Hot Tips for July Blog Post Map

    Thought I would have an added feature for July Blog Post this being a  short handed map. This blog get’s you to the  “July Blog Post” that interest you most without  scrolling down  by  clicking  onto the  blog  that  interest  you  most…. I appreciate….  realize  the traffic  I’m beginning to see….  in certain  parts  of  the  country.  So please by all means  drop a comment  and  let me  know your suggestions….  feedback you have that can make this website better.

   What the  HOT TIPS  for July brings the visitant are the 16 best preventive    tips on the internet. Although  medicine  isn’t  an  exact  science,  and  some might consider it an art.  Everybody  has  a unique  and  different  picture…. what  B-12  levels  work  for  some  might take  a  little more  or less  to work optimally  for another…. iron affects 70 different genes and the recognition  of cells.

   In these  Sixteen  Tips  for  July…. somebody might stop,  think  and  say,      “oh yeh  and  that’s all it will take….  well  isn’t  that  alot.”  However,  once    you start reading through them…. you  begin  to  NOTICE  it’s  all  relative.      The main point being proper vitamins, minerals, enzymes, calcium levels. With protein, good carbs, probiotics and fats  ( omega 3 to 6 ratio )  while including those all important antioxidants and avoiding sugar being your  keys to success.

   While  your  speed surfing  through each  blog post  for  July  finding the answers for your questions  and  beyond  you quickly observed the pattern   and what part nutrition plays in the prevention of chronic disease….

    16. Glycemic – Satiety Index: explains eating the  “good carbs” for             their fullness factor and nutritional value.

    15. Vitamin D prevents cancer: while some health care experts will tell      you a half day and others say, “15  to  30 minutes  per  day  fortifies your        need of 20,ooo iu for this essential hormone in your body?”

     14. Nitric Oxide is a Key too: results from the consumption of protein          in your diet and it’s end product.

     13. Is It Really For Me: talks the importance of vitamin C…. and being          water soluble you can’t get to much because you will only excrete it.

     12. Enzyme Therapy: most can be had from diet and consuming raw vegetables and fruits but enzyme supplements are a thought.

     11. Alkaline & Acid Balance: can be achieved by the good vegetables            and fruits that are included in your nutritional diet.

     10. Dysbiosis & Probiotics: all disease originates from with-in your intestines where 80% of your immune sytems lies.

       9. Specific Dynamics: Thermical Effect is a drawback when you over consume to many calories and don’t burn them off quickly enough.

       8. Medicinal Mushroom: including them in your diet is only half of it          in supplement form I believe would be beneficial for cancer patients.

       7. Unregulated Hormonal Activity: while keeping it all in check through blood test can be extremely beneficial for the prevention of cancer.

       6. Epilepsy & Ketogenic Diet: the importance of the high fat & low carb diet under the supervision of a medical professional helps reduc seizures.

        5. Calcium Cancer Connection: the relationship of calcium and cancer helps keep the body in an alkaline state holding 20 times as much oxygen.

        4. Mystical Power of the Sea: in this blog I seeked the challenge of taking  a rather dull subject Omega 3’s and tryed to make it exciting.

        3. Malnourishment: you may think your not malnourished, however,         if you don’t have the proper levels of nutrients you are.

        2. Freedom From Worry: I titled this blog post proper because when your partaking of the vital antioxidants and know it…. you free of worry.

        1. Sugar Is Our Poison: When you limit yourself from the sweet stuff you just took a step in the right direction…. many different ways.

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