Tumor Molecular Profiling


  Mark Roby’s  new book  “Lifelines to Cancer Survival,”  is  a one-of-a-kind guide             that  offers  patients  cutting-edge,  novel approaches  to  personalizing their own care. Diagnosed in 2002  with  one of  the rarest liver sarcomas  in  the world,  Roby knew he    was up against the wall  after clinicians  from around the country predicted  a short life span  and offered only palliative chemotherapy.  Besides radically changing his diet,  he knew that he would have to go way beyond the standard of care if he wanted to survive. Roby became  an incessant researcher,  looking  for advanced  and  novel  testing of  his tumor, along with searching for  clinicians who could offer him cutting-edge therapies.

Each day in the United States, close to 1600 children and adults – enough to fill four jumbo jets – die of cancer. More than 4000 are newly diagnosed.

 Mark Roby was almost one of those fatal statistics.

But he beat the odds. Roby was given four months to live. He visited oncologists around the country  and  they all told him to enjoy whatever time he had left. Today after proving those doctors wrong — and today he’s alive and well.  He  put what he learned in his book.  “I was told I could either do nothing, or receive very high doses of interferon, a very potent chemotherapy, as palliative care. That was the standard of care,” says Roby.

   He  went  for  the  chemo  and  ended – up  in  the  hospital  with  severe   side  effects.  The drug didn’t work. “As a medical professional, I realized I would have to redefine and rethink what I would need to do in order to survive,” says Roby.

And survive he has. But how? Why is his story different from the countless others diagnosed with terminal cancer?

His first turning point came when he met with a researcher/oncologist at MD Anderson   in Houston, Texas for a consult. The researcher advised Roby that to stay alive, he would have to go beyond the standard of care. Roby would need to:

  •     Make survival his priority, including researching his own tumor
  •     Create three contingency plans to have on the table at all times
  •     Use advanced biomarkers to guide his treatment

So, first he took charge of his own care, becoming an incessant researcher himself and enlisting the aid of whomever would help him.

Secondly, having three backup plans reduced some of Roby’s anxiety by knowing what     he could try next, instead of scrambling when some treatment didn’t work. As part of this “Triad of Survival,”  Roby searched for novel cancer treatments  based on his own tumor’s makeup,  and pushed for their use.  If the doctors he was seeing didn’t approve,  he found someone who did.  There were new drugs,  clinical trials  and  even foreign chemotherapy, illegal in the United States. Some worked, and some did not, yet Roby continued his quest.

Thirdly, Roby used blood and genetic biomarkers (such as VEGF/angiogenesis, inflammatory markers, and molecular growth pathways) to help doctors guide his treatment.

After a liver transplant, Roby’s cancer returned. He went to Boston for a molecular profile of the tumor, a test he had been told for years would be a waste of time and money. He was put on a new drug targeting the tumor’s genetic pathway to stop further growth.

“There were three genetic abnormalities,” Roby explains. “I asked my team at Cleveland Clinic to target the main one, and I’ve been good ever since. They took my research seriously.”

“Lifelines to Cancer Survival” arms patients with novel options for survival, much different than what most medical centers are offering.  In his book,  Roby provides critical,  cutting-edge information for cancer patients, including strategies, websites, labs also that perform advanced testing, and a list of eclectic oncologists.

“It’s about survival,” Roby states. “I wrote the book because there are lots of different ways to fight different malignancies and nobody knows about them. It’s a guide that will help cancer patients find safe, more effective care.”

Mark Roby is a certified physician assistant, naturopath, cancer strategist and speaker. He is the cofounder of the Metro Detroit Center for Attitudinal Healing. He is also author of  the new book Lifelines to Cancer Survival: A New Approach to Personalized Care. He can be contacted through his website (http://www.LifelinestoCancerSurvival.com) or at 248-318-8775.

  Sandy Fehrman   first diagnosed with metastatic carcinoma of  the breast in 1992.       She was treated with surgery and lived without recurrence until 2003 when she was presented with liver,  lung  and  bone metastases.  She  was treated  with a variety of  chemotherapies  until  2007,  when  the  standard  of  care regimens  were exhausted.  That’s when Sandy’s physician  sent  her  tumor  to be profiled by Caris Target Now.       The Caris Target Now  report  identified  a number  of  biomarkers  and  all possible therapeutic agents to treat Sandy’s cancer. Sandy says she’s living well with stage 4 metastatic cancer.

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