The WARNING From A Cancer Doctor

   Lewis C. Cantley,  an American Cell Biologist,  biochemist  and professor        in  the  Department  of  System  Biology  and  Medicine  at Harvard Medical School. Also  Director of  Cancer Research  at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts. Whom most recently, moved to Cornell Weil Medical College in N.Y.C. and  just  might  be  this  country’s  leading  cancer researcher for whom when he talks others in the industry listen.

    Amongst his research contributions:  are the discovery  and study of  the  enzyme  Pl-3  kinase,   which  is  known  to  be  important  for  understanding cancer and diabetes mellitus. The role of Pl-3 kinase in anabolic signaling by insulin IGF – 1 and other growth  factors. Which makes it a straight forward link between metabolism and cancer,  especially in light of  the discovery the PlK3CA  gene encoding Pl-3  kinase is an oncogene. 

    In recent years,  Cantley  and  his colleagues  have made additional links between  metabolism regulation  and oncogenic transformation. With their discovery the MS isoform of  pyruvate kinase  is associated with cancer risk. This  discovery  provides a molecular basis  for  understanding the Warburg effect. As Cantley is now a major player in the resurgence of  the importance of  the Otto Warburg’s Theory in the process of  oncogensis.

   This  growing  evidence  for the  primary  role  for Pl-3  kinase  in  cancer, and  it’s critical role  in insulin signaling  having also  served to strengthen  the  significance of  this  fundamentally important discovery. While  it  also  fortifies  Warburg’s  belief  that  cancer  is  of   anabolic  in  nature  and  that  it doesn’t need oxygen to survive while feeding off  insulin (glucose)  for it’s  survival in the harshness of  it’s host demise. 

   Therefore,  sugar  and salt  in excessive amounts can act as an excitotoxin cause brain and other cells to become over excited and  fire uncontrollably leading  to cell death.  These chemicals can also cross the placental barrier  and  harm  the  unborn  child,  with  one  of  the  worse  being  monosodium glutatmate (MSG).  Excitotoxins can also cause spinal cord injury, strokes, traumatic brain injury, hearing loss and neurodegenerative disease of  the central nervous system. With  the  best  way  to  prevent  this  is  by  adding more  fresh vegetables,  fruit and  fish in your diet.     Matthew 13 – 3 4: 37

L I V E S T R O N G…. C a n c e r   S u p p o r t


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