: A Light Still Shines

No expiration date: A tribute to our angel, Krysti Hughett | Tami Boehmer | Miracle Survivors

I awoke this morning to the news that Tami Boehmer has died. I feel heart-sick and shocked at the news.  I have been worried about Tami  for several weeks as she stopped blogging. I’ve just gone back to read her last blog post in September and right to the end, Tami maintained hope in the face of devastation. That hope carried Tami through to her diagnosis of a cancer recurrence in 2008, right up to the present day.  That’s not to say  she didn’t have dark days as her last blog post demonstrated.

“What people really don’t realize is there is strength in feeling your feelings. And with my dire situation now, it’s not an easy thing. Sooner or later, they have to come out, which is what happened this weekend.

It all started Saturday morning with a comment from our daughter about how she could see Mike and me as a cute, old couple.  I don’t know if she was testing the waters with me, but     I felt I must prepare her in some way. So I said, “I’m not sure I will make it to be an old lady, but we remain hopeful about this new trial and I’m doing everything I can to stick around as long as I can”.

Tami’s love for her daughter, Chrissy, and her husband Mike, shone through everything she wrote and was clear for all to see in the pictures and posts she shared on her Facebook page. Over the years – and I’ve known Tami since I first started blogging back in 2009 – I’ve watched as she spread her positive messages of hope and compassion to others. As we know, there can be a backlash against the message of “positivity” in the cancer blogosphere – but for me, Tami was never Pollyanna-ish in how she wrote or spoke about her experience. Yes, she shared a positive message – that’s there always hope; but she was realistic too. This was her truth and she shared it with others in the hope that they could find a light in the darkness.

Several people have told me lately I’m brave or that I’m a hero. I really don’t get it; and I’m not being falsely modest. What choice do I have, really? Before I had stage IV cancer, I remember telling a friend going through it that I didn’t think I would be strong enough to face a diagnosis like she was. She told me I would be, and she was right. As Eleanor Roosevelt says, “A woman is like a tea bag. She never knows how strong she is until she’s put in hot water.

Tami’s light still shines for me and for countless others. I will miss her voice in the blogosphere dreadfully. My heart aches for Mike and Chrissy who have lost a loving       and wonderful wife and mother. This horrible disease has stolen another beautiful    woman from our lives and we are all the poorer for it.

Author, blogger and cancer research advocate Tami Boehmer  52, of Dillonvale made her spiritual transition on November 4, 2015 after living with cancer for more than 13 years. Tami helped countless cancer survivors, their families and others with her message of hope.

Her books, From Incurable to Incredible: Cancer Survivors Who Beat the Odds and Miracle Survivors: Beating the Odds of Incurable Cancer and her blog Miracle Survivors have inspired readers around the globe.  Although, when you consider the story  From Incurable To Incredible  and this great read from Tami Boehmer mention Yvonne Cooper of Cincinnati overcoming this very incurable through the Bill Peeples Protocol and Dr Elyse Lower at UC Barrett Cancer Center or the right doctor elsewhere that can be found in forums.

Image result for tami boehmer From Tami’s Book: Sarcoma is probably one of     the worse cancers a patient can garner and when that’s combine with the fact these types are usually amongst the rarest of cancer types —  with little known about them. . . . it can become emotionally taxing.Leiomyosarcoma and with treatments being given it can be gut wretching difficult and unresponsive with the roller coaster ride taken from the time, hope and disappointment.    http://www.solitarius.org/2013/04/22/surviving-cancer/              http://www.solitarius.org/2017/12/21/working-cure/

If your not sold on the Bill Peeples Protocol ..


Dr. Suzanne George Dana Farber in Boston 


Dr. Breelyn Wilky, MD University of Miami Fla. 

…..Tami served as an advocate for metastatic breast cancer research, traveling across            the country to speak and lobby with the national leaders.  She lived with the disease for more than seven years,  prompting her oncologist to call her  the most proactive patient   he had ever had. Tami helped many through her volunteer work with organizations such as Pink Ribbon Girls.

She loved being a parent and a wife, socializing with family and friends, taking walks         in nature, traveling, swimming and listening to a wide range of music, especially from    the 1980s. She is survived by her husband Mike, daughter Chrissy,  brother Doug, of  Santa Cruz, CA, as well as loving in-laws, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.

Her parents and a brother preceded her in the transition. Tami was a long-time member of New Thought Unity Center and gained great spiritual strength through active participation in 12-step groups. A graduate of Ohio University, she worked in healthcare public relations for a number of years.

 Tami Boehmer, Author, Cancer Survivor: Many people ask me as a stage IV breast cancer survivor what I do with my diet to increase my odds in my favor and live a healthy life that I am living. I have three tips for you that you can use to supercharge your wellness.

1. To eat organic whole foods and that means… usually if you shop the perimeter of the grocery store, that’s where you will find the fresh produce, the whole grains. Lot of fruits and vegetables is key and more and more grocery stores are buying organic produce. The cost is coming down and it’s much better for you not to have these toxins in your body, so your body can focus on healing from the cancer.

2. The second point I have is to eliminate cancer promoting foods that could be in your diet. These include dairy. There are a lot of alternatives to dairy.  Dairy has some cancer promoting properties, so you want to limit that or eliminate it.  I use almond milk, which  is very tasty. I would make protein shakes with it. They have some cheese, artificial cheese that does not taste as good as the real stuff is. I found that I’ve gotten used to it.

And also another one is sugar. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. So you want to get rid of sugar in your diet. I know everything has sugar in it. Just look at your labels, see how many grams of sugar there is, you know,  how it comes up on the list of ingredients, you want to lower down there.  Try to eliminate desserts and focus,  you know,  except for maybe really real dark chocolate.

That is my big treat as I get like 85% dark chocolate, which is also a cancer fighting…     they found out that dark chocolate helps promote cancer fighting abilities. So sugar, you got sugar, dairy, and also you want to eliminate meat, red meat especially. My diet, I am eliminating all meat except for fish, cold water fish, which again the omega-3s. You want to make sure what you are doing is going to help promote cancer fighting and training your body. So those things you need to eliminate are greatly reduced.

3. My third tip for you is to just drink lot of water, that’s what the body needs, and green tea, is actually very very good for breast cancer. Cancer fighters have spent studies about that. I have really supercharged tea that I buy. It’s called Dr. Lee’s Tea for Health that has like five times the cancer fighting properties than a normal green tea has, otherwise generally drinking water too.

So, those are my three tips for you. Yeah, and get rid of the soda because if you don’t,     that step melts nails and all kinds of trouble things so imagine what it does to your body. So, those are my three tips for you that you can change your eating and help fight cancer.  http://goodthingsgoingaround.com/featured/thoughts-for-living-a-fulfilling-life/

Tami Boehmer, a wife, mother and former public relations executive in the health-care field, was celebrating her fifth year of living cancer-free when she discovered that she had a recurrence that had metastasized. Her cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, liver and chest. After getting a dire prognosis from her doctors, she turned to the Internet to search for others like her. She compiled the life-changing stories she found into her new book, “From Incurable to Incredible: Cancer Survivors Who Beat the Odds” and writes about people who have beaten the odds on her blog.

 Tami feels as if she is fulfilling God’s purpose through this work and it has taught    her that cancer doesn’t have to be a death sentence. In fact, it can be the beginning     of a new way of life with appreciation, hope, and discovering one’s potential

This information should not be relied upon as a substitute for personal medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Use the information provided on this site solely at your own risk.  If you have any concerns about your health, please consult with a physician. 

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