The LIFE of a Gerson Person

     Being two years ago today that I began blogging  for this very moment    to help people with a piece of  mind about health care.  Hopefully, with that awareness…. comes  preventive  measures  towards  chronic  disease  with I have found – a – few answers myself through research.  With memory taking me back to that moment in time… just two months prior learning Steve Jobs passed away.

   When you have fifty people with cancer,  unfortunately  you  have  fifty different and unique type of  cancer.  Remembering back to the  first time I  heard  his 2005 Stanford Commencement Address  and all that he had went through  after given only  three months  to live  when  he  recieved the news. With  the  fact he lived  with pancreatic cancer  an additional  7  years when  80% live  less  than  one  year  shows  the  fight  he  gave.

     His  fight went something like this:  in August 2004  after  under going what he thought at the time  was successful surgery to remove a cancerous tumor optimism ran high as he mention in his Stanford Address. With only two years later appearing publicly thin and quant, and later in January of 2009  doctors  found a hormonal imbalance  that  was  robbing  him of  the protein his body needed to be healthy.

    While headed  for an April 2009 life saving liver transplant at Methodist University Transplant Hospital that didn’t work.  In January 2011,  he went to Switzerland  for a treatment that wasn’t offered here in the United States. Stepping  down  in  August of  that  same year  from  CEO of  Apple,  thereby, passing away October 5th 2011  of  a reported  recurrence of  his cancer.

  With another unique story still would be Jessica Ainscough of  Australia,   whom bills herself  as the Wellness Warrior.  Showcasing what might work  for one …. may  not  work  for another  even  when  that person maybe your mother.  Within  facts,  the  natural  history  of  untreated breast cancer is a median  survival  of  2.7 years.  Her  mother:  was  diagnosed  in  April 2011, lived  roughly  two – and – a – half – years, which  was  close  to  the expected median survival of  untreated breast cancer.

   Along the way,  mother  and daughter made the same rationalization, Jessica reported her mother was having  flare – ups.  Unlike her daughter whom had  mild  flare ups  on  the Gerson Therapy,  on the other hand her mother was having all the textbook reactions. What saved Jessica  from a  radical amputee procedure  was proving self – destructive  for her mother and which some day may prove  fatal  for Jessica as well.

   The realization  and moral  of   the story ends there  with gambles are indeed  probable  to all treatments.  Both with natural  and conventional treatments.  What  works  for  the  Kris Carr’s,  Chris Wark’s  and  maybe Jessica Ainscough, but not her mother was the true belief what they were doing would work  for them. With maybe the cure  for cancer is a placebo effect, keeping a positive attitude, an openmind  and research the options yourself  while talking to consultants before trying any treatment.

   Over and over I hear how people with cancer believe in the treatment,   with unorthodox treatments proving news worthy.  For another example:  an interesting concept  for treating breast, prostate and skin cancer using Photodynamic Therapy  (PDT)  along  with  Sonodynamic  Therapy  (SPT)  has  been  shown  to  be  very  effective.  Especially  with  the  treatment of  precancerous lesions using the latest available Chlorophyll – based photo synthesizing agent (Indichlor.)

   With treatment usually performed as an out patient procedure used in conjunction  with  other therapies.  The American Cancer Society reports that studies show PDT  and SPT,  works  as  well  as  surgery or radiation  therapy in treating certain types of  cancer and precancerous conditions. Therefore,  with  this website  providing  awareness, would  it  not  sound  reasonable  that consuming green vegetables  in your diet may indeed be  the great preventive in your diet.


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