What is Faith?

Faith is information (instructions) we get from God for us to act upon.

How Faith Works declares that this information shows us in advance what God will do about a given issue before He does it. This information also shows us in advance what our part is this future activity of God.  In other words, in  How Faith Works,  God not only shows us in advance what He is about to do, He shows us in advance what He wants us to do with Him in this given future activity.  This information is what the Bible says is faith. All this and more in How Faith Works.

In How Faith Works,  we take the case of Noah as an example.  God also showed Noah in advance everything about the Flood and its consequences. He also showed him in advance what his part was in this future undertaking. He showed him that He wanted him to build an ark  and what kind of wood to use.  He also showed him how high,  how long  and  how wide to build it. He showed Noah in advance about the animals etc., etc., etc.. This advance information is what the Bible calls “faith.”

This is just some of what you learn in How  Faith Works.

Just about all the faith teaching, religious faith teaching, word of faith teaching, Christian faith teaching, faith and works teaching and faith in God teachings and movements fail to see this. They fail to see that faith is advance information.  Faith is information God gives us to walk out or act upon. Faith enables us to know in advance. All this and more in How Faith Works.

What is the difference in Faith and Believe?

“Faith” is information. Information is a “noun.” Faith is a noun tells us what we have. Believe, on the other hand, is a verb. Believe is what we do. Believe is acting upon our faith or our advance information. Please note the following statement extremely well!

In How Faith Works,  you learn that “believe,”  in the Bible,  does  not  reside  between        our ears. Believe is not just agreeing mentally with what God said in a scripture. Believe,  in the Bible sense,  is acting out….  what is contained in the “if” part of our advance faith information.  To put it differently,  Noah acted out his part  (building the ark etc.) of the advance faith information God gave him.  (As we have seen already, this advance info is what the Bible refers to as faith.)

Finally, most of the faith teachings, religious faith teachings, word of faith teachings, Christian faith teachings,  faith and works teachings and faith in God teaching is about Faith healing isn’t about finding the next best thing…  its the belief in what your doing    will work.  Trusting in GOD is one’s positive characteristics of self- +‎ belief  !!!!!

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