Norwex products, and I am looking into getting the Branch Basics starter pack. You can replace all of your plastic storage containers and reusable water bottles with glass. You can find good deals on Amazon. I hope this helps gives you some ideas on where to start on your health journey ❤️   dr casey’s kitchen explains how toxins can actually have an effect on obesity – Search (

🚫 There are ZERO supplements or medications that can fix a chronically toxic or stressed lifestyle

FIRST THINGS FIRST ~ Bone broth, collagen, probiotics or any other currently popular product will not fix your gut or other health problem. No amount of beneficial nutrients can overcome an infectious or toxic barrier. Detox first, THEN nourish

People are so interested in nutrition & natural health, ever asking what food can I eat for this disease or what supplement can I take to relieve that symptom. More often than not, we first need to take a step back and ask what do I need to get rid of or avoid

Tailored detox or infection treatment is foundational for optimal health. Just as we cannot construct a stable home on a foundation of rubble, so too with building our health. First sweep the foundation, then add the nutrient building blocks Proper drainage is key. 🔑 Taking supplements without wide open drainage channels can add insult to injury. Nutrients can become an added burden on liver, kidneys & lymphatics, just like another toxin

ALL disease can be boiled down to just 2 factors, excess toxins and insufficient nutrients. Health & healing come down to the right ratio of these 2. Removing the bad & adding the good may sound simple, but addressing the particulars on an individualized basis is not straight forward. Everyone’s constitutional, genetic & biome makeup is unique, as is their detox-ability. Additionally, toxin exposure varies considerably from region to region, even neighborhood to neighborhood. Personalization is key. One size detox smoothie or tea doesn’t fit all

STEP 1 is to know your enemy. See comments for a comprehensive list of targeted toxins I’ve posted about

STEP 2 is where I come in, assessing your toxic burden & nutritional status and outlining a multi-phase personalized protocol that brings your toxin nutrient ratio back into balance. Link in profile to the contact page on my website to request brochure & session schedule, which describe these 3 phases. It’s also discussed in the 3-part purple post currently pinned at the top of my page 💜

Mental health struggles are on the rise, and it’s more important than ever to develop tools we can lean on to heal, manage, and optimize our psychology.

There is almost nothing more important to invest in. Our ENTIRE reality and every action we take, thought we think, feeling we feel, and word we say is a function of our mental state, and we have a lot of control over that.

👇 More
drcaseyskitchen Link in bio to my article on all the tools in my personal toolbox for managing stress and mental health! 🧠 Here’s my toolbox. I don’t do everything every day, but I at least try for a couple, and lean on more when the need is higher!

1. Monitoring my heart rate variability, an objective measure of stress w @whoop and @getlief.
2. Practicing slow, diaphragmatic breathing.
3. Meditation with a focus on the breath and noting thoughts as they arise @calm
4. Yoga. I love heated Hatha yoga
5. Spending time in nature, which has measurable impacts on health and stress markers.
6. Lavender essential oil, which has clinical effects on reducing anxiety and can change gene expression and activity in the brain.
7. Writing it out. If I’m spinning about a problem and don’t know what to do, I’ll set a timer and write about it for 5 minutes.
8. Focusing on awe, abundance, and gratitude. Observing and noticing the astounding beauty of nature (for me, it’s often sunsets or trees!), reading thinkers like Mary Olive, Rumi, Kahlil Gibran, or Thich Nhat Hanh, and reflecting on the complexity and beauty of science, the universe, and the natural world.
9. Practicing self-love.
10. Reflecting on the nature of death. Stoics, Zen Buddhists, and many other traditions have meditated on death as a way to enhance life, and this is something I’ve always found, too.
11. Eating to improve your brain’s functioning and mental state! REAL FOOD! THIS IS KEY!!!
12. Professional support: Therapy or coaching. I can’t recommend it enough. 1-2 hours of the week that make all the others better.
13. Emerging research on psychedelic-assisted therapy has shown it can profoundly impact the processing of traumatic events and stress, and improve happiness.

What are your favorite tools? 🔧🧠
🙌+👆 👐
11 steps to effective detoxification in comments
1 Avoidance
2 Avoidance
3 Avoidance
4 Open bowel drainage
5 Open liver drainage
6 Open kidney drainage
7 Open lung drainage
8 Open lymphatic drainage
9 Open skin drainage
10 Tailored homeo-nutritional therapy detoxification
11 Targeted supplementation
💡Know your enemy ~ Targeted Detox 🎯 is key 🔑  


⚠️ A, C, D, Zinc & Quercetin ⚠️

VITAMIN A ~ Supplementation is linked with immunosuppression and…
Continued in comments

VITAMIN C ~ Ascorbic acid is NOT Vitamin C
The REAL difference between natural food source C complex and the isolated synthetic ascorbic acid fraction is explained in comments. Learn what’s more effective, 1,000 mg AA or 100 mg C complex?

Depending on one’s diet & multi, I generally don’t recommend synthetic vitamin C.
If you decide to supplement, I suggest no more than 1,500 mg daily, in divided doses

VITAMIN D ~ This hormone is complicated. One size D does not fit all.
Dial in your dose in comments

⚠️ Avoid vitamin D supplementation if you have
• Normal or elevated serum vitamin D levels
• Elevated body tissue D levels
• Compromised kidney function
• High serum calcium
• High serum phosphorus
• Low body tissue magnesium

ZINC is to copper what calcium is to magnesium. When we take one, we mess with the other and the delicate balance is easily disrupted. Copper & zinc share the same absorption site in the intestine. Flooding those sites with zinc, will certainly raise zinc tissue levels, but it will also depress copper – ending up with a zinc toxicity and copper deficiency. Think before you zinc

Because of the popularity of zinc to “boost” the immune system, here’s an increasingly common mineral disruption problem I’m seeing in my practice. 3 out of 4 of my new patients are showing up with elevated zinc and depressed copper tissue levels.

Did you know that signs & symptoms of deficiency are…
continued in comments
+ Zinc lozenge vs pill ~ suck or swallow? in comments

QUERCETIN ~ has multiple benefits – and a dark side 🌓
It is an outstanding multi-purpose immune flavonoid. As a zinc ionophore, it shuttles zinc into cells where it can exert its antiviral properties. This is the same mechanism that has been extensively studied with the drug hydroxychloroquine.

⚠️ Quercetin should be avoided if you have or are
• Low blood sugar / hypoglycemia
• Low blood magnesium
• Low serum potassium
• Pregnant
• Breastfeeding
• Kidney disease
• Those with weak or…

#immunesupport #immunebooster 
#immunehealth #immune system support 
#resiliance #immuno rejuvenation 
#immunesystemboost #immune system #immunefood  #boost immune system  #natural immune support #immunity  #immunesystembooster
#coldandflu #coldseason
#coldandfluseason #fluseason
#antiviral #antiviralfoods #antiviral foods #antiviral supplements

💊 🤔 THINK BEFORE YOU ZINC❗ Test don’t guess.
Minerals occur in a highly delicate Balancing Act, and it’s all too easy to upset the cart and do more harm than good. For example, copper is to zinc what magnesium is to calcium. In fact, symptoms of deficiency mimic those of excess, including immunosuppression. In other words, too much zinc can actually suppress immunity. This is no time for DIYers🔸 If you are not testing you are guessing. The recent immune support post by this title, and related ones about Mineral Nutrition, on my functional nutrition page details options for accurately assessing one’s highly individual needs ~ without the guesswork. 💚


@mincinnutritionist 😛 ZINC STATUS ASSESSMENT ~ I find consistent correlation between the zinc taste test and blood & hair tissue zinc levels in my functional medicine nutrition practice. Related posts on my page. THINK before you Zinc. It’s all too easy to upset the delicate Balancing Act between copper & zinc. Copper is to zinc what magnesium is to calcium. Did you know that signs & symptoms of excess are identical to S&S of deficiency. In other words, too much zinc can suppress immunity. Request the Zinc taste test kit and/or the hair mineral test kit by linking in profile to the contact page on my

@mincinnutritionist 🔸ZINC LOZENGES ARE A VIRUS SHIELD. The sooner we bathe the mucous membranes to the time of exposure, or preferably beforehand, the more effective it is at preventing the infection from becoming systemic and full-blown symptomatic. 🔸 HOWEVER, because minerals occur in a delicate Balancing Act, before regular ongoing use, it’s wise to test and not guess. For example, copper is too zinc, calcium is too magnesium. It is possible to do more harm than good.
In fact, because symptoms of deficiency are identical to symptoms of excess, unnecessarily supplementing zinc can actually suppress immunity. So it’s wise to think before you zinc🔸 We’ve also learned some fascinating information about zinc ionophores such as quercetin, which shuttle zinc more effectively into the cells. Quercetin is the natural flavonoid equivalent of the pharmaceutical hydroxychloroquine. 🔸 So when combined with quercetin short-term, low-dose zinc lozenges would be a safer course for those who are disinclined to be properly tested

Take advantage of chewing it. Either pop open in your mouth the soft gel or use liquid and allow it to linger in your mouth before swallowing. Vitamin D is active in mucosal tissue, which is our first line of immune defense. Although a different mechanism, the principle is similar to zinc lozenges, spray or liquid in the mouth for a virus shield. ➕ You’ll also absorb more fat-soluble nutrients a, d, e, k & Omega 3, when taken along with the fattest rich meal. Related posts on my functional medicine nutrition page.

➕ MORE Big D below 👇

What’s good for immunity is food for the brain, and for the gut, the liver, hormones, skin, bones, eyes, etc.
📊 TESTING D~ know the difference between having your vitamin D tested supplemented or unsupplemented. Typically, we want to know what your Baseline body level is UNsupplemented. However, having a blood test while taking supplements, may be used to monitor supplementation. A normal level while supplementing does not mean that your body is holding its own. There is a difference. Always test, do not guess. And remember so-called normal is not optimal. Functional interpretation is essential. It’s not recommended to continue supplementation for more than 6 months without retesting. We typically see the lowest levels in Spring, after Winter’s darkness. Supportive posts in my related comments and on my functional medicine nutrition page
Co*V Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
• The form commonly tested is indeed the bio-active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol or calcitriol, which translocate the cell membrane and cytoplasm to reach the nucleus of the cell, where it binds to vitamin D receptors. + As mentioned in my related comment, for those patients with stubbornly low levels in spite of therapeutics supplementation, we’ll test also the other forms along with nutrient cofactors to get a better handle about what’s going on with the whole of vitamin D metabolism and all its synergists.

➕️ more about stubbornly low D below 👇

@mincinnutritionist 😠 STUBBORNLY LOW vitamin D? We should not need eternal supplementation.
The genetic influence on vitamin D levels is estimated to be around 80%, much higher than the dietary & environmental influences of around 25%. Genetic tendencies however are not our destiny.

Although gut, gallbladder, kidney & immune issues may be involved, the bulk of vitamin D metabolism occurs within the liver. We need to fix the liver. Interestingly, 80% of us walk around with a sluggish, congested liver. For starters, see the 4-part LIVER HEALTH series on my page. Let me know if you’d like more personalized support

🥝 ASCORBIC ACID IS NOT VITAMIN C ~ Do you know the REAL difference between a synthetic supplement fraction and whole food nutrient complex? Did you know that Ascorbic Acid is NOT vitamin C? Understand the REAL difference between natural vs synthetic C in the MANGO & Whole Food vs. Supplements posts on my functional nutrition page and discover why 100 mg of food source C complex is more functional and bioactive than 1,000 mg of the ascorbic acid fraction. The details are both explained and graphically Illustrated like you’ve never heard it before. The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts 💚

••• VITAMIN A ~ supplementation has been associated with immunosuppression and liver toxicity. Surprisingly, Beta Carotene has been associated with increased incidence of lung cancer. It was found that a disproportionate amount of Beta interferes with the other carotenoids, alpha, delta, and gamma. This is why I often say the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Food is better than supplements. I’ve dedicated 2 entire posts to this subject food vs supplements. You’ll find it on my profile page
DYK Bumps on the back of the arm (Keratosis pilaris) are one indication of vitamin A deficiency?
➕️ See the full vitamin A post on my profile page

emilyjbentz So do you not recmd a good magnesium supplement to calcium depletion?

@emilyjbentz • For who? Our mineral needs are as different as our fingerprint. Depends on your baseline. If you wouldn’t add oil to your car without checking the dipstick, why take a supplement without knowing the baseline level that you are adding it to? EVEN IF It appears to help on one hand, it can be causing undetected nutrient interference and metabolic imbalance on the other. You’ll benefit from the related posts in the MINERAL NUTRITION series on my profile page

  This makes it seem like a lost cause, but what is the detox process? Whole foods, methylation support.. stress mgmt, sleep…but what else? Let’s be encouraging!

Let’s please not forget the aerosol chemical sprays from the Geoengineering chemtrails. No such thing as a contrail.

  Yes because they disturb our hormones which leads to hormonal imbalance and one of them is Estrogen dominance which leads to weight gain.
 The best way to take this under control is less is more and whole nutritious food 🙌

I share how to avoid toxins, like obesogens in personal care products on my page
for people who need some help with that!

jabowen_  This is some b.s. lol. The body doesn’t just create fat out of nothing.
It creates fat out of excess fatty acid sugars that get stored as fat. 
You notice how she said “these chemicals” but did not name one chemical.
Because they aren’t real, this is both fear mongering and excuses

 We love that you are having this conversation. ✨💛✨
One of the many reasons why we use glass bottles and create nontoxic products.
We wrote a blog about Plastic Obeso Gens.

A massive list of things to stay away from and are impossible to stay away from, without offering any solutions. Quite literally stressing out the average person who is trying to better themselves and doesn’t know where to begin. And stress/cortisol is quite literally one of the biggest contributors to negative health, mental and physical. Do better.
Why the Mediterranean area is one of the healthiest in the world – Bing video

The Causes Of Resistance To Weight Loss with Dr. Casey Means |
The Doctor’s Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D. on Acast

The WORST & BEST FOODS To Eat For Your Health! (Prevent Chronic Disease) |
Dr. Casey Means – Bing video

The 3 KEY SIGNS You’re Not Healthy & How To LIVE LONGER Today! |
Casey Means & Mark Hyman – YouTube

Mark Hyman, M.D. (@drmarkhyman) • Instagram photos and videos

The Doctor’s Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D. on Apple Podcasts
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