Healing For Those Awake

   So many links to look at with so little time.
  In part one of three, Dr. V?ronique Desaulniers discusses the first four of what she calls the seven essentials for healing and preventing cancer. Find out what steps you can take to clean your body and your environment and make your life healthier and happier.
http://www.ihealthtube.com  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq2R6ueW97g
  Almost everyone has a buildup of toxins in their body. It’s hard to avoid today. What can that buildup lead to? A number of health conditions. But Dr. Walter Crinnion is an expert on the topic. He mentions a couple of things you can do to drastically reduce the amount of toxic overload and potentially get yourself healthier!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO9_rmciaqs

Thanks for watching Episode 13 of the Podcast Ancient Wisdom meets Modern Science with Dr. John Douillard!

One body system so overlooked in the west is understood by Ayurveda to hold the key to glowing health and vibrant longevity, so that we can not only survive longer, but thrive in radiant well-being. This channel is the body’s primary means of detoxification, governs immunity, and plays a key role in our human and spiritual potential. In this powerful hour-long webinar, learn how to care for your precious lymphatic system, which is known in Ayurveda as the gatekeeper for all other body systems, and become a holder of the ancient key to longevity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3XRVhIRn_A   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jf3OCI-440

Learn how to Detoxify Your Body and Move Your Lymphatic System

This video will benefit those who experience:…
Puffy Skin
Leg and Hand Swelling
Cardiovascular Insufficiency
Lymph Node Removal Surgery
Cancer Surgery
Feel Toxic

Notice a reduction of 1.5-3lbs of fluid weight as your implement these key body detoxification tips that promote lymphatic system movement.

My Body Detox and Lymphatic System Movement Recommendations:
1.Fresh Ginger Daily- in tea and water
2. Dry Skin Brushing
3. Dandelion tea and Milk Thistle for Liver Detoxification
4. Jumping to Open the Lymphatic System with a Rebounder, Jumping Jacks and Jumping Rope

For more great videos on the Lymphatic System and Detoxification Check out these videos:

How to Minimize Breast Cancer Risk

DIY Dry Skin Tutorial

The Deodorant Debate:

Liver Detox Juicing Recipe

How to Address the Root Cause of IBS, Chron’s Disease, Colitis and Gut Imbalance

How to Detoxify Your Body and Move Your Lymphatic System

Check out my website for more info:

Let’s connect Socially:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/healthybeingb
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/healthybeing

Follow my personal healing journey on my blog:


http://www.qibounding.com Rebounding is great for all sorts of health issues. http://rebounding.TV for videos with Rebounding exercises and Rebound Training. It tones your body, helps you loose weight and is much more than an exercise: It is pure joy. Rebounding strengthens bones, lubricates joints, moves your lymph and much more. See the fun 3 year old Avery has when bouncing together with her whole family including her great grand father who is already 78 years old. All of them use the top quality Bellicon bungee band Rebounders which are made in Germany and imported to the US by QiBounding.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5dJQjDN57w

  Then I Chat with members inbox and they tell me: Juicing I would juice more of it …    But I hate the clean up afterwards The easiest to clean are the L’Equip Mini Pulp Ejection Juicer , the Omega BMJ330 Pulp-Ejection “Big Mouth” Juicer and the Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Funtain each of these make a smooth virtually pulp-free juice and each can be cleaned in about 2 minutes.  But it still takes the time I don’t have  http://www.juiceitupp.com/what-is-an-easy-to-clean-juicer/   .  In this video it demonstrats of how easy it is to clean the Phillips Easy Clean Juicer. I am hoping it will encourage people to give juicing a go and maybe even stick to it for a change.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6RaTIWrxRg . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsYWKqQToc0  
 Wheatgrass offers amazing nutrition. This step by step instructional video shows you how you can grow your own wheatgrass in your own home. Mmmmm yummy!!!!!    🙂    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL0URJcZF8w
  Next up comes the importance of enzyme therapy my this link  http://cancercompassalternateroute.com/therapies/enzyme-therapy/ one can learn a lot:

  One of the best videos of Dr Nicholas Gonzalez and Ian Jacklin 🙂Published on Sep 16, 2013

After having Nick in my film iCureCancer 2 which should be out in 2014 I knew I had to have him on my show here. Dr. Gonzalez is famous for his enzyme therapy based on Dr. Kelly’s work...

   Iodine is balancing the thyroid it is common for levels to go low then high then finally balance out. Iodine is healing & it takes time. Labs should not even be tested for at least 6 months after taking iodine if testing. I personally don’t recommend testing as it really doesn’t show true health of the thyroid.
   Our bodies change to its specfic needs daily–hourly, so labs may give you an idea but doesn’t really give the true picture the body knows what to do. The liver is heavily connected to the thyroid and should also be decongested to properly make and release T3.
Your thyroid gland produces two main hormones: T4 (also called thyroxine) and T3 (also called triiodothyronine)
These hormones help to control your metabolic rate, that is the rate at which your body burns calories. They
also have a huge bearing on your energy levels and maintenance of normal body temperature.
T4 is not the active thyroid hormone; it must be converted into T3 in your body in order to exert its effects. The
majority of this conversion does not occur in your thyroid gland. Most T4 to T3 conversion happens in your liver,
kidneys and muscles. If you have a fatty liver or a sluggish liver, this conversion will not be effective.
 This can leave you feeling tired, depressed, puffy, overweight and with dry skin and thinning scalp hair.
 Indeed you would have a thyroid problem caused by a faulty liver. If you are taking thyroid hormone medication in                                  the form of thyroxine, it too must be converted into the active form in your body. Therefore if you are taking thyroid
medication but still not feeling much better, your liver could be to blame. It is vital that you work on improving the
health of your liver if you want healthy thyroid hormone levels.
   With a Mind Body Spirit Connection You are Enough to know what is right for you.
  WITH STRESS… playing a critical link in your survival  http://cancercompassalternateroute.com/stress-relief/

    Unhealthy diets, stressful lifestyles and neglecting regular check-ups are to blame for   an 18 per cent increase in cancer deaths in Hong Kong since 2005, according to research.    In 2003, 11,510 people died from cancer, and that rose to 13,589 in 2013, according to data from the Department of Health and Hospital Authority.  http://yp.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/93992/busy-lives-and-bad-diets-are-causing-cancer

The Oska Pulse was developed based on PEMF research and clinical use. PEMF used in clinical applications for accelerating the body’s ability to heal itself.  The device creates safe,   measured levels of electrical energy  in a series of pulses.  Each pulse induces a magnetic electrical signal that encourages the body’s natural recovery process.

This technology uses several different, unique, wavelengths and waveforms to offer your body pain relief and the best possible chance of encouraging the natural recovery process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cm9C39w-CXM

Bill Sickert explains the exacting details that differentiate the BEMER as well as explains the technology for the more technically minded.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg7mJxXRf0s   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R_ZqIHxa6U


When you change your personal energy frequency you literally start to change your life. Christie Sheldon has personally raised the abundance frequencies of over 25,000 people resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in NEW abundance for them. And she’s identified 24 common abundance blocks that are stopping people from enjoying the abundance they deserve.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuM678WXs0c

  The internet is a great resource of Natural Cancer Survivors with none better than Kim Thacker…………
  WE Must not forget the importance of hormonal imbalances:
Hormones are the most powerful molecules in our bodies. They influence how we feel, how we think, how we digest, how we look and how we grow. Modern pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and other toxins are interfering with our hormone system and putting us at risk for chronic disease. If you or someone you know is suffering from challenging hormone problems, please share this video! For help with balancing your hormone levels and reducing chronic hormone-related problems, please contact Dr. Rostenberg at Red Mountain Natural Medicine today. Phone 208-322-7755. Email redmountainclinic@gmail.com. Website http://www.beyondmthfr.com and http://www.redmountainclinic.com     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G7D8jwImyE

From the U.S. government’s own statistical abstracts we find the disconcerting truth.

The simplest thing is to look at actual deaths from cancer. In epidemiology, deaths from disease are always measured in deaths per 100,000 population.

So let’s start back in 1967:

Mortality from Cancer in the U.S.

year — deaths/ 100,000

1967— 157.2
1970— 162.9
1982— 187.3
1987— 198.2
1988— 198.4
1989— 201.0
1990— 203.2
1991— 204.1
1992— 204.1
2011 — 191.4
. source: Vital Statistics of the United States vol.II 1967-1992 [26]

National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 61, No. 6, October 10,2012

Can A Mexican Cancer Clinic Save Your Life, Even If You’re In Stage-4?

Stage-4 Cancer Survivor-Peggy Sue Roberts

A Mexican cancer clinic saved my life in 2007.  Hi, I’m Peggy Sue Roberts, a 9-year, stage-4 cancer survivor.  I live in Southern California and I’m very blessed to be alive today. I certainly wouldn’t be here today if I took the medical advice of my conventional oncologist. He simply said oncology couldn’t do anything else for me because of my near death reaction to their poisonous chemotherapy.      http://www.cancer-research-awareness.com/mexican-cancer-clinics.html?gclid=Cj0KEQjwhN-6BRCJsePgxru9iIwBEiQAI8rq88Z-oFx4lYfsf9cwbN6XotTvbawlEoaNJ_YFHSNJRAkaAkJw8P8HAQ

What gets me the most is when cancer survivors decide to with hold information so you will have to buy a news letter. Some tell me about the Peggy Sue Roberts and I think she does it to help with her medical cost. But my belief is the clinic she went to in Mexico was http://immunitytherapycenter.com/.      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0feYTt0gues

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMDh4tHgGHk&feature=youtu.be   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mTHhVbhpjo

Trina Hammack:  “I Walked Away From Ovarian Cancer”
 Five years ago today, I beat the odds.  Today I have become the anomaly.  I have officially messed with the odds.  I walked away from ovarian cancer … on my terms.  No chemo.  No radiation.  Just surgery and then working with amazing Dr. Tony at Hope4Cancer.  They say cancer changes your life.  It’s true (…) I do see that there is a purpose to life experiences like this.  I do see the silver lining in that black cloud.    http://www.hope4cancer.com/information/trina-stage-4-ovarian-cancer.html

Published on Dec 4, 2013

Dr. D’Agostino is an Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida College Of Medicine, Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology where he develops and tests metabolic therapies, including alternative energy substrates and ketogenic agents for neurological disorders, cancer and wound healing. While studying the effects of gasses on the brains of Navy Seal divers, he developed an approach for metabolically starving cancer cells through diet and compressed oxygen, replacing chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fM9o72ykww

Published on Sep 21, 2013


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