A Miraculous Power

    Solitarius.org has an abundance of  information within the content             of  each  blog post,  especially the heart  and  soul of  the website which           is the top tag  18 Major Types of  Cancer.  This top tag has many of  the     best links  for each type and I add to the collection continuously. So the visitant of this website,  hopefully,  won’t get caught up in the Vortex of   cancer treatmentS  that can make them a victim.  Remember also these     blog post are designed  to give you a lot  in very little space to heighten   your search ~ Becoming A Cancer Survivor …Cancer Survivorship!!!

   What Solitarius.org  main goal to accomplish is allow the visitant to             become  kangaroo-like  of  the  options through  awareness.  Myself  I’m   about eating right nutritionally to avoid treatment through prevention. Meaning  to  keep  a strong immune system,  while  hopefully,  having it MADE  (Manage,   Attitude,   Diet  and  Exercise.)   Within  the  first  20 Blogs         you will  find many  Answers  to  Cancer…. so don’t stress over the archives,      that’s where I go to learn more and bring only the best information  forward!!!

    I’m  constantly  bombarded  with  the  same  question  over n’  over     again,  “I  know somebody  who was physically active  or ate right and      still got cancer…how can that be?”  My notion  I can’t answer  for them, however, personally I  eat right today  (load up on antioxidants) began riding a bicycle  this  summer  religiously  and  believe  in  a  few  of  the many supplements  that’s  on the market and  almost everybody should research using this website as a starting point.    

              My belief trying to understand and build a healthy immune system!!!                                         

    As treatment goes…. you’re damn “if ” you do ~ damn “if ” you  don’t,      win  or  lose you sometimes  feel  like a  guinea pig  being experimented upon with the words  we will try  this  first.  Some experts state,”cancer         is  a  systemic metabolic disease… the  result of  a body  that is nutrient deficient  which  is  overloaded  with  toxins  and usually the result of  a      pH level that’s too low bathing in acidity”  Misconceptions 0f Atkins Diet?

   Therefore,  when the body  is  low  in  the  essential nutrients  it  needs          to repair, regenerate  and  detoxify it mal-nutrients. When you raise the    pH level, lactic acid goes down and the cancer activity goes down which allows  the  body  to  repair  itself.  It’s very concerning  some physicians don’t take nutrition into play  when it comes to cancer treatment. While    the multiple treatment options are used  for the various types of  cancer with sometimes not having high success rates.  Hopefully, another goal       of  this  website  will  accomplish…. is  make  it  easier  for  the  patient     to  find the right doctor in their area.

   Surgery,  chemotherapy  and  radiation are constantly pushed as the    only go – to options  for cancer treatment.  How often does a patient see           a doctor and have them tell you,”a new discovery has been  found when    you read or hear in the news otherwise.”  At the University of Alberta in Canada,  where they have researched dichloroacetate  that might be the  cure all that ends all cure all’s and nothing has been said about it.

    With this kind  of  mindset:  Western science  has identified that high phytoestrogen  content  of  a  macrobiotic diet  may theoretically reduce cancer rates. It’s hard to believe that a healthy  and radiant 17 -year-old Megan Sherow was  facing a terminal cancer diagnosis just a  few years   ago, while being diagnosed at 13 years old with stage 3 brain cancer and being told she was going to die.

   Unless  she turned to an aggressive treatment of  chemotherapy  and radiation,  even when the doctors  weren’t optimistic  about the protocol      and her chances.  Fortunately  she was able to learn about the raw  food macrobiotic diet and how other people have managed to heal themselves        doing nothing  but sticking to  a daily menu of  raw  fruit and vegetables. Typically  for breakfast:  a banana whip  with mangoes  or strawberries, while  for dinner  romaine lettuce salad, lunch  she  had  another banana whip or pineapple  or smoothie which she complimented later with other fruits  or vegetables     (Eating Right When You Have Cancer.)

     Over  n’  over  from  articles  like  these  in  Natural News.com  how            diets  like  these  help  patients  overcome  their  challenges  with  one of             the top alternative  fads  in  cancer research.  People  like Kris Carr  and  Chris Wark  altered  their  diet  to  include green vegetable smoothies  in     their holistic treatment. With this diet keeping a strong immune system going,  yoga  to help their state of  mind stay calm and breathing easy.

    Maybe this technique should be used everyday and everyday we don’t   have  cancer  to  help  us  prevent  cancer. The macrobiotic diet offers a lot     of vital nutrients to keep the immune system working efficiently  from the start  without the preservatives  of  all  those processed sugary snacks that we  over  consume  everyday.  When you watch what you eat  most  people consider  you  a  health  food  nut,  while  smoking  two  packs  and  eating what you want is considered normal     (wassup  with  this  scenario.)

     One of  my  favorite youtube speakers you should consider bringing       into your life  through the power of  the  worldwide web  for  his insight.   Dr. Michael Greger  whom in this video  from  around 2002 discusses the legendary Jay Dinshah,   founder  of  the American Vegan Society  whom     at 66,  died  about  the same time  Dave Thomas  founder of  the Wendy’s Restaurant chain whom lived  to  be  the ripe age of  69 years old both  in passing died of  heart events.

    Whereas in studies  showing vegetarians  and  vegans having reduced    cholesterol, obesity & diabetes rates,  with lower hypertension  and  heart attack  risk.  In most studies showing  that life expectancy of  vegetarians, vegans and meat eaters are about the same. With vegetarians and vegans having twice the risk of  neurological disorders such as Alzheimer disease and are twice as like to sustain hip  fractures because they consume more processed  foods than meat eaters.     The French Paradox???

   Furthermore,  Dr. Greger  discusses data  from  The Lyon’s Heart Study    about the benefits of  the Mediterranean  versus  Traditional Western Diets. While also touching  on  the  German Heidelberg study of  2000 introducing   the importance of  Vitamin B12  and proper ratios of  omega 3  to omega 6 in your everyday life. Before giving details about the Making of a Heart Attack  through a  faulty omega  3  to  6 levels,  as  the  body  converts DHA & EPA to essential  fatty  acids  to reduce  your  risk  of  inflammation   (which  is  the number one cause of  heart disease and cancer.)

   In concluding  in his video:  he discusses the health benefits of  flaxseeds,  which  quite  possibly  could  be  the  Worlds  Healthiest  Food  begetting the adverse effects  of  Fish  Oil  Supplement  and  fish consumption of  mercury to gain a proper ratio of  omega 3  to 6 ratios.  While also ending his speech  detailing the importance of  vitamin B12 to reduce  your homocystine level and  risk of  a heart event or severe irreversible brain damage….

A  Pessimist  Should  Always  Be  Kicked  In  The  Cants!!!!!


The  Macrobiotic  Diet  Impacts  Immune  System

Center For Advancement In Cancer Education

@ Dr.  Susan Silberstein    http://www.beatcancer.org/#!susan/cshf





www. Cancer Answers Tv.com

Dr.  Judy  Seeger  N.D.

Andrea Beaman 

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