Face the Faith

1 Corinthian 16.4: “Let all you do be done in Love”.

My story, Dennis West, I am the co-founder of this website facethefaith.com, and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is founder.

1 Corinthian 16.4: “Let all you do be done in Love”. My story, Dennis West, I am the co-founder of this website facethefaith.com, and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the founder. He gets all the glory because it was a vision from God for me to reveal the truth about cancer and health to people. God says we are not to follow this world. Why, you might ask? Because men are corrupted by worldly things, and they put money before God. They worship money. We can only worship one God. Jeremiah 17:5: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord”.

My story begins as a recovered alcoholic and addict. My name is Dennis M. West, and I am a born again Christian. I have been sober for almost 20 years now. About four years after my sobriety, I started reading health books and learning how to take care of myself. The more I Iearned about Health and Cancer the more I want to know. I started to listen to health webinar online and continue learn more and more. Then one day I started thinking I should teach people more about what I know and what I have learned not just through my website but as a health consultin. But I felt like I didn’t quite know enough about the human body so I decide to go to school to learn more. I going school online an I learning more and more each day. If your interested in learn more about how stay health by avoiding certin foods or After reading all that’s on this website and you feel you would like to know more about any of the diets or how to prevent cancer by eating healthier, please email at facethefaith@yahoo.com or call my cell phone at 520-269-3530 and I would be happy to talk with you. Blessing to you all.

My first source was Dr. Schultz, who taught me how to clean my colon and add nutrients to my body with super food powder herbdoc.com.

My second source of information came from my younger brother, Brad, who is now a naturopathic doctor. Dr. Brad West drbradwest.com taught me many things; to “eat live food and live; eat dead food and die.” He told me to take dairy out of my life as I thought I had a beer gut, but my brother told me it was a milk gut. All the dairy foods that I was consuming caused my problem. He told me to take all dairy products out of my life for one month, and I would see a difference. I said I would try it, but I wasn’t planning to quit drinking milk forever since milk was my favorite drink. I drank two gallons a week for most of my life. After a month, I went to the market and bought a gallon of milk and poured myself a glass of cold milk and started drinking it. To my surprise, it burnt all the way down. I was shocked! My brother was right. Cow’s milk is not meant for human consumption; it is meant for baby calves. Television commercials have brain washed us into thinking that “milk does a body good” but in fact it harms our immune system. It takes longer to heal from a cold or any kind of flu bug as ours bodies have to work harder to get well notmilk.com I stopped consuming dairy products and lost most of my gut.

A couple of years or so later I started experiencing joint pain. Thinking that I might have arthritis, I called my brother and asked about a good product to use to ease my pain. He told me to start an anti-inflammatory diet. I needed to avoid all grains, such as wheat, corn, sugar and processed foods for three months. I went on the diet, which wasn’t easy, but through meditation and prayer I got through it. By doing this I learned that I was allergic to corn and all processed food including wheat breads. Corn is in everything from sodas, cereal, meats even most sugar products. I learned to read labels on every box or container to make sure corn was not in them. I also learned that wheat by products bother me if they are processed. I don’t know if you know this but all breads are processed if you’re getting your bread at a grocery store. I found Ezekiel sprouted bread at a health food store which is better for you because the grains are live grains. The Bible talks about this bread in Ezekiel 4:9: If we as Americans were taught to read our Bible everyday, we would know this and not have these problems. Since changing my diet, I am almost pain free. I now only eat grains once in while, but I have found other breads since then. Andies and Rudis, which are gluten free breads, come in many different varieties.

My third source is from Dr. Mercola, a naturopathic doctor, who seeks out the truth on products and drugs. He has many scientist who take these drugs or products and research them and let us know what the benefits are. I recommend everyone signup for his weekly newsletter. It is a great source of information. As we get older we seem to struggle with staying fit, but I discovered through Dr. Mercola’s website a test that determines your metabolic type. I am a protein type which means no grain only meat, vegetables, nuts, legumes and some fruits. I started eating this way, and in less than two weeks, I lost 16 pounds. For the first time in a very long time, I felt satisfied, not hungry and had more energy. If you would like more information on this diet, go to: nutritionaltyping.mercola.com/PreTest.aspx or just type metabolic type diet in the search area on his website mercola.com.

I recently learned so much more about wheat, corn and soy. Most grains have been sprayed with Roundup, a toxin which farmers use to get rid of weeds. Basically they have changed the seed of the plant to withstand the spraying of Roundup. This is called genetically modified organisms (GMO). Although the seed can withstand the Roundup, the plant still has the toxins all over it. Our bodies can survive being exposed to some toxins, but eventually it starts to show signs of weakness through many different outlets.


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