: Winds of change.

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💜💜 I believe all things are possible, life is what you make it…you alone can change the world💜

Definition of winds of change. : forces that have the power to change things —used generally to mean change is going to happen.  The winds of change. . .have begun to blow…. “Just around the corner a change is in the wind“. The winds of change are sweeping away corruption and cynicism. Does it mean that a change is expected soon?

Ann Cameron

Posted on June 25, 2016 by Ken

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 This  Woman  Cured  Her  Stage  –4-  Cancer  With  Only  One  Ingredient!!!
Her name is Ann Cameron, an author of 15 children’s books. On Tuesday July 30th, 2013 she had CT scan for malignant tumors on her lungs. On Thursday August 1st 2013, she got the results: “NO EVIDENCE OF CANCER.

She believes that carrots can cure cancer and rapidly,  without radiation,  chemotherapy,   or other dietary changes. Everyone diagnosed with cancer should try this remedy, because the result show up very fast.

Her husband’s died from lung cancer in 2005 despite chemotherapy and this was her first encounter of this cruel disease. So she refused to go the same way and refused chemotherapy.

“Chris beats cancer” is a blog for people who have found alternative ways of treating cancer to share their experience, and Ann is one of them.

“In June 2012, I was subjected to surgery for colon cancer, and after that I refused chemotherapy treatment.  Every day I felt better,  but after six months,  the control examination showed the cancer had spread to the lung,  and colon cancer, entered          in the fourth stage”, -says Ann.

Live Life With Unconditional Love

Posted on July 1, 2014 by Ken

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With  the  intentions  now  of  writing  blog  post  for  Cancer  Patients        and  Survivors,  this  amazing blog post comes  from Paula Doyle-Weigel.  Having estrogen- progesterone driven breast cancer removed only to see      it  comeback  six  months  later.  As women enter middle age  this natural phenomenon tips toward estrogen driven.

   For a second time six months later it had to be a huge disappointment. Deciding not again,  Paula decided putting her Faith in GOD’s hands and everything will be alright.  Living in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, with the pollution quality average and the oil tar sands to  far to equate. Paula lived a clean  “vegan”   lifestyle  keeping  her  pH “alkaline”  balanced and thinking it can’t happen to me.

   However,  being a Critical Care Nurse (22 years) and enduring  family crisis with a brother  and  a H1N1 outbreak.  With a mother passing away     1 year later after a year and one/half battle that broke her heart and soul. After being ran down  from personal lost and  finishing her  first iron man contest that “stress load” caught her.

   Thereby,  being diagnosed six weeks after her second and training  for a third just 12 weeks later…. as it never happened.  Now  today  looking back: believing this awakening is taking her longer to heal  because her thoughts were a bit scattered and unfocused.  Today she is developing a mode of  self reflection and realization.

My Testimony, Health Schedule and Other Links

Posted on July 3, 2014 by Ken

    Doris Parreno's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup

    Over n’ over again I hear cancer patients through their own research     and  natural therapy decisions.  It is  what  it is  and this website is about exploring the possibilities  and being curator you gain  firsthand account. Within my Facebook friends list: I learned another impressive experience from Doris Parreno of  Toronto,  Ontario,  Canada. This is the  first blog post        I talked openingly about a product,  however,  this warrants consideration?

   Doris having tried everything imaginable, even German Homeopathic Intense Therapies of  Caresang (American ginseng), Mistletoe, vitamin c, B17  and chelation. Imparted this piece of  advice:  learn when it comes to what  you put in my body now especially  for healing.  So choose only the best even  if  you have to pay little more… it surly beats IV therapy.

Therefore….  this  is  Doris Parreno’s  Experience:

After  having  some  cramping  in  my  stomach,  having  a little blood  come from my nose on a regular basis and feeling pretty tired on a daily basis.  I felt like a needed a  nap and sometimes the nap lasted a couple of  hours,  S0 I decided to go to doctor for       a routine physical. I did a mammogram and in November, 2011 was  diagnosed with  Breast Cancer, Triple Positive, Estrogen Positive, High Grade 3, DCIS, Invasive, Aggressive Carcinoma. 

The Quijano’s Experience

Posted on June 25, 2016 by Ken

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 This was first posted on October 24, 2014 by Ken via Yris Quijanos. Larry still does wonderful today because of their undying LOVE for one another!

Hello my name is Yris Quijano and I would like to share my husband’s journey with the visitants of Solitarius.org….  Thereby,  providing the HOPE  to other people whom are looking for answers to kill this horrible disease “Cancer.” My husband Larry was diagnosed with Small Cell Carcinoma Lung Cancer (Limited) on November 16, 2013.

    A large mass was found in his chest causing him so much pain; not even the strongest pain killer could relieve the terrible pain that penetrated his entire chest ~ left arm. While losing his voice after a very difficult biopsy. “Larry stayed at the hospital for 2 days.”  His needle chest biopsy caused his left lung to almost collapse.  His oncologist gave him four rounds of chemo (3 days each – staying in the hospital) while also enduring 30 radiation treatments.

Shannon’s Story

Posted on June 25, 2016 by Ken

Thank You CMN Hospital! You saved my life and many others without chemotherapy! You proved doctors wrong when they said I was dying.

Please visit to see what cutting edge treatment they use including Dendritic, PNC-27 and Bone Marrow Stem cell therapy! 


I have always believed the toughest love is people parting with their money, their time,   and service when they have a loved one fighting for their life with stage 4 cancer.

It seems to be the end of the road. The oncologist says to a cancer warrior after a long hard battle, “There is nothing left we can do for you!”. They are in shock; they go home feeling scared and tell those who they trust that their oncologist said, “it’s over”. It’s okay to break down and go through a period of defeat. Sometimes, that’s all it is, ” a moment”, or maybe longer until suddenly they feel a surge of will to fight. They don’t want to give up! They have faith in God or sheer will and do not see the expiration date stamped on their foot! They had heard of miracle stories, where success had happened even when all seemed lost! The thought is like a power surge through their mind, their soul, and body” What if I can be that miracle too! It’s a long shot, but, “What if”?

Vincent Crewe

Posted on June 25, 2016 by Ken

Chemo-Free Stage 4 Colon Cancer Survivor since 2006!


 In January 2007  and at the age of 57,  I was diagnosed with colon cancer which had  spread to the liver. As a non-drinker, non-smoking fella who had exercised most of his  life, this was a bit of a shock to put it mildly.

However, I am a person that gets stressed quite a bit and had recently experienced a     very tragic bereavement, which I think was the tipping point for my immune system.

Surgery was necessary as the colon was almost blocked and I had 2 small tumours removed from the liver in a second operation 3 months later. I knew enough about chemotherapy to avoid it completely.  I refused all  other follow up treatment that was offered, much to the disgust of the highly paid oncologist.

How 2 Music Legends Beat Cancer.

Melissa Etheridge and Sheryl Crow pose, Sheryl Crow and Melissa Etheridge Beat Cancer and HeartbreakSheryl Crow and Melissa Etheridge are now teaching us a thing or two about living with joy from Heartbreak.

En español l They’ve been good friends since 1988, two Midwestern girls making their way in a male-dominated industry. Born just nine months apart in neighboring states — Sheryl Crow in tiny Kennett, Mo., and Melissa Etheridge in Leavenworth, Kan. — they first met at the Los Angeles Sports Arena during Michael Jackson’s Bad concert tour.

Backstage, Crow, then a backup singer for the Gloved One, approached Etheridge, whom critics had compared to Janis Joplin and Bruce Springsteen when her first album came out that spring, and gushed, “I’m a huge fan of your record!”

“It was such a lovely surprise,” Etheridge remembers, “and one of the first times someone whose work I admired was already an admirer of my work.”

♥️ It’s A God Thing ♥️

 Posted on June 25, 2017 by Ken

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Ken, I am Tammy Rushing Dunaway:

Because you care more about people going through this than anyone I know

y…ou are  a personal Hero of mine     

 I was dying… I did not know anything at all about what was happening to me. I went at least 6 times with tears rolling down my face begging for help. I was turned away.

Further into it when I knew what I was dealing with, I took the list of symptoms, pictures of Stachybotrys from my house etc.

 I was thinking that doctors…. they will be able to know how to help me now.
Instead, I felt like they didn’t believe me. Nothing was done, no questions nothing just silence and moved on. In the third and final stage of Mycotoxicosis… I made one last try… I knew I was dying.
While at the Drs office I contracted Strep. SO I called them back… I was so sick,but I felt like it was still thought to be my overactive imagination.
It is a horrible thing to go through. Zero support, I could not find help. I had family members who thought I was making it up too.

Who is Lothar Hirneise?

Posted on June 14, 2016 by Ken

According to one source, possibly one of the most knowledgeable persons     in the world on the subject of  cancer… Lothar Hirneise  is also “President and Founder of People against Cancer [Menschen gegen Krebs] Germany,    a non-profit organization established  to promote international research, education and consulting regarding alternative,  as well as conventional cancer therapies.

    His book, Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and The World is Flat, became          a bestseller within a  few months in Germany.  It also includes Hirneise’s research results  for over 100 alternative cancer therapies  as well as  his personal experiences,  conclusions  and wisdom distilled  from meeting     and learning from numerous cancer patients and survivors.

This Is A True Account

Posted on June 21, 2014 by Ken
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 While talking to a Facebook  friend last night whom told me an experience he had  with his wife and the Budwig Protocol.  His  wife  was  like  me  when I  first  heard  cottage cheese ….well  that’s  dairy.  While  his  wife had Triple Negative -ER, -PR, -HER2  Breast Cancer,  which  is  a non- hormonal driven  aggressive type.  She brought herself off  Budwig Protocol  for  fear of  dairy when she was responding to the treatment. 

  In this interview he felt strongly his wife’s life would have been saved “if ” she stuck  to the program.  What Dr. Johanna Budwig  discovered way back then was  the emulsification of  Quark  (cottage cheese in all us)  mixed with flax oil produced  a sulphurated protein. Which was capable of  penetrating the cancer cell wall and reversing the deficiency of  the cell thereby, healing cancer naturally.

According to Johanna’s Protocol,  patients to ill to consume the mixture        at  first  were treated with a retention enema  using 1/2 to 1 cup of  oil daily.   The patients would try to hold the oil for as long as possible, aiming for 15 – 20 minutes. When the patient retained enough strength to be  fed by mouth, they were switched to the mixture.

Ozone Therapy Benefits

Posted on January 15, 2016 by Ken

Image may contain: 2 people, including Saundra Rene Alma, people smiling, selfie and closeup

 DOES INSURANCE COVER OZONE THERAPY? This really depends on the specific terms of the insurance (legal) contract. Generally, insurance companies will NOT pay for medical care which they decide to classify as not usual and customary. In addition, all managed care is just that, financially managed to lower insurer costs!

In such circumstances you must look in you “benefits” package to determine what procedures and which physicians are covered. Due to our concern over the ethics of such arrangements, Dr. Edwards and Bio Health Center do NOT participate in any managed care organizations. It should therefore be assumed  Medical Ozone Therapy will NOT be covered by private insurance or managed care programs. Check with your insurer, health benefits manager or agent for the specifics of your particular coverage plan. Medicare™ and other public entitlement programs DO NOT cover Medical Ozone therapy.

One member of our Facebook Group having success through her own research’….Saundra Alma is applying it with Gerson Therapy as her cancer base foundation. http://www.scribd.com/doc/294107469/My-Cancer-Curing-Protocol !!!

My Thoughts on Cancer

Posted on June 14, 2015 by Ken

Related image by Jessica Walker

I don’t know much about other cancers,  but I look up hormone driven breast cancer             a lot because this is what I am in remission from.  I also think breast cancer needs to be approached in an integrative fashion  to include chemo,  radiation,  surgery,  medicines  and complementary protocols. To do it any other way, is in my opinion, playing Russian Roulette and plain suicide.  This includes  Vitamin C (Iv or liposomal ), Mushroom (esp. Coriolus), Frankincense, NAC, Lugol’s iodine, Reservatol, 2 Tablespoon ground flax seed everyday, and circumin with pepperine,  vitamin D3,  B-complex,  selenium,  wheat germ extract,  DIM, and  IC3, sulphoraphane (these last 3 relate to hormone driven cancer).

A good diet is essential as well to keep your immunity up, reduce carcinogenic and inflammatory foods and to prevent and reduce angiogenesis. An interesting TED talk about eating to starve cancer!!!    Getting to bed by 10:00 to maintain melatonin levels      is great.

The Tomaszewsky Story

Posted on October 3, 2015 by Ken
    Irene Tomaszewsky's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, suit and closeup

This is Irene and when we learned of Walter’s diagnosis in November of 2011, we were devastated,  and couldn’t understand why or how this would have happened to us.  How could he have stage 4 mantle cell lymphoma when he went for a physical every year and always had a clean bill of health?

We sought expert opinions from top hospitals and specialists, all of whom recommended a stem cell transplant, with no guarantee of success.  This process,  not only,  involved bringing my husband virtually to the brink of death with no certainty of an outcome,  but also, would have a negative effect on me as his caregiver and spouse. We quickly realized that this was a serious  illness,  but at the time,  were unaware of  the emotional, mental, and physical factors that contributed to the manifestation of the disease.

Frighten to Death

Posted on June 20, 2015 by Ken

Image result for alyssia sade with Carol Smith.

 Trevor is officially 3 and half years cancer free on January 18th and I want to tell you all that the secret to surviving all of this is to get up when you are down, to fight more when you are struggling, to put in the extra effort when you are in sheer pain and to come back when no one is expecting you to. My purpose of sharing our story and to continue to share these results so publically is to try to turn that fear of cancer, (everybody’s greatest fear) into a future, not only free of the fear but a future where we could all learn how to take control of our own health, and possibly see in our lifetime that Cancer does have a cure and that cure is within us all.
Cancer lost the battle against us, it tried to make us weaker, It tried to frighten us into submission but instead it actually made us both stronger, It bought us closer together and gave us a purpose. To turn his wound of cancer into wisdom and to then share our story that we survived It . Research, Nutrition and cannabis oil are all it took for Trevor to heal his own body, I am so very proud that he continues to take such care of what he eats and continues to have these dreadful check ups so that we can show you all that sometimes good comes out of bad. Look at how well he looks, all his organs are in tact, no metastasis, no pain and no evidence of disease Cancer free officially for 3 and half years and he has now lived 3 years longer than the top Urologists in two different Countries told us that he would.
Today our Urologist told us again that anyone removing their bladder is not expected to survive longer than 2 years, shocking that the do not tell you this when they suggest that is the only cure!!! Shocking and hopefully our case study will help to change all of that!! Brent Wallace our Urologist wants to contact yours and is willing to pass over all Trevors records so both of you can be case study to our way of natural healing….our story is in the files under bladder cancer xx  http://www.whydontyoutrythis.com/2016/06/there-is-another-way-man-refuses-chemo-and-cures-his-bladder-cancer-with-these.html   —   


Posted on April 30, 2017 by Ken

  Image result for let your spirit be michelle lyn denault Image result for let your spirit be michelle lyn denault

Ken I had run out of treatment options as surgery, and numerous chemos had failed,   and I had numerous tumors so radiation was not an option. I knew CART-T Cell therapy held great promise  and knew the CarT program was about to open … at Dana Farber …in Boston. However,  it was a month until it opened ~ it would be another month from there until I could  received treatment  and at that point my two oncologist told me …. I didn’t have two months to wait.

One Man’s Journey

Posted on April 5, 2015 by Ken

                      One man’s journey to peace on the Appalachian Trail

Paul Stutzman, a native of Holmes County, was born into an Amish family. His family left the Amish lifestyle soon after he was born, and joined a strict conservative Mennonite Church.

When he was in his mid-50s, after working for 25 years as a restaurant manager,  Paul lost his wife,  Mary,  to  breast cancer. Following that traumatic experience, he sensed a tug on his heart — a call to a challenge, the call to pursue a dream.

After  losing  his  wife  to  cancer  those  molehill of  problems that  folks turned into mountains became more than a desired   to listen to any more.  So when he decided to climb real mountain tops in search of peace,  freedom and meaning of life. The Appalachian Trail became the vehicle that told the story of finding that peace.

Chiara D’Agostino

Posted on February 3, 2018 by Ken
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What is triple negative breast cancer?

If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, one of the first things your doctor will do       is determine whether the cancer cells are hormone receptive. Knowing if your cancer responds to certain hormones will help direct your treatment, and it can offer insight about your outlook. Chiara: How I Survived Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Hormone receptors tell your cells how to behave. Some cancer cells have receptors for     the hormones estrogen and progesterone,  as well as an overexpression of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) gene.  If HER2 genes are overexpressed,         the cells make too much of the protein HER2.

If your cells have hormone receptors, the hormones they receive will actually support      the growth of your cancer cells. Not all breast cancer cells have these receptors, and not   all cancers overexpress the gene HER2. If your cancer isn’t receptive to these hormones and doesn’t have an increased amount of HER2, it’s called triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). TNBC represents 15-20 percent of all breast cancers.  https://www.sharecancersupport.org/2008/08/how-i-survived-triple-negative-breast-cancer/

Hormone therapy stops hormones from causing cancer growth. Because TNBC cells lack estrogen and progesterone, and their HER2 genes aren’t overexpressed, the cells don’t respond well to hormone therapy or medications that block HER2 receptors. Instead of hormone therapy, treating TNBC often involves chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery

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