A Constitutional Republic

We Aren’t a Democratic Republic in a Sense that Democrats
would like to think that we are.

In the total history of the human race – no true Socialistic Democracy ever lasted more than 200 years.
They all self-destructed. History shows they don’t last long. However, under a Constitutional Republic which The United States was and should ever be, we are 6 years shy of our 250th Birthday Bash in 2026.
My belief and what got us to this point are
The 5 Freedoms outlined in the First Amendment identified together as our core principles and values: 
are freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press,
the right to assembly and right to petition the government. 
The Fifth Freedom is to Peacefully protest and does not include rioting and looting.
You might want to take a few history classes and learn from past mistakes to verify that from Howard Zinn.
A nation is CRUSHED every time the mob takes control and is too easily redirected, however, we did survive a similar period throughout the 1960’s into the 1970’s. With The Civil Right Issues, The Vietnam War,
The Peaceful Hippie Movement, Water-Gate, The Cold War and Ronald Reagan saving our ass in the 1980’s.

The Founding Fathers Greatest Fear was ‘Mobocracy.’

Conspiracy theorists are going wild because things that were “theories” in the past….really did happen apparently and “we’re we’re a democratic representative republic” is their cozy little corner for those with
their heads in the sands of time… when mob mentality takes over with more racism, division,
subjugation of minorities & no protections for those minorities.
It reassures me that We are a constitutional republic for good reason.
If you ever took a civics class or read about governments, you might understand this.
Yet Bernie @AOC press onward for socialism and all it’s proven historical failure and oppression.
Socialism doesn’t breed freedom. Democrats want you to believe that The progressive party
is the only party of hope at this point. It is we who, who has the energy, and the protesters fighting the
fascist regime. Join us. Not all Democrats are created equal… Democracies are easily manipulated by elites.

The passions of the people need to be filtered out to secure
the protection of the rights of the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

Oligarchy is democracy’s endgame.
Can you imagine despising your fellow Americans so much that you reject Democracy?
Democracies are easily manipulated by elites. The passions of the people need to be filtered out
to secure the protection of the rights of the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

Democracy: “have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention;
have ever been incompatible with personal security or the rights of property;
and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” — James Madison.

In a Democracy, 51% can vote the other 49% become their slaves, & that would be legitimate because it’s the majority. A Republic says, “hands-off” where 99% can’t vote away the rights of even 1%. It is infinitely better, please learn our history. Further evidence of the disconnect between you and reality and the abject failure our public education system has become. As We are moving backwards!

America is a democracy but a vulnerable one and needs a deep constitutional reform.
The first step should be changing the Hypocrisy we now find ourselves in. we need good souls and get away from evil doers. The House Speaker has overthrown the presidential power. We need to recognize that people have become money grabbing power thirsty me first system. Lately, Trump has been non-stop promoting the drugs he supposedly got when he was supposedly in the hospital. It looks like he had or currently has a financial interest in those companies. This is corrupt & illegal! He needs to be prosecuted!


In a socialized democracy. People who say this are generally speaking are also claiming to
be all about “freedom and liberty” are also dishonest hypocrites at best. Democracy shouldn’t be idolized. Absolutism via the ballot is just as bad as absolutism via coup or heredity.
“In a Democracy, the individual, and any group of individuals composing any minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of the majority. Republicanism asserts that people have unalienable rights that cannot be voted away by a majority of voters”.

Because a democracy is 51% of the people enslaving the other 49% to their whims.
We are a Constitutional Republic where each individual person’s rights are far more important than the desires of the masses. The ‘democracy’ is never supposed to overrule the individual. Morons.
Oh we are democracy, there’s an unspoken rule though, you just have to have loads of money to have a say.
Would your concept of democracy extend to permitting taxpayers to specifically allocate their tax dollars to the areas of the government where they want those dollars spent?

Didn’t you swear an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same”? That Constitution stipulates that we are a Republic. All Nations together will always win against the ignorance in control of one race one mind thoughts in war The earth works for the ones that believe in one master race The human race.. C.M.F.J.

All colors, all genders, all people there we will always be more than the elite.
Good and decent people regardless of color or religious beliefs should prevail. The biggest concern is with the complicit and the enablers who stand idly by and do nothing. Fear is our greatest enemy! I don’t consider the USA to be a real democracy. Signs of this are: voter suppression, limited ballot drop off points, electoral college, gerrymandering.
America never has ended being a democracy. Supreme Court decisions, even by conservative judges appointees, overrun many unlawful executive orders, especially against migrant workers with no status.
We will take back our Democracy from authoritarian wannabes this November 3rd!!!!

There’s a reason we have a republic and the electoral college Bc it gives the minority a voice.
Something I thought you fought for, the founding fathers feared mob rule and that’s what a majority is,
it’s a mob who force their beliefs on others and we will fight that. While AOC, won’t even consider
Mike Lee’s notion that we’re not a democracy. But we are.
A representative democracy organized around a central constitution of fundamental laws and structure. Otherwise known as a Constitutional Republic. It’s an age-old republican argument, that our democratic republic isn’t a democracy. It’s ignorant at best and at worst, it’s an effort to get rid of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
If 51% of America were conservative and 49% were progressives.
With the progressives would be on here praising the Constitutional Republic & thanking
their lucky stars for the electoral college and that we are not a democracy. No I don’t want all my rights dictated to me by DC thank you. If we were not a Republic then my great state of Tennessee would be in lock down like MI, NY and other Lib/socialist states. It’s not Trump’s fault that business can’t open its Blasio/Cuomo/Whitmer/Newsom & the like…

Does anybody realize The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by the socialist minister
 Francis Bellamy (1855-1931). It was originally published in The Youth’s Companion on September 8, 1892. Bellamy had hoped that the pledge would be used by citizens in any country. And Under God wasn’t included in it and included later to express the belief in GOD.

I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag, And To The United States Of America. And To The REPUBLIC,
For Which It Stands, One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, For Liberty And Justice For All.

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the 𝑅𝑒𝑝𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑐
for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
FYI that pledge was written by a socialist who also sold flags… History is interesting, isn’t it?

If we’re not, it’s because of people like Lee and other Republicans.
(And Dems who stood by and watched it happen. Don’t get me wrong, I’m voting for Biden. But the last 40 years are over. We need a functioning democracy now more than ever to save ourselves and the planet.)



Liberal Democracy laws are made directly by the voting majority. Republic laws are made
by representatives chosen by the people; must comply with a constitution that protects rights of the minority. The US is basically a republic, but more of a “representative democracy.”
The Democratic Socialist are trying to destroy our country from within because they are brainwashed Sociopaths. They want to take our history and turn it around on us and use it against us. 
Read Profiles in Corruption by Peter Schweizer.

Aren’t we all insane pretending to be sane for the sake of each other?
The whole idea our forefathers had, was exactly that, to make each state independent,
and operate in a compartmentalized way. That way everyone has a place where they can
be free to do things where, in perhaps another state, they were not free to do so.
The whole idea of ‘states’ is that, if you took a second and looked up what the state might be,
it could be patterned after European countries. Thereby, a state is a country and if you can’t find happiness
in one state or Country just move along to another.
But lets stay UNITED in Belief that we are 0ne.
I repeat because this is important: The idea of the ‘United States’ was that we
were all independent states with different rules, and there is a spot for any person.
That way everyone has a place where they can be free to do things that are legal, where in perhaps another state, they were not free to do so. This was the intention of our forefathers, but the civil war had repercussions which gave our federal government much more power than was ever intended.  Even the 10th amendment’s meaning has changed over time due to the way the Supreme Court upholds it (or fails to). 

Since it’s in the Constitution, the 10th Amendment hasn’t changed at all from its original wording, although its relevance and interpretation has been subject to varying opinions. Its interpretation, in fact, has been subject to heated conversations about the Founding Fathers’ intentions. The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, a part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791. The final of the 10 amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment was inserted into the Constitution largely to relieve tension and to assuage the fears of states’ rights advocates, who believed that the newly adopted Constitution would enable the federal government to run roughshod over the states and their citizens.
It expresses the principle of federalism, also known as states’ rights by stating that the
federal government has only those powers delegated to it by the Constitution, and that all other powers not forbidden to the states by the Constitution, are reserved to each state, or its people. When initially added to the United States Constitution, the Tenth Amendment stood as a reminder of the continuing importance of states and of the foundational role of the people. The Amendment was significant not for the text it supplied, but for the structure it emphasized. That structure has evolved over time.

The reason we joined United was so that we could have the powers that a larger nation has, for instance,
a vital economy with a large standing military that worked towards common goals and defended us from common threats. We weren’t even supposed to have an IRS or Fed funding, initially.
History isn’t something that should be shameful, and It isn’t fear, it is an understanding of our roots and the reasons why things are why they are.
Thereby, You seem to have a very poor understanding of how this nation changed from 1776 to 1860.
Therefore, it’s time for the divide and conquer Democrat Socialists to be exiled from the USA.
No thank you… Goodbye! 🙁  I’ll take a Constitutional Republic above a Socialistic Democracy any day.
My only question is: why is everyone in power literally pissing on the constitution? You may call me an “originalists” whose not “forward thinking,” however, go ahead and kill the Goose
Laying The Golden Egg and see what has been left behind… Think about it. 🙂

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