The Seven Chakra System

CHAKRA Rainbow® Centers CHART: Body-Mind-Spirit Connections in the Inner Light Resources Charts Series.| Books

The only vivid, full Rainbow coded and thorough Chart illustrating and describing
the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and other qualities associated with the 7 Chakras.
The most comprehensive chart available anywhere. This Inner Light Resources Chakra chart (and Inner Light’s Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Iridology, and other charts) are used by massage schools, Reiki teachers and other healers across the U.S. and other countries for teaching and healing practices. Color illustrations make it easy to understand also for novices.
Includes everything from A to Z- Gemstones, Musical notes, Foods, Planets, Aromatherapy Essential oils, Kabbala correlations, and much, much, more. Also includes leading-edge Addictions information associated with all of the Chakras. Also includes a visualization exercise and instructions with steps to clearing and balancing the Chakras, with Additional illustrations of the body’s physical, mental, emotional, and causal electrical field layers and the higher self.

👑 Crown Chakra aka Sahasrara 👑 

✅This is your chakra that connects you to the divine

👑 A balanced and aligned crown chakra consists of having
all other 6 chakras balances beginning at the root.

👑 Spiritual Connection

👑 Faith

👑 Positive outlook on life

👑 Self Awareness and Self Love

👑 Wisdom

👑 Enlightenment

Red flags 🚩


🚩Unwillingness to do anything productive

🚩 Close Minded

🚩 Depression and Aggression

🚩 Poor Judgment

🚩 Confusion

As I have been posting the last couple of days. Our 7 main chakras are essential
to keep aligned in order for us to live a peaceful and enlightened life. ❤️‍🩹.

#crownchakra #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #chakras #chakraalignment 
#spiritualawakening #higherconsciousness #bookme #meditationpractice #universe
 #vibratehigher #spiritualjourney #cleanse #spiritualcoaching #astros #chakracleansing
 #intuitive #eclecticwitch #starseeds #souljourney #thirdeyeopen #energyhealer
 #spiritualcommunity #goddess #divinefeminineenergy

🕉️ Brow Chakra The Third Eye 👁️ also known as Ajna.👁️

✅A Balanced and Healthy Third Eye:

🕉️ Trust your intuition

🕉️ Seeing through it all

🕉️ Self Realization

🕉️ Vivid Dreams and Memory of them

🕉️ Clarity and Highly intuitive

🚨 Blocked Third Eye

🚩 Confusion
🚩Lack of imagination
🚩Vision Loss
🚩Bad Memory

This is the 6th chakra, and it is very important to keep this balanced without overreaction.

#thirdeyeopen #vibratehigher #alignment #chakras #spiritualjourney #intuitive
 #chakracleansing #spiritualawakening #chakrabalancing #universe #eclecticwitch 
#energyhealer #astros #spiritualcoaching #souljourney #meditationpractice #cleanse
 #higherconsciousness #starseeds #bookme #goddess #divinefeminineenergy
 #enlightened #spiritualcoach #spiritualconnection #chakrahealing

💙 Throat Chakra💙 known as Vishuddha

✅ Balanced Healthy Throat Chakra

💙 Expression
💙 Ability to communicate and get your point across clearly
💙 Ability to see others’ views and take them into consideration
💙 Honestly
💙 Acceptance
💙 Clarity

🚨Blocked Throat Chakra

🚩 Dishonest
🚩 Not able to speak your truth
🚩 Excessively over talking people
🚩 Bad listening skills

Let’s talk about it. Y’all know what to do hmu and let’s get this chakras balanced.

#chakrabalancing #chakras #cleanse #energyhealer #eclecticwitch #vibratehigher
 #spiritualcoaching #higherconsciousness #highestself #meditationpractice #universe
 #vishuddha #astros #souljourney #starseeds #fyp #bookme #entrepreneur #goddess #oracle

💚 The Heart Chakra 💚 The Fourth Primary

✔️ Balanced / Healed

💚 Ability to love and let love in
💚 Unconditional love
💚Compassion / Empathy
💚 Seeing the beauty and love all around

🚨 Unbalanced

🚩High Blood Pressure
🚩Sense of loneliness
🚩 Holding Grudges
🚩Playing Victim

A lot of people would not like to admit when they are experiencing blockage with the Heart Chakra 💚. Until you are ready to open yourself up then you will remain stuck. As always please reach out to me with any questions.

#heartchakra #heartchakrahealing #higherconsciousness #cleanse #spiritualcounselor
 #spiritualcoaching #chakras #enlightened #alignment #spiritualjourney #eclecticwitch
 #energyhealer #chakrabalancing #divinefeminineenergy #oracle #vibratehigher #loveandlight

Solar Plexus – Manipura 🌼


🌼 Confident(Not to be confused with arrogance)
🌼 Motivated
🌼 Reliable
🌼 Responsible

🚩Unbalanced 🚩

🚨 Anger/ aggression towards others
🚨 Low Self Esteem
🚨 Fatigue
🚨 Laziness

Very similar to the sacral chakra the Solar Plexus is located right above so if your sacral is misaligned then the Solar will be as well. The key to a healthy and prosperous relationship with the divine and your inner self is reaching your highest. Balance all chakras and exude the confidence YOU know is inside. 🪬☀️

#chakras #vibratehigher #spiritualcounselor #spiritualjourney #spiritualcommunity
 #intuitive #alignment #spiritualcoaching #highestself #manifestyourdreams 
#higherconsciousness #solarplexuschakra #solarplexuschakra #cleanse #chakrastones
 #enlightened #meditationpractice #oracle #loveandlight #eclecticwitch #energyhealer
 #lightworker #lightworkersunite #thehighestmindsetbamn

🏵️ The Sacral Chakra🏵️
🏵️ Creativity

🚨 A unbalanced Sacral Chakra you will show

🚩 Guilty or ashamed of yourself or actions
🚩Lack of Sexuality
🚩Back pain
🚩Overly Sensitive

Let’s work together to balance this out.  ❤️‍🩹.

#energyhealer #spiritualawakening #spiritualcoach #chakrabalance #divinefeminine 
#spiritualconnection #protectyourenergy #chakrahealing #chakraalignment
 #chakracleansing #bookme #chakras #higherself #thehighestmindsetbamn 
#goddessenergy #energyhealing #universe #intuitivehealer #protectyourpeace
 #starseed #loveandlight #alignment

Muladhara: Is your Root Chakra Blocked? Let me list out a few signs.

1. Obsessing over Finances and Security
2. Not trusting in yourself or others
3. Anxiety
4. Feeling like you need to be in control of it all
5. Difficulty sleeping
6.Weight loss or gain (significantly)

As a Spiritual coach I am here to help you work through healing your chakras. If you feel any of this please dont hesitate to reach out and ask for help.

#spiritualcoach #spiritualjourney #spiritualawakening #souljourney #energyhealer 
#vibratehigher #intuitive #bookme #thehighestmindsetbamn #higherself
 #spiritualconnection #chakraalignment #chakrahealing #chakrabalance
 #spiritualcommunity #chakracleansing #chakras #spiritualcounselor 
#divinefeminine #protectyourenergy #muladhara #rootchakrahealing

The 8th Chakra: Everything You Need to Know

The 8th chakra is unlike any other chakra. It has no color, but it is believed to be ultraviolet. Because of that, we can’t really see it or assign a specific visual or color to it.

For most experts, however, the 8th chakra is associated with the white color. It combines the effects of the other chakras and makes up their total projection. It is the aura.

What is The 8th Chakra
The 8th chakra is also known as the soul star chakra. People consider it as a pathway for divine love to flow to one’s physical body.

You can look at it this way:

When you meditate, you frequently start with imagining a light entering your body from above. That is you working your 8th chakra.

This chakra is where your personality, ego, and will start to project into your physical experience. It holds the blueprint of your personality and how you come and function into your formative years. It’s an important phase that you should never rush.

Take note that the 8th chakra doesn’t really refer to the soul itself. Instead, it’s the place where the soul dwells after one is able to clear his ego or persona.

Read More: The 8th Chakra: Everything You Need to Know – Master the Mind

What color is the 8th chakra – WHITE

You can think of it as your life’s purpose.
High intelligence is not necessary to become aware or to be mindful.
No, in fact a person’s intellect can impede the realization of truth.
Those things which stir the intellect — complexity, quandary, conflicting philosophies, uncertainty, creativity, etc. — also veer a person’s attention away from realizing the truth. Intellectual stimulation can be interesting and engaging, and yet that which stirs the flow of thought leads a person away from the silent stillness of truth.
There is the flow of information passing through a person, and then there is the awareness observing this flow. The awareness is the truth of who a person is.

Making knowing the truth a focus and a priority can help a person on their path to realization.

Hmm… Well, I have a sort-of-strict policy about not being interested in “enlightenment”, but I don’t like to be annoying, so I’ll substitute “becoming true self” so that I can play too. Eh?
I don’t think one needs to be at the top end of the bell curve, no. I think that courage matters more than IQ. To be yourself, you have to keep letting go of the security provided by staying enclosed in your ego… the willingness to share yourself and your world with others is probably the most fundamental thing, and that takes courage because the world is often a prickly place, right?

I think that where intelligence comes in most handy is when you’re trying to help others in that regard: being able to communicate without getting tangled up by your own fixed ideas does seem to tap a lot of mental resources.

However, you wouldn’t teach someone of modest intelligence the way you would teach someone of greater intelligence. For example, you wouldn’t necessarily teach by talking about or expounding on Dharma. Assuming they are willing, you’d bring them somewhere and just sit. You might do pointing exercises. “Hey, look at this sunset” and simply share in the beauty of the world.
For someone with modest intelligence, who is unwilling, and whose circumstances force them to endure great suffering, that requires a great deal of work on the part of the teacher. It’s often easier just to sit, listening to the dukkha, than it is to give frequent instruction.

Typically, with someone of great intelligence, you spend a lot more time dealing with their drama. The greater their intellectual prowess, the more likely they cling to it, finding clever ways to avoid directly experiencing reality. Such folks usually exhaust their intellectual powers before realizing none of it is making them happy; it’s at their most desperate point where they can accept greater teachings, however that might arise.
Very rarely, you might find someone who has great intelligence, who is willing, and has some foundational skill in letting go of their intellect. Such a person learns a lot from the world, both the Dharma and the Logos. They are fun to talk to. Finally, a foundation in mindfulness and concentration skills opens up the possibility to expand your intellect, or at least, making what you have more efficient. Clarity of thought first requires clarity of awareness.

Related Do you need to be intelligent to be enlightened?

In the Zen tradition, the answer is a clear “no.” There are some wonderful cases
in the history of Zen of people of intelligence well below normal who Awakened.

In my own life

One time, I was at a summer spiritual retreat seeking to let go of my unhappiness.
(This was not, in particular, a Zen retreat.) One of the best pieces of insight I received was when a mentor said to me, “Sid, your unhappiness is so complicated.” She was right. I’ve always known that unhappiness was nothing I needed, but society told me I needed to be unhappy. So, being intelligent, I had to come up with incredibly complicated justifications for my misery and suffering. And so, it took a long time to unpack them.

Meanwhile, there was a young man staying at the retreat center. He was about 19 years old, and mentally deficient, with an IQ perhaps around 70 or 80. He could do simple chores and have simple conversations. His older sister was one of the retreat participants, and he was working on the property and helping out.

One of the things I was working on was enjoying the weather, no matter what it was. It was very hard for me to enjoy being out in the rain. So, I came inside and looked out the kitchen window. The young man was happily carrying firewood from the shed into the house, not caring about the rain at all.

Intelligence creates opinions, and opinions get in the way of happiness and enlightenment!

The Traditional Zen Story

An event with the same lesson happened a few hundred years ago, I think in China,
though I heard it through the Japanese tradition. There was a large monastery where the teachings came from a famous Zen master. He had lots of intelligent students trying to Awaken. There was also an addled (IQ deficient) boy who worked in the garden.

A student asked, “What is Buddha!” The Master shouted, “Buddha is life and death!” and pounded his staff. The students meditated on this puzzle very seriously. “Buddha is life and death, what does this mean?” They meditated hours a day and just stayed stuck.

The garden worker heard the talk, but he didn’t know the words “life and death.” However, in Chinese, the words “life and death” sound a lot like “grass sandals.” The boy knew what these were. He had a pair of sandals made of woven grass that he wore when he worked in the garden. He kept working in the garden, but he was very puzzled. Just like the monks, he asked, “Buddha is grass sandals. What does this mean?”

One day he slipped, and his sandal flew off his foot and hit him in the head. He Awakened. He met the Buddha in his own grass sandal.

It doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to wake up. Sometimes, it does take a lot of commitment.

Related: Are intelligent people more likely to be alone?
Smart people are more likely to be alone for several reasons. First, being smart usually includes intellectual curiosity that may require some amount of independent study, which, to a really smart person, is fun.
Smart people may have a hard time finding peers, not in any moral sense, but a social one.
Smart people have interests that bore the hell out of a non-smart person, and they must pursue these interests alone or with one or two partners.

Smart people have a strong sense of metacognition. They are involved in thinking in a way others may not be, making them seem detached and even eccentric because they manage a busy internal agenda. And finally, in my experience, really smart people also have a high degree of emotional and social intelligence. They can navigate the complex principles of interconnectedness, sustainability, progressivism, and moral conduct.

They possess an independent, internal moral compass that makes irrelevant the efforts
of church or state to control their behavior. They are consequently more likely to take unpopular positions on issues, which may make them appear hard to know when they become too earnest. EDIT: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Sometimes I don’t feel very smart, but it’s great to hear from kindred spirits.
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