How It ALL Ends


HOW IT ALL ENDS, An American Tragedy 
by Bruce Hagemeier (Author) 
Friedrich Nietzsche wrote that the best way of criticizing any ideology is by realizing its ideals.
This is what Bruce Hagemeier did in this well-written novel. He applied the template of WOKE ideology to American society.
Result: chaos and catastrophe. One caveat American voters should heed: beware of any politician who promises to “fundamentally change” our society.

It was not one single thing that had Americans worried.
It was the culmination of things that had come together over the years to give Americans this persistent, uncomfortable sense of foreboding. The country was coming apart. The pace of disintegration was accelerating. And there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

The shooting of two unarmed African American men by a Los Angeles police officer provokes a paroxysm of tribal bloodlust. The riots dwarf those for George Floyd.
The country that emerges is fundamentally transformed and faced with its greatest military challenge since the Second World War.

The tectonic forces that push up some nations to greatness while grinding others down
to dust are also at work with ordinary people—forcing them to live in a world they never
asked for, never wanted and certainly never imagined.

HOW IT ALL ENDS, An American Tragedy 
is an action-adventure that spans the globe.
It is also a cautionary tale about the fate that awaits a complacent citizenry
who place their trust in a decadent and corrupt ruling class. Trump had it right? 

Presidential Election 2016: An American Tragedy | The New Yorker


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Carl Sagan predicted the present state of American life almost 26 years ago and it
is blowing people’s minds. Editor’s note: This article was originally published on
December 18, 2022. It has since been updated.

Opinion by Vani Khokar • 

Global warming, climate change, a crashing economy and bad administration are not something unfamiliar to us today. We reap the consequences of humankind’s disastrous actions every day. However, one American astronomer reportedly predicted the current state of the US almost 26 years ago. Carl Sagan, the author of “Cosmos,”
is known for simplifying scientific concepts in layman’s terms for the average civilian.
He received many awards during and after his revolutionary career, including the 
NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal, the Pulitzer Prize, two Emmy awards and the National Science Foundation‘s Distinguished Public Service Award for lifetime achievement.
He died in 1966 at the age of 62 but his predictions about the US are still proving to be true in today’s times. Charles Bergquist, the director of a public radio science program, drew the internet’s attention to Sagan’s prediction of America’s future in his book,
“The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark,” when he tweeted about it in 2017. People were shocked to read his prediction of the then-future United States as a dystopian society full of division, insecurity, mistrust and authoritarian leadership in only a few phrases.

(1) Charles Bergquist on X: “Suspecting Carl Sagan had either a time machine or a crystal ball. Ok, probably the time machine.” / X (


 Sagan wrote. The tweet gathered over 11.1k retweets and 14.7k likes. 
(1) Massimo on X: (

This is from The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson aired on May 20th, 1977.
Carl Sagan says something very important, a strong message that didn’t
lose any validity since then. [full interview:]

(1) Vala Afshar on X: “Carl Sagan testified before Congress in 1985 on climate change.” / X (

Sagan didn’t stop there and made several other predictions that have come true
after his death. During his keynote speech at the 5th Emerging Issues Forum in 1990, Sagan outlined the impacts of climate change and the need of combating them, reports The Manual. He asked the audience a simple question, “How much money do you think the United States has spent since 1945 on the Cold War?” Sagan observes that “classic military thinking” always entails planning for the worst-case scenario. Even if it’s only a remote possibility, being prepared for a severe, existential threat is critical. 

He then asks, “Why doesn’t that same argument apply to Global Warming?
 If it’s only a small probability of it happening since the consequences are so serious,
don’t you have to make some serious investment to prevent it or mitigate it?”
Sagan was correct and can even now make most of us think that the current scenario might have been prevented if we all had asked ourselves these questions and decided
to do something about it.

An American Tragedy – FULL MOVIE – Gun Violence, Tragedy, Columbine – YouTube

The Century: America’s Time – 1981-1989: A New World – YouTube

This is a beautiful song called “The Stable Song” by Gregory Alan Isakov.

You really need to listen to the whole song and all of the lyrics to understand it 🙂

The Stable Song with Lyrics – YouTube `njoy

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