Screw Letting Go

That is old paradigm thinking!!!

 How many times have you heard someone tell you “You just need to let           it go?”  This is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard.  I used to believe people when they would say this to me, to the point I would be on   my knees crying and also begging the Universe … to show me what I was supposed to let go of.

Let others beliefs persuade me into thinking I was not good enough, not whole, something must be wrong with me. That’s when I started searching into past lives, this life, going through my emotions with a fine tooth comb.  One day I got so mad at this person  I said  “Let what F’in go?”  Just tell me what  I need to shed  and  I will do it.  There  in  lies  the  issue  in  that  last sentence, it was right in  front of  me. 

  My whole way of life was to accomplish, tick off lists, prove something to myself.  It was no different with the sacred illness I was given.  For the first two years I treated myself like a business, a business of  forcing this illness  to vanish instead of  looking for the experiences within it.

  I never really saw what this was doing to me, to the people around me.         I was that person …. that was in the river clinging to that boulder scared      to death to lose control  and just  flow with what life had in store  for me.  This is true of any circumstance in life,  not just illness.  Can you relate?

Five things I have learned through not letting go:

  1.  When someone has an issue, life threatening or not never tell them to just “let it go”.  It implies that we have shit to let go of and can make you crazy stressed trying to find out what that shit is.  Or it can make you feel like what you are feeling is not worthy of feeling.
  2. That shit people say you need to let go of is an illusion.  The very experiences that happen to us are for our souls evolution.  That shit that happened or is happening is there for you to grow.
  3. The best thing you can do when going through a crisis is to acknowledge that it is happening.  Do not stuff it down and pretend like it is not happening.  Sit with your emotions and allow them to teach you what you need at this time.
  4. Love yourself, your heart even more.  Love the one who is hurt, feeling pain, anxiety, shame, doubt, grief, fear or sadness.  It is through the love for yourself that wounds begin to heal.
  5. Live in the present moment by bringing your attention back to the breath.  The breath is our life and being conscious of it will guide you through any crisis you will encounter on your journey.

These are some of the tools that I use when coaching/counseling my clients, that are very effective.

When you want to tell someone to just let it go, think twice about that statement.              By speaking those 3 words to someone who is very vulnerable you could do them          more harm than good.

To learn more about what I do as a Spiritual Alchemist, visit my website  and also read     my first installment into Ken’s Website:

This is a guided meditation to help the listener experience a quiet mind and a sense of peace within. You will achieve a relaxed body and focused state, once in this focused state your subconscious mind is guided into “Letting Go”. The purpose of this exercise is to aid in your minds ability to  “Let Go”  of the thoughts that are not serving you.  With practice and  repetition you can train your mind to automatically let go of the thoughts that upset you, or cause you to feel anxiety or unbalanced. This meditation will help you obtain this ability.

It is recommended  that  you  also  listen to this meditation once a day for several weeks. Depending on how your mind is when you begin the process, determines how long or how much  you need to practice,  the process is different for everyone.  It is  recommended that you listen to this when you are having a difficult time letting go of something, to help your mind to create a different path of response.  In order,  to get the best results you must also participate, do not just put this on and go to sleep, as you choose to stay with my voice and my suggestions, you are gaining greater control of your mind.

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