Routine Exercise for Strong Immunity

   It’s far better to exercise three times daily when you have time 20 to 40 minutes than enduring 1 1/2 hour of  strenous activity  and  here is “why?” There are somethings that seem to protect us  from catching colds and  flu.  During moderate exercise immune cells circulate through your body more quickly,  thereby,  moderate exercise has been linked to a positive immune system response and  temporary boost in the production of macrophages, the cells that attack bacteria.

   According  to  professor Dr. David Nieman, PHD.,  of   Applachian State  when  moderate  exercise  is  repeated  on  a  routine daily  basis.  There is a  cumulative effect leading to a long term immune response  and his research  showed those whom walk at 70 – 75 percent of their VO2 Max for 40 minutes per day. Ended up  having  half  as  many  sick days…. due  to  colds  or  sore throats as those who don’t exercise.

    However, evidence supports intense exercise  for more than 90 minutes,     can make athletes susceptible to illness… up to 72 hours after high intensity endurance training.  Research  has  found  during  intense physical exertion the  body  produces  certain  hormones  that  temporarily  lowers  immunity. Cortisol  and adrenaline,  known as stress hormones;  raises blood pressure, cholesterol levels and supresses the immune system.

    It’s  not only  physical stress  that  increases  the release  of  cortisol  and  adrenaline.  Psychological stress can also impair immunity  and  lead to an increase  of  colds  and  flu  infections.  Researchers  at  Ohio  State  followed people  who  had  the  stress  of  caring  for  a  loved  –  one  with  Alzheimer’s and  found  they  experienced twice  as many colds as non – caregivers.

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