Shannon Knight

Hello, I’m Shannon Knight – YouTube

Shannon Knight

March 4  · 2023
Today and for eternity, he’s in heaven without a worry about anything.
However, I celebrate his birthday with joy because he fathered five children who love him so much, and Lord knows, we sure miss him. We have great faith that we will be reunited, and he told me before he passed that he wanted me to LIVE BIG! He said do not worry about other people because people-pleasing will run you down, sweetheart. 💓Shannon Knight – I thought of my dad all day today., it would have been his Birthday…
He said, fulfill your dreams right now because we are not promised one day. He said so many things that made my faith grow stronger while he was battling cancer. All dad cared about in his final months was his children knowing how much we meant, how he loved us and how God gave each of us a soul purpose.
Our souls will long, long outlive these bodies we are in for a very short time.He taught us so many things and he was laser-beam focused and determined for us to fully understand our existence. Soul first…spirit, heart and a very temporary body. He told us how he appreciated our talents and individual gifts from God. He said to keep my circle tight, let loving people in, and keep the bullies out. I did precisely that and kept my promise.

My life changed dramatically since he stepped into heaven. I heeded every bit of advice he gave me. I recorded our conversations, and wow, are they filled with great words of wisdom. Dad made sure to let every last breath count in the conversations with his children. I am in awe of how all he cared about was staying close to Christ in prayer during his last months. He talked about how excited he was to reunite with his family, grandma and grandpa, uncles, aunts, and most importantly, meet Jesus!
I never expected such an exemplary example of faith:

when it was the most challenging time in his life but WOW! HE SHINED! 💫
We battled cancer together and took different paths to heal, and we always agreed that God, our creator, was in every clinic and hospital regardless of the road we chose to try and get well. God is the One who knows; His will and purpose for us are much more than we can imagine. He will find a purpose for us even when we are sick, and we should be aware- even if it is praying for others who prayed for us. We all have a purpose at every stage of life, and every day we have choices of what we can do with our life.

I dedicated the song “Landslide” to dad in 1997, | Facebook

When he stepped into heaven on May 31st, 2019, at 11:55 AM, the song was playing on the intercom where I was getting my hair done. It was pretty incredible. 😇On July 19, 2006, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It is my youngest brother’s birthday; I’ll never forget it. I went through a rollercoaster ride trying to heal which lasted four and a half years. My own cancer journey caused anxiety and fear which is normal and it didn’t mean that I lacked faith in God. I was facing fear at the same time as holding onto faith.
In July, 2010, when I had a shocking recurrence and developed metastasis in my lungs, sternum, ribs, and clavicle, my faith in the midst of fears was tested. I did 22 of the recommended radiation treatments to my sternum but could not complete the radiation due to staph infection and unfortunately the cancer had only progressed.  I remember praying during my treatments. When my radiation oncologist said I was too sick with complications to complete it my fear only increased. I couldn’t do chemotherapy because it had too many risks.
September 9, 2010, UCLA gave me only months to live. I never gave up, though. We raised money and I took a different path, then conventional cancer treatment, and went to CMN Hospital in San Luis, Mexico.
On February 7, 2011, I went to CMN hospital for advanced alternative cancer treatment. The hospital is amazing. Staff was very professional, and I felt loved and cared for.My hope and faith was restored. It’s pretty scary to be told you’ve only got months to live even though you know your life is in God’s hands it’s still very frightening. Thanks to Dr. Edgar Payan I have been cancer-free since 2011.
Within minutes of meeting Dr. Edgar Payan,The General Hospital Director of CMN Hospital,, you get the feeling that ‘bedside manner’ is, in fact, his way of life. His tone reveals his consistent compassion. He is easy to engage in conversation with, and his confidence is effortless.
For convenience My cancer journey is listed in more detail chronologically in my website; the very first diagnosis, with the First Step, I had a lumpectomy, but no clear margins, so then I had a bilateral mastectomy, and if I had known it was already in my lymph nodes, I would NOT have had surgery.
I have never used chemotherapy or hormone blockers. . My cancer journey tells of how I was able to beat it and to what I do today to remain cancer free. I get tested every four months for thyroid and all my hormone levels. As soon as I was cancer free for five years, I began doing bioidentical hormones and have since 2016. Obviously, I’m not recommending anything for anyone in my post. But I have been chastised for doing bio, identical, hormones, and I think everybody needs to mind her own business and do what’s best for them – I say that with love and respect. 🥰
To completely heal from cancer: I had to evaluate my life from all angles; emotionally, physically, spiritually, and psychologically. I learned for the first time what self-compassion was and that what’s good for one person may not be right for another. I am glad I trusted my intuition and did not give up. I’m glad I prayed and learned to lean more on God. Fear is a natural response when you hear that your life is ending soon.
I prayed for help and held on to hope. I had to put my faith first, trust my intuition, and not let anything or anybody get in the way of choices.I believed it was right for me. Not everyone agreed with my choices, but here I am, alive and healthy. No one is ever prepared to receive a cancer diagnosis. I understand the questions that go through our heads, such as, “What did I do wrong?” or “Why me?” I have learned that cancer does not discriminate and that no one is ever prepared for a cancer diagnosis.Every treatment choice I made at each crossroad felt like an enormous responsibility to me. As someone who has made those decisions for 4-5 years without knowing the outcome, I respect the choice of each individual. Never regret the treatments you chose to heal your body or that did not work for you.
Among the treatments at CMN hospital: I.V. vitamin C, B17, selenium, hyperbaric oxygen chamber daily, far infrared therapy daily, ultraviolet blood irradiation, and autologous bone marrow stem cell transplant (my own stem cells). Dr. Payan used my own NK natural killer/fighter cells, (autologous dendritic cell therapy and autologous bone marrow stem cell transplant are natural immunotherapies.) CMN hospital website provides detailed information on the advanced treatments used to heal me.All my symptoms and pain were gone within six months of starting treatment at CMN. I have seven grandchildren now and am happily married. I didn’t have a single grandchild then. I thank God, people who donated to my cancer treatment and Dr. Payan who saved my life.
I am still cancer-free today. My life has been dedicated to coaching women through the mental and emotional challenges of cancer and doing my best to show others how to increase faith despite insurmountable fears.
“Why should we worry about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?” – Brigham Young
When we stop trying to control what we cannot control. (We all want to control a little bit of something don’t we😉) and when we stop expecting love from people who DO NOT WANT to love us, nor do they want us to love them-we are happier.

There are people who DO LOVE YOU, who do understand what love is …love them. 🥰🥰Letting go of someone even if it’s a family member, or friend is NOT an act of anger, it is not abandoning when someone does not want what love you have to give. It is surrendering …with love – where you can still love them, still pray for their happiness while letting go. It may be crazy to think that a family member may not love another family member, but you’d be ignoring history to think it impossible.
My father taught me to surround myself with people who love you because you deserve it and that lesson from him saved my life back in 2010,  You can love everybody as a brother or sister and that is beautiful but to expect people to reciprocate how we feel about them is not reality. You can feel sadness. You can feel frustration but do come to terms with the reality of how love is expressed is easy to recognize.
I speak with women almost every day and more than once a day and the reality is that many of them are sad because they don’t get the love they want from someone they love, and they could be wasting their time going in a direction that is not meant for them. It is not their path. When we let go, we make room for other blessings meant for us🙏🤗✝️🥰.
**🥰 Disclaimer: Everyone tells their personal story differently, using different words according to their belief, customs, culture, and experience. I always share according to mine and mean no offense to anyone else’s philosophy, beliefs, culture, or customs. I make no recommendations for cancer treatment because I am not a physician or qualified to give medical advice. Shannon Knight Cancer Survivor – Search (
Spring Time & Wild Irises! Elk Mountain. WY. April 28 at 10:28 AM ·

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