Ocular Melanoma

   Another cancer type  I didn’t cover  in my  18 Major Types top tag is                Ocular Melanoma.  OM  arises  from  the  pigment cells  (melanocytes)      that give color to the eye. In which tumors are quite rare diagnosed in approximately  2,000 – 2500 adults annually in the United States, this equates  to  about  5  –  7.5  cases  per million  people  per  year  and  for   those  over 50 years old,  the incident rate increases to around  21 per  million yearly.             T h e  E y e  A n a t o m y!!!

    Similar  to melanoma of  the skin,  OM  is  little  understood  and  a         silent killer. In the majority of  cases, Ocular Melanoma develops very slowly  from the pigmented cells of  the choroid (chorodial melanoma.)     But it  also can develop  from  the pigmented cells  of  the iris of  the eye      (the pigmented area  surrounding your pupil), cilinary body (which is      the thin tissue layer responsible  for aqueous humor production) and/         or the choroid or posterior uvea.

   It’s within the  choroid  or posterior uvea where  the vascular layer        of  the eye between the retina and the white outer layer known as the   sclera.  Is where the pigmented tissue  full of  blood vessels  nourishes           the retina.  It’s these three areas that’s collectively known as the uvea           or uveal tract, and OM can occur in any combination of  the three.

   While Iris Melanomas  have the best prognosis,  melanomas of  the     ciliary body  have  the  worse.  Whereas, most uveal tract melanomas originate in the choroid; the ciliary body is a least commonly a site of origin with the iris the least common. Melanoma can also occur in the      thin lining over the white part of  the eye the conjunctiva or on the eye         lid, but this is rare.   P L A Q U E   T h e r a p y which is effective                                 Top  Ranked  U.S.  Hospitals  for  Ophthalmology!!!

   Besides  the leading Eye Institutes  in the country, always research        your other options as well. Such as Immunotherapy, which heightens    your  immune system at The Cancer Research Institute. With  another  possibility being  obtaining a Naturopathic Oncologist,  well versed in supplementing  with  your  conventional  treatments.  While  knowing        the attribute of  Aloe Vera Juice,  Chlorophyll and also the research of          Dr. Lorraine Day M.D.,  her diet treatment  for  cancer especially with    carrot  juice.  

    With  the  sheer mention of  carrot  juice sending  some nutritionist               into a tizzy.  Like my x-Facebook  friend whom  factors in the glycemic   index over  the nutritional value over carrots.  As it takes three pounds          of  carrots to equal one soda pop (which I don’t include enough of them          in my diet.)  However, numerous studies have  found that a diet rich in carotenoids lowers your risk of  cancer. With supplementation coming    with mix reviews! 

   Whereas,  I  have  a  couple of  cancer  survivor  friends  on  Facebook          with a common denominator of  carrot juice in their diet. Beta-carotene        is  particularly of  importance  from  a  nutritional  stand  point  because    the body transforms only enough of  the crucial anti oxidant (vitamin A)    out of  beta-carotene  for the bodily need. If  the sugar content of a carrot concerns  you,  however,  their are always dark green vegetables as well.       As well as the best source  for chlorella is off  the coast of  Newfoundland.

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